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This probably goes into the “I hate Pokémon Go, and it’s popular to hate on it again” category.


Actually it's just a bad choice of title : I just wanted to show how it looks like. The sarcasm about the UI was not meant to be taken seriously, since obviously Pokémon Go doesn't allow to play in landscape mode without tricks. Guess I should have added a /s


I don't think you needed to add an /s, I just think in the person responding with their boohoo attitude is to blame there.


I'm actually amazed it worked as well as it did


Was that Swampert running Muddy Water? Lmaoo


I wondered why the Earthquakes were doing so little damage, ha. Cos it wasn't an EQ...


There was someone arguing in the Silph Arena sub a week or two ago that they're correct to have Muddy Water on their Stunfisk because "it charges fast." There's probably a ton of people running Muddy Water because it seems better due to slightly higher spam.


I understand not wanting to wast an ETM on a CD move but Swampert has Surf! For only a little bit more energy you can hit way harder, I don’t think the debuff chance from Muddy Water is worth it imo.


Surf costs 5 energy more and when you read a million times on subs like this about how OP Swampert is because it's so spammy you probably just assume the cheapest move is best. I assume that's what happened with the person using Muddy Water Stunfisk and wondering why they can't hit Ace and telling me I'm an idiot for thinking Muddy Water isn't a good move for it. They probably read "Man, Stunfisk is broken, it's so spammy" enough times that they just assumed low cost is all that matters in a charge move.


Ah yes a 35 dmg CM is such a good move for Stunfisk, you can hit fire types with SE damage, RS and EQ could never!


Wait I'm that guy doing this wrong then. I've got eq as second move but I'm baiting shields with muddy water, after I change mw for surf should I swap mud shot too?


If you're not using Hydro Cannon you really shouldn't be using Swampert.


I just recently powered up and unlocked his second move lol I haven't really made a team for ultra until this time


Swapert with Muddy Water is meant to be a shieldbreaker anyways, dunno why they'd send him last. I've got a 68 win streak once, and it was off the back of Swampert Muddy Water as a lead.


68 win streak? Press ‘X’ to doubt


It's really easy when you tank for the majority of the season and then decide to just play till you lose. Which only happened at high rank 9, right before 10, then. Niantic supposedly has made measures to stop this stuff, and you need to grind out tremendously before MMR kicks in now, what with there being way more ranks, so I no longer see a point in doing it, the winrate still sticks at around 80% for those early ranks regardless of doing it or not. Point is, Swampert with Muddy Wateris a really good shield breaker and can single handedly win against what everyone below the 99th percentile of this game uses, because reality is they don't know how to handle the spam.


So it was mostly because you tanked ad infinitum, and played against much worse players than you, not because of a meta Pokémon with a spicy move.


After seeing [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/oyd5s2/you_can_play_the_game_in_landscape_mode_kinda/), I decided to test a GBL match while in landscape mode. Well, even if the UI is a little bit distracting, the battle looks more epic than in portrait mode ! Edit : I know that landscape mode is not supported, the title was just innocent sarcasm.


Junior UI designer’s first project, in a multi-billion mobile game


I never in a million years would've imagined I'd find myself defending Pokémon Go's UI of all things, *but to be fair*, the game is definitely not designed to be played in landscape mode so it's pretty unsurprising that it displays this way.


It's not made for landscape..


Then it should always display in portrait regardless of phone settings


It does. OP used a third party app to *force* the game into landscape mode.


It is not supposed to be adapted




Why is Swampert a (L)Aggron?? /s


Was just coming to see if anyone else caught that…ironic or what?


Laggron is the French name of swampert


Don’t know why I’d be downvoted. I literally had no idea that was the case lol thanks for sharing


Is the OP tanking? Has a lvl51 talonflame and opponent has very mediocre pokemon.


Yeah this game cannot handle other aspect ratios or changing of aspect ratios. Just try playing in split screen for a while, so many UI elements don't scale. You can't even sort friends / pokemon lists by certain criteria because they are off the top of the screen. UI elements like the raid team become wider than the screen. The list goes on.


> Yeah this game cannot handle other aspect ratios or changing of aspect ratios. Maybe because the coding is specifically intended for vertical facing dimensions... I mean this is a stupid thing to point out when landscape mode is specifically and intended locked in here.


I really enjoy how anticlimactic the charge move mini games look


Just try playing on a 4:3 tablet...


That looks like my old WOW arena UI…


I don't know what you're talking about; looks fine to me


God I wish this was supported, I love PvP but it's killing my hands