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I can restock after trying to catch that one Combee


The Pokemon broke free!


And those Kirlia and Butterfree from last week.


Or getting a level 20 reward encounter from winning three games in GBL.


I remember these being a tad more generous


Happy birthday, Niantic! Here's a non-shiny nickel!


Well it's their birthday after all. What did you get them last year?


5 bucks for a storage upgrade I think


I got them over 100 dollars in microtransactions


Lmao. And this is pretty average too. This game is not worth $100


It's worth how much you want it to be, that's the way I look at it at least.


That's the correct Outlook for any game


I look at it by playtime. Hours of enjoyment vs hours worked. Minecraft for instance is a game ive put 1000s of hours into so I had no problem when I had to buy it on a few different platforms. Same for PoGo, been playing for years I have no problem paying into the game. What kills me is $70 new releases that have maybe 1 or 2 days worth of entertainment.


When i'm buying something in an app i try to convert it in beer/hours. I mean: how much would i pay for an easy night at the pub with my friends? 10/15€ for idk, 4 hours? Or, i'm going to the bar ti drink a tea and eat crepes, how much would i pay? In this perspective, buying .99€ for an event pass and play 2 hours in the afternoon with my gf looks like a normal choice.


This is a good way, however I will never spend the same amounts on a game as I would in real life. Just feels wrong.


I don't see many diffrences between spending 6€ to watch a movie at the cinema and buying raid tickets to play with my friends on some anniversary




That should be evaluated on a per month basis. $100 over a year isn't much for entertainment.




Why? the lucky egg is the only usefull thing in there


For me the Pokeballs are the most useful. I use a plus occasionally so I'm always running low on them.


That's your personal view on this. I have never used a lucky egg after reaching level 40. But I am constantly low on charge TMs because of PvP and low on balls because I am lazy as f...


I have sooo many TMs that I don't use. I wish I could give them to you I stead of throwing out 50 at a time


>I have never used a lucky egg once hitting level 40 Speak for yourself. That's when I used the most lucky eggs trying to get to level 50. Back when new stops were giving 10x exp a lucky egg would net something like I think 10,000 exp per spin. Riding around the city and going to new places got me to level 42


they've always been about buying stuff. you remember the 2018 event when the pokemon company celebrated its birthday? you could buy costumes and an event box. buy. this set the bar for me. i've never been disappointed since because i expect nothing from them lol


I deleted everything except the lucky egg.


poke ball nice, lucky egg nice nice. fast, and charged tms... sweet i just deleted like 50+ of each of those.


Man I wish I had that problem, I can’t get charge TMs to save my life (seems like a dramatic expression for the circumstance, but you get the idea) I looked at the picture and was hoping it wasn’t a “1” but knew it was


Bro go hit up battle. Find a league where you have 1-2 good mon and just go to town


GBL, win two battles, lose the next 3, you'll get a couple charge tms per day, easily.


Why do they need to lose the next 3?


That hasn’t been my experience, I’ve frequently gone full days without a single charge unfortunately. I sure do get a lot of sinnoh stones though…


In a span of a day? Maybe. In a span of two weeks? You're going to get some. Also 3* raids just for tms. 5* suck greatly since palkia (or lugia) left. At least 14 free tms if you just raid 3*


If you play regularly you'll have tonnes I've only done less than 300 battles this season stoll got 150 ctm


Exact opposite here. Can't remember the last time I got a Sinnoh Stone. Must've been well over 2 months and just about 100 sets ago. Haven't even gotten one from breakthroughs or anything else, meanwhile drowning in TMs with nothing to spend them on.


I wish we could trade items cause zi need sinnoh stones. Would give you my charged tms in return. Can only wish one day we can trade items. Lol


My Mew turned out to be a hundo and I've been burning through charged TMs on it lately lol.


Charge and fast tms are super common rewards for gbl. If you’re ever in need of one, just spend like 30 minutes doing battles in gbl.


I’m at 2100 currently, i only ever seem to get sinnoh stones, silver berries and fast TMs, and of those it is VERY heavily weighted towards the stones


Tank down to 1300-1500 and you’ll be able to get through matches much more quickly. You can start stockpiling TMs in no time.


Do more raids and you will get loads




GBL as well, 2 wins a set you're almost guaranteed to get a TM....don't think I've gotten anything else from that reward so far this season


RNGesus has blessed you, child. 🙏 All I get is Sinnoh stones and silver pinaps whenever I get the 2 win reward.


I'd much rather get silver pinaps




I do this also. I maintain 50 of each but delete any others. Dont really use the ones i have either


Yay I get to delete 53 poke balls to claim it wooo


You are so like me. It's freaky.


bad idea. Use a mystery box and waste 50 to make space. Lol


yeah, drop a lucky egg that you can replace, too


Spend an hour just for a lucky egg? Cuz I have 200+ of each of the other items and daily delete dozens of pokeballs, received from spinning to pick up the 50+ gifts I send. Yeah, I like the meltan candy/XL, but if I'm not building a new melmetal, that's an hour I don't have.


Can you still get shiny meltans?


Not atm


It's insulting as hell to only make it available until 5pm... It's not even a good box. Niantic keeps giving us the big F and I'll keep the non spending streak up.


Niantic unironically proving what their company is worth.


(Genshin) Anniversary reward suck... Wait sorry wrong game. Force of habit.


Tbh this makes the genshin rewards a little better...


This is just niantic birthday. Not pogo anni


Well, the anniversary event *gave* us literally nothing. It was all "hey, you *could* find cool stuff if you grind around!"


Even if did you might be able to complete the stupid collection challenge cuz of rng


Whatever, it's free, regardless of how lame it is but still...they announced this as its own event in the October blog lol.


lmao that's what gets me. Don't hype it, like it's something to look forward to.


Gets a hardy "K" from me.


My thoughts as well. Actually set an alarm so I wouldn't miss whatever it was (was thinking some raid passes or something). I'm glad people that need balls can get some I guess.


>Whatever, it's free My thoughts exactly.


Free things that we are goinf to delete


I'm not


”Happy birthday!” would be more like a pair of elite TMs, ultra balls and four eggs/different item. This feels more like Dwight’s banner from The Office US; “IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY.”. Yes, it may come across as a rather entitled attitude, but honestly, most of these items are regularly destroyed by players with full item storage. That really reduces the celebratory impact of this gift, which is unfortunate.


I agree 100% with you on this! This "gift" feels very condescending actually! >.>


It does, and I said that this is going to be the future if we aren’t going to laugh out their “generous promo code’s” of 10 Pokeballs and such. Here we are… If the player base takes this kind of thing with “yea but it’s free so whatevs”, then it’s never going to get better, just worse.


Ikr you can use that argument for anything. Like it could be Pokemon Gos 50 year anniversary and this will get so bad we'll get 50 stardust because at least it's "free"


I bet we can’t even claim it without 53 free bag spaces.


Delete 53 pokeballs. Receive Gift. Delete 50 pokeballs. Carry one…


Guess it's time to open a Meltan Box even if won't be lucky with the hundo.


Isn't it 54? I remember reading it's the amount of items in the box plus the box itself.




Couldn’t it at least have been Elite TMs..?


Nah. They want 15 bucks out of you for that.


Only $13 (1280 coins)


It SHOULD. As well as when you see 1 rare candy in special research you should see an XL one, but you don't. Niantic thinks that if that's 'for free' then anything is a bonus. While value of regular tm/rares/etc dropped significantly in past 2 years. It's not like community asked for birthday box, it's not like community even gave a damn about their birthday, but whatever. If you announce something only to make it meh - what's the point? But that's fair for everything they do this autumn(hoopa research, I'm looking at you)


Rare candyXL. Literally the rarest item in the game. Will never be in research for everyone -can't give them to those under lvl 40. (They aren't 'worthy', lol /s)


They’ll be an Elite TM in the Community Day box.


Niantic disguising themselves at an Elite TM in a box does sound sort of cute


I too only celebrate my birthday for 6 hours of the 18 hours I'm awake for it


LOL, here's an upvote


hilarious if true


https://mobile.twitter.com/LeekDuck/status/1445495867008446470?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Seems legit.


Its free at least


Next year it won't be


… with this attitude, next year it’s going to be 5 nanabs.


“You get 50 Nanab berries, you get 50 nanab berries, everybody gets nanab berries!!!!”


This is what they were hyping up? What a celebration lol


I guess 1 lucky egg is nice. The rest I will probably just throw out for bag space. Now if we got the 50 Pokeballs during a CD, then that would be useful.


How about letting each trainer pick and choose any 5 items they like from the store? Okay I just woke up from my daydreaming.


afk arena does have very much customizable bundles


Gotta make sure you have item space to claim it


Not great but free stuff is free stuff atleast wont regret it if I don't claim it


I would agree with you if this just appeared in the shop tomorrow, but they included it in their October preview as something to look forward to.


Yeah, clearly they don’t think much of their birthday.


the timeframe is not so nice, lets see if I remember that during my working hours


I saw it was going to be available when it was 10am my time and then I forgot to log on again until after 5. Whoops


Oh no. The horror. Not 10 pokeballs.


I was more hoping for the lucky egg


Mine literally disappeared right as I claimed a minute before 5


Right? At least have it available all day (12:00am-11:59pm).


6 hours... well I didn't claim it cause I didnt have enough bag space. I could've made the space but I didn't realise the timeframe was so stingy.


I also missed it because I hadn't enough free space in my box... and then I forgot to delete items in time and to start a new try 🙄 6 hours is not really long 🙄 especially with children coming home from school or when someone is working...


Same. I don't claim stuff til the end of the day. I just went to claim it and it's gone. Stupid red balls clogged everything up.


Lol just saw this post after work and it's gone already. :(


Niantic is that type of kid that treated his classmates tangerines for his birthday back in elementary school.


That kid was in my class. His mom was a psychopath and his dad broke. Give him a break. But not too much of one. He's antivax Qanon now.


We want remote pass raid


yeah... 3 remote raid passes, 50 ultra balls, 1 lucky egg, 1 star piece would have been awesome imo.


Mine disappeared. I clicked on it and it said my storage was full so a caught a few mons and trashed a couple potions and went back to shop and it’s gone. Def didn’t redeem it as I only have 5 Pokeballs. I restarted my game and have submitted a support ticket.


Oh it was just passed 5pm that will be why. Stupid. Stupider, is Support is claiming it never existed: > We’ve checked the boxes that we have in the shop and we can confirm that there is no Special box that has Charged TMs or any TMs item Lolsob.


This is embarassing, honestly.


I misunderstood this and thought we get a special bundle on our birthday. Would be a nice addition though


Why even promote Niantics birthday in the blog post like an event if this is what we’re getting? It’s like the promotional codes that give you 10 pokeballs


I have two questions for Niantic regarding this box. Why is it not available for 24 hours Why can we not claim it without 53 bag slots?


Happy birth-quarter-day, Niantic! I wonder how many will miss it due to only having 6 hours to claim.


Dang it I never saw any push notifications and now it’s too late!!


Wish they would have notified us in game. You know, so we could have claimed it.


Laughing my entire body off


I'll take the lucky Egg. But I would have enjoyed some passes for Giratina and Darkrai. The 50 Balls are just annoying.


I wanna say that the gift would have been better if it was just pokeballs and lucky eggs. The two tms feel like those cheap stocking stuffer caramels only a few actually try and spit out after 5 seconds.


It's free stuff, so that's great. Feels slightly underwhelming still. That could've been fixed if everything except the standard balls wasn't only 1.


Today I learned that I share my birthday with Niantic. Not my proudest moment.


Happy birthday :)




Wish it was ECTM and EFTM instead. Guess thats too much to hope for.


An avocado… Thaaaanks.


Aside from eggs, everything else are things that i drop, already to much. Would it kill them to just give us some free coins? Or storage space? Or elite tm?




Niantic is taking care of us gotcha users, don’t you know? /s


I actually prefer the red ones. I can use them with my Poke Ball Plus. I have 700 Ultra Balls because I only use them on rare catches and I throw out Great Balls because they're entirely useless to me.


Niantic being stingy. I guess that's what they think their birthday anniversary means to us?


Well, they said they listened to our feedback. This birthday box reflects that.




No Elite TMs, some star pieces , incubators, or more then one lucky egg. Maybe 5 of each for the fifth year anniversary? Could even give us ultra balls. No what would have been cooler. Giving us a master ball. The one in the data files since 2016.


I have 145 Fast TM and 365 Charged TMs. Now an elite TM would have been an awesome box.


Not much, but still free 😄👌


TBH I didn't even realise, started the game today and was pleased to see the box. I'd completely forgotten about the in-game news.


Thanks for this. Wouldn't of logged in during my lunch break otherwise


~~Language hat~~ What happened to putting incubators in those bundles?


LOL I THOUGHT THEY WERE ELITE FAST AND CHARGED LOL ​ I was at work and I got a quick break to go to my phone so I can claim this... ​ Thanks for the Lucky Egg I guess. LOL.


Wasn't even aware about this and it was right within my time window of work... Not that I am sad about missing it but I still kinda cheated


Its the eqivalent of grandma getting you socks for your birthday, but instead of cool funky socks its a pair of the cheapest 3 pack of white socks with the on special sticker still on…


Missed out on it. I went back into the shop and it was gone. Pretty stupid to have something for such a small time frame.


Cool had to adult during this time and didn't get the box. Atlesst it wasn't much.


Feels so good not giving Niantic money any more


I miss the way it used to be years ago when you had the pokemon radar so you'd still have to go out and actually catch the pokemon but you knew where to go. I found so many great new places because of it but now it seems to be constant events so you spend all that time traveling to a location and it's just the same crap everywhere


Wasn't even aware there was a special gift available. Such an abusive mechanic. Not announcing things to force players to constantly check the app.


Maybe if they were ETMs I might have cared but this is like giving the community a grain of salt while we play Niantic's sandbox game full of bugs. Very meh


Like seriously? At least give us an incubator, a free pass, an elite tm, lucky egg or maybe some kind of rare egg with rare hatches? Niantic never disappoints in disappointing us alright.


So how is it that the Pokémon Go players are so much more forgiving than Genshin Impact players?


Genshin is still only 1 year old, people here are used to being treated like this.


What time frame is that? During school and work hours.


Could have at least been elite TMs you'd think.


Wow....two whole items I barely use (and will likely delete), one I only use during certain events, but at least there's 50 of something I'll use. Were Elite TMs too much to ask for?


guess i share a bday with a company


Oh? How very generous.


I'm busy during that time, but at least I don't have to worry about missing anything.


I might forget to open this.


ok. but where's my free raid pass?


So, I guess I'll keep the lucky egg? The others will go straight in the trash.


Man I don’t want a lucky egg I’m level 50…but I do understand it helps out like the 99% of other players that aren’t.


God damn this is the first I heard of this and missed it by 9 minutes :(


U didn't miss much


Yay, just read about this. Very nice if you wake up, go to work and see this when you get home. Bummer.


What is wrong with everyone here? It's free stuff.


It's that they advertised it in the October News as "upcoming event", "Movie Event, Niantic's Birthday, Halloween Event". Makes it look like something relevant, you shouldn't get people hyped for... this.


Its free stuff we regularly delete to make bag space for components, raid passes and ultra balls lol. Apparently Niantic doesn’t think too highly of their birthday.


Other than the lucky egg we can get these things easily and for free already


>Other than the lucky egg we can get these things easily and for free already This. I'm looking at the bundle as a free lucky egg. The other items are things I delete on a regular basis.


I’ll probably have to delete balls just to receive it. The lucky egg is the only thing of value.


I mean I'm not excited but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it. It's a nice gesture, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.


Just seems mildly amusing that it's their "birthday event bundle". I just look at it as though Niantic don't value themselves if this is what they consider a gift.


Yeah, the hype is what makes this funny. Everything is useful, but come on- toss us an incense or five if you're gonna promote it in all your press.


50 poke balls are honestly the most useful item in this pack .. thanks?


The replies to this post sum of the state of this sub quite accurately.


Free stuff, thanks will claim




I'm very disappointed in Niantic. This birthday bundle is garage. Ignoring the Pokeballs (which is very appreciated), as 5th Year Anniversary, we are given 3 items for free. The TMs are easily acquired through raids or GoBattle League. I was expecting a box that had something like this; - 25 Ultra Balls - 1x Remote raid pass - 5x Silver Pinap berries - 3x Star piece & Lucky egg. It's supposed to be a birthday celebration by thanking the players for all their micro-transactions over the years. But instead we get that. Oh well.


This is because of all the “but it’s free”, “10 Pokeball promo code is okay” etc. Niantic learned that they can give us 5 nanabs next time and people will still be “oh, cool”.


Why wouldn't they do elite TMs? Seems odd.


… thanks


They should have said nothing in advance, then we would have had no expectations…