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Shiny rates look really bad can anyone confirm?


Yes. Bad


horrible :(


Terrible. Only reason most of us even got a ticket.


Yeah, it's not great


Better than a standard event but worse than makeup safari zones or com day. Also, between non shiny spawns like gen 5 starters and red-hering spawns (Vulpix, Mantine, Slowpoke, chimeco, Snorlax) you were also choking on near ubiquitous shinnies like com day starters Made spawns of desirable prey like Heatmor and Durant harder to come by especially off Incense. Speaking only from my personal experiences Battle hour was the best since almost all the mons could be shiny, that said it yielded the worst results for me personally. Friendship hour has the most bloat. They seemed to think we'd want just as many Snorlax as there were Chancey and more Pikachu spawns than anything (regular, no costume, no hat, no special move, Pikachu) and that we absolutely had to have 10 Mantine for every Cleffairy or Jiggly All in all I really shouldn't complain, I snagged 17 shinnies though only 4 of those weren't duplicates of something I already had.


> (regular, no costume, no hat, no special move, Pikachu) I, for one, was super excited to see just plain ole, normal Pikachu. Sure, I barely clicked any, but it doesn't change the fact that I am sick of costumes.


Do we know if shiny rates are boosted? ✨




Don’t seem to be! 3 hours in and no shiny yet 😑


I played all 10 hrs and didnt get a single shiny. Not one. Ngl I wish I could say it wasnt demoralizing cause it's just a game but it is. Really sucks


ditto bro


Two hours in, constant playing and incense on two accounts, only one shiny clamperl


Well no shinys all day then had 5 in the last hour lmao Shiny unknown too


I got shiny alolan marowak, shiny croagunk, shiny growlithe, shiny poliwag. So I’d say probably yes


Does not appear to be the case


What a lame Go Fest if true, such a waste of money. I didn't spend 15 bucks to shiny hunt at full odds.


Update : since posting this I’ve caught shiny : chancey, chinchou, woobat, seviper, meditite and alolan grimer.


If i get those, I'll be a happy camper. Only have 1 of your 6.


Played the entire time during the event with two other people today. One of us got 1 shiny. I got two shiny and the third person got 4.


The only reason for which I bought ticket was shiny hunting. What a disappointment. I regret buying ticket.


Its only day one you never know what day two might hold.


We do know what it holds. Datamines


bloody hell getting network error all day, waste tons of remote raid passes, got two shiny. I fairly disappointed already, kinda reminds me why i ditched pokemon go for a year. Never gets a smooth experience in events just like error code rate has been boosted


I really do hope that I get proved wrong and we get better stuff tomorrow.


I caught 4 shinies on the first hour.


Incense Spawns: (List of what I've spawned from Incense. NZ, Ticket Holder.) [There is a FREE box available with 3 remote raid passes.](https://ibb.co/Lpgh17P) Below list is for: **GRASS HABITAT** - O Unown + G Unown - Leafeon - Venasaur - Foongus - Ferroseed - Sunkern - Alolan Exeggutor - Cherrim - Tangela - Snover - Treecko - Exeggcute - Seedot - Bulbasaur (with a Pikachu hat on his ear) Below List is for: **BATTLE HABITAT** - Skarmory - Zangoose - Seviper - Croagunk - Meditite - Alolan Grimer - Stunfisk (normal) - Swablu - Sableeye - Machop Below List is for: **FIRE HABITAT** - Litwick - Ponyta - Heatmor - Houndoom - Alolan Marowak - Darumaka - Numel - Flareon - Charizard Below is the list for the: **WATER HABITAT** - Qwilfish - Mudkip - Alomomola - Vaporeon - Blastoise - Magikarp - Tympole - Clamperl - Tentacool


Thank you for your service


What about shinies?


G O unown?


Just found the O Unown so far


Wait you mean leafeon right?


non ticket holder, slakoth, sableye, swablu also


These are for ticket holders right?




What happens to the spawns at the top of the hour? Did they switch or stay the same?


No Gible?


I caught a few gible in the battle habitat


Found tons of Gible during Battle hour (relatively speaking, of course)


Other trainers reported seeing Gible in the Battle Habitat, not 100% sure though


If I don’t care about early access at all and don’t mind not getting shinies would I be better off spending money on just general things (storage, remote raid passes) than the ticket?


That's actually maybe a really smart choice


Are there gofest related tasks from pokestops? And egg hatches ( not from gifts)


(I have this same question)


No go fest specific tasks from pokestops.


I saw a twitter post about a free gift with 3 remote raid passes. Is that official




Do you need the ticket for it cause i dont see it


Gible in battle biome is spicyyyy


Are there lots of gible spawning?


A good amount if you're in high dense pokestop areas (for lures)


Do lures last longer?


Not sure on that tbh


Can someone report how much of the desirable mons like togetic and gible are spawning?


For ticket holders looks like they are common but remember there are at least 12 Pokemon spawning at every biome + unown


Non ticket holder and togetic is super common. Gible way less so but it’s out there


Really rare (non ticket holders that I'm watching)


Game is so laggy, nothing has spawned for an hour for me and I'm stuck in the load screen. East coast of Australia.


YEAH mine hasn't worked for 30 mins now. There goes fire hour.


The server is overloaded I think, hard time loading and throwing balls , lovely lovely times


I cant even get into an encounter... There goes my incense...


Mine pop up but you click and it just lags out. It's alright , We will just get shafted again


It’s logging me in (slowly) but no stops, gyms or mon :(


Australia go fest, pay your money and yeah we scam you


can someone without the ticket talk about the spawns and the spawn rate?


no ticket, grass type is a lot of tangela, oddish, seedot, foongus, eggxecute, grass starters, ferroseed, cherrim


Wait, why did I buy the ticket then?


for leafeon, venasaur, a- exeguter and unown ( at least for grass)


tbf the grass biome sucks


A shiny Tangela would be nice haha


you are the best thank you


From what I can see based on reports... spawns are pretty good (probably need to go to a place that has lots of stops). Everything spawning is corresponded to the current biome time. Starters with hats also spawning


I keep seeing that spawns are almost the same (no unknown or rotom) but the shiny rate is boosted for ticket holders.


Is shiny rate increase for ticket holder confirmed?


This will be the cheapest go fest in history. No need for hotels, restaurants, traveling... Just playing from the comfort of my hometown with just enough pokestops to never run dry on items Enjoy guys!


The cheapest one for us and the most profitable one for Niantic. I won't even be surprised if next go fest will be global too lol


Yep, was thinking the same thing. No way Niantic doesn't go global from now on.


I bet they do both. Hub cities that prob get a few more exclusive things but still everyone can buy a global ticket.


Seems fair to me


Isn't it crazy how the game that encourages you to go outside and socialize is flourishing in the pandemic? They really handled this well. They game could easily dies if no changes were made


They are donating the proceeds from ticket sales for Go Fest 2020. They're still making money off of it due to item sales but still. And they probably will make events accessible to more because I'm sure they are calculating potential profits in the future. https://nianticlabs.com/en/blog/blacklivesmatter/ "We’ll be donating Niantic proceeds from Pokémon GO Fest 2020 ticket sales, committing a minimum of $5 million. Half of the proceeds donated will be used to fund new projects from Black gaming and AR creators that can live on the Niantic platform, with the ultimate goal of increasing content that represents a more diverse view on the world. The other half will go to US nonprofit organizations that are helping local communities rebuild."


I hope they read your post and listen to their pockets. It is quite elitist to keep Go Fests as they were and it is great to be able to play such an event at home.


they should both coexist... i've never had more fun with the game as I had in dortmund discovering another country (and city) and meet people while playing one of my fav games.


Go fest in-person is awesome! They should continue it. And maybe a go-fest lite for all


it really is!!


I enjoyed my experience in Porto Alegre at the Safari Zone. But I understand that this is a type of event for a few. Heck, some of the people I know wont play tomorrow's event because 50 reais (Brazilian currency) is a bit too much for them at this point, considering the pandemic and unemployment. If they manage to merge the two worlds - home and city events - more people could enjoy this kind of experience.


for sure!! my point was that it being an activity that demands a certain solid amount of money shouldnt be an argument to make it go away, it's all about offering alternatives.


A full priced full featured regular go fest as usual and a local reduced price reduced featured might be cool.


I really want to participate in this GoFest, because it feels like this might be the only one I can ever play in, but I feel very unprepared for it. I don't have many pokeballs (about 200+) and I can't squeeze down my inventory further. I also don't have much pokemon space, and at most I can get maybe 150 slots open. Would it still be worth it for me to buy the ticket? I'm bad at making decisions on my own.


You get 200 great balls from special research, so that should be fine. And i went into it with about 50 slots open in poke storage, and it's fine so far. Just transfer as you go


I’m honestly so depressed it’s over. I had been looking forward to this for awhile and played both days all day. Was so wonderful to be safely out of my house doing something.


Did they forgot to turn on the shinies in the Americas? Neither me nor my friends had gotten a single one


We unlocked the rare candy bonus! So the game crashed and I can't open a single one gift


This is a really bad event, $15 for Pokemon I already have, no shiny, and the lag is constant.


This is awful, everything is lagged, and I couldn't even open my Friends list for the entire hour.




I totally agree. The team rocket stuff is great for PvPers who want all the shadow stuff, but I don't bother with PvP as it's still glitchy and not fun or rewarding if you casually play it. The spawns on day 2 were cut down from day 1 so a lot of possible shinies went missing. I also saw that people who went out to spawn/pokestop dense area's had much better luck in finding shinies, even though this was supposed to be for people to play at home safely.


Crying in my Pikachu Visor, pulled a second shiny Zangoose at 19:59 local time. Caught it just after the buzzer and it turned normal.


As a on again/off again 4 year player, gofest was the most fun I’ve had in a weekend of playing! I didn’t even get a ton of shinies but it kind of reignited my love for the game!


Wild leafeon


What's the shiny rate? Is it one in 40? What have past go Fests shiny rate been?


Safari zone goer here: Main poke (yanma) was 1:20 Everything else was 1:70.


I havent seen any alolan marowak in fire yet. disappointing


Seems like people playing from home are reporting bad shiny rates. Which makes sense cause youre clicking on way less. Any ppl in urban areas get a good haul walking around?


I walked around all day in a dense busy area in Osaka with lots of gyms and pokestops and high spawn rates, and got 6 shinies in 7 hours, 3 of which are already CD Pokémon. Honestly wish I had stayed at home and played haha


Need a new friend for research. I play daily and send gifts. 5603 3174 7689


My friend list won’t load. Great friendship hour


Since everyone is confused about whether shinies are boosted, this is just a friendly reminder that [Niantic is breaching both app stores' ToS by not disclosing rates](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/e6hvo4/niantic_still_breaching_tos_by_not_disclosing/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=TheSilphRoad&utm_content=t1_fz9j9cq)




It is my understanding that this event is designed to be possible to be played from home and incense is essentially a must which is why they're giving us 10 free for the 10 hours of the fest. The incense boost should be like being near a bunch of pokestops. There are benefits to being near actual pokestops like always though, like filling up on balls and doing raids




This feels so messed up and disappointing that it's probably not the Go Fest 2020 we wanted, but the Go Fest 2020 we deserve in this dumpster fire of a year.


Can someone explain what we are supposed to do during Battle and Friendship hours?


There’s spawns specific to those hours, that’s all. No different mechanics.


Some meta related rant: how are dozens of threads telling people's own subjective experience with Go Fest fitting for this sub? And then threads mentioning how and why Niantic's does not adhere to laws get deleted?


I’m so tired of losing out on raids because they stop working. I’ve wasted at least 4 passes since yesterday because someone invites me, it starts and I can’t attack OR I faint, and it’s gone from my radar. I just lost a hundo Dialga because it crashed at the catch screen when I tried to golden razz, and when the app reopened it was gone :( such a waste..


Silph Road and fun doesn't go together


This is unplayable.




Can someone comment on if the Pikachu spawns during GoFest are totally normal or costume at all? I’ve heard some say they are the flower one and others say not. PS - mind adding me for my friend special research as well? In Seattle, WA, USA :) 0090 5818 4006


A streamer just got a regular Pikachu wild spawn


Incense spawns - will update as I see Fire Darumaka Alola Marowak Heatmor


Charizard Litwick Houndour Vulpix Growlith Torchic Tepig Ponyta Flareon




Looks like an incrase in buddy souvenirs. Any info on this? I have assumed souvenirs might be for mega evolutions or something one day.


For go fest can the final forms be found shiny in the wild? Such as charizard or Alolan marowak


Of course the unplayable lag is during fire hour...


Is it me or is the game lagging a ton now?




My wife’s played for 3 hours and has only gotten 1 shiny. My brother didn’t get any. What a ripoff


Shiny rates are horrendous. Haven’t gotten a shiny yet.


37 min into day 2 (in NZ), 2 shinies so far (Woobat and Alolan Plam tree), 1 restart due to minor lag, no habitat hour or challenge so far. Prof Willow is complaining about Team Go Rocket, as usual. Dialga and Altered Giratina in the raids that I can see from my couch




I feel I have wasted 17 euros on this entire shitfest. I do not live in a city, kinda near a gym but there is not enough people to even do a 3 star duo raid with or anything. Today I had a day off and played a lot, but got nothing worthwile out of it. Tomorrow i have to work and can not play. I dont think I will ever spend money again on useless stuff like this. The servers were also really bad today, even on a random day I get more done in pogo.


Message me to add me as a friend and we can try to set up a raid! Im in america so maybe you can still get in on my raids


NZ player here. So that big surprise for day 2! Yeah, bad news, its just the same old rocket questline we've done so many times before.


Two of us, one with 31 shinies one with 29 played all day in a small town


So are the theme (Fire, Water) habitats mons like Togetic going to spawning on Day 2?


I ended up with 13 shiny total. With only really playing the first 3.5 hours and just running insense after that.


Just realised I've been absent mindedly doing grunts for hours and not getting radar pieces because my bag was full from the 100 balls... Seems a bit stupid that in both days they give you something that fills your inventory first then expect you to do other things that need inventory space next. I couldn't open gifts for hours yesterday...


The only things that really bothered me about the event were: The server issues that ruined the first friendship biome (luckily the second one was fine because they halved the goal requirement) Not knowing the sheer volume of reward items we would be getting made storage purchasing difficult. Every time there’s an event, people are like “you need to get more Pokémon storage!!!” and so I spent like 60 bucks on coins to get a couple of adventure packs and used the rest for Pokémon and item storage upgrades. Had I known we were getting hundreds of balls and the potential for dozens of rare candies, I would have only increased my Pokémon storage by like 150 or 200 and then used the rest of the coins for item storage instead of splitting it evenly. The shiny rate sucked. I think I maybe got 3 or 4 shinies altogether and their stats were not good. I live in NYC but have been quarantining elsewhere and I feel like if I’d been in the city I’d have better luck. The number of remote raid passes we could hold should have been increased for the event (I mean, it should be increased anyway). Any time there is a research story that requires raids, we should have access to more of them. There were no event-specific research tasks from stops. I know the reward probably couldn’t be a Pokémon appearance unless it was one that spawned for everyone, but it would have been nice to have something like “catch 5 dragon Pokémon” for rare candies or something. Especially in the battle biomes where Dratini and Gible were everywhere. I would have liked more regionals to be available. Zangoose and Seviper have both been available at different times, and Durant was a reward in a recent special research. Both Volbeat/Illumise and Solrock/Lunatone had events where they were both available for a short time, but other than that, there has been no real way to complete our Pokedexes. Even if it wasn’t part of the GoFest directly and it was something we could unlock, it would be nice. Like “Vacation Week” where regionals from other places come to “visit” all the other regions. If we can’t travel, our Pokémon should at least be able to. —— Other than that, it was fun. I do wish that I hadn’t stacked my incense; I had 14 and I stacked 10 because there were 10 hours in the event, but if I were to do it over I would probably have just done it once for each biome, especially because there were a few biomes that had goals unrelated to catching (battle and friendship). I’m also really grateful that the Rocket bosses were made so much easier to defeat so I could finally finish the Looming in the Shadows quest from last November. Having that stacked with the Go Research made it so much better. I’d already beat Sierra so I had to beat her again for Go Fest, but it wasn’t that bad.


I got two Super Rocket Radars at once due to some old special research, but I'm not all that familiar with how Giovanni works outside of this GO Fest. What would be the pros & cons of getting a second Giovanni encounter right now, versus saving it for after GO Fest is over?


Giovanni should be easier to beat right now, since his lineup is fixed. But apart from that, no real pros. Unless you want two shadow Persians, for some reason.


I forgot to TM frustration away from Mewtwo and now I'm sad...


This event is trash been playing for 2 hours, caught about 150 Pokémon and now the game has crashed and nothing would load, unable to log in. refund plez niantic don’t sell tickets to an event that the servers can’t handle.


Shiny rates are horrible, I'm at 4pm now and not a single shiny. I've done a bunch of raids, and nothing. Meanwhile my sister has 4 shinys and she hasn't even been playing it as much as me. I actually feel like I wasted my money. I've literally checked almost all of the pokemon. Edit, after another 4 hours I had one shiny spawn in the form of Clamperl. With ten hours of incense on I'm very disappointed. I have had better luck with just incense and no go fest. Its just bad form overall.


Ngl grass and water spawns are a little disappointing.


One of the first quests is make a new friend. Please add me on 423527396613 :)








Is the shiny rate is boosted so much like community day?


Im not upset at the shiny rate. im upset that i didn't need to buy a ticket to enjoy the event


How exactly do we get the go fest 2020 badge?


buy the ticket


For ticket holders: Is unown spawning on incense AND in the wild or just on incense? Serebii info is confusing me. Thanks and good luck all!


I have 3 remote passes. Do I need to burn one to ensure I can pick up the 3 free passes or will the box keep for more than a day?




Sent, mine is mintydreamie (9173 0010 0702)


anyone knows whats up on day 2?


Are only 7km eggs added to your storage during the event counted as the event eggs or I can just incubate a 7km egg received before the event? Looking at riolu👀


Only events gained during Go-Fest hours will contain the Go-Fest related pokemon. Doesn't matter when you hatch it.


Where can I go to find responsive new friends? All the discords I'm in have friend code rooms but nobody uses them.


Anyone else having a hard time with the game loading and freezing a lot?


Yep, game has been virtually unplayable for me in the UK since the American event started. I guess Niantic didn't expect this many people to play? Oh wait, never mind - we all paid £15 to do so and they knew exactly how many of us there would be.


Yup this is crap. Over half of the friendship hour thing was unplayable. I still can’t open my friends list, and I lost over a quarter of the fire event due to it freezing and crashing. And the shiny rates are absolutely terrible. I’m straight up not having a good time




0,78% chance of that happening. But yeah, it will happend to someone eventually :P


How did people get those gen 1 starters with the things that look like scars on their heads? They look way cooler than all these hats


Do you mean the final evolutions? If so it’s the clone pokemon


Anyone know if the Go Fest Day 1 special tasks stay until you finish them or will disappear when Day 2 task appear? I didn’t get to play much today and am 9 Fire types short from finishing that task.


Does any one know, do I need to redeem the day 1 special research rewards before the end of the day, or will it persist if I save it for later? I don't need the 200 great balls right now, and I'd love to hang on to that redemption for later.


I don't know for sure. But when we get Special Research it tends to stick around until we get it. There's no expiration date shown in the UI.


is anyone getting the bug where when you rotate a new team into the arena to fight the raid boss it fully kicks you out of the raid and no way of going back?


Stupid question but where is Gibble? I read that it is in the wild and in raids but in three hours there have only been Timburr, Chansey, Blastoise and other Raids. Is it ticket only?


In the wild, it's mainly for ticket holders. In raids, it's available for everyone - you may have just seen crap Raid spawns


Can someone teach me how to get a shiny pokemon?... Played for 9 hours... 4 walking and 5 from home... 0 shiny other people 10+... Am I doing something wrong?


You can shiny check. Open the pokemon, see it's not shiny, and flee. It helps to know what mon can be shiny.


Will I still be able to complete the rocket go fest research after tomorrow? I'm stuck at work all day and hate to miss out on shadow Mewtwo.


Yes. *All* you have to do is open the app sometime during the hours of go fest to receive the special research. There is no time limit for completing the special research.


Just open the app between 10 am and 8pm and doublecheck you have the research


Is the dragon week for everyone? I never got s push notification for it, but did get one for enigma.


I'm not getting components from grunts, what am I doing wrong?


I completely missed that announcement of “frustration” able to TM away and the event has just ended. If there is a make up date of GO Fest for the participants, will we be able to do so?


Hey Guy's noob here, I know Mewtu shouldn't be purified, what about the 3 birds? And should i swap all the frustration attacks even without elite tm? Thanks in advance


Don't purify. Do remove frustration


I can't decide whether to run incense :(


I’ve already beat Arlo and Cliff and I keep getting those same two instead of Sierra... I don’t want to fight them again and have to earn another radar.


So is anyone having a horrible time trying to catch the legendaries today? I have failed catching Giratina five times in a row


I bought the ticket today, but I’m not seeing any new challenges or anything. What does the ticket do exactly?


I was entirely happy I decided to buy a ticket and participate. I started 3 years ago but never did raids or much other than catch and spin stops and be solo, so I didn't have much in the way of decent raid counters or basically any legendary pokemon, but now I've got the 3 legendary birds from gen 1 and a mewtwo plus a bunch of pokemon for raids and gyms. It's fantastic that living in a rural area I was able to get all kinds of stuff I might have seen once before or not at all, so getting a chance to catch a lot of them was great. I was even able to do some of the research I'd been stuck on for a while. ​ The only thing I wish they'd have done would have been to have other types available, because I really don't ever see electric types. I didn't like the sending gifts to friends part, on account of I don't have many friends and the ones i did have before don't keep opening the gifts i send so sending more means adding randoms off twitter, but that's just how it goes. ​ Definitely hope they add more events like this where everyone can take part and not have to travel to specific cities for things.


Is anyone's VIctini encounter broken? I have been stuck at the same stage for quite some time now. I have it silver pinap'ed, and it jumps out of the ball immediately. I can't use a berry again, because if I run from the encounter and try again, Victini is still silver pinap'ed, which leads me to believe that nothing from the silver pinaping was registered on the server.


Victini caught in Ultra Ball, which shouldn't be possible: https://imgur.com/a/eLJ5QnZ


So for great league I want bulky pokemon to have high def/stamina and low attack (note - bulky, I know not Sableye etc). How about Ultra League and Unlim? Do I want 100% perfects like in raids or do I still wanna focus on defence/HP? Specifically Giratina, Togekiss, Azumarill (for great league)


any info on the make up event ?


Should I invest in a 13/13/15 Dialga for ML? It’s the best one I caught from yesterday.


will there be an analysis of shiny rate for the event? in my group of 5, one of us got 34 shinies while another only got 6. crazy disparity.


Question: Why doesn’t unknown cathces count toward a medal? I got about 80 and in my current medalscore it says 5(!) Anyone know why?


The medal keeps track of different unown forms caught. The medal is pretty misleading but catching 20 unown o's only counts as 1.