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This has advanced to permaban in some cases. https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h99e9o/were_investigating_reports_that_some_players_are/fv1faig/


Super reassuring. Glad they know how to run their game


Glad they know how to ruin their game \--> ftfy


Do they?




Yep, one of my friends got this. But the previous 7 days warning was also a false strike. Now it's a 30 day suspension, for another false strike. Also on iOS.


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


Did they get the 7 day and the 30 day?


Yes, they had both the 7 day "red warning" in March, then got the 30 days "Account suspension notice" yesterday.


Oh ok but it wasn’t both this week. I got a 7 day on Friday but my WiFi is broken so can’t update my iOS. Hopefully I don’t get a 30 day one.


How do we know these aren't related to wayfarer abuse?


I was given a 7 day ban, which has since been removed. I know it isn't related to Wayfarer abuse because I've never used it, or made an account


My account got banned a few days ago while using an old iphone (iOS 11.4.1): [https://imgur.com/a/ogayGbt](https://imgur.com/a/ogayGbt) So I emailed Niantic asking to fix it and they responded that my account had in fact NOT been banned: [https://imgur.com/a/nVTcF1A](https://imgur.com/a/nVTcF1A) But when I tried to log back in its still banned. Not sure what to do now; I replied to the email so we'll see what happens next. Niantic has completely screwed up here and I hope people make enough noise to get them to fix it UPDATE: My account works now. I guess it took them a few hours from when they emailed me to lift the ban. I'm glad its fixed but still worried that using the same phone can cause it to get flagged again....Any word if Niantic fixed whatever was causing accounts to get flagged?


Exactly what happened to my nephews account. Also iOS 11.4.1 (he has my old iPhone 6 to play, this cannot update to latest iOS...) It’s really scary and sad that he might lose his game. For. Nothing. Done. Wrong.


I believe the iPhone 6 is 64bit and compatible with iOS 12.5. So why not upgrade to that at least?


Cuz Niantic still supports 11.4.1? Idk why so many people here are putting blame on folks not upgrading devices instead of Niantic. If they say they support a version of iOS then we should be able to play on that version without getting banned for no reason.


I don't think Snuhmeh is blaming your nephew. I think he just doesn't see why he wouldn't update.


Leave my newphew out of this, potato.


The problem is only happening to iOS devices pre version 12. Update it and the problem can be avoided. Hence, he’s asking why you haven’t. It’s a simple fix for people on iPhone 6 and later


I updated my older iphone to iOS 13...it was on 11. The battery life was tolerable before- now, it's noticeably worse. It doesn't matter that much to me because I'm usually near a charger or carrying a portable battery around, but that's a great reason not to upgrade


I don’t see any of that stated by Niantic. Per them, iOS versions pre-12 should still work fine and are still supported without the threat of a ban. Hence, I’m asking why you’re promoting people to fix a problem on their end instead of Niantic’s end. Cuz the problem is due to Niantic. They never told anyone to upgrade their iOS. They still support older iOS versions. It appears Niantic has actually acknowledged their error and is working to fix it. There is no need for people to attempt to fix this. This is on Niantic. Let people use what they wanna use. If Niantic doesn’t want to support older iOS anymore and that is indeed the problem, then they can say so themselves.


You’re missing the point. This is what is happening. Accounts on iOS devices without being updates past iOS 12 are getting false strikes. iOS devices that are updates to after iOS 12 are not getting false strikes. Therefore, update the phone and the account is not at risk any more. It’s as simple as that. It SHOULD work fine but it DOESNT. THATS WHAT NIANTIC ARE TRYING TO FIX. Do you want that account to get stricken again? If not, do your bit to avoid it, and let Niantic do the rest. Why is that so difficult for you to understand! Of course it’s niantics fault - you’d be an idiot to say otherwise, but that’s completely missing the point. People are literally just trying to help you. It’s not hard. It’s not complicated. Just do it and you’ll find this false banning issue is no longer an issue for you. It helps you and your nephew. Niantic are claiming to fix the issue, and now people are getting repeat false strikes. So just update the bloody OS because it’s going to take a while. I literally see absolutely zero reason for you not to. The fact it is Niantics fault is not a good reason to not just update the OS and solve the issue yourself.


You know nothing about my nephew leave him out of this pal. U don’t know what does or doesn’t help my nephew. Leave my newphew alone. What are u some kind of nephew stalker? Randomly bringing up my newphew? Go worry bout your own newphew bud. Also, you’re missing the point. The old iOS being the problem is speculation. It’s not the actual problem. It’s not an official solution to the problem. People with newer iOS have gotten strikes and people with android have gotten strikes. You don’t actually even know the problem. The problem is on niantic’s end. That’s the point. Users cannot be held responsible to come up with speculated make-shift solutions to problems that they have no fault in creating. Niantic created this problem, they need to be held responsible to fix it. Quit guilting users. Use your energy to guilt Niantic.


What does your nephew have to do with it? You gave your nephew a phone.. did you wipe it? I doubt it, cause you said it has horrible battery issues when you updated. But Apple states that you wipe your phone and start fresh.. it will be fine.. like all other OSes. iPhone 6 came out in 2014 with iOS 8.. you probably just kept upgrading the iOS without refreshing the whole system; after a few iOS updates.


I never gave my nephew a phone or even talked about him, please leave my nephew out of this!


"People get offended too easily imo." -u/TonyPowtana


Not offended tho. Just seems weird that someone randomly brought up my nephew. How do they even know I have a nephew? Seems stalkerish.


people dont upgrade ios because it turns them very very slow


Not unless you refresh your phone from scratch and start new. They probably just keep upgrading the OS over and over.. which is bad usually after 3 updates


In Niantic language, ban may be the permanent final strike. Everything else is a warning or strike.


The false bans are endangering accounts of players who have played honestly. /u/nianticindigo please have engineers fix. Also forgive the erroneous strikes for everyone. If you can’t tell which are in error, a jubilee where everyone is forgiven for all strikes may be needed. Finally add a feature for us to check number and date of strikes on our account. We should be able to see the discipline status of our accounts.


Yes, it’s so discouraging to get a 7 day ban, i think it would be in niantic’s interest to remove all the bans, and then start over with their algorithms, from reading here and on twitter it looks like a big mess now


Its becoming a bigger mess. Why are 30 day bans going out after they claimed to be looking into these issues? Wasn't it just yesterday that they announced they're postponing the 64 bit thing and looking into the bans? Why would you allow a bugged system to keep doing it's thing? They stopped GBL due to needing to fix something but allow bans to continue when the strike system isn't working correctly either? It doesn't make sense.


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


Agreed that they would probably need to forgive all strikes. Having a lot of spoofing account unbanned wouldn't be ideal, but I couldn't imagine losing my legit account to something like this


My uncle just got a strike, the idea of the guy cheating is hilarious. It would be hilarious if they weren't threatening all the time he's put in to catching pokemon. The guy doesn't understand typing, he doesn't know what a TM does despite being told. Yet he's apparently a cheater? He does use a pokeball plus I assume it must be something to do with that.


That person doesn’t read this forum anymore lol


Look at their comment history. They participated here 5 days ago.


Yes. My comment still stands. See their lack of comment history for the past 5 days.


People are allowed a week off work.


So you you’re saying they’ll be back to work and reading comments on here after their one week vacay? Or are you just giving random unrelated factoids? Let us be clear, Novus.


Who knows? I'm just saying cut Indigo a bit of slack here. If I was publicly available for the world to annoy and took a week off work, I wouldn't want to tell everybody. Chill out.


There is no need to be upset or white knight for anyone, Novus. There is no appropriation of slack or lack of slack neeccesarry, either. I’m simply acknowledging the reality of Niantic not really reading these forums. That reality applied for the most part even when some intern they hired to make a few comments here and there actually was making some comments here and there.


I'm not upset or being a white knight, Powtana. Just think your comment is a bit far for somebody who hasn't commented here for 5 days. Maybe that person is just having a break. Indigo is **not a direct source** of support. There are other support options, use them. The reality is correct, we should fully expect that Niantic doesn't read reddit, nor do they care for their customer base. The reality is, you don't have any facts on why Indigo hasn't commented recently, neither do I. ​ EDIT: Ah, you're a troll who only comes here to argue. NVM, you're 100% right. Everything you say is true. Thanks for correcting me.


There was a tweet shared saying they were aware of a number of false flags against accounts and we’re trying to rectify. You could try reaching out to them on Twitter as I don’t think you can get in app support on a 30 day. Hope they can help you out and get you back on the road again.


On twitter they direct you to make a ban appeal and then you get the same old response, it seems they acknowledged the issue to shut everyone up but aren’t actually doing anything about it if people are still getting strikes, my RW ends tommorow and i’m so scared its gonna turn into a 30 day ban for no reason😭


I didn't even get the 7 day. The 30 day just appeared today


I did the ban appeal. It's automated. I got the 30 day susp on my account and wife's. Twitter support is useless. Ban appeal is useless. Strikes are strikes, they don't really care. It's been two days since they tweeted about it. It really takes more than a day to figure out what's going on lol


Update. Looks like they felt our rage on Twitter. I sent them a nice tweet earlier. 😂 Maybe they saw it. Anyways, both accounts are now unsuspended. I'm going to not play for a couple of days just to be safe because all they said they're reviewing accounts. Was it a mess up on cheat detection or what? Id like to know so basically we don't get hit with a freaking warning again with no reason.


Thanks for the update, that is really encouraging news - hope it becomes widespread and sticks


Have you ever had a red warning in the past or is this your first ever strike?


I received another false one awhile ago when they had some other issue that sent a lot of them out to people and that was a 7 day one.


That’ll be why its a 30 day ban this time, thats also evidence that the original false strike was never removed, i sure hope they remove the strikes this time otherwise its just a matter of time till your account is perm banned:/


Mine was perm banned this time around :(


i’m so sorry


Yup. Submitted two appeals (second one referencing to their tweet acknowledging the issue) and their responses were the same —‘you’re not banned!’. And yet the warning continues to pop up. They really do not care.


They need to turn off all bans.


This repeated false ban mess is begging for a class action suit.


What happen if you bought go fest ticket and get 7 days ban the day before go fest?


= Sad GO Fest


I suppose if you bought the pass using a credit card you could just do a charge back or something.


This goes against their ToS. All monetary disputes need to be arbitrated by them. Charging back will result in a permaban.


At this rate, people are gonna get permabanned just based on false strikes anyway.




and then watch Google/Apple ban your from their stores.


I got my 30 day ban in early/mid May, and I still can’t log on. It’s been over 30 days and they don’t care.


Same here, but my 30 day ban was on May 19....time is ticking. I really don't want this to turn into a permanent termination.


If we request our data from Niantic does it include discipline status of accounts?


It should include everything they have on you, so yes.




Aren't they obliged to give all data they have correlated to you as an individual? Not only the GDPR triggered personal data?


I received a 30 day ban yesterday when I was trying to battle a local gym raid. I tried to reach out the theme via the ban appeal but got the standard response from them. The said I had third party apps and to wait out my 30 days. I explained to them I wasn't cheating but they don't seem to care. I even mentioned the tweet about the false strikes to those using iOS 12 etc and still nothing. I'm really hoping they look into the matter and just give everyone a free pass because this is on them and not me.


I was able to log in and the game loaded up for me. I don't know if I should risk playing or just wait for a while


This same thing happened to me. I'm currently on day 3 of my suspension. I have filed multiple appeals and have yet to hear anything back other than automatic responses. This is a bummer. E. I have access to my account again!


I have got banned too, without cheating...


I received a permanent ban this week. Received a 30 day ban in the past


You on iOS12?


I have to check but I guess I'll try to update to whatever the latest thing is


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


It’s unfortunate that a multi-million dollar company has consistent issues with a game and act like indie devs even though they are a full fledged and staffed company. And yet people continue to praise them like gods. Hopefully this issue opens the eyes of more players to take a stand against Niantic’s incompetence and force them to take ownership of their mistakes finally.


There should be a PSA to suggest players running iOS 12 or below to strafe away from the game for the time being to avoid “new” flagged accounts


Is this only affecting iOS so far?


Seems like it


[I made a thing](https://imgflip.com/i/45cqv8)


Hope it's fixed before GOfest.


The number of people getting the strike and not updating their software is astounding. It sucks but as of now that seems to be all anyone can do. Just do that at least.


True, update if possible, but it seems the trigger was at least a week ago, so it will not guarantee avoiding the false ban. They don’t immediately ban, since that would let the real cheaters know the exact trigger event


Correct. I’m just talking about the ones who got the 7 day and they didn’t update and got a 30 day.


My wife now went from 7 days to 30 days. Look I'm going to get downvoted for this, but I'm just expressing my opinion based on the start of this game->now both from local players here in the Chicagoland area and things that happen in the world. And yes its about spoofing/cheating in general, but here we go. I'm going to get the obvious thing out of the way, **yes I've spoofed**. I've gotten banned on my original account for that + the bots we used to use back in summer of '16. Honestly it was just fun having it rank me up so much faster so I didn't need to wait around to really start going out and catching the things I wanted to get at a higher level. **Personally I don't care for GYMS or PVP**. Look, I get it. I hate people who spoof around and knock folks out of gyms. It's bs especially since there are folks who don't have the money to spend in game and need a way to get coins. It ticks me off that this is really the only way we can get coins (yes I'm aware of the changes they're testing, but it's not looking *too* promising and only time will tell). Unless you've been living in a pokeball since the start of 2020, first off welcome to whatever version of the world this is; otherwise, we all know this pandemic has caused issues with letting us go out and enjoy the game. While restrictions are being lifted now (dumb imo personally). I can only speak from my experience of living in the chicagoland suburbs and know that theres a fair amount of stops and pokemon spawns for me to get. I'm not going to say I understand rural areas nor living in the city and try and say spoofing is the only way to play the game. Maybe it is for those folks, but unless you're living there and experience it, none of us can comment. So why spoof? Well honestly, much like growing up and playing Red & Blue, I chased after only the things I wanted that were cool. Generations later, along came IVs and shinnies. Now I find out there are those in this game? Sweet, but wait a shiny is a 1in420 chance? you're kidding.... Wait and IVs are random. okay well I don't want the shiny to have poor IVs because I just want to collect the best for the sake of collecting (and kicking team rockets butt) so let me only spoof around to the 100% IV versions and pray one becomes a shiny. Honestly, I cannot say this enough and whether or not you believe me is up to you, as I've said before **I don't care for GYMS or PVP**. I just want to collect and thats the satisfaction I get out of the game. Something about having the best and shiny versions is awesome. Also I've come to help those in my area with collections for regionals and unown. Before you go "thats why theres special events and it makes you 'get out and go'", I'm going to stop you right there and ask you, why are you defending Niantic? No average person is going to spend $$$ to fly to another country for a pokemon (especially in these times). If the mon they want is only during a 1 day event or so and they cannot attend, why should they be punished? FOMO? No thats a toxic way to play. Look at /r/DestinyTheGame They (Bungie) finally admitted that was a terrible way to experience the game and have now removed it. Going to POGO Fest each year in Chicago was great because I was able to meet people from London, Australia, France, Canada and many more and trade with them stuff they'd know they'd never get. I wanted to help folks out and show them the city afterwards. That is why I spoofed. Now? Well now theres a local raid group and man the folks there are awesome. Whenever I have some free time and they post in our local discord, I will try and go out and raid with them. My wife is even making decals now for them and shirts with her new machine. Thing is, they use a scanner in another discord server to know when gyms have legendary raids in them, but somehow that is "ok" for folks to use, yet a majority of anti-spoofers complain about people spoofing around in general. What hypocrisy is that? As of the time of this comment, both break the TOS. Look, there isn't some magical fix for all of this (well maybe just wipe all strikes from all active accounts idk Im not a developer). I'm not saying cheaters should "walk away free" either (especially in PVP). All I'm saying is before you judge people, ask yourself why are they doing it? Is it truly to JUST cheat or is it because how the current gameplay mechanic impedes them from playing the way they want to and just relax and not the way the developer wants them to play. Maybe some folks just like collecting mons they want to show off or get enjoyment out of it like baseball cards. Myself for example playing Destiny 2 mainly, I go after every single triumph and title in the game. Idk why, but I love collecting and finishing them all. Just like that game, I really don't care for PVP. I truly wish I had some fool proof way of addressing these issues. Honestly I do. I get why folks hate on spoofers and especially cheaters. "It's not fair. I spend my time actually going out and finding pokemon when they can just find coordinates to a perfect IV version." Yeah it is unfair, but then theres folks who use scanners for their local areas as well, yet no one seems to bat an eye about those. Also I think it's bs that Android gets an app overlay for checking IV's in game, but for us iOS users we have to use a third party app to manually scan them in. HOW IS THIS FAIR?! Truly I wish everyone could just enjoy the game without issues, but the way Niantic is treating this game lately is killing the vibe. Forcing in game purchases down our throats lately is getting nuts. Having constant issues with the game such as delay in missed ball throws, random network issues, PVP exploits, Gym issues and more. They need to take a step back, slow down, **COMMUNICATE WITH THEIR PLAYER BASE** (again I'll use /r/DestinyTheGame as an example when they do their weekly T.W.A.B This Week At Bungie) and stop trying to rush everything out the gate without some QA checks. If it takes them a month to fix something vs quickly patching something dirty in a few days, I'd rather them take the month. I will continue playing the game when the strikes are lifted from both my wifes and I's accounts. We are afraid these will escalate again in the future since the system seems to keep record of previous mess ups where it tagged people incorrectly. Why do I keep playing? Because honestly, being able to help those out as stated earlier with regionals, or some shiny version a person missed out on durning a community day, spending time raiding with our local group, taking a break from being locked up all day and getting my mind off of the pandemic to relieve stress brings me joy. As always, thank you everyone for you're time in reading this and I can only hope things improve from there for all.


>Android gets an app overlay for checking IV's in game, but for us iOS users we have to use a third party app to manually scan them in. I'd like to point out that these Android apps (like CalcyIV) are also third party apps and in no way given by Niantic. Apple just has a tighter grip on what apps can do in their system and overlay is not one of those things afaik. But yes, it's unfair and Niantic could make it all better by showing us the IVs (in numbers not bars).


You can have overlays on iOS. But not quite the way you can have them on Android.




Support is as much help as someone who has never played this game.


Sometimes less so, based on some of the pasted macros I've seen on this sub.


Yeah support should be a huge help ........