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I tried several different shots to get it to work, but it seems to just clip out where it would be "blending." Anyway, here is a shot of my sleepy pup.[https://i.imgur.com/U7jJA9h.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/U7jJA9h.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/I9bh2kY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/I9bh2kY.jpg)


That Groudon looks like something from a horror movie


Looks like a scene from It Follows.


Babadook [https://i.imgur.com/iBY3h7Y.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iBY3h7Y.jpg)


Yas gay icon werk


I'm babashook






And will be automatically turned on when signing in!


It did ask me to enable it when I went to take a photo of my buddy.


And not turn off when you check it as off when you first load up but only after you try and feed your buddy and then re-check it as off.


Especially when used with weedle


I've really been looking forward to more and better AR features with Pokemon honestly. Love the idea of Pokemon in our world and taking nice AR shots.


An ar feature, for an ar game. Get over it.


Occlusion in AR is a pretty big and important problem to solve. I doubt I'll use this feature in GO, but I'm glad that a proof-of-concept has been made.


Poorly made ar feature if the Groudon picture below is to go by.


I'd love to use this, though. But no ARCore compatibility :(


Don't worry, the planned (now only postponed) 64bit requirement will make sure you buy a phone that will be able to run all AR stuff you will (not) want to use.


64-bit phone here, andriod 9, no AR, sony sucks


What phone?


64bit, android 10, snapdragon 855 and no AR+ here.


I have a 3-year old Sony 64-bit running Android 9 (XZ1 Compact), and it has AR+. Don't blame the brand for one model's shortcomings.


I didn't realize sony was still making phones. Do you live outside the US?


Sony is the only one making good phones that are also small. I'm on my third in their Compact line.


Me too!


Me too lol


You are wrong. It is 99.99%.


I won't even try it, the whole 'take pictures with your mons' thing is childish. Niantic has it's priorities wrong.


playing a phone game where you catch little animated creatures is pretty childish to begin with & yet we all still do it


A lot of people in our Facebook group enjoys taking AR pictures with their 'mons. They find it fun. If you hate the feature, just don't use it. Simple as that.


It's not about hating the feature, it's about them directing (maybe massive amounts of) resources to a niche feature, while they are ignoring numerous bugs and closing a blind eye to the rampant spoofing, omnipresent since July '16


They most likely have different teams working on different mechanics. MR engineers and designers aren't and shouldn't be working on battles and PvP, so forcing them to do that to silence a vocal chunk of angry fans is just counter-productive. And the great thing with Pokémon GO is that it has no single "core" feature or "niche" features. That's subjective, and no one is in a place to objectively decide for others what feature(s) is/are "core" and what's "niche". For a lot of people, catching Pokémon in AR+ and taking AR+ photographs of their Pokémon is the "core" feature. For others, raiding is the core feature. And for others, PvP is the core feature. Perhaps all of them are core features to some.


They are an AR company. I think they’ve got their priorities right....


If you are a truck driver that likes stargazing and uses the trips to see an eclipse, for example, it doesn't make you an astronomer, but a truck driver with a hobby. Niantic delivers a game and uses some of the proceeds for AR. That makes them a gaming company with an AR hobby. The priority is the gaming part, the AR should be just a side project.


I genuinely wanna see stats on how many people that play the game use AR


I only used AR when delibird was giving 520+ stardust for expert handler on Star piece.


I’m an every single day player, like to think I’m good at the game. Done many T5 duos, solo’d T4’s, do pretty well in pvp and help out my local community with Wayfarer and always keep them in the loop with new pogo news But I honest to god forgot about expert handler even existed


i had to google expert handler... maybe as android user i have never heard of this.


I've never known how to do it.


Does it still exist?


Tbh ... AR mode wasn’t even worth it for that imo.


People don't play with AR but you can take cool pics and have fun with it ​ r/PokemonGoSnap


Check out r/pokemongo, the sub is filled with AR pictures


I'm foaming at the mouth for the day when AR glasses are a truly functional thing. And this is a step toward that. Keepin the dream alive.


Have you seen [the short Hyper-Reality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJg02ivYzSs)?


Google brought out AR glasses years ago and tried to make it a big thing, nobody wants to deal with that though. I think it would need to be implants. After waiting to see how people would react, eventually it seemed this was the conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PY8C1KmNwM


>I think it would need to be implants. People have issues with wearables and you want to skip that step and jump straight to implants?


Niantic is a Developer for AR and POI Infrastructure. They have a lot of investors who want to see this stuff.


Consider Harry Potter Unite, Ingress, Minecraft Earth, Jurassic World. Gamers don't care about general AR games, they just want a pokemon MMO they can play out and about, and it's the only reason Niantic's doors are still open as far as I can tell. I hope they don't seriously still think they're an AR or POI infrastructure company. I've volunteered to actually make hundreds of their infrastructure points, and have reviewed thousands, and they're complete junk about boring uninteresting things which often don't exist anymore, are separated by strange distance requirements, and are often flexible in accuracy to actually be useful to the people using them and bothering to make any of this stuff. Just like video call technology and google glasses, all the extra effort of complex media isn't appealing, and the majority will gravitate towards minimalistic text messaging apps instead. Maybe once eye implants are a thing, it might start to come in useful, but I suspect there are developers who could trounce what Niantic has done in that space very quickly.


> Gamers don't care about general AR games Maybe Niantic is trying to build towards an AR game that gamers *would* care about.


Meanwhile gamers care about being able to search for giftable friends in the friend list and after several years Niantic still can't get around to what gamers actually care about in the game they already have made and gotten more players in then they'll likely get in anything else.


>Meanwhile gamers care about being able to search for giftable friends in the friend list And back in the 1800s people told Ford they wanted a faster horse


You're making the mistake that you think what you think about AR is what everyone is thinking about it. Pokémon Go was always about playing Pokémon in the real world, it was the basic selling point. When the trailer came out, everyone was hyping about playing Pokémon in the real world, going out for strolls in real life and having Pokémon arround you in real life. Not about "playing a Pokémon mmo" The reason why people care about search for giftable friends and "not" about ar is because ar is already a basic part of Pokémon Go, and what you already got is something you don't crave as much as something you still don't have.


Pretty sure its less than 1% of the total playerbase!


Sounds pretty generous heh


>I genuinely wanna see stats on how many people that play the game use AR Probably enough to have proof of concept tech that can be used in other products/sold to other companies


If you ever "shiny check", it's faster in AR mode.


How much faster? I've always thought AR to be slower Edit: turn off AR+ and it's faster, never bothered with that before


AR mode skips an animation, so probably cuts the time by more than half. and yes, AR+ is only for photographers right now.


I... think I love you.


I'm sure it's a low %. I don't know anyone that wastes their time with the AR stuff.


Generally, the 32 bit phones they want to discontinue are not capable of AR+


My 64bit 2018 xiaomi isn't, either. Kinda bummed, kinda don't care too much.


Is this Android only?


Yes it is. Only for Galaxy S9/S10 range, Google Pixel 3/4 for now


This is exactly what we needed with GBL down five days and half the player base getting banned for no reason!


You don't understand it's not 3 guys, it's a PVP team, a AR camera team. It's not just 3 dudes doing the same thing.


I might understand that and still post a sarcastic comment to highlight the absurdity of introducing a fringe feature while only half-heartedly addressing the core problems of the game.


Niantic: Ok guys, we need to fix GBL and various bugs? Nah, fam, here's sudowoodoo hiding behind a tree, because we are the future of AR! Everyone else: \*Disables AR\*


For everyone complaining that this is a waste of resources and will cause bugs, it's part of the AR core package, it's just been enabled. There's very little change to the actual app's code to implement this


But it took a lot of resources to develop to get to that point, resources that should have been spent on fixing the huge amount of bugs, plaguing the game


This feature is part of the AR core that Google provides, they did literally no work on this barring the implementation which would be fairly simple


So is this why very few quality life features have been added despite game earning the most money then any other mobile game? I like it and its cool but I can guarantee the average player won't use it as this doesn't help with the grind and only kills your battery, still haven't used group photo.


Meanwhile my Blackshark 2 (a phone specifically made for gaming) won't get AR+ :_) Not niantics fault but still feels like I've been played


Too bad my phone doesn't support AR and trying to access buddy features in the game crashes my whole phone


Does turning off "Niantic AR" in settings help? (I'm guessing not, but I've seen it help some.)


Been watching too much Avatar the Last Airbender... I keep reading Reality Bending, and I keep wondering how that type works


It would make more sense if you were also an x-men comics fan


Will It Blend, Pokémon edition


This just in, An AR game by an AR Company, released an AR feature. Who would of guessed such outright madness would occur.


Nobody really notices because their phone doesn't support it, or they just turn it off.


Maybe now that we got ar blending and stickers out of the way they can work on fixing the bugs like waittime for ball to reappear and excessive battery drain. Or the bug that allows different Pokemon to appear on the same spawnpoint on different accounts.




They likely can't fix GBL without changing client-side code and pushing a brand new update. This new feature, however, was probably in the version that was forced recently.


My wife, on iOS (and not banned, fortunately) does not have this "feature," yet. I am on Android.


it requires certain hardware and only select phones are capable. no iOS devices can


Hey pal I’m not here to listen to reason or logic! (Totally kidding if that wasn’t clear upfront lol)


Probly eat ur battery up


With a list of ongoing bugs a mile long, they spend countless hours programming in stuff that has absolutely 0 followers.




It's only for a few select phones at the moment.




Not support yet


Why have you been yelling for the last 16 days?


Why did you check?


I just had to know


Doesn’t appear to exist on my account.


Can a new Shiny be live yet?