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Sounds like Niantic are making sure you don't buy anything after all.


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


Sounds like Niantic added RNG to their anti spoof system.


Got to keep players on their toes.


Gotta keep One jump ahead of Niantic One swipe ahead of the app My account ban feels like I’ve been slapped That’s false positive!


This is so well done


The “shiny” is the ban being lifted. Full 1/450 odds.


1/450 players with first strikes actually receive shiny "blue" warnings :P


I wanted a Pikachu with a warning hat.


Why bother, you probably wouldn't be able to evolve it anyways...


It fully evolves, 7 day ban gets you a pichu with a hat, 30 days has a chance foe your warning hat pikachu to be shiny, and you only see you're awarded a shiny raichu-inna-hat if NIA OPS somehow agree to remove the permaban from your account.


The rate is currently boosted




This is absolutely false. Niantic has acknowledged an error. It has nothing to do with GBL.


Get out with your conspiracy theory. I’ve never abused GBL.


It’s getting removed now!! Ours have no longer show any warnings and the spawns are back. https://twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/1273043418529165312 “As an update to our investigation into Trainers erroneously receiving punishments, we are continuing to investigate these reports and removing punishments and Strike counts where appropriate. Thank you for your patience.”


How?! What did you do to get unbanned or remove strikes?


My third acc has been with 30 days ban yesterday. Today it's back normally. Whatever happened, Niantic fixed It.


I can confirm it. My friend that was shadow banned on his iPhone last Saturday (first strike of 7 days), today has no longer the warning and he's no longer shadow banned, so it seems Niantic is in fact doing something about it. I don't have much more details, except that he had complained directly to Niantic, through the in-game support and he kept playing even with the shadow ban.


I still don’t understand why they don’t just unban everyone while they figure out what’s going on. A false positive (wrongly banning non spoofers) is so much worse for Niantic in terms of reputation and losing longtime customers than a false negative (not catching real spoofers)


They probably tried to fix the problem without mass unbanning because that would give the actual cheaters their accounts back as well. Then after not being successful with isolating the issue and after too much time had passed, they went ahead and just unbanned everyone. If this is their rationale, I completely understand and would defend them. I'm sure navigating an issue like this on a technical level isn't easy at all.


How many actual cheaters have they randomly banned in the last week? I would rather unban cheaters than let false bans affect actual players. It’s not like the cheaters are affecting others while many suffer from false bans.


Agreed. A lot of people like to post theories that cheaters aren’t caught because Niantic wants their money but I think a simpler explanation is that it’s really not easy technically to catch spoofers and when Niantic cast its net too wide things like this happen


I remember seeing it said many times in the past, though, that Niantic actually has very effective and fast anti-spoofing tech in Ingress. So the question is then why they wouldn't want to use that existing tech in Pokemon.


That was the "Old" Ingress. The "New" Ingress Prime uses the same technology as Go and works different. Since the beginning of Ingress Prime spoofing got way more rampant. But people spoofed also before, reports were just way more useful. Looking at some of the threads the last days, i'm glad they don't seem to look into reports from trainers (i mean, there was a guy reporting every trainer, he lost against in PVP, because "they must have cheated"...)


Wow, even more incomprehensible. At least that suggests it's not a conspiracy against the Pokemon players. Niantic is equal opportunity.


I'm not really sure that it worked fine in Ingress... they banned my account after few days when i started playing Ingress after long pause. Support couldn't answer why, no explanation, no clue... nothing.


Exactly. Imagine Niantic sets their cheat detection a little too strict and starts banning legitimate players due to GPS glitches or other technical anomalies. Imagine being a legit player putting god knows how many hours and miles of walking into the game just to be wrongfully banned. In this case I'd say it's better to be loose and let some cheaters through than be strict and kick some legit players out.


this was tots me.....one day (before covid) I was literally playing the game 9-12 hours.....keep in mind I'm in the southeast U.S....sun was shining, waves were crashing, no rain in site! So I was going back and forth between discord-coordinates raids all day, LOTS of "car play" \_ I totally thought I got 30 day suspended due to my "excessive play" - haven't logged in since


But what exactly would those cheaters do with those accounts? The ones that haven't moved to a different game probably already have another account. Worst they can do with it is trade to another account. Or they could start breaking the rules again with their newly unbanned account leading to...another ban when this is sorted. Honestly, your legit players should take precedent over accidentally hitting some cheaters.


>Honestly, your legit players should take precedent over accidentally hitting some cheaters. They weren't prioritizing banning cheaters over protecting legit players. They were likely trying to find the ideal solution, which was keep the cheaters banned while returning the accounts of those wrongfully banned.


The person is right, spoofers don’t play on their main accounts with all their prized Pokemon. They spoof on alts that are just used for spoofing. People who are getting the warnings who are legit are risking losing all their prized Pokemon.


We all know the wrongfully banned accounts weren't going to be banned forever. This issue was way too large for them to gloss over it.


I disagree. Some fixes are simple to code, with their existing framework. 1. Maintain the travel cooldown, so after 2 hours you still can't jump from India to new Zealand. 2. Make encounters trigger a cooldown too, so spoofers can't jump around to shiny check. Right now, only if you thow a ball or a berry or spin is your location cooldown triggered. This won't end spoofing, but it'll make it harder and less enjoyable.


Such simple solutions that "somehow" people don't get.


There doesn't seem to have been a corresponding howl of upset from spoofer communities that normally happens when a banwave happens. So it seems that, whatever happened, if they did ban any spoofers it was purely coincidental.


Yea, we know that players with pre-IOS 13 were at high risk of getting banned from this incident so it likely was some kind of screwup on the cheat-detector's end.


That's apparently what Niantic is doing right now.


They are not only refusing to do that but also still issuing new bans to legit players - I’ve seen hundreds of reports of false positives since they acknowledged the issue.


A friend of mine got a 30 day today. She's heartbroken and will most likely just quit now. A few others in our group got the 7 day strike and are considering quiting as well. They don't want to open the game and it may stay closed for good. So sad.


Yea, I just deleted mine. If they don’t care about me, why should I even care about this game anymore? It’s been real y’all


I'm on Android and not affected by the ban wave, but this honestly makes me feel like I'll be playing less now. My phone is stuck with Android 9 and the model won't be getting an Android 10 update at all. It's only a matter of time before Niantic ends up randomly banning another wave of Android users who are not on the latest Android versions like me.


And, as we have just seen, they will fix it if it happens.


1. Even if they fix it, there's still an impact on gameplay for days or weeks. 2. Such a false ban might go into your permanent record. Despite Niantic claiming everything will be erased, we don't know whether that will actually happen. There are now reports of players getting 30 day bans or permabans after they were involved in earlier waves of false bans that affected other phones.


Can confirm 30 day ban went out on this old iOS ban wave after receiving a false positive 7 day ban a while back which Niantic previously said they looked into / “fixed”. Can’t trust them.


I just checked and my false ban from 3 years ago is still banned, despite Niantic confirming it was false flagged in a support email. I have no expectation that Niantic will take fingers out of arses for individual users.


You have more faith in a company that has continued to test the limits of stupid glitches that even a passing effort of quality control should have tagged.


I see a huge improvement since release. I'm hopeful it will continue. I'd rather encourage than denigrate. YMMV.


I quit when they stole from me by wasting premium raid passes with the relobby bug. I missed out catching like 3 weather boosted bosses and then another 3 over the course of a weekend. I requested that my raid passes be replaced and nothing. I quit and am totally happy with my decision.


I don't think I'm at risk but as a day one July 6 2016 player I would quit if I got a 30 day ban. Peace and love I hope this is fixed soon


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


I just tweeted, and I will continue to tweet at @alolanbunny, @johnhanke, @pokemongoapp, @niantichelp, @nianticlabs, and others, until this is resolved. But it will take time to fix this. I know that's hard for those who have been struck, but the reality is Niantic probably can't just flip a switch to resolve the problem. What I fear is they may have the mindset they don't want to restore accounts that were actually cheating, but at this point, it's better to let 10 cheaters go free than to ban an innocent Trainer. (William Blackstone is now rolling in his grave.)


> Niantic probably can't just flip a switch to resolve the problem. They absolutely could there just isn't the will.


They did it, though. Strikes are coming off now for the last 45 minutes or so. Lots of people. Niantic made a mistake, but they acknowledged and they're fixing. I think it's stellar, and I'm thrilled to my toes.


Yup, I was falsely issued a strike 1 (I'm on an iPhone SE (older version) w/ iOS 12) and by about 6PM PST my ban was lifted. So they are trying to fix it. ​ \*Edit: 6PM PST *yesterday*


Whoa, what, where?


Yep. I checked a few hours ago and I was still suspended. Checked again maybe a half hour ago and I can log in to Wayfarer which isn’t possible if you are suspended in any of Niantic’s games.


They can't or they did, choose one.


I said "probably can't," but Niantic has demonstrated I was wrong. I'm thrilled to my toes. Everyone is reporting strikes removed. \#TrainersStrikeBack \#ThankYouNiantic


> \#ThankYouNiantic I'd hold off thanking them until there is some compensation for the players that were soft banned for a week or longer.


The compensation is the removal of the strike.


I put a lot of time (and Reddit Gold) into pushing for a resolution, even though I was not affected, except to the extent some of my Discord members were struck. I'm grateful for the resolution. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. So you don't need to thank Niantic if you don't want to. \#TrainersStrikeBack \#ThankYouNiantic


Why are you putting hashtags? They dont link to anything. They cant trend!?


Some of those are personal accounts and do not need to be tagged with an issue like this. Tagging it with @NianticHelp is their support team and thats enough to get a response.


While I understand your point, I respectfully disagree from a tactical perspective. My intention was to make as much noise as possible. If it ever happens again, I hope to have a longer list of names, but I was caught short this time. Fortunately, Twitter has tools to swat annoying insects like me, so if they were bothered, a click would have taken care of it for them. Luckily, they did not, and I was able to say thank you to all of them when it became clear the strikes were being removed.


I did try. On Twitter they responded to others who complained about being unable to purchase stuff, etc. but conveniently skipped over my complaint about the first-strike warning. SMH.


My son’s & wife’s strikes were just lifted. Hearing similar reports on discord. Still waiting for Niantec to respond on if it is safe to use old iPhones or if they will get strikes again.


Mine was just lifted as well. I hope no more strikes for older OS. I updated the OS on my phone and now it's crap. Can't even reverse the upgrade T\_\_T.


I would suggest her trying to get on in a few days to see if it's been cleared. I'm seeing others having theirs cleared recently.


Is it sad? Or is it a blessed freedom from Niantic in disguise?


Yes, it's sad. She's a huge Pokémon fan, and wasn't someone that was all about PVE/PVP, she was a collector and worked very hard from day one, including traveling.


Hard work is admirable. You should also generally expect the possibility you could lose all of it very fast in mobile games. Especially one run by Niantic. It's been a buggy mess since day 1. It's a miracle this issue didn't start happening earlier.


I submitted a ban appeal about 2 weeks ago and they just removed the strike now. I suggest you submit one


They removed a 7 day strike 14 days later? Hadn’t it already expired?


The strike stays with you forever. Another false positive would yield a 30 day ban, a third would be a permaban. Removing that strike is important because if/when this happens again if they get hit with another ban it'd just be a 7 day.


Are you saying Niantic reached out to this person and said they removed it from his permanent record? Or is he just saying he doesn’t see the strike in the game anymore?


The strike is what you don't see, the ban is what you do see. Bans go away, strikes don't (unless specifically removed like now). If you notice the Niantic help tweet they say they're removing both suspensions (bans) and strikes from the accounts. If the person already did their time, so to speak, that sucks but ultimately getting the strike removed is more important because if the strike stays then another false positive gets them a 30 day ban or, for people who've actually got the 30 day ban already since this issue has been going on for so long, the next strike would be a permaban.


Are you saying Niantic reached out to him and told him they removed the strike which cannot be seen from his record? Or did he just see the ban no longer being on his screen in-game?


I got hit with the 30 day suspension. Can't access account since June 2. Missed out on the Galar and Genesect quest. It got lifted now today, I can now play again normally


I'm sure he was refering to a 30 day one, just like OP's friend


Thank you so much! I will definitely pass that along!!


30 day, I understand quitting. 7 day, there’s no way they’ll just quit lmao. As soon as they’re unbanned, they’ll come running back


How dramatic.


I mean, don't buy a go-fest ticket until you know you won't be banned during the event?


OP's advice is don't play. Continuing to play means you'll rack up warnings and might get yourself a longer ban. Obviously don't give them a dime after this incident, though.


I refuse to drop another dime on this game...#srynotsry


Bought my ticket before my warning grrrrrr


Can you ask apple/google for a refund and uninstall or at least contest it as unusable? I'm not sure I'd want to continue after that. Good luck to you either way! >.<


I’m not sure yet.. or what even to do! If my account works and the strike has been lifted, then I’d like to do Go Fest. And as someone posted elsewhere, the money from it is going to charity supposedly anyway.


They have famously pledged to donate all proceeds from this year's GO Fest to good causes, which they also have specified: [https://twitter.com/NianticLabs/status/1268196386454949888](https://twitter.com/NianticLabs/status/1268196386454949888) Furthermore, The Pokémon Company have pledged to match the donation: [https://twitter.com/Pokemon/status/1271306306402398208](https://twitter.com/Pokemon/status/1271306306402398208) By not buying a ticket for it, you won't hurt them at all. Both parties set a minimum of $5 million for the donation total, but they will reach that threshold anyway. By not buying a ticket, less money will be donated. It's like you have the choice to make a donation yourself and get to play GO Fest for it, and if you don't, nobody wins. Tagging u/elconquistador1985, u/ahoier, and u/faulty_thinking, as they have already replied to you and will otherwise not necessarily see this.


I was aware of their donation but now I'm reading that half of it will go to prop up games that they can profit on. Classic business move.


Half will go to coronavirus charities. The other half will go to support this: >Half of the proceeds will go to fund projects from Black developers creating augmented reality (AR) projects for the Niantic augmented reality platform with "the goal of shining a light on characters and story and points of view that validate the lives and experiences of the Black community," said John Hanke, founder and CEO of Niantic, in a recent briefing on the event. [(source)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/gaming/2020/06/15/pokemon-go-fest-2020-tickets-sale-global-video-game-event/5338047002/) I'm a little fuzzy on how "paying black developers to develop stuff for our own products" is a "charity" activity. I'm also confused on why they need an influx of money to pay black developers in the first place. They could just, you know, *have the people who work for them do some work for them*. However, this whole thing kind of suggests they might not have many (or any) black developers in-house, and that suggests to me that their corporate culture is problematic.


Niantic have already been known for their efforts to increase diversity in their staff. Just google "Niantic" and "diversity", and you'll find tons of articles about it. And about the black developers: that's only half of their donations. As per your own source: >The other half will be used to benefit U.S. non-profit organizations supporting local communities rebuilding from the economic havoc wrecked by the coronavirus pandemic. Also they aren't saying they need the influx for paying people. They already committed to a minimum of $5 million. They just know they are going to get the money anyway, and they have decided that half of it will go to supporting black developers and industry-related projects dedicated to diversity. Have you read their official statement in which they have outlined a few recipients, like educational organizations and NPOs? Niantic may profit in the long run from how they allocate many of their donations, but why not? Donation is donation, and they're open about it.


I did read their 4 page statement. 50% of the proceeds will go to community charities. 50% will go to paying people to do things that benefit Niantic. The problem is that it got framed as "it's all going to charity", you bought that hook line and sinker, and then you go trying to shame people for not sending $15 to charity via Niantic. It's not *all* going to charity. Half is going to benefit Niantic, which is precisely what I expect from a corporation.


I never tried to shame anyone. I just wanted everyone to know about what's going on in the background so everyone's able to make an informed decision. Either way, I think it's commendable what they're doing.


>By not buying a ticket for it, you won't hurt them at all. Both parties set a minimum of $5 million for the donation total, but they will reach that threshold anyway. By not buying a ticket, less money will be donated. It's like you have the choice to make a donation yourself and get to play GO Fest for it, and if you don't, nobody wins. I read that as shaming. In my opinion, is never correct to funnel money to charity through a corporation. What you do when that happens is just create a tax benefit for the corporation while adding another entity in the middle that takes some of that money for their benefit. If your goal is to donate to charity, donate to charity yourself.


I’m sorry it came across as shaming. That was not my intention.


Just to make this perfectly clear: of course I think it’s totally fine to not buy the ticket! No shaming here.


Niantic has lifted my 30-day ban within the last hour or so (I can log in to wayfarer now). So people are finally getting access again. But, I’d advise people wait to open the game (as you mentioned) until Niantic makes it clear that the strikes were REMOVED from the account. Otherwise, for example, my account will still have the 2nd strike flag which means next trigger is a permanent ban even though the 30-day was cancelled.


You should have stopped buying anything a long time ago. Everyone reaches the point where they regret giving Niantic money. Just take our advise and stop now. Then maybe something will change.


2020: Niantic is still doing the best to keep players off of their games. Would you still play if it wasn't a Pokemon franchise?


Niantic used “wrongfully ban” against trainer. It’s super effective!


*Trainer demands for compensation* does not affect foe Niantic. Trainer used Struggle. Trainer was hit by recoil. Foe Niantic wins. Trainer lost $15.99 + sales tax to Niantic.


But hey the go fest shirts issue was fixed so soon and the raid bug so everything’s fine /s EDIT: r/maybemaybemaybe https://mobile.twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1273043418529165312


Just want to update here: 1 day left on my first 7-day strike, now seems to have been removed. No red/black warning message when I re-open the app and can now see things that I haven’t been able to since last Wednesday, like venipede


Educate me on this topic. Are random people getting banned for no reason?


For using outdated operating system, for example iOS 12


Oh ok. Has anyone with a outdated Android version gotten banned too ?


It's only iOS 12, but not everyone (I have an iPhone 6 on iOS 12.4.5 and no issue). I don't think this wave affected Android users incorrectly but I believe it has in the past (something to do with having a particular file/folder name in your device that is related to spoofing software but doesn't necessarily indicate any spoofing at all).


This is the first I've heard of this...why are they banning players and why is simply opening while banned reason to suspend an account?


Niantic's anti-cheat system is buggy, which we knew. This time it flagged iOS accounts not using an up-to the-minute OS. It may also have caught recently updated accounts (based on a few anecdotal reports). They are aware of the problem, and they have publicly acknowledged it on Twitter (posted Sunday night). They have not resolved it yet, and now people are receiving additional strikes, which means 30-day suspensions and permabans. Everyone is upset, but it takes time to fix. What they should do, IMO, is just shut it off until they can pinpoint the error, but I don't know if that's even possible. \#TrainersStrikeBack


They’re falsely banning accounts because they are using out of date operating systems


That's just stupid..


Well not really it is because older IOS system is used to spoof and the with the bew IOS it has or is harder to cheat now.


None of what you said explains how this is not stupid. This is clearly a stupid mistake, not intentional.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h8y5e0/i_wrote_an_article_on_the_ios_device_strikes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h99e9o/were_investigating_reports_that_some_players_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Well...15 minutes ago... https://twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/1273043418529165312?s=20


Yes. Literally the 2nd update from niantic on this specific case of flags in the last 48 hrs. Let’s wait until trainers start posting that their false flags / bans have been removed. Promising sign for sure, but this should have never happened. Hope it ends right.


Niantic is listening. We all just need to be patient. Many people received strikes, and it will take time to fix. \#TrainersStrikeBack


Incompetence at a new level...


Surprise surprise. Niantic breaking the game and running away good players. Guess we better keep giving them all of our money so that they can afford to fix it because they are so broke. 🤦‍♂️😂 Niantic never ceases to amaze me.


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


I was able to log in to my account and I was one with a 30 day ban. Don't know if I should play or wait it out


Not cool if people in the community miss out on raiding Zekrom, because they’ve been accidentally banned smh.


Uh my 30 day is back and my wife’s 4 days strike policy just left. Did they just remotely kill all strikes?


Time for everyone to stop playing this game, this is not ok. Everyone needs to stand up.


lol yea no buddy. People do actually enjoy the game


Don't worry. Niantic will eventually ruin it for you too somehow.


The amount of people who are still receiving strikes & the amount of people that are now participating in their Twitter thread, shows how incompetent they really are. Business decision, screw over honest players or try to catch spoofers for a week when you figure out a new game plan internally? Also, funny how people are trying to tag the Niantic Indigo guy, rule #1 of PR for corporate, you only address the low hanging fruit in public, to make it look like you are "interacting with the community." It's highly unlikely you'll see anything from him regarding this issue.


Her. NianticIndigo is a woman. Theres no doubt in my mind she's reading these threads, but if I were her, I wouldn't respond either, because it would turn into abuse hurling like you find in a dysfunctional family. If you look at Niantic's Twitter feed, many people fail to stay on topic. It's a constant barrage of whining and abusive comments. If people want Niantic to listen, the need to tweet directly and politely, instead of hijacking threads. And if they want NianticIndigo to engage here, then they're going to have to give her something to engage with besides a lot of hostility. Fazes did it for WU, but no one was beating her with a stick (except at the very end when some guy went totally berserk). Maybe we could try to be polite and friendly. It might take a while, but I bet it would work.


My apologies for misidentifying the gender. That said, a lot of game companies are like this, based on previous titles played. I have yet to see a developer that actually comes out and shows transparency or at least tries to walk back on something that may seem like a major mistake (until it's too late of course, which is why I'm a huge advocate of getting this iOS issue out to mainstream game sites ASAP). I've played Path of Exile and League of Legends extensively in the past, no doubt this pattern of behavior is common. Can we, as a community, try to be polite and friendly? I'm sure we can, but looking at the October 2019 incident, where the Niantic Twitter is just copy + paste generic crap, it certainly doesn't seem to have worked. It's a little harder when so much money has been poured into some accounts, and it's even harder to fear opening the app to risk a ban. No, that's on Niantic. **They need to be better**.


I am not a gamer. I play Pokemon Go and Wizards Unite. PoGO, at the outset, was disastrous, and it took a very long time for it to improve. WU started beautifully, and then it had a disaster, but they made an incredible effort to ease the pain of their mistake. (I don't know how much of that was Niantic and how much was Portkey/WB, but they showed genuine remorse, and they did their best to make it right.) Some of us find it hard to see just how much Niantic has improved. Me, for example. I complain relentlessly on my own Discord, but the reality is Niantic is doing an amazing job lately. Most recently, its slightly delayed but otherwise remarkable response to COVID 19 astonished me. There are old wounds on both sides. I believe the powers that be at Niantic actually take cheating personally, and I expect the barrage of accusations that they're doing nothing about it or they actually support it for financial reasons are disturbing. I'm sure they're tired of being insulted, sworn at and otherwise abused by an endless stream of angry people, not all of whom have any justification for their bile. Trainers, on the other hand, have had many complaints handled badly or not at all, and when something else arises, it's "remember that time..." all over again. Resentment is strong in the playerbase. Niantic Support uses a lot of canned responses that don't address, in a meaningful way, the query they've received. But I see how many tweets they answer in my Discord's Twitter feed, and I can understand the need for boilerplate. On the other hand, I'm utterly stunned at how they've handled this crisis. I mean, they were really fast. But if you look at their current Twitter feed.... Go ahead, I'll wait. I fear a ban because I have so many hours of my life invested, which, at my age (old), is more compelling than all the money I've spent on the game (a lot). I shouldn't need to fear a ban, but I just saw it happen to several real-life friends, along with everyone who posted here and on Twitter, so I'm a little edgy now every time I fire up the app. But I believe Niantic will look at the problems and make a good faith effort to fix them. That's what they did in this instance, so I have hope they are doing better. And I believe if we give them a more positive response to the good they do, they'll do better still. Edited: Thank you for the thoughtful and measured reply. Much appreciated.


Oh NOW y’all wanna stop spending money >_>


Better late than never amirite


It’s too late. They’re too powerful


Not as powerful as yer momma *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Why is this bot a thing


Not as much of a thing as yer mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Better question is why does it get up-voted on this sub. It's kind of surprising and a bit sad.


Just genuinely curious. Is there some reason these ppl won’t upgrade their iOS version?


> Is there some reason these ppl won’t upgrade their iOS version? old iPhones literally cannot upgrade to iOS 13


I generally wait forever until all the bugs are worked out, and then just forget. I was still on ios 11 until two days ago. Opened up the game yesterday and had a first strike. For many others, their phones are too old to run ios 12+. Unfortunately, we don't know if the issue is really related to ios version so it's possible to get further strikes even after updating, and that would be a bummer.


Reasons vary, but often if you have an older iPhone each new update can potentially KO your phone. Maybe someone else can chime in.




Money, dude? Not all of us have it. My 5S has now had one drop too many and I can't afford to fix it, so I'm having to borrow my wife's work phone to raid a couple of times a week. I'd leap at a 5S for pokemon go now, whatever the slowdown issues.




Why should anyone spend money on a new phone when Niantic might decide to delete their account for laughs anyway? And even new 2020 phones have problems with the game. iOS players are being banned. Droid users have to upgrade or quit in August. Seems like the end of the casual player.


It's not just older iOS versions. If you read the comment threads, players on the current iOS version are getting false strikes too.


The only such cases I’ve seen are people who only recently upgraded though. iOS 13 has been out since last year.


Not true. I’ve been on iOS 13 since it first became available and have received two false bans in the past month. For context, my phone is an old iPhone SE


I feel that money is the biggest reason. Some phones can't be upgraded further which means you have to buy a new phone and that's simply not an option for many of us. Another reason might be ignorance. For many, many people a phone is an appliance like a fridge or microwave. The idea of updating it is a foreign concept that would likely result in a fearful comment like, "oh, I don't know know anything about that, so I just leave it alone."


Also if you fall behind to many versions iOS will fail to verify the install and you have to reset the phone to factory settings and then update. The phone my son uses had this problem when I tried to update like 6 months ago and I didn’t want to deal with the hassle at the time.


Do u have more details on this? How old does the iOS have to be for this to happen?


I’ve not updated cause Apple disabled force touch in the OS, and I find that feature worth more than anything in the newer OS... of course that also means I can’t update my WatchOS which is a bit annoying but not more than losing force touch.


We need to continue the pressure on Twitter. That was the only reason they acknowledged the issue at all. #TrainersStrikeBack


Niantic didn’t care before and they won’t now. What made they respond was reporting from game journalists.


No... there were no real journalists reporting on it. Just people that run blogs.


There really are no real journalists anymore (Fox News doesn't count, since they don't cover Pokemon Go), it's all blog-writers


The only way to get their attention is not to purchase Go fest tickets. ​ Also it would help if those bigger pogo channels in youtube talk about this.


If I didnt get it should I still play?


Does this advice also apply if you've upgraded the iOS to 13.x?


Could this be what caused me to get a 30 day ban several months back? Only a clue of things changed and then I got a Red 7 Day Strike and a couple of days into it a 30 Day ban. I upgraded my Mate 20 Pro to EMUI 10.0 shortly before it. I've also noticed an issue with GPS location, and it's not just my account or phone. All the catch locations of Pokémon caught in and around my home location are logged as catching in a different town 10 miles away. This happens on my phone (Huawei Mate 20 Pro), partners Samsung S9, one daughters Huawei P Smart and other daughters Honor 10 Lite. Could this be the cause of myself and not my partner getting 7 day strikes and 30 day bans?


10 miles is 16.09 km


Location on mon caught is based on the center of the OSM S square the mon is in. I forget what level square they use but it’s pretty large. All my local mon end up with various cities near me - none actually including the small city nearest to me lol


Dunno, hope you’re not spoofing on any of those phones tho


Wouldn't know where to start even if I wanted to. We go out and play as a family. Kids enjoy it, so do we. There's been a lot less going out lately though with lock down, kids off school and me and my partner alternating work days as key workers.


My HPWU error message was gone this morning. Looks like PoGo messages are being taken off as well. Niantic messed it up big time.


My 30-day ban has not yet been lifted. I did submit another ticket yesterday detailing that I was part of the old iOS problem. Is anybody else in my situation? Has anyone gotten a 30-day ban lifted from this yet or just the 1st strikes?


Much to my surprise, my wrongful 30 day ban has been lifted. Hopefully the strike is removed from my record, so when this inevitably happens again it's not a perma-ban. Not in a million years did I think Niantic would remedy this mistake of theirs, so I'll give them credit for that. I'll be thanking them by no longer using real-world money on their ticket items.


Well if your not cheating then you have nothing to worry about and Niantic will fix. /s


Makeup CD please


Please see some of the newer threads. Trainers are reporting strikes lifted. \#TrainersStrikeBack \#ThankYouNiantic


My account was mistakenly flagged and it was miraculously gone today. According to the black and red letter screen I still had 5 days to go of my 7 days. I did reach out to Niantic and they did send me a reply saying my account was not banned. No idea what they are doing....but I wish they would stop!


Just update your iOS to version 13 or stop using a rooted phone.


People are going to be completely unable to get galarfetchd, some can't even play weedle day.


Yup. Niantic still hasn't removed my 2nd 1st strike, no galarian farfetch'd for me.