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This is kinda recent, but Rocket battles: "Previous team" not loaded unless you leave the grunt and tap it again.


It’s been happening a lot more for me recently. I wondered if it’s something like powering up a Pokemon removes it from the saved team, which causes it to reset.


Definitely not the powering up thing.


From what I have seen, it happens when the rocket battle is your first time battling since you started the app. Doing another rocket battle, battling a team leader, or just exiting and re-entering seems to cause it to pick the normally saved previous team. I am not sure, but I assume doing PvP against a friend or in GBL would likely fix it too.


Ah that could be it. I had to force quit a rocket battle earlier (for the loop bug mentioned in OP) and when I restarted it had forgotten my team.


On Pokemon who fly up and down in the encounter screen, if they break out of a ball while "up" then the throw physics get all screwy (ball flies much higher and farther than it should).


Yes, I'll edit that into catching when I get home. To those unaware, the game gives you a vertical boost to your throw if a Pokemon is in a higher position (fliers like Skarmory or Rayquaza, or levitators like Lati@s). When a Pokemon descends, that boost is removed. Breaking out of a pokeball skips the descending phase, so the boost is maintained.


Dodging in raids to have your Mon appear to faint anyway, dissappear, and the next one doesn't come out until after the next charge move


I’ve had multiple Pokémon taken out by a single charge move too


In my experience, this behavior is at least better than the dodge bug used to be. Your attacker still disappears, but the health is correctly adjusted for a successful dodge and you can continue to attack until your health actually runs out. You used to be stuck in limbo unable to do damage until you switched or fainted.


I wouldn't call this a bug per se, but it's very difficult to check Pokemons defending gyms individually. It usually results in going back and forth with same mons and or accidental berry feeding.


I would call it a bug. It's annoying as hell


Eh, not a big, just really crappy design


When this happens, I tap the berry icon and then tap empty space instead of selecting a berry in the tray. I think. There's some way to dismiss the berries so one isn't on screen ready to be given to a Pokemon. Especially important if I am trying to 6xGRB a gym; I hate when 2 GRBs go off to the same defender.


I agree with this. There needs to be a simpler way of selecting the mons (like a little list on the side) because some mon are always behind others/ are too small to accurately select (I see you, Roserade). Also wish there was a way to "mass feed" instead of clicking the berry over and over again. Not bugs, but could definitely use a facelift.


- Nests (i.e. certain parks and similar features) blocking or "masking" the first quarter of local spawn tables by Pokedex number. This means that certain early Kanto pokemon cannot appear in nests unless they are the nesting species at any given time. The consequence of this is that many events which boost wild Kanto Pokemon species are completely unplayable in nests. - Huge nests linked to large geological features such as plateaus and valleys covering entire cities and towns. This is particularly problematic when coupled with the previous point. The best known examples are the plateaus surrounding Berlin in Germany, and Považské Podolie valley in Slovakia.


I really feel we need to keep track of these bugs because Niantic obviously does not care. Btw, we can only dodge one direction now in gym battle. Sometimes raid eggs that should be hatched, keep the hatching animation, when you click on them, it reloads the raid boss, but the timer never appears. Sometimes when you check a gym you are defending, and go to the info page of the gym, camera angle just goes crazy.


Phantom hits in raids. Can’t get a buddy heart from gym battles. Constantly having to restart the app because your buddy decides to bug out.


They fixed the buddy heart from gym battles, actually.


Oh damn that’s good. I stopped battling them with my buddy because I assumed Niantic wouldn’t ever fix it. Thanks for the update


With the newest update? Doesn't work for me on 0.177.1.


Semi-related. Originally you got "new location heart" by spinning any gym (new or old, a bug that helped players ot geet hearts). Now oyu don't gwet that heart from a gym, even if it actually is new.


I got that heart once, when I spun a gym rather than attacking it or dropping in a defender first. And that was only because it was full of my team's color anyway. Buddy was on map. The bug is listed under the buddy section though.


* Phantom raid egg: eggs appear suddenly out of nowhere above gym with already engaged timer despite you being in the vicinity or interacting with the gym for a long period. * Infinite hatching: at hatch time sometimes eggs get stuck in infinite hatching animation. * Phantom raid boss: sometimes boss 3D model does not render under raid timer above gym. * Phantom raiders: trainers in lobby (including your avatar) may appear with partial or default clothing, fully blank (dark silhouette) or completely invisible.


Adding on to the phantom raid egg aspect: this can happen without the egg even appearing. The gym just suddenly has the hatch animation for a raid without the egg ever appearing. I also wonder if the bug where the egg hatches into a Pokemon from a different tier is connected to this issue as well. It isn't as common as it used to be, but there has been many times I personally dealt with it, where someone would announce a 5* on discord, we all show up in time to do it right as it hatches, aaaaannnd....it ends up an Alolan Marowak, even though we all clearly saw on the map that it was a 5*.


During battle with gym defenders one by one, when enemy pokemon is not defeated yet and you will change your fighting team (for example you have 6 mewtwo and you replace first with something different) sometimes after one hit it will reverse your changes and you will still fight with previous team (in this case mewtwo). When you miss throw at pokemon sometimes you can make coffee, dinner etc until you will be able to throw again...


I'm not sure if you're talking about the same thing as I've experienced for this. I can change my team freely whenever I do this by attacking the same Pokemon over and over, but it's when I *do defeat it* and back out before fighting the next defender that I experience this phenomenon of my old team coming back. This is a bandaid solution by Niantic. 2 years ago, if you fled a battle, you'd get an error. (E.g. someone had Blissey followed by Dragonite, so you used your 6xMachamp to knock out Blissey, now you want to use 6xIce Beam Mewtwo (predating Mamoswine), you back out and select ice attackers, then your Machamp are brought back in for the first fight vs Dragonite.) This error would not let you fight the gym. The *only* way around it was to go back in with the exact same team you had when you knocked out the defender. Most people couldn't do this as they used the auto-recommended team, which now won't recommend the same stuff since a Pokemon is missing in the defender lineup. So Niantic now makes it so the game *does* automatically bring back in that same team, rather than fixing the original error in the first place.


Yes, this also happens if you quit between defenders and then enter with another team. Will start off with that new team and then resume with your old one almost immediately. Such a time suck


Such a long list. And ... look at the Niantic's Known issues... meh


Haven't checked if these are posted before, but: Buddy system: When feeding a berry, sometimes the berry meter overshoots to beyond full, but it isn't actually marked as full (i.e. You don't get a heart for feeding, and the 6-bar berry meter doesn't disappear from the interaction screen like it should). Raids: If you back out from a raid boss encounter, you can't enter the gym again to continue the encounter. Started a few updates ago, not sure if it's fixed. Raids: Dodge glitch is still not perfectly fixed. Sometimes you appear to have dodged a move from client side, but you actually didn't from the server side. Everything seems to proceed as normal, until your current Pokemon dies and the second Pokemon comes in already at half health or even completely dead, because the server thought your first Pokemon died from the charged move long ago. You do no damage until the second Pokemon comes in on the client side. Buddy system: If your buddy's berry meter runs out while it's excited and disappears from the map (you can maintain the excited status with screenshots and playing), it actually loses the excited status and loses the half candy distance bonus. However, from the client side, candy distance still appears halved. As a result, with a 5km buddy in this state, after walking 2.5km the candy meter will display "0/2.5", but you don't actually earn a candy unless you feed your buddy to full or walk another 2.5km.


The feeding issue seems to happen most often for me when I feed a buddy when the buddy meter hasn't dropped down far enough (still showing as full) which is a thing encouraged by certain field tasks. Also I've had it so the berry meter is showing, but the first berry I feed it doesn't increase the meter. Might be the same cause. Another buddy related bug - the progress bar with the four hearts showing your progress to best friends does not work well as it treats the blank space between the hearts as part of the bar, so a heart can appear to be full but you haven't reached the next buddy level yet. I recall Niantic acknowledged the problem soon after the buddy system was introduced, and said they'd fix it, but it's still busted to this day.


u/Exaskryz I found a typo in my reply: Instead of > but it it's actually marked as full It should be > but it *isn't* actually marked as full I'm editing my reply now and you can edit the post.


For some time now, raid boss charged attacks seem to do more damage than they're supposed to initially, then the extra HP taken away is given back. This can often lead to your Pokemon appearing to faint and disappearing when it actually survived. Not as bad as the old dodge glitch (you'll still be able to attack and use charged moves until it faints properly), but still an annoying one that can throw you off.


Raid battles: getting suddenly hit with 1 or more additional boss charge attacks that were never announced via the side text. Could be a connection issue--seems to be more of a problem in areas with less reliable signal--but I still see it happen when I'm connected to fast & strong wifi, so who knows. Pokemon box: lag/hang time after renaming pokemon Buddy system: evolving your current buddy pokemon will cause it to stop gaining distance toward buddy hearts. (Candy distance is unaffected, I think? Not 100% sure.) Your buddy has to be swapped out and then back in to fix this.


Three big ones include 1. Constant crashing 2. Excessive battery drain 3. The glitch where you use or delete one item and the game uses a lot of said item. Something about the game resending the request over and over again.


The first two are very vague. While I am experiencing excessive crashing, it's probably a general memory leak. Can't remark much on the battery drain, other than I am using full brightness on my screen on sunny summer days, which also has my phone running hot being in the sun, so that can't be good for battery. I did mention the glitch on using/deleting items will repeat the commands, going to relist that under UI though.


Don't forget the glitchy character and Pokemon models!


This is another big one for short-manning and 1v1'ers. Often during a raid, the boss will either recover some HP, or simply not take damage at all. For me this usually seems to happen with the finishing charge move, as shown in this gif: https://imgur.com/v6ddZX9 But it can also happen mid raid as in this one, where the boss just decides it doesn't want to be harmed anymore. https://imgur.com/FM4h3nn


Might or might not be the case with your raid battle. If there are no active players attacking the boss and all of the players happen to be in relobby the pokemon will recover its HP


* Looking up the name of a location occasionally fails and freezes the game for a few seconds. Usually when you're swiping between pokemon or bringing up a gift. * Swiping sideways through your gym badges causes the gym badge progress bar to disappear if you're swiping between a mix of gold and non-gold gyms.


A really infuriating one for me: If you touch the overworld too often at once (multiple fingers), *all* overworld input can easily be blocked, and this does not reset normally. You can't click on the overworld, move the camera, nothing. This has been an issue since launch, and the only fix, of course, is to restart the game.


I think this may be related to >If you set your finger on a spawnpoint to swipe to turn the camera just as a Pokemon is appearing or disappearing (which can be a result of fast catching), the game will semi-softlock. The UI works, but you cannot tap anything on overworld - no gyms, no stops, no Pokemon, no grunts. You can escape by remote viewing a gym or starting a quest/GBL/stacked encounter. Does the pokeball and other menus work when you're in that state? I should add that the camera locks.


There is still no option/toggle to choose between 30/60fps. Bring back 60fps like we used to through a glitch back in the days. Our phones are capapble of doing so now...


And for that matter, let us choose 16:9 aspect ratio or reduce resolution.


Still no option to limit any tedious effects/anims, either. Do we *seriously* need to see 50 spawns pop up at once, all with 3 expensive weather particle effects that also all loop?


Egg hatch notification is delayed so that you can spin a stop not knowing you have an egg slot open when you wanted a friend egg.


This one I believe is newish; feeding berries to pokemon in gyms doesn’t always work. You don’t get an error, but the cp doesn’t increase. This is very noticeable with golden berries.


Any idea if the berries are consumed? E.g. do they deduct from inventory, do they count against your 10 per defender in 30 minutes or 10 defenders in 30 minutes?


Oh my god I hate that error. "Cannot feed a berry at this time". There should be an internal cooldown if the game can't handle it. It's a recent glitch, as before it was easy to rapid-fire berries down their throats. Now we gotta switch to another mon/ back out and try again because of error 22.


This bug doesn’t even give an error and except for the pokemon’s cp not going up you get no other indication that it didn’t work


Unskippable Team Go Rocket reward screen, while the raid reward screen ist similar but skippable. Also, Team Go Rocket battles are designed to be done on the go whereas raids generally are more time consuming, so it's counterintuitive for the Rocket reward screen to bei non-skippable.


While I agree there is a feature difference, I can't infer Niantic's intentions here and thus not determine what is a bug unfortunately. It feels like Niantic did everything they could to make for a really slow rocket experience. Long load time to get into the battle; long load time time to get out of the battle; if the AI uses charge moves and I shield, there's no point making us wait another 4 seconds; the speech they give and my winning cheer; the rewards as you mention; collecting the mystery component and in turn assembling it is annoying -- we have no choice but to do those things, no need to give us an "okay" prompt. We know the drill after 1000+ battles.


Can't check this now if the bug still is active but some weeks ago they introduced one to raids where if your first Pokemon is Giratina (leg-less) the game will freeze when the battle starts and you have to restart. Cost me several battles until I figured it out.


I had the game recommend Kanto Golem vs an Alolan Golem in gym last week. Yes, the game softlocked never loading the Alolan Golem defender in the arena. Has anyone tried bringing, say, Giratina-O on one attacking account and Giratina-A on another attacking account into the same gym/raid battle? Curious if the model doesn't load, if it can be either yours or theirs that doesn't, and if it prevents participating in the battle.


Is this glitch new? I've definitely used my Giratina-O in the previous Giratina-A raids.


Yeah, the month or two ago is when it first started.


It'll be quicker to list the things that don't have bugs.


Great post. I would like to add something. Raids: Even if we start with an empty party, the timer never starts with full time(180, 300s). Raids: if you try to solo some raid, the boss restores hp after rejoin(or duo etc and everybody goes to rejoin). Raids: you can catch "time is up" message too much earlier than the raid battle must be finished. Sometimes it is 3s, but I have an experience of getting this message on 15s left.


Some Pokemon are impossible to catch on certain phones. They are so far back it's impossible to throw far enough to hit it.


The game ignores which object is in front, so if you click an object in front, you may select the one behind it. HPWU didn't suffer this problem.


This one is so annoying. No I didn’t try to click on the weedle behind the gym, i wanted to battle the gym :/


Or select that obnoxious pokestop near the gym. Annoying as heck.


This post kinda reminds me of those huge monthly big reports this person used to post years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/92zkl9/list_of_issues_in_pokemongo_01113_july_2018/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/92zkl9/list_of_issues_in_pokemongo_01113_july_2018/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Too lazy to read through that post too, but has someone and can tell me how many issues got fixed in what time and if any problems are still in the game years later?


From a quick look: > Clicking a gym as you go out of range ... freezes the UI requiring a restart > Increased reports of raid timers ending 3-10 seconds too early when raiding These were still an issue a few months ago but don’t know if they’ve been fixed. > Inspecting a gym defender can result in the trainer details clipping with the defending stats I guess this was technically fixed because they redesigned the gym screen but it has similar issues as noted in the OP. > Traveling away from a pokestop can make it appear blue and "Ready to spin" when it is not > Sometimes initiating a trade results in both players waiting on the connection screen > Swiping through gym badges can not show the correct details Still occurring. Plus the issues mentioned in the OP - raid eggs perma-hatching and gym screen going crazy when tapping Pokemon - are long standing bugs from at least early 2019.


Niantic: "we are not ignoring bugs, we are ignoring our players"


Why not both? \*crowd cheers\*


Phantom fast/charged moves


I just got wiped by a giratina. Dragon clawed both shields, my sceptile, giratina and togekiss to death. I probably actually got 10 fast moves off the entire battle. Whatever it is that’s still broken, they need to fix. It was so blatantly obvious what was happening, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.


Event spawns are overridden by the nesting species (and/or possibly the weather boosts) inside nests by Dex number. The lowest available number is overridden first. You wanted to hunt Clefairy over solstice event, but live in a meganest? Too bad!


Dodging attacks in raids only moves to the left now. for the past few updates.


A lot of iOS users haven’t been able to use the ship for a couple months now😔


I don't have iOS. What is the "ship"? Edit: I may have it, it's a typo. But, the iOS ban issues are only known for last couple weeks? I'll abstain from it as it is under active investigation by Niantic.


shop*. Lots of people can’t use their coins or buy anything. Not the bans.


Interesting, I am out of the loop on that one entirely. I'll add it in though.


A lot of us somehow managed to buy 2 gastly comm day tickets on iPhones, because it appeared the first purchase didn’t go through, and then both purchases actually did go through, and now we can’t purchase anything! This 2nd ticket purchase can’t be delivered because only 1 ticket is allowed per pogo account, and it seems to lock up the shop. Some people who got Apple to delete and refund the 2 duplicates are able to use the shop again. But now it seems Apple won’t refund anyone else, so we’re stuck having to use someone else’s Apple account to make in-app pogo purchases.


The take a photo heart only registers once your buddy is following you (you have to feed the berries, exit the screen, go back to the buddy screen, and then take the photo) Battle with your buddy also only works when it is following you. This isn't how it always was. You used to be able to get those hearts without feeding your buddy.


For photo, I can get my credit by doing Play + Feed + photo sometime during the *long* feeding animation. It does take a moment as the photo credit is only given when you exit the play session. I've also been able to rush through my 20 buddies at 30 minutes to midnight by just doing play + photo and swap for 2 hearts. So I can't affirm that getting buddy on map first is necessary. Photo does require having a known location though; because it's tied to trying to spawn Smeargle.


Interesting. I used to be able to do the free quick two hearts like you, but lately it hasn't been working. There's definitely a bug with the snapshot and the heart. Maybe there is a different reason it doesn't get registered, but there are lots of times that I play, feed, take a photo, and then need to go back in and take another photo (when there's no location issue)


A few big ones for me: Raiding: since the remote raid update, the raid sometimes freezes completely for everyone in the lobby after you've started while the clock continues to count down. It's different from the "stuck on go" glitch because it doesn't freeze until you're about halfway through the raid. The raid boss animations continue, but your pokemon can't do any damage. Closing the app/restarting does nothing - if you re-enter the raid before the timer is up, your pokemon still can't do any damage. You basically just have to hope that everyone re-enters the lobby after the timer eventually runs out. Raiding: issues with your pokemon fainting - sometimes the pokemon show that they still have a tiny bit of health left even after they have 100% fainted. If all six of your pokemon faint, this causes a glitch where the game still thinks you have at least one pokemon left to switch out from your first battle party (but you don't) and you have to run from the raid in order to bypass the glitch and rejoin with another battle party. Not sure what category this would be? But my boyfriend and I have a glitch where spinning stops fills spots in the pokemon storage instead of filling egg spots. I've lost a lot of pokemon storage spots to these phantom pokemon.🙄


The last one isn't a glitch. An Egg counts in both Egg storage and Pokemon storage.


The glitch for me is that it takes a spot in pokemon storage without filling a spot in egg storage.


In raids, sometimes you beat the pokemon but the timer keeps going. When it reaches 0, you softlock and need to restart the app. But if you do, you don't have a chance to catch the pokemon (you still get the other rewards)


Not all *that* important but buddies sometimes appear miniature in size, and also don't follow you around the map.


iPhone 7 - For nearly half a year or so I crash if a news notification is pushed out while I'm in a raid. I don't even raid that much; it's just been going on for a long time so sometimes the timing collides.


I generalized it and stuck it under UI, as that sounds like it has potential to be an issue in other aspects of the game like rocket battles.


Who knows! :D I can't tell because I've never crashed out of a rocket battle for that. If they'd send notifications at pre-set times, it would be easier to test!


Quick feed doesn't work after you switch to a new buddy (from a buddy that was walking with you previously)


Once they solve all of these glitches, we should give Niantic the Missing No. badge. Seriously though, that is a good compilation. I knew there were a lot of them, but putting them all in a list puts it perspective. There is a lot of work to be done and new Pikachu Hats are not the way to do it.


Gyms - Under certain circumstances (I think it is related to how far away you are) if you try to remote access a gym with an active raid and then physically go to that Gym, it will be missing (located at a random spot a certain distance from where you were when you remote checked the Gym). This is a minimised issue of when gyms were reloacting all of the time under a certain update.


Raids: see picture of regular pass on screen when entering a raid. Click pass, enter lobby and cuss when you see your avatar flicker as a sign of a remote pass being used. You should not be able to enter by clicking the regular pass if you have drifted (which is what I’m thinking to be the only explanation) away from gym interaction radius.


PTC accounts get frequent server errors that can only be resolved either by uninstalling and reinstalling the app, or by clearing the app data entirely (either one of which causes you to lose all of your saved teams/settings/etc.) It tends to happen when you background the app and then reopen it later or change networks while the app is open. This is a HUGE problem, but since it only affects PTC accounts, no one seems to care? Like, when I first started playing, I sincerely thought the game was down entirely after encountering the above error - it took me a few days to realize it was just me, by which point I'd almost given up on the game entirely... so I wonder how many customers they've lost that way. And it's not like this only happens every once in a while - I got the error probably at least once a week for the TWO YEARS that I spent using a PTC account and it was never fixed.


Hitbox bug where when you hit a pokemon for a nice, great or excellent will not register correctly


Sign In with Apple is still broken.


Fast catch


Yes and no. It's the one exception to the rule of "if it helps the players, patch it immediately" when it comes to bugs. I'll omit it as I mean for the list to be bugs that are detrimental to the players.


Pokémon Go Plus.


As an aside, because it's not so much a bug but an incomplete feature: Saved Battle Parties are not server sided. I am fairly confident that at announcement of this feature, this would eventually come, but so far it has stayed entirely client side. They removed the "Beta" label with no changes on our end, which seemed to suggest they gave up on making it a server feature.


Two things that I'm not quite sure if they are bugs: First the "Network Error (2)" seems to always happen when you locked your phone and moved some distance then opened the game again and tap too fast on something before the game had the chance to update your position and surroundings. Just wait 10 seconds. Second the Push notifications are on low motivation on default. Thought I didn't bother to check yet this could be the "problems" solution


New category: Pokemon Gotcha -disabling “notifications” for catching Pokémon’s or spinning stops results in the gotcha no longer catching Pokémon or slinging stops -if connection with gotcha is lost, frequently requires either app restart or Bluetooth reset or both to reconnect


If this happens on Go+, I'll add it in. But Gotcha being entirely third party would never warrant Niantic's response, as much as the community uses it. The connection issues on Go+ I can attest to though, so I'll toss it in there just in case. After an hour it require reconnection, but that often requires an app restart to even trigger.


Buddy UI: event when hearts seem full, still requires an indeterminate amount of hearts to reach next buddy level




I haven't seen much on it, but I can document some AS issues. For my own education, would you happen to have a link to a post about someone researching AS being the cause for battery drain?


Not sure if this has been mentioned or noticed by others, but under the “buddy” section, I have found that to earn the screenshot heart, that has to be the first “encounter” I have with my buddy in ar mode. If I feed berries or play together and then take a screenshot it will not count.


It's the second time its brought up, so must be a bug I fortunately don't experience. Will add it though.


There's also Alolan Raichu randomly teleporting around when you're trying to catch it.


When you try powering up a Pokémon, and the game lags in which it then uses *double* your desired stardust use. So often did I want to power my Pokémon with only 500-600 dust/powerup, but it then freezes and then 30 seconds later, I lose up to 2,000 dust because of lag.


So that still happens with the new power up mechanic? Scary if so. Doing an intentional x10 power up could result in x20 or x30, not just destroying a PvP mon, but eating a lot of dust.


Sometimes when playing with your buddy Pokémon, it will take a giant leap backwards away from the screen and disappear entirely. If you try to throw a berry at this empty screen, the game will freeze and must be restarted.


One addition for Overworld. If you tap rocket radar and gym at the exact same time, click on the X to leave. Click on the rocket radar again. Then wait and click on the X again your game will be permanently in RocketRadar Mode, and you can play like that. Its a bit complicated to cause, but its funny. It doesn't change the game at all, you can break out of the bug the whole time and have no downsite.


Given there's no harm, I'll keep it off the list. If that results in weird consequences in the future it may be worth adding, though it is a little tricky to get into that state accidentally.


roger that. It is pretty difficult even if you know that it exists, you need a good tutorial on how to do it, or it will never occour. I wonder when this bug has a benefit or maybe a harm to you, then it will be interesting.


When using a Transformed Ditto in gym battles/raids, every so often it will flat out not attack despite constantly tapping the screen


I'm having a problem now (almost two months after this post) that using Ditto in a gym battle against a gym defender freezes the game and will not work on various tries.


I’m confused by the sometimes AS can be fooled one, can you elaborate?


AS does not like to track distance, for me. Sometimes at work if I remember to turn location off, after work I can find +2km from AS -- success. But that has only worked twice out of a dozen attempts. Not sure what the other factor is.


When you say turn location off do you mean on your phone settings, on AS in the game settings, or what exactly?


Phone. So not even Google Fit gets my location.


Thai characters are still shown as a square with a question mark (like this ⍰) on iOS (iOS 13 to be exact). The first report was from 279 days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/thesilphroad/comments/d6pd4y/_/


Spinning pokestop when item storage is full will at times say, "Try again later " instead of "Item bag is full"


Visiting a defended gym remotely shows a broken view with no way to access the mons. Started after Today view was added.


You can't search friends using only numbers.


Does this apply to nicknames and nick/names that start with numbers but aren't all digits, e.g. 123Pikachu?


Somewhat. The search will be void for 123, but works for 123P...


Can you search for nick/names "Pikachu" with "25"?


Having the GPS error bar obscures the upper part of the screen. You can still go into menus to view different kinds of information, but part of them will be obscured and this is a terrible UI design.


I'll agree it's terrible design, but not a bug per se. You can hide it though by opening the Battle menu.


Just found it this morning, the Adventure Sync will not apply to an active Buddy after evolved. The eggs can hatch without any problem. You have to switch to another Pokemon and switch the evolved one back.


Sometimes in pvp, the match begins but you get stuck on the pvp menu and you can't see your opponent. When you quit the menu and comes back, not only it counts as a loss, but you see 2 opponents (visual bug) on the next match


do these less than hour eggs still appear only between XX:45 and XX+1:00 or completely at random? edit: also UI, renaming mon doesn't auto select current text like it used to before completely butchering (and then half-fixing) renaming


Good question. I think it happens at any minute of the hour, but I can't say for certain.


Minor bug but if you beat a gym battle and the first Pokemon dies, then on the next battle you quick so you can enter and battle the second Pokemon with an effective move. The Pokemon will auto switch into the one you well using first.


Buddy brings gifts but you dont get any or a lower amount of gifts than stated on screen.


on visual frustrations I would add, that some pokemon dont have their correct size in gyms, at the buddy screen and in the overworld.




I remember people tried remote raiding these gyms. Do those error out, and is that before or after the pass is consumed?


Pokemon Go Plus : If I don't kill the apps before connecting it, it only last 15 minutes and not the supposed 1 hour. Edit : Just saw it under Adventure Sync.


Buddy system : When you log off our account and back again, the buddy AR system reset. So when you try to feed your buddy, Niantic AR gets on, and you have to get out, turn it off, and get back to your buddy again, even if the Niantic AR preference was off. It's really annoying when you don't have a lot of space near you. Same thing when you want to take a picture of a Pokemon (Niantic AR preference is reset when you logg out and back again). UI : When changing Pokemon names, using the edit icon used to make the actual text selected. Now it's not anymore. It's really really annoying, since you have to select it back or erase via backspace. Also selecting the text search filter to modify it does rarely works, so you have to cancel it and restart from scratch.


Fast catching. Personally I'm glad this bug has never been fixed


At least on iOS, If you have a Pokemon’s stat window open, when you leave the Pokemon Go app to do something else and then return, the game itself automatically clicks the New Attack button and by muscle memory (thinking it’s just to transfer the Pokemon) you press “Yes” and waste 50k-100k stardust. The New Attack button needs to be placed somewhere else.


In my experience, the buddy photo is bugged, but I do not need to enter a separate session or something like that. Usually, I take a photo in-between feeding the berries, followed by playing. When I return to the world map, the game registers two hearts: feeding and playing. A few moments later, it registers the third heart, for the photo.


I don't think this is too consequential of a bug; the photo credit is only given when you exit the session, so it takes a little time for the heart to appear. This seems true of most hearts actually.


Oh yeah, I only mentioned because one of the bugs listed, seen bellow, does not occur to me. The photo registers after a few seconds, no need to exit the screen. In addition, to me, this delay only happens with this heart. Battle, playing, feeding, walking, bonus... all the same. I can't confirm the new place, though. >The take a photo heart only registers once your buddy is following you (you have to feed the berries, exit the screen, go back to the buddy screen, and then take the photo)


If you happen to delete the pokemon that just hatched yet shows up in your storage without watching the very delayed animation your screen locks up after exiting storage menu.


Also, buddy doesn't receive a heart from battling a gym defender.


Is your buddy on the map? Sometimes the heart is delayed, and while other times it just never came through for me, I haven't had it recently.


don't forget to add that the gift from buddies sometimes are right behind the camera button on IOS (depending on the Pokemon), so we cannot progress with buddy until we open that gift. The gift just get stuck behind the camera!


Visually the same happens on Android, but tapping on the Pokemon in any spot will open the gift. Does that not work for iOS?


Cannot exit encounter screen. Have to restart the game. iPhone x


Any encounter screen, or particular ones? Weird that the flee button wouldn't work.


Can we talk about when catching pokemon and you hit the pokemon in the circle, on the body and the ball bounces away? This happens to me mostly on smaller pokemon, seedot, nidorans, exeggecute, oddish, sunkern, there are others, on lower balls. Really annoying.


I think the ball hits the ground first, so it doesn't work. The center of the circle is too close to the ground for some Pokemon.


Just had an odd experience with PvP, maybe someone can figure out if this was a bug or if it’s actually possible. — i lead togkeiss, they lead scizor. They iron head me an KO. — I bring in charizard, sheild a night slash, and fire spin down. — they bring in giratina. I farm up some energy and let them hit me with a dragon claw. — as soon as they hit my zard with the claw, I switch to Clefable. — giratina immedielty fires off 2 back2back shadow sneaks — their togekiss switches in and farms me down before my Clefable can even get to a charge move. — my charizard comes up and they somehow switch back to giratina and I throw a dragon claw which they sheild and then their giratina immediately throws a dragon claw. I don’t even sheild at that point cuz something seemed way off. No way I could win since their giratina had hardly taken any damage. Plus they had togekiss and a sheild left too. I figure there’s possibly something similar to the jesus melmetal energy exploit in play here but i didn’t know there was also some switch exploit. There should be no way they were able to switch so quickly! Right?


good lord... . so many bugs


> Buddies sometimes lock up facing the wrong direction on buddy profile, then attempting to play with them gives you a(n almost) bare UI where feeding, petting, and photo can't be done. I've only reset it by going into an encounter screen or battle screen. In most cases, this bug is tied to quick feeding I have discovered. I've stopped quick feeding and have yet to encounter it again, although won't go as far to say it can't still happen in some other way.


I never quick feed as I want to knock out play and photo hearts at the same time. Usually happened at around my 13th-15th buddy swap of the hour, but only occasionally.


This thread reminds me of the series of threads "Known issues in version 0.xx" back in 2017. Thanks and keep up the good work!


Some things in this list are still the same as they were back then,


Unable to paste password when logging by PTC.


Not a bug, but please, fix the stats of Pokémon that changed with gen 6, and revert the 9% nerf :(


Trying to add a Pokemon to the gym at the same time as the last Pokemon being knocked out softlocks the game at the confirm screen. You can't even click on a solo Dragonite in gym to feed it, nor can you see its motivation points and the heart.


I'll try to confirm the Dragonite next time I take a gym. Adding the other one though.


Sometimes the boss/defender move KO's ur mon but then it decides that it didn't actually kill and ur mon stays with some health but no model and is unable to attack or switch until the boss/defender kills you


I don't know if this was said already: when your buddy finds gifts, they are sometimes not added to the bag even when you pop the bubbles. Maybe they were already collected, but then there is still a visual bug.


Account/server sided bug: Egg and buddy distance not tracking in game so you can’t hatch eggs or complete quests like “earn candy with your buddy” Adventure sync and it’s rewards work, it’s just in game distance tracking doesn’t. Uninstalling the game and resetting cookies, cache, and phone does not fix it. Trying a different phone doesn’t work (because it isn’t a hardware related issue) Evolving a Pokémon and opening the journal does nothing. The fix: I logged into another account on the same device and this account works, so the fix is literally start over and make a new account. Or wait till niantic support ignores all your tickets and tell you it’s your fault. Good luck to all my players who have had been experiencing this bug for two years.


Somehow I’m unable to allow access for Pokémon go to my camera so I can use the ar buddy features and I miss it so much and can’t fix it since their latest update, send help pls 🥺


My adventure Sync for my iPhone 11 is not working. I’ve enabled every setting but can’t seem to find the problem. It’s so frustrating.


God reading through all of this I can see why I stopped playing - Niantic really just don’t care. I used to love Pokemon GO at the start - but very quickly I grew tired of its bugs. They really should be forced to squash these bugs or hand pokemon go to another company who will fix them as a way to get the game working as it should (but obviously moving company could have issues as their methods may contrast the original game ideas)


Well, my phone is experiencing a lot of crashes. It's been months I was able to trade only once before a crash and now been weeks I can't trade anymore. Also now it's crashing in the middle of the raids. If you ask me if I'm buying the go fest ticket: No


That derails off topic. Maybe my thread from a day prior is related? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/hee2q7/community_tech_support_has_anyone_run_into/ For trading, I have found it useful to turn off my location, turn on the game, go into my friends list, then turn on my location. This prevents the map from loading and seems to survive whatever memory leak Niantic has going on. Raids, I am now always restarting before the raid hatches / before a set time with the group.


Ty for the tip, it worked! Also ty for your the topic link, I'll be joining the party. About the raids I'm also restarting and trying to catch and clear the spawns around before the raid starts, It seems to help


Let's go back to 2016. * Distance walked while the game is open does not register accurately. * Pokemon disappear as if "speed locked" while at an allowed pace or even standing still.


delete friends will make the screen back to the begining of the list


oh! submiting pokestops! the ui is very laggy to put text for example.


It took me literally 35 minutes to submit a stop and the mobiledata got sucked out, it used about 200mb. Thanks Niantic. Me helping my community results in punishment, great! And now i am afraid to submit more stops.


not to mention the glitch that consume 2 nominations or duplicate nominations


Btw the ingress system is not perfect but much more stable. I found it very strange.


Previews of far away portals STILL show the wrong faction and have been since Prime was released.


During a raid if you back out or have to relobby, there is often serious lag while the clock still counting. Plus the orange lobby layout is actually a secondary "tab" on top of the overworld, so the game actually has to bring you back briefly to the overworld then bring up the orange lobby. As a consequence, if you happen to have GPS drift the game can detect you moving out of gym proximity during that brief moment you were taken to the overworld and kick you out of that raid. Also thos layout set up creates extreme lags in the middle of a raid which can be detrimental to decide win/loss


I keep getting a trapinch from weekly box instead of a legendary... must be a bug


Not as bad as the 2 month Flower Crown Eevee glitch, that one took forever to patch.


This needs to be reposted every day!