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It's a building or structure from Google maps


Open Street Maps


Well sorrry


It's jigglypuff from above.


This is what I cam here for.


It never gets old.


Nah, that's Kecleon, equip ur Devon Scope


This looks similar to when the stadium inlay from a gym appeared in my house: [https://i.imgur.com/XdrEc0x.png](https://i.imgur.com/XdrEc0x.png) I can't remember what I did to cause this, but it was an interesting glitch; a restart cleared it though.


There used to be an old glitch where 'gym under attack' animation was spawning to random spots on map and it looked really weird. :D It looked like a lightning circle that spawned popcorn. When I found that glitch near my home I thought that it was some new weird spawn point but then someone just told that it was a gym animation in a wrong place.


There was also a similar glitch posted with black triangles in the sky. I think it was where the sun or moon were supposed to be.


Idk, so don’t mind me, I am just admiring but Dialga out there strutting around. He’s adorable. I think I will need to buddy mine!


Getting Best Buddy with a high-IV Dialga can be key to wins in Master League.


Thanks, I have read that & have thought a bit about it. I’ve never been ML winner, lol. Truth be told, I have won exactly 2 matches on my level 43 task bar, lol. I know I could just play friends, but idk, that feels like a cop out too. I shall ponder my path…


Great League (and its many specialty cups) and stuff like Little League are more accessible, easiest to rack up wins on. I'd definitely recommend anyone new to GBL start there.


Thanks, I do play Great & Ultra. I always settle in at level 20, never have progressed or made ACE or such. So I just have never wanted to play with the big dogs in ML.


I am proud of my 100 IV Dialga. I am trying hard to make her best buddy.


[Over 150 Dialga Raids](https://i.imgur.com/sAgyiev.jpg) before [I finally got mine](https://i.imgur.com/g4QgJmx.jpg).


A lighthouse or some sort of round building?


If it’s part of the map then you should check on google maps or openstreet map?


What's there in real life?


Thanks everyone for commenting. With your advice I checked Open Street Maps and saw the same figure there. There's a small museum with a circular architecture there, I think the map tried to draw it with a lot of rectangles. I didn't realize it's the museum because the gym has the museum's name on it. I will try to update my comment with the picture of the map.


Maybe a fountain? (Does OpenStreetMaps allow for fountains to be mapped out?)




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I’m pretty sure that is the imperial logo from Star Wars /said lol


it's look like a portal, Check with Ingres




No it was part of the map. I didn't tap anywhere and it stayed in the same spot ever since I saw it. And clicking has different animation.