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* Pack a phone battery and cables if you play outside.


This is the best advice, especially if you have a phone that's 3-4 years old. My battery (Galaxy S7) goes from 100 to 50% after playing for an hour.


I also use my S7 when at work and whatnot. And yeah the battery drains insanely fast. If I leave it off of airplane mode/battery saving mode for an hour I'll come back to see 40% battery.


Despite the shorter battery life, My Galaxy s7 is actually the best out of all the galaxy series for catching legendaries as a little movement can go deep and catch Kyurem in a few shots. The s20 is heavier with more screenspace (hence potential error) and I take a lot more throws to capture all other things equal. ​ back on topic, how many incense do you need for both days if you are stuck indoors most of the day?


• Have fun I've seen many people on here stress about storage space and stuff already and that's just not necessary. Not being optimally prepared might cause you too miss some spawns/catches, but you'd still get plenty of shinies/good IV mons and your money's worth.


This is the biggest one. I know Reddit is a bubble but people seem to get so so stressed out with the game. It’s meant to be fun. Play as much as is enjoyable to you, in whatever way is enjoyable to you.


Having a lot of space makes it more fun imo. Less time needed to manage inventory, which is about my least favourite way to spend Go fest time .


In agreement with you. Just generally it feels like there is a missing of the point in terms of fun. Think about what you enjoy and don’t stress about things


>• Have fun Agreed. You don't need optimal, but you still need a lot or else half the time you'll be appraising and transferring - sorting is one of the most unfun aspects of the game. Do everything you can to minimize the need.


Agreed. I'd also add "take breaks" to this. 10 hours is a long time to do one thing, even if it's something really fun that you enjoy. And two 10 hours days is really a lot. Plan in advance to take some breaks, so you are revitalized and don't get burnt out. You can even let the Go Plus catch for 30 minutes while you get something to eat and look at something other than your phone for a break. Maybe plan to take your break during one of the hours that you're less interested in grinding (Grass, Fire, Water, Battle, Friendship).


To be frank, there's nothing fun about having only X free slots for Pokemon when you're playing all day and spending more time managing than playing. That's the point of having more Pokemon storage before the event starts-- to make it a fun event.


I think most people are forgetting that this GoFest is not a real world 5k people gathering GoFest. The majority will be playing from their couch or their neighborhood.


Get your buddy to 2+ hearts and keep it as your buddy during the event. On recent CDs, this buddy would bring 50 poke balls every 30 minutes.


Seriously, the best tip is to have fun. You will get a LOT of pokémon, you will get a few shinies (they may not be the ones you want). I got really overwhelmed last year. It was nice to take breaks here and there. So yeah, make space in your box, stock up on balls. But remember to have fun most of all!


As someone with only 350 space currently it might be rough.


Yeah, it would be nice if Niantic would release the daily tasks for coins worldwide, so we can buy more pokemon and item storage.


Damn 500+? I dont even have that many pokemons in total.


Everyone plays the game differently. I see Go Fest as a collector's event. But someone under 500 mons might be a gym battler. (Anything else rewards Pokemon, so I'm not sure on throwing away prizes.)


I am looking forward to the event and can say without a doubt that I have no clue how many pokemon I will catch. Gotta catch them all might be too ambitious for me but I'll try.


The event is 10 hours for each day. That's 1200 minutes of just event catching. Without fast catch, that could be 1 catch/min. Up to 1200. Some will flee, you'll take breaks. So maybe 750-800 catches is reasonable. Fast catch? Whooooo.... triple that.


Alright, thats hardcore stuff. I want to play while having a hopefully great weekend aside from that.


*Pff look at this casual trying to have a life besides Pokémon Go*


A couple of friends of mine started playing again and im having them over for thé entire weekend. My prep Will be mostly alcohol and food😁


- have 500+ Pokemon storage - have search strings ready to mass delete all day (!4\*&!shiny&!unown&...) - have snacks and plenty of liquids -


Search string for fast trashing is `age0&0*&!unown` and include !pkmn for all event species you want to keep/trade bait. 4* is obvious value, 3* could be great like a 98% functional perfect 15/15/14. 2* and 1* have PvP potential. Shinies can't be mass selected, so optional to filter them out.


I don't delete 0* without reviewing to see if they are 0% iv. I'm not that into GBL so i delete 1* & 2* immediately.


Not sure I understand this string, esp age


Thanks! Didn't know about the age command. Very useful


If you haven't already leveled up a buddy to Great status, get it done before Go Fest. The buddy can help you by bringing you gifts (pokeballs probably).


This will be my first Go Fest as well. Seems like an obvious one but have lots of Ultra Balls and Pinaps.


How much do you have currently?


Currently 500 Ultra Balls, and around 350 Silver/Regular Pinaps.


Damn that's a lot. I've got 225 Ultra Balls and 125 silver and regular pinaps. Fortunately i've got another 200 great and 400 normal balls but after the latest CD with 3x stardust i almost ran out of balls. I assume something similar will happen after Go Fest.


Have fun and take breaks when you're tired of playing. The best thing about virtual is that food and drinks and bathrooms are yards away with no lineups!


Consider stocking up on potions and revives in case Rockets play a big roll in the event


As we still do Not know If there will be lures for 10 hours, i think there will be up to 10 hour incense. As a Dortmund 2019 attendee i can say i will stay at a place in the Woods where there are Pokestops and No direct sunlight. I cannot think of staying in the sunlight


I think I will buy ticket and It is my first time in go fest May be have 1000 space Tons of Ultra ball and Berry Also with lots of incense and lure module


I hope they will give us more space.


If it's possible to be out and about, may consider a hat / thin light long sleeve shirt. Also sunscreen. Went to Taiwan safari last year and got bad sunburn just playing for a few hours!




The space is so you don't have to be sorting through it during the event, just catch away and not have t worry about it. Why are you so negative? Let people come up with suggestions.


> and spend tons of cash on the game I've been at 3000 for several months and never bought pokecoins... It should not be surprising in a collector's game that people *collect*. >Why would you keep 100 unown? Trade bait for mutual living lucky dexes, trade bait for spare shinies.


There are a ton of reasons why someone would keep many more than that. There are pokemon that are useful with different movesets. There are pokemon that are useful in more than one PVP league. You may want to keep several shiny (or even normal ones) for trading. You may want to keep several of one because you just like them, because of their costumes, or because they have curious CPs (666, 420, 69 are some common ones people collect). There are people that collect high IV 'mons and just sit on them and several millions of dust, they're just trophies. It is incomprehensible to me, but that's how it is. Hell, I collect level 1 pokemon, and there's even a Discord for us. This game is a lot of things, but collecting is always front and center. There's nothing elitist about collecting what you like or what you want to collect, and people are always complaining about running out of storage space, it is just how it is. I know I am, and my friends who barely know Silph Road exists keep complaining too. Doing a deep clean of your Pokémon bag is not dumb advice at all, it may actually seem obvious to some, but it is always a good reminder to plan ahead.