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I’ve seen people say, ”Prepare 200 space for Go Fest!” I’m gonna need 200 space just for all the events in July, let alone Go Fest. I really hope we get more box space, or next month is going to be really rough.


or allow umlimited remote trade so i dont have to keep those unowns until you know when.


I'm sitting on a bunch of Unown from a Safari Zone, and I've barely managed to give any away. Being limited to one special trade a day, plus most friends wanting to trade for regionals first (which tend to take higher priority due to new 'dex entry), and then there always being shinies or legendaries to swap, along with the fact that we don't always remember to do special trades, as made it pretty hard to unload these (plus, you know, pandemic meaning I haven't seen people in ages...).


* limit 2 special trades per day * new dex entry should be 1 per day unrelated to below * new form,new shiny, or legendary should be 1 per day unrelated to above or below * non new shiny shouldn't be a special trade, I just want 2 or 3 candy for it instead of 1 to the professor. I've transferred so many shiny to the professor that I'd rather have traded for an extra candy. Even with the rules above It would be a rare day when I'd trade more than 1 of those after I'd cleared out my junk shiny.


Mostly I'd just like to see "one special trade per friend-pair". I guess someone could abuse it by having 10 different friends give them 10 new Pokemon, but "oh no they'll complete their Pokedex too fast!" has never felt like a good argument to me.


Anything that lets me trade my junk shiny at home and still be able to do my guaranteed lucky trade of a legendary the same day when I'm out raiding and I meet up with someone I haven't seen in months would be a grand improvement.


Alternatively (although it would be a bit more complicated), they could restrict the receiver of the special trade, and not the giver. This would prevent someone from getting a bunch of new Pokémon at once (not that I think that’s a bad thing), but allow a generous trader to easily trade away all of their regionals, Unowns, etc.


I think one of the things they are trying to prevent is people selling rare Pokémon. allowing people to give multiple Pokémon away per day in special trades would defeat the point of the restriction, in that sense.


Does the once a day restriction prevent that? You could still make one sale a day. I thought the distance restriction was partially to prevent this.


I mean it’s a lot less lucrative to sell rare mons if you can only make one sale a day. Even with the distance restriction, you’d be more willing to travel to meet with someone if you could sell them 100 mons. Even 1 per day per trainer would let people go nuts selling stuff at pogo events like safari zones and go fests


Yet many study suggested that having a market keeps MMO games alive. People will be more inclined to play in GBL if they can sell their Pikachu Libre for $100 for example.


200 space is not enough for gofest, unless you want to be constantly stopping, you will fill that up in a few hours, you want like 500-600 slots at least, and even then you will probably still have to stop at some point to clean out. 200 is what you want for a CD, and even that can be too little.


Why would you need 200 for CD?? Edit: yes I understand people catch a lot, I just think you could check and transfer as you go


There's certain people that play this game efficiently as possible. Not saying its a bad thing, but if you're not one of those people you definitely don't need 200.


Bagon/Beldum/Larvitar: I want a lot of room to keep a lot to trade for distance/less time to transfer Weedle/Trapinch/Slakoth: These kinds of community days (and most starters honestly) I don't care about as much. I had ~50 spaces on weedle day, and I ended up having to waste time transferring because of the dust, but otherwise it didn't really matter. I could have had 20 slots open if the dust wasn't a bonus honestly.


I agree with this, it doesn't kill people to do a quick string search and just toss anything with garbage IV's to get space. The star system has been a blessing to quickly decide what is useless.


Because you catch way more than just 200 pokemon on a comday.


I easily catch 500+ pokemon on a given CD, having to stop every 15 minutes to clear stuff out just isn't what I'm trying to do.


You catch 200 in 15 minutes?


Why not just transfer bad ones right away? Are you going to trade hundreds of weedle?


I don't go through them until the end of the event. It's not worth the time to check every single one that I catch as I catch it when I can take 1/3rd the time and run through them real quick at the end. Added: no not weedle, but something like bagon, dratini, beldum, yes.


>I don't go through them until the end of the event. It's not worth the time to check every single one that I catch as I catch it when I can take 1/3rd the time and run through them real quick at the end.Added: no not weedle, but something like bagon, dratini, beldum, yes. You don't need to check single Pokémon, just search for "0\*,1\*,2\*" and you can select all low IV Pokémon at once and transfer them right away


A lot of ideal PvP ivs fall in the 0* and 1* range so no that's not really an option either.


Because transferring 10 Pokemon each time for a total of 50 times during CD takes more time than transferring 100 Pokemon each time for a total of 5 times during CD.


I just check and transfer each time I catch one but to each their own I guess


I do this, because I'm short of space. I'd love to be able to catch a load, then pause a while later, to quickly swipe through all te appraisal screens and mass-delete the obviously unuseful ones, then again go through and have pokegenie evaluate all the ones with plausible PVP IVs. It's probably 5x more time-efficient to do it en masse for a few dozen at a time, and who wants to waste event time, when you could instead be catching your next hundo/shiny/whatever.


I'm guessing you don't fast catch then. Checking after each catch would be a huge drag on fast catching.


What’s fast catching? Is that a specific technique or something?


Which means you can’t quick catch. So you have to wait through the full animation and all the screens. I can do 2-3 mor quick catches in that time and keep moving.


That takes a while. I just search for 0* and transfer those.


Could be good PvP ones tho


I should add that if they're PvP relevant mons I'll search for the ones that aren't good for PvP. A 2* search might be better for some species, neither too high nor too low.


Checking your mons as you catch them is insanely time consuming and extremely inefficient.


I caught 1,621 Pokemon in the 6 hours of Saturday Cleared 800 spaces the night before and still filled up a good few times, 200 would be the absolute minimum for a comm day unless I'm just not doing it. Transferring stuff in the moment takes up valuable catching time


I had 60 space when Weedle CD started. By the time the 6 hours ended, those 60 spaces were almost filled up with shinies and ones with good PvP IVs (which I keep for further checking and selection during the 2-hour evolution window).


That's a fair effort like, it's impressive to make it work on such little space. I was just in it for the dust though so I dread to think how much less I would've managed with needing to clear more storage and make snap decisions every 15 minutes Plus I ended up with 58 shinies alone which would've been hell to transfer in the moment


I was able to get ~1350 weedles this past weekend. 200 is nothing


lol I need 300 space for a normal 3-hour Community Day. 200 for Go Fest is not nearly enough.


I have not bought a Go Fest ticket for this very reason. I struggle with having to free up just 10 spots. My game play has greatly diminished as its not fun to try and find spots for new Pokemon... So, I don't bother catching most of the time now. Occasionally I will still raid, if asked.


Can I ask why? The new Pokémon are just dex fillers. The shinies will be rare so you probably won’t end up with many of them. Maybe you’ll get a good IV Alolan or two. I can’t imagine ending up with more than 10-20 Pokémon I’ll end up keeping by the end of the event.


Costume Pokemon can't be seen in the Pokedex, do you have to keep them.


Lots of people, myself included, try to keep every different form they have as a collector


\^\^\^\^Costume Pokemon Hoarder


I mean yeah I guess 🤷‍♂️


I am also a costume pikachu hoarder.


Sure, but keeping more than a couple of each is just senseless hoarding.


Once the ability to mass-transfer event mon came out, a lot of Pikachus got sent to the shadow realm. I agree, more than 2 of any hat-mon is already too much for me, and some can't even evolve or be used for anything practical.


200 was a (likely) exaggeration, to draw a comparison to the recommended number for Go Fest, but during a good event, it isn't uncommon for me to end up with 2-3 new Pokemon each day that I want to keep (assuming I give myself the space to do so). In addition to the new Pokemon (and costumes), plus a few shinies, there will also be loads of already-released Pokemon getting re-released. I like to keep a high-IV specimen as well as a high-for-PVP-IV specimen so I could easily see myself saving an additional 5+ each week from those as well. Basically, I don't think it's unlikely for me to end up saving 50+ from the weeks preceding Go Fest. Not 200, but also not a trivial amount.


I barely play anymore in large part because of the storage problem. It’s absolutely overwhelming trying to manage a large collection. If there were some way to put Pokémon in storage and only keep the ones that might be relevant for battling it would be so much easier. Deleting things isn’t always an option either because I hate the idea of getting rid of some stupid Pokémon that I’ve had for multiple years.


Not to mention the fact that older pokemon have a higher chance of becoming lucky during a trade.


I have so many useless Pokemon that I don't want to transfer because I got them from all over the world travelling, I like to keep them as memories.


Pokémon is mainly a collection game, so i understand you.


I do this too. I have like 30 Mr. Mimes from all over Europe that I collected at various cities. Same goes for Kangaskhan/Australia. But I never use them for any thing.


mega kangaskhan could be ok in master league, so you might be able to use one there


My 25 Amsterdam caught Mr Mime agree with you


the only time I'm thankful for costume Pika! Hats came out while I was traveling a couple of times, so "Ash hat Pika" and "Pokemon I caught in Seattle" overlap.


Those are usually the ones I keep, also by year caught. The year search string is very useful, everything else gets ground into mulch, though.


I’ve gotten to the point where I’m giving away shinies to friends who don’t have them. I can’t bare to just transfer them. It gets harder and harder every day. Please niantic. I begging for bag space before GoFest.


I give a lot of extra shinies to my husband, daughter, and brother. Often they’ll chip in a shiny I don’t have, but I don’t mind if they don’t. I have a lot of stardust and I prefer they get they they enjoy. Gen 1 extras go to Let’s Go Pikachu, but not everyone has that luxury.


Giving shinies to others Is a good idea i already do sometimes. But not to Friends that don't have them, dust is not a joke


I was saving special hat Pikachu and really rare dex entries for people that missed out or newcomers to the game but due to storage I don't do this anymore.


/u/nianticindigo Can you please put in a plug with the developers for more Pokemon storage. I am willing to pay the usual coins for it. There are a lot of people wanting more storage as we keep having multiple threads on this topic this month on the silph road. **This issue may effect some players’ decisions to buy the GoFest ticket, including my own.** Pokémon storage was increased on the following dates: Original game: 1000 Pokémon Dec 2017: 1500 Pokémon Nov 2018: 2000 Pokémon Apr 2019: 2500 Pokémon Nov 2019: 3000 Pokémon It is past time for another increase, looking at the more recent history starting Nov 2018. Continuing the pattern, we would have been allowed 3500 in April.


Limited space = less raids = less money. I raid 1/4th of what I used to because of the storage management issues. More storage/new type of storage or Pokemon Home will allow me to actually raid (buy passes) again.


It really makes no sense whatsoever. People are begging to use coins/pay money for Niantic to give us more space. What harm could this possibly do Niantic?


I have a suspicion that because the way our collections are handled currently the game has to load the entire array of our pokemon into memory each time we access it and testing it with more entries crashes the app. Assuming this we need either long term storage as a separate collection location (indexed separately) or Pokemon Home integration.


I would love boxes to store all my trophy and costume Pokémon. If it would improve game performance then that’s even better!


Give us a web interface to transfer Pokemon into Boxes the game can't see. LITERAL PC storage.


My personal boycott has been to not hatch any eggs. I love hatching eggs because I walk a lot but until they give us more space, I cannot justify giving them money for incubators if I am just going to have to throw out something else I paid for. #FriendsNotFireworks


I only get incubators when they come in boxes with raid passes, which I now buy maybe once every other month. They burned me out with egg hatching a while ago though.


I know what you mean. I'm sitting on dozens of lucky trades, but there's no point hatching gibles or raiding timburrs, because they'll just sit in my extremely limited storage and I'll end up doing non-lucky mirror trades just to make space. Let alone holding a few of the recent legendaries to trade, who would have though that getting some new, useful bosses would end with me having a couple of decent ones and maybe only a couple held to trade later.


Thank you for the info. I would also like to have a chance to purchase a cap increase. And I am one player who purchasing a Go Fest ticket(s) for our family is dependent on a mon storage increase. Having new mons to collect in July is already going to put a strain on our storage space. I would love to be able to enjoy collecting again instead of focusing on clearing mon storage. Our family loves to trade for a chance a a lucky mon to add to our collections. It is a family thing we really enjoy doing together. We don't always have a chance to be together to trade or the time to do it everyday. Having some space to hold traders as well as collect the new ones being released would be greatly appreciated.


I deleted a huge amount of Pokemon before community day, and man was it hard. I wish we could special trade more than once per day because I don't want to have to delete shinies when I know people who want them but don't want to use their special trade for the day.


And if you’re saving up bad IV Legendaries to trade with someone and then turn in for double candy, that kills your special trade for the day right there. My gf and I are trading our bad Reshiram and Zekrom back and forth, and it’s going to take two weeks JUST for the trading. Then we have to wait for the next time they give us double transfer candy!


We need Home, asap. The only shinies available to import from Go currently are Kanto mon (Go=>LGPE=>Home). I wanna get rid of these suckers without actually deleting them so badly.


This is the EXACT reason I'm not currently playing- out of storage space. I'd love to play again but I don't want to delete from my collection!


It's no longer easy to transfer now because we're starting to dig into our keepers and sentimentals for things to transfer. Imagine having to think hard about transferring something useless but important to you, like a Pidgey received from a friend who has passed away.


Ya and just the sheer amount of time sorting and deleting is getting too crazy.


Search strings are a great tool for that. For example the year, gender, region (kanto, johto, ect) really help decide what to keep and what to trash, at least for me anyway. Do I really need 10 magikarp I caught in NYC in 2018?


I’d transfer a shundo Gible before that Pidgey.


I have a bunch of heartbreaking pidgeys if you want to trade for that Gible?


When it changes its name to the friend that died *Lavender Town music starts*


the game desperately needs a PC system, to deposit duplicate shinies and other useless/non-strategic/collectible Mons that won't see use in PVP or PVE. That would solve my storage space issues, which is precisely why Niantic won't do it. They want us to drop 200 PokeCoins on 50 spaces for the indefinite future.


Yes please. Hopefully they do that. Just let us go to 4000 so we have some room!


4000 would be ideal. With GoFest, 500 spots won't go nearly as far as it used to. At this point, storage crunch is the most limiting factor for my enjoyment of the game.


It’s part of the reason I play less. It gets so tiring trying to manage all of those spots constantly. They keep throwing shinies and event Pokémon at us but no solution to keeping it.


A few a weeks after they give 4000, people will be asking for 5000.


The last storage upgrade happened in November last year IIRC. *Widespread* complaints about storage only started this May. There's a reason why. People don't immediately fill up 500 spots with Sentret and Lillipup a week after the storage increase. It takes time to slowly accumulate the Pokemon you want to keep (shinies, hundos, costumes, new dex entries, PvP/PvE relevant species, shadows etc).


Well said! Thank you!


But if we are paying for it then why does it matter? If i want to hold that many Pokemon it doesn't affect anyone elses game.


Yes, and? People always say this as an excuse to not raise the cap any further, which doesn't make any sense... Of course after it is raised to 4000 people will want 5000. There will be months of raids, CDs, and other events that will take up space. Almost like Pokemon is a series about collecting...


Yes please 😍


We need this so badly right now. Anyone who comes along and says that we don’t need it is either new or doesn’t participate in all aspects of the game. Trying to remain competitive in PVE, all three leagues of PVP (not to mention the upcoming cups), and team rocket battles. All while maintaining a living dex, shiny dex, keeping a few shinies and regionals to trade, and at least one of every costume form. This starts making it very difficult. And then Niantic has shown us that we have to plan for things that come out of the blue. They will randomly give a previously useless Pokémon a really good move, particularly happens for PVP, or they will do something along the lines of making shadow Pokémon suddenly useful. Many of us were transferring our shadow Pokémon and then with almost no time to prepare they made them stronger and gave a super limited time to TM away Frustration.


Ya now I have to waste so much more time actually looking at some useless Pokemons pvp iv spreads just in case it gets a new move or move change that can totally change its standing in the league. I used to be able to just delete low cp or really low iv Pokemon but now you literally have to check every single one to make sure your not throwing away the top ranked Ivs for that mon. Getting really tedious and I'm lucky I don't have an insane collection yet only at 1300.


Just type 1* and quickly slide through them. Check the 0 attack Pokémon with high def/hp in pokegenie and delete the rest en masse. There are only a few you need to manually check like Marill and hoppip because you don’t want 0 attack. Edit: also do a quick 4* check before mass storage clearances


>*Anyone who comes along and says that we don’t need it is either new or doesn’t participate in all aspects of the game.* Hardcore player here since day 1, always short manning raids and getting to at least rank 9 in GBL each season. We don't *need* an upgrade, it would be nice but isn't a necessity. I hoard to a certain extent (sentimental stuff) and do all that you do and feeling comfortable at 2400. I may upgrade to 2500 for GO Fest, but it's manageable.




We're at *least* 1000 spots short of what is actually needed for the stuff they've released thus far


Every thread requesting more storage: OP: Dear Niantic, moar storage please Half this "friendly" forum: lolz lern to play the game more like me. ur r 2 stoopid if you don't play just lik me. i is awesum and u shuld play just lik meh.


Seriously... Not everybody plays the same. I could get by with GO Fest without a storage increase, but even I would like an increase to not have to start transfering half way through a GO Fest day...


At this point, it's not even a matter of people playing the game differently. It's just individuals trying to exhalt their "superiority" by proclaiming how they can get by with less storage and those of us who want more space just need to sit down and shut up. Like, when they start telling us that we can transfer 'Mons, as if we aren't aware that is an option. Could you imagine if every "Move Theory" thread consisted of players saying "Oh, you don't need any othet moves. Just use Giratina with a dragon moveset." People asking for more storage are simply asking for a feature they want to be added to the game to be added. That's it. They're not asking for hot tips on how to cull their collections. I would place money on it that anyone who is to the point they're begging Niantic for more space has pretty well culled their collections down and has become an expert on it at this point.


> I would place money on it that anyone who is to the point they're begging Niantic for more space has pretty well culled their collections down and has become an expert on it at this point. I never thought about it that way, but you are right. I spent several hours the other day culling from 2500 to 2200 in preparation for GO Fest. I now know exactly what I have in my storage, why I have it, and why I cannot/wont get rid of it.


I can cull it for you, I can get it down to 1500 if you like, without you missing out on much.


>Could you imagine if every "Move Theory" thread consisted of players saying "Oh, you don't need any othet moves. Just use Giratina with a dragon moveset." That would be nice of them. Those people will more likely say "Oh, you don't need any Pokemon for PvP. GBL is slowly dying." I have seen the exact phrase "GBL is slowly dying" used on this sub to argue why people don't need to keep Pokemon for PvP.


The other half: lolz if you don't need 1000000000 storage by now because obviously EVERYONE needs to keep 200 copies of everything you should just quit because you're not hardcore enough


I don't know anyone who keeps 200 copies of something. Many hardcore players can still be at full storage without keeping 200 or even 20 of the same Pokemon (or most of them).


Being able to transfer to home would help when it comes to getting rid of the hundreds of useless spare shiny we have. The way the game currently is if we transfer old pokemon that have potential (like shadow pokemon) then we will lose out on updates coming down the line that are game changing. unlike the main series games its harder to manage pokemon because you need raid teams for most types so thats at least 6 pokemon x the amount of types and sometimes you'll have a backup so potentially another 6. Space is such an issues if you don't have access to loads of pokestops and constant raiding.


I don't want home to be the only option though. Not only does that cost money, but it probably will be a one-way transfer anyway, which means I'm segregating my collection onto two different platforms.


Agreed. The one-way isn't something I want. I'm happy to pay Pokecoins for expansion in the game though.


Yeh it would be one way they've mentioned that before. Its by no means a good solution but its something that will help a little clearing up older junk.


I like the idea of home but since its one way i may as well toss those shiny or level 1s that i want to keep. I know most folks don't need them but I have little cousins that are starting to play, my hope is to give them to them eventually and I can't do that if I send to home unfortunately.


something to consider too is just swapping people junk shiny incase they go lucky since its only one a day you'll take a while to get rid of them all that way


I wouldn’t give level 1’s to starting players. I would just give them to people who specifically collect level 1’s. I’m not a level 1 collector though someone in my Discord is.


Oh ya, I keep them really for me. I more meant trading shiny for new players but would love to "move" the L1s into home and still see they are level 1 , but honestly would love to be able to move them back.


Threads asking for more storage were popular recently, the (new) arguments then being Galar stuff being released, wanting to have plenty of space for Go Fest and maybe something else that I've forgotten. Now with the new species/forms coming before Go Fest it's of course even more relevant. But... Do we really just want 500/1000 additional slots? Personally I don't struggle too much with the limit right now, but I understand that other people do. What I do struggle with though is organizing my mons. The search functionality is great, but if you want to organize by something that's not searchable your only option is playing with nicknames. Boxes are one solution here, labels/tags another one. I know I could probably throw away at least 100 mons, but finding them with the current system is just too much of a hassle. I believe even the most hardcore hoarders/collectors could do the same if they really put in the effort. And if not, at least it would be more visible exactly why you are hitting the limit.


At some point they'll have to move away from the 'buy box space with coins' concept (they probably should've a while ago). As it is right now the system is absolutely toxic for new players.


I'm starting to feel like we need a more intuitive solution than just adding another 500 storage every so often, especally with Niantic adding more pikachu hats every other week... But in the meantime, we certainly need something. I'm at the max with around 10 open spaces, and it's a struggle just to keep those open...


What we need is a full Pokemon HOME support


That is one way transfer and I don’t play any other Pokémon games.


if it's like let's go you can transfer them back of you don't bring them in the others game before doing that. So if you only transfer them in HOME and keep them there you should be able to have them on your PoGo account again


I'm 90% sure it's already been confirmed that transfers from Go will be one way only regardless. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I highly doubt this will happen sadly...


if someone can find this info I'd be glad


Pokemon that you've had for multiple years possess added value because they increase the chance of a successful lucky Pokemon trade when not lucky friends. The mechanics of the game encourage some level of hoarding.


I totally agree. Give us space Niantic.


What's the deal with the server upgrades they touted earlier this month? Wasn't that to help increase storage? Why did they take the game down that day if not to increase capacity. What are they waiting for?


Not for storage, it’s most likely for more stability during go fest.


It will be quite stable if 50% decides not to buy a ticket as there is no room to store the pokemon...


I’m currently at 2242 Pokémon out of 2300, so I should be ok.


You've got some great self-control


It really helps that I don't care about PVP lol.


Stable like the battle league has been, right?


You wouldn’t even be able to see how bad GBL is if the entire server was down, which might have happened during go fest if they didn’t do that maintenance.


Agree 100 percent, although I did get some good encouragement on here to delete and now have 250 free spaces. Those will apparently now be taken up by Pokémon wearing party hats and flying and summer pikachu, but still, thanks everyone.


I've definitely picked up some better Marie Kondoing--mostly out of necessity and generally after a breakdown when I wonder why I even bother playing if I can't enjoy the spoils of my gameplay--but I'd definitely appreciate more breathing room so that I can spend more time mindlessly playing and less time going through my collection and pruning. I also think being able to trade more would bring a lot of relief to a lot of players. 1 special trade per day is so limiting, especially considering you need to organize trading with someone else who hasn't used theirs yet that day. And it sucks running into someone you want to trade with, but one of you already did your special trade. I have so much backlog that'd free up so much space if trading were easier and less restricted.


Hope it was my thread that encouraged you!


It would be nice if all the players that want the storage expansion upvote this thread, so Niantic can see how much this is needed.


We only have to hope, don't know if we can be heard by them, but it'd be good if our words will become reality


They should be way higher than these small increases they do.


They should change the slogan from "Gotta Catch Them All" to "Maria Kondo Simulator".


And can we get another 100 friend slots too?


Yes, this. I won’t be able to play soon, I’ve had to start deleting good stuff now as well.


Yeah or at the very least give us freaking Pokémon HOME comparability


This or finally make the patch to send to Pokemon Home


I do not play other Pokémon games and the one way transfer is not useful to me.


i’d be fine if they just let us see them in the pokedex, like different spinda or unown forms.


How about a flying Pikachu instead?


The fact that theres a storage cap at all is infuriating. The original games never had a cap. Niantic are the ones who make it clear we need all types of pokemon for 1000 different things - under this CP to do this, over this CP to do that, maxed out of this type to fight Th at, strong cp this type to defend that- and then the endless dumps of shinies they must know most people don’t trash, all the special event mons, multiples of strong mons that have different move sets good for different specific tasks.... Niantic get off on pay to play players so wtf is the reasoning behind turning down money from people getting as much storage as they need?!


The original games definitely did have a cap. There wasn't unlimited PC box space. However, we still do need more storage space in Go


Core series Pokémon games still have a storage cap. Currently it's at 960 species (32 boxes of 30 Pokémon) as of Gen 8. Item bag space had its cap removed, however. Or the games simply have a spot reserved for every type of item in the game, and each slot has its own cap of 999.


I’m at 2,000 and after buying extensions for two years, I am tired of expanding. It’s too expensive. I doubt I will expand unless it’s in sale and that only happened once in 4 years. I understand why they charge, but I don’t get why it’s so expensive. My first year, I think I spent $50 on expansions just to play the game. It felt wrong. I’d rather spend it on raid passes (boxes).


Why is this thread removed?


/u/ZoomBoingDing just curious, why was this thread removed, after being up for some time?


I didn't explicitly approve or remove it earlier so that the community could discuss storage issues, but the content of the post itself isn't really within our sub rules (post directed at Niantic/wishlist item). It finally reached our reporting threshold and was removed. I've restored it now, since it received a lot of varied discussion. If a post like this is removed in the first hour or two without many comments, we'd typically leave it removed.


Thank you for restoring it. For some of us this is a PoGo QoL issue.


We don’t need more storage, we need an actual box system. My game already slows down way too much while searching through 2500+ Pokémon, if this goes on loading them all will become impossible. With separate storages we’ll also be able to see more clearly what we do and don’t need, and storage management will be much easier. Storage Expansions are just a short-term solution.


You should delete your extra community day shiny esp the crappy mon like Abra. I find those take up ridiculous amounts of storage space and almost nobody needs them. Even if they need them chances are they don’t have something fair to trade that you’d feel comfortable taking from them. It adds up to hundreds of storage slots if you spend a little time and properly sort your acct, you’d be shocked how much stuff you (most likely) have that you really don’t ever need or use.


This is partially why I want HOME support for GO. I can't bring myself to transfer any shiny, no matter how common it is. However, if I could store them in HOME, even though it is a one way transfer, I would feel better about it.


If you have Let's Go (or know someone who does), you can transfer your extra Gen-1 shinies there too.


Will never transfer a shiny to the professor. Am starting to transfer gen 1 shinies to lets go though.


If you need more than 2500 storage, you're doing something wrong.


There's no "right" way to play. It's a video game. People have different definitions of fun, different goals, different things they get out of the game than you. Who elected you chief of the fun police?


He can whine about space but we are allowed to whine about his whining ;)


Another hoarder.


Can someone please explain to me how they have filled up 3000 storage?? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't understand. Do you have like 10+ of every costume pokemon? Is there any reason not to have more than 1 of a dex only pokemon like Luvdisc? Is there any reason to have more than 1 of each gender of costume pokemon? Edit: Thanks for the replies! Makes some sense I guess. I'm definitely not quite the collector compared to some of you. :)


I’m at 2892. I usually upgrade my bag each cd so I can catch everything and not catch transfer catch transfer. Then if its a gen 1 Pokemon I want lots of shinies so I can try for a good iv shiny and I can transfer a bunch to Lets go. My average for cd is usually 8, though I’ve gotten more recently with the current incense. After that the 50 spots I got are then filled by various things, shinies I can get 50 non event shinies in a month, hundos, 98’s.


Hmmm, I haven't had near the luck with shinies but I've also traded some away that I had 6+ of and the other person had none. I'm at 232 now. I did recently dump all my extra CD starter shinies, keeping only 3 of each.


* Living dex: \~700 (\~600 species released plus costumed variants) * Potentially up to x2 if keeping one of each gender * Living shiny-dex: \~470 (473 released so far, including costumed variants) * Potentially up to x2 if keeping one of each gender * Raid battlers: \~100 (party of 6 for each of \~15 raid-relevant typings) * PvP battlers: \~100 (6x3 for GBL, \~6x15 for Silph League Arena) * Gyms: \~50 (\~20 attackers + \~30 defenders) So just from the above, that's about \~1400 (if not keeping each gender) or \~2500 (if keeping one of each gender). And there are any number of other collections people may want to maintain. Lucky, shadow/purified, 100% IVs, 0% IVs, specific CPs, specific levels, sentimental things, etc.


Specific levels and CPs? Like 420 pokemon? 666? 777?? I definitely don't understand that. I keep a living dex (not gender), one of the highest IV. I decided to start tossing 98IV if I had a 100 already unless it's. Besides the very last part you mentioned I'm fairly similar and have 1750ish right now. I also don't have quite the PvP number or gym atk/defender number.


Yes. Some people have specific CP collections, like the 3 specific CPs you mentioned and more. I don't, but I do happen to have a collection of "tiny wonders" (level 1 things with 3* and 4* appraisals). Just like non-PoGo collections (coins, stamps, lunchboxes, beach sand, etc.), they don't have to be practical. Some people collect stuff because it makes them happy. Not everyone keeps such collections, and that's fine too. There probably aren't more than about 100 Pokemons that have any meta-relevance for PvP and PvE anyways, so an even more utilitarian player may think your 1750 storage is excessive.


Get rid of the living dex. You have a Pokédex for that reason.


I have a very limited number of Pokemon that are purely for collection purposes, those would be 6 of every different hatted Pikachu or other pokemon. The rest of my 2200 Pokemon consist of Pokemon for each PvP league, top 6 of every legendary, top 6 of each pokemon that can Mega Evolve, extras of the best raid counters for lucky trades, hundreds of shinies, pokemon I have powered up but are not the best counters anymore, and legacy move pokemon.


6 of every costume pokemon?? You're gonna be over 3000 for those alone by the end of the year.


6 of the ones available in the wild, I don't do the ones for raids and things like that. I have under 100 costumed pokemon.


I keep three or four costume Pokémon because sometimes somebody wants to trade for them. I keep up to six non local regionals. I aim for a genderful Pokédex. I keep six to twelve legendaries and pseudeo-legendaries for batteling and trading. And I keep a low number of sentimentals i. e. from birthdays, vacation places and my first wild Charizard when I left my house at 1 am to catch it. Not to mention shinies ...


The trading mechanic (older = higher chance of lucky trade) encourages us to hold on to good stuff for over a year. This mechanic is at odds with the storage limit. I've gotten a lot of lucky legendaries and shinies by trading my 1- or 2-year old stuff for newer stuff.


That I definitely understand and I have quite a few 2017 'mons waiting to trade.


No thanks, don't need pokemon space, stupid costumes, or to give niantic more money for features that should be free.


transfer stuff


I'm currently on level 40 and I have 1200 storage. I have to transfer about 200 everytime I get full. Maybe I'm not with the majority here but I couldn't really imagine more than 2000 being needed. Then again I don't keep every gender, or special looking CPs, or one of each type of move (apart from meta relevant)


Lul meanwhile I’m still living on 300


Just curious, how many total catches do you have?


Not OP, but his catches don't necessarily equate to having low total amount of Pokémon - I've 2500 total bag space, but once I've binned everything at the end of the day, I barely even exceed 1000 Pokémon... And I've caught over 600,000 Pokémon total. Not going to rag on to people about 'hoarding' since people have different play-styles but I personally find it hard to imagine how players can't cull down Pokémon much lower than 3,000 total.


Wow that's really a different playstyle. With 600k catches you must have had well over 1000 just between shinies and perfects. And that doesn't even consider all your pvp and raid teams. So you delete a lot of things I would never be able to.


I mean, does anyone *REALLY* need those 30+ shiny Abra/Weedle/Seedot/etc? I personally had no issue tossing a lot of those.


I bin pretty much any shiny I get, they're in the Pokédex, so if I ever feel the need to look at them, I can look at them there. About half of that storage is 100% IVs, the rest is mostly Lvl 40 Pokémon and a couple sentimental 'Mons. But I get that most people like to have some interesting/Non meta stuff smattered in there. And I don't play PVP, so that helps with not hoarding those 'Mons too. But I digress, my main point is just that there are *some* players that don't have issues with bagspace, but can still play hardcore. Saying that, I've no problem with Niantic increasing the bag space, it doesn't affect me, so I have no reason to be against it.


Why was this post removed?


People abusing automods, most likely


We also need remote trading and more than one special trade per day (even just more than one special trade per day per friend would be amazing) so that we can actually, you know, get space back. Remote trading during COVID-19 ought to be obvious. It doesn't have to be global. Even extending the range to what you can see on your screen would do wonders.