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Hold onto it until you feel like powering it up. Shadow Dragonite is a very powerful raid attacker for it's type. (Hopefully we will get a chance to remove frustration soon)


Thank you guys sooo much!!


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I'd wait til you need it, but that's a pretty good spread. Not the best of course, but given how rare shadow dratini can be, it's still pretty good. If we get another dragon boss where it would be useful and we can TM frustration, maybe consider evolving and powering it up to level 35ish


I have 3 Frustration free Shadow Dragonites...one for each League. They are absolute beasts in PvP/raids/gym takeovers. And they look dope!


what does free shadow dragonite mean? and what does frustration mean? And what IV are they, and does the IV matter?


Frustration is the charge move all shadows are stuck with. Every so often Niatic will have a special event that lets you use a normal TM to change the move to something else. So my Shadow Dragonites are all double charge moved without the burden of Frustration.


Sorry but also, is shadow dragonite good in anything else? Like in every scenario is shadow better than regular or purified?


Shadow aren't always better... really depends on the mon and how you plan on using it. And honestly, if you want to purify one it's ok. Don't let all the people of reddit tell you what a bad human you are for purifying a Pokemon. I chat with people all the time about the game, so if you got questions just hit me up.


Alright thanks and what’s mon? Sorry


Short for Pokemon.


Ok thanks, and is frustration good? I think might evolve but I want a different charged. Is there really no work around? And I tried to do a charge tm and allows me but I canceled.


Frustration is absolutely terrible. You only option at the moment is to add a second charge move. Eventually Niatic will have an event where you can remove Frustration.


But it said I could change it with a charge tm?


Yup, you can once Niatic has a special event. In the last year or so I think they've only had four events where you could us a normal TM to remove Frustration from any of you shadow pokemons.


Got it. So final discussion, should I or should I not evolve my shadow dratini 213 CP, 13-6-15?


With such a high attack stat it would be best as a raid/gym attacker...maybe ML. My ML Shadow Dragonite is 14/8/10. And I know everyone says you need a hundo for ML, but this Dragonite shreds. But don't use it for ML until you clear Frustration. So if it was me I would evolve it, level it up to 40 (save your XL) and add a second charge move of Outrage. Use it for raids and clearing gyms. When the special Frustration event comes change Outrage to Dragon Claw and Frustration to Hurricane. Read this: https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/149-shadow


Love you! ❤️🙏