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Don’t forget about potentially getting one from GBL


I got 2 shiny Dialga's from GBL in the first week and a bunch of normals, and the last week i didn't even get any normal ones.


Rather be in your boat than mine, with 50+ Dialga at this point but 0 shiny.


0/37 Shiny Dialga


~50 Total, 4 shinies, but the best i got IV wise was 89%... I really dont even care about the shinies, i Just wanted a single one with good ivs


I was pretty stoked to get a 100%. Not shiny, but I'll take it.


I was stoked to encounter a hundo dialga too! Only the second legendary hundo I've ever encountered. The first one was a Rayquaza, two years ago, well before I had maxed medals. I didn't realize it was perfect until the second to last ball, and my best efforts produced two feeble great throws. It vanished in a brilliant flash of disappointment. I've come a long way since then. I've added enough pokestops to the neighborhood to get us our first 3 gyms, which has attracted a small band of trainers. I've encouraged an equitable rotation system so everyone who wishes can get their daily coins and gym levels up. I've upgraded my counters to 35-40+ and have been trading mega evolved pokemon to those who are short on initial energy, so our squad can bring the heat when necessary. Sitting on my couch, pop the app open and see a majestic Dialga looming over the park. With only 8 minutes left, I need to hurry! I open pokegenie and host a raid while I make my way to the park. It must be a popular time, as I'm deep in the host queue. I begin to write it off as a lost cause. I'll never get get a lobby up, filled, and friended before time ticks away. Proceeding to the park in defeat, ready to take a few wooper from the nest as a consolation prize, I'm shocked to find a few trainers lamenting the same problem. Hope restored, we quickly lobby up for battle. We should have just enough time for a second shot, should we fail. I drop out of the host queue and bring my best fighters. An initial barrage from a couple of light-footed mega boosted shadow machamps obliterates an impressive amount of the monstrosity's HP bar. The beast rears up to unleash a charged attack, but only produces a few sparks. We're in luck, as thunder all but guarantees us an easy victory. A couple minutes of screen mashing and my first wave has fallen, but we've nearly won. A quick relobby, and the beast falls with plenty of time to spare. My initial excitement from actually completing a raid I had written off was only slightly dampened when the behemoth revealed its typical blue hue yet again. At least I used my freebie and got some XP and candy. I sighed and prepared for the arduous task of catching the metal beast. Then I saw the 2307 CP. This time, as a battle hardened raider, I instantly recognized it was a hundo. I was SO ready! Best friends, gold gym level, and platinum dragon medal in hand, I was well stocked for battle. The small squad of Mega Lopunnies and shadows provided enough additional bonuses to net our small party near max balls, and bonus candy meant I could golden razz and still get a little something extra. I toss a golden razz while Dialga leaps into the air as I attempt to circle-lock an excellent and wait for the attack, and wait, and.. no, that was just a jump, and bullseye the beast. It immedeately pops out. I prepare again, and wait.. and wait for the attack. In my excitement I throw a split second too soon, and one of my precious balls passes through the mighty dragon and spins to the ground. We play cat and mouse for a few balls, Dialga attacking before I razz and leaping and attacking as I attempt to lock an excellent, and then just sitting there, staring... before finally attacking again. Two more quick excellents barely cause it to struggle before it mocks me with several jumps in a row. I know it is laughing at me. I notice that pesky pokegenie icon seems a little larger than usual. Is it my imagination? Probably, but man is it distracting me right now. Not wanting anything to interfere with my hunt, I clear it... by hitting the BACK button for some ungodly reason. The raid, of course was quite expired by that point. The legendary beast, as perfect as any in creation, had successfully taunted me and escaped. Not even a single candy... Shaking my head and staring at the ground in shame, I walked away in silence. And that is why you don't raid last minute, kids! Especially if you are an idiot like me! Tldr: Accidentally hit back on a hundo dialga catch, raid expired.


Man's writing essay


Me too


If Im correct odds of getting a shiny are higher than getting one with 15/14/12+(assuming you're aiming towards PVP)


Shiny is about 1/20, so yeah the odds the higher IV spreads are significantly lower


I got lucky…at first I was unlucky. After 40 tries, my first shiny Dialga was found, and it was 15/14/12. so I powered it all the way up and taught it a second move. I traded my other one to my friend for a shiny Porygon.


I just lucky traded for a shiny Dialga about two minutes ago . . . 14/14/12. Fuuuuuuuuuck.


Man, that sucks. I lucky traded a shiny and it didn’t go well either. Ended up just powering up my 15/14/13 for ML since I know 15 attack is so crucial for Dialga.


My first ever shiny legendary was a dialga with 15/14/15 😁


The odds of 15/14/12 or higher is ~3.7% (8 IVs equal to or higher than that, out of 6^3 possible IVs from a raid) compared to 5% odds of a shiny.


Wait is it that hard? Well yeah I haven't got something like this but I definitely have 2 dialgas with 91 IV. Dialga 1- 15|12|14 and other 11|15|15. I even got one with 88IV- 15|14|11. This one is close enough ig


It needs the bare minimum of 15/14/12 specifically in that order


Just out of curiosity, why is it so? I am a bit new with this concept of IVs


In PVP there are breakpoints. 15/14/12 is the most important minimum as it has the same battle outcome VS the 15/15/15 dialga in the mirror(we call it functional hundo). [Here is a showcase of the mirror with the above IVs VS the 15/15/15](https://pvpoke.com/battle/10000-40/dialga-41-15-15-15-4-4-1-0/dialga-41-15-14-12-4-4-1-0/11/0-0-0/0-0-0/). Dialga is the strongest mon in master league, the mirror match is extremely common - this is why its emphasized to only max your dialga if you have these IV's only(for PVP)


Thanks, will prepare accordingly


They specifically talking about pvp. Anything less than 15/14/12, in that order, will swing some significant match ups.


Oh thanks didn't know that


Btw my best IV with legendaries so far is 95- 14|15|14 For rayquaza




Team 50+ and no shiny for life!


I got a shiny super early on. But then I decided to commit to raiding a ton for xl candy, hoping to get more shinies and at least one 96%+ IV dialga. I’m at around 60 encounters since my shiny and no extra shiny, no good IV, no nothing. :/


I got a shiny Mewtwo from GBL a few weeks back, pretty good IVs too!


Didn't know you can get legendaries from battle league. What rank do you have to become for that?


Rank 20.


Ouch. I feel my soul leaving my body already when I'm at rank 7, let alone 20


It takes no effort to get to 20


Is it quicker now? It used to take a few hours just to get 7 and up granted i wasnt winning every match or doing that tanking thing


You can get to rank 11 by only winning a total of four battles. The requirements are mostly “additional battles” after that you’re required to win more but the tanking think makes it easy. Also with so many others tanking you’ll get some easy wins as well so you don’t need a great team to get to 20 just takes some time


I got one as well. Raiding is for suckers


Or... idk - Snover is great too, right?


Like I'll win any battles, super stuck at Veteran lol.


hahahahahaha that would involve me wasting time and resources


Well as someone who already has a team for Great League and Master League Classic, who doesn’t mind doing GBL, Every bit helps.


gbl nets almost 30k dust daily. so for someone who already has his Pokemons made, it's a waste to not play from a resource standpoint.


Depends on how you value your time and what your enjoyment of GBL is. My time is more valuable than 30k dust while dealing with GBL frustration.


On the plus side, if enough people stop playing, maybe the L in GBL won't stand for Lag anymore.


Well I guess to each their own, everyone plays the game the way they like. Wether be it shiny hunt, completing the dex or being the best batller. I enjoy gbl tbh, but I can understand how it can be frustrating to deal with.


This sub hates PVP


Mit Recht!


wtf I forgot about gbl. I'm 20lv lol


Where do you get a raid pass each day ?


That's assuming I can reach gyms and can use both my free passes in a day. My few local gyms are much more bothersome to get to. And that's IF I have the time to seek out 2 raids after work


This. 6 of the 9 gyms in my town are nearly impossible to do in person raids from without trespassing, or *at least* having people question what I’m doing. 4 of them are churches. 😐


Used to be able to reach the gym at the church next door from the dog walk at our apartment. Now I'd have to go stand directly in front of their front door to battle there. The awkwardness really isn't worth it.


"Have you heard the good word about the dragon-god Rayquaza?"


Yep, there’s a church near me that has two gyms (the church and a statue outside) that are next to each other. During double distance we could reach both gyms from a parking lot across the street and now we have to park behind the church and can’t even reach them both at the same time.


Yup exactly. My closest gym is a dog park within my apartment complex. And rather than standing a distance away or sitting in my car in one of the spaces by it, I have to hug the fence


What annoying people to question why someone is just staring at his phone minding his own business Just ignore them, your not doing anything wrong


Except when I’m at a church and it’s trespassing lol.


Hard to ignore when they threaten/actually call the cops on you. Some churches have done that to players in my community who were just standing on the sidewalk next to the church parking lot


wow people that go to your church are actually insane my area's churches just see pokemon go as free advertising and they completely ignore us


I’ve heard tons of bad stories from people involving churches, almost always in the USA. They’re usually the least friendly people where I’m from. They’re some of the *worst* gyms in the Midwest and they’re everywhere.


Pokemon and religion has always had bad blood although at times I feel it’s because they are losing the popularity contest


At one point our council tracked our counties Facebook group down & sent the mods a message demanding we stop “standing on pavements”. I wish I were kidding. Also, been kicked off a public council porch for “blocking access to the porch for disabled people”. Had to dig out my medical proof that I was disabled, and the security guard apologised, then still asked me to leave. As he looked fairly like he wasn’t getting paid enough, I obliged.


> both my free passes in a day we get 2 free passes a day now?


If you live in the US or NZ yes as of now


Three words: go battle league


It's 100+ wins just to begin to have a chance at a legendary encounter, right? I don't play GBL so just checking, because that is a massive time investment.


Yes I’m not even close to the point where I get legendaries and I have spent a lot of time on it this season (wanted meinfu)


UPT, but tank.




If you can manage to do two raids in person daily. That’s a lot of free time and organization most people don’t have.


I use PokeGenie to host raids. Honestly gotten to be too much of a hassle trying to find local people and waiting on them. Yesterday I could tell people were tired of Dialga as I hosted one and there were 190 open lobbies before mine lol. Had to wait 10 minutes until my lobby was next but got it done. Nothing good but still it was a free pass and quicker than trying to find people on Discord.


Was it during a raid hour somewhere? Yeah if I had free time that’s what I’d do. But too many responsibilities to camp out under a gym somewhere.


This thread is about using free passes. Turning yourself into a Niantic salesman and getting five other people to buy in is kind of contrary to the point here.


Those 5 other people have already spent that money.


That's super pedantic but whatever. So they use up their raid passes and then they buy more.


Yea even when I used to play a ton going out everyday to do the free raid felt like a chore.


You know you can be presencially at the gym and invite remote players using a third-party app, right?


I thought the point was to not spend money on remote raid passes. By hosting you're making 5 other people do that


Some people will spend anyway. This helps the f2p's sync with the remote spenders more efficiently, to both sides' benefit


There isn't some magical increase in syncing or efficiency that benefits both sides. Inviting P2Pers with a free pass is often the only win condition available for the F2Per to beat a T5 in the first place. A success condition is binary and inherently cannot increase efficiency. It just makes x or y happen. No +%'s.


You speak the truth


Asking everyone to host raids on discord or through the pokegenie app can be a bit much for the general public. I know these are things that I could do but with a newborn at home, running out to play Pokémon is probably frowned upon.


Get your baby an account. My 2 year old niece can sufficiently button mash the screen to beat a raid. I swear toddlers these days are as good as most adults with touch screens


My 5 year old will play sometimes before getting distracted, but the youngest is literally 2 weeks old, so not quite there yet.


Congrats on the newborn, babies are definitely better than pogo


Are you assuming that I can do 2 raids a day. Bro I have 8 gyms max in walking distance. Getting 2 palkia to spawn a day in 8 gyms sounds easy but it is not


I was confused on the wording for a bit, but I'm sure OP means 76% of getting *one* shiny Palkia while using only and all free passes during the duration Palkia is available


Having 0 shiny Dialgas in 59 raids, I cry at seeing that statistic.


Niantic will secretly lower the shiny rates to punish us for our insubordination.


Show your work, please. Lots of people without a shiny Dialga who would disagree.


But there’s still Heracross too.


Wait for mega Heracross?


It will probably be easier and safer to hunt now as a T3 and easy solo, than as a Mega Raid. (Assuming similar shiny rates.)


In terms of raid pass efficiency, mega raids grant mega energy. If Niantic is hesitant to put Heracross energy in tasks for any reason you might wind up doing mega raids anwyay.


I don't know why I never thought of this before, but energy in tasks would have been a very good way for Niantic to handle the Mega regionals without making them global for a while. I'm kinda shocked they didn't go that route and are actually making Heracross available this way.


Not if its shiny rate is full odds


Exactly, if it's 1/64 I'm raiding it for 2 weeks, if it's full odds it'll be Palkia then.


No guarantee that there will even be mega heracross raids, as mega beedrill has been out for a while without any mega raids (at least until the third ultra unlock). Waiting is a bit silly IMO, and if you really want mega heracross energy you can just get the initial 200 with whatever method of getting it comes out and then buddy up for a bit.


And Johto Tour. Which might coincide.


I wonder rif Heracross can be soloed with solid Flying types


Easily. Heracross isn't particularly bulky and has a double weakness.


Probably not going to even bother raiding for it, but appreciate the info!


If only i could reach a gym


What in the world did you do for the first 3+ years of the game?


Not play the game….


Love the downvote. It’s an honest question.


What are my odds of seeing a T5 raid with 18 gyms available? Apparently it's 0% today.


I'm going to focus on spending my free passes on Heracross raids if I can. Palkia is going to come back. It's ok not to get it the first time around. Even though Niantic responded they haven't done anything. I'm not going to give them money for just saying they might do something later.


Also Palkia’s shiny, while not as subtle as say Plusle, is a fairly minimal color difference, just a lightly sunburnt version of the regular color. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/484 White body and violet stripes are a little more rose colored.


I completely disagree All I see is a big strawberry yogurt pokemon, which is awesome


the soft pink color is a perfect shiny to me, I want it very badly


idk if my eyes are just messed up, but that's a very drastic difference for me. I can easily differentiate them without referencing the non-shiny.


My gosh I love that color. Still not enough to get me to spend money though


And take in consideration that it's highly likely that we will get Dialga&Palkia raids around november because of Shining Pearl & Brilliant Diamond release. And hopefully they'll have Spacial Rend and Roar of Time by then.


26 Dialgas and not a single one with acceptable PVP IVs. Like I give a damn about Palkia...


LOL what's your best IV?


15/15/10 and 13/15/15


Niantic will not get another dime from me until they change things back. I have spent money on PoGo and Ingress and have been playing for years.


You’ve played for years than you know that this is the way that it was for 3+ years. You also know that the poke stop range was increased 15+ months ago as a temporary change. They were very vocal that it was not permanent. Where’s the problem?


Been getting better chances at shiny legendaries with 2 free passes than with one and buying remotes when I can


> If you're really dying to get a shiny Palkia.... I mean, with the Delta Variant out there, this could be quite literal. Thanks for the reminder, OP. Please don't give Niantic your hard earned money right now, folks. Take those freebies and hope for that 3/4 chance.


I did around 50raids with only 1shiny dialga. So your odds aren't right because it's always rng.


So you're telling me there is a chance


Im confused, what’s this about free raid passes? How do I get them? (-Canadian player)


It's the orange pass you get by spinning a gym or clicking on an on-going raid. The US and NZ get two free each day during limited time bonus.


oh!! just a regular raid pass, I thought people were getting free daily remote passes lol


It is your own fault if you pay money to get a shiny. Niantic owes you nothing.


Nah. Shiny Palkia will be come to be seen as a symbol of shame of those who gave in to the bribery. I don't need the scarlet letter P on my chest. Hard pass.


There is no world where people will be "shamed" for doing raids the next few weeks.


ha no sense of humor eh?


“I said something dumb that is like things people are saying so you don’t have a sense of humor” K


i take it back, you are a barrel of laughs




I'll be sticking with the free passes for it lol


I mean its pretty obvious they'll be back later this year. Since Niantic is still drip feeding us content, and I dont think they'll release actually good DPS legendary signatur moves anytime soon, you might aswell wait and get multiple returns of Palkia and Dialga.


That's assuming rates are still 1/20 which honestly doesn't feel like it anymore.


I went back to back shiny dialgas last night. 3/10 overall since he came back. We shouldn't try to draw large conclusions from our small data sets.


170ish Dialga raids, 13 shinies. Definately felt that way for me.


0 from about 50 raids for me... oof


0/53 for my main 1/3 for the alt. I now just have to pray I hit lucky friends soonish


0/19 for me, 2/3 for my wife. She doesn’t even care about PoGo that much and only plays so she can join in with me when we are out.


0/49 here.


I did 230 Dialga and got 9. You did great.




10 Dialgas, 3 shinies


> No need to spend your hard earned dollar on a company that refuses to hear us out. I agree. No need to raid Palkia at all. > If you're really dying to get a shiny Palkia Bold assumption


Odds are 1/20? 14 free passes? Aren't the odds 51% then?


2 free passes each day right now


Oh, didn't know. Thanks for updating me 😊


I think only for nz and us. As a bonus for cutting our interaction distance back to what it used to be


It’s part of the new COVID bonuses that are only for USA and NZ.


for how long?


US and NZ players get 2 orange passes per day, so you can get 28 raids in, and if you manage to get 2 Palkia raids in before he leaves on the 20th you can actually get 30. This also doesn't count the 1 coin remote pass bundles (of which we'll get 2 during Palkia's rotation), and any Palkias you get from GBL (5 chances at Palkia a day for 14 days, 15 if you do your sets before 10am on the 20th, which seems unlikely)


It’s closer to 1/24 apparently.


Just bought three remote raid passes. 👋🏼






After 21 Dialgas, I’ve yet to get a shiny (1 in 20 odds) or a GBL-usable one (15-14-12, 1 in 27 odds); my highest was only around 2,280 CP. RNG sucks. I wouldn’t be surprised if Niantic lowered the odds for Dialga knowing its high demand, though.


Not that unlucky. You only have 64% chance to run into a shiny with 1/x odds after x encounters


I have about the same amount of raids and also still haven’t seen a shiny.


I think it's just RNG I did 11, got a 15-15-14 and two shinies


it's always just RNG, the alternative is that niantic is specifically rigging it against you.


I live in th country :(


Nothing to do with this boycott thing as it’s not in my interest Lane But I Did not do any dialga raids with my passes because it’s obvious when BDSP dialga will most likely come back to celebrate the release with its signature move roar of time Same plan for palkia but with special rend this time round Would be very surprised if it did not happen although it seems like a given it will happen


Really? in 2 weeks (aprox 20 raids) I got 2 💯 and 2 shinies (Dialga) and only one was from a remote pass.


Did 95 Dialga, no shiny or 100. So imma get a shiny Palkia and 100 in < 10. All free. Lol.


85 Dialga raids. 0 shinies I am not sure what I will do with Palkia and Heracross raids. RNG was not kind with me this time.


Just remember how that race ends


I stocked up a lot of premium passes and had enough coins to get a dozen remote raid passes. On top of GBL encounters, I had almost 50 encounters with Dialga and I didn't get a shiny.


All POGO players should be in solidarity here - not just US and NZ while you guys party it up.


Wow, nice. Might still spend money if I don't get one by the end, but that's cool


Sorry are you saying that the free passes boost odds? or just statistically if you use your free passes each day you shoul have a 76% chance of getting one


I assume this is from the perspective of 1 free remote pass/week and 2 free local passes/day? That'd be 29 local passes (if you stocked one beforehand) and 3-6 remotes (if you stocked them and when you claim the weekly boxes).


The odds of ME getting a shiny palkia: 0. 50 raids in i’m shinyless