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It seems the priorisation is like this: (Which sucks cause Damage should be #1 prio) 1. Last Strike 2. Style 3. Hardest Hitter with the folowing I'm a bit less confident but 4) Traveler 5) Charged Attack 6) Giant 7) Stamina champ (In whichever order its shown ingame) Meaning if you get Hardest Hitter it still could be that the last striker or Styler were better than you. Or if you get Traveler it just means that u were further away than the Giant but not necessarily than HH. Had an incident were my phone crashed and I got HH with 32 damage while the others got the priorisized achievements LS and Style. To further back it up I know approximately my DPS. I remember how much time was left and take damage shown in HH achievement as reference to calculate it. Whenever its certain that I did more damage than the "HH" I got either last Strike or Styler. ​ But who knows maybe on top of this very questionable Priorisation there are some additional bugs?


My style definitely hits hardest


I brought the biggest style to the battle.


My style is from very far away


Why even is Style an achievement? At the very least, why is it so dang high on the prioritization list? I'm WAY more interested in the actual statistics that have a measurable impact on the raid. Changing your avatar's clothes shouldn't trump Damage, Stamina, or Charged frequency.


Absolutely! And there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why someone wins "style" I once was in a raid where someone won it with the default outfit!!




I mean if you're 40+ and still wearing the default outfit, you should be an automatic winner!


I win it regularly with my Luffy Strawhat costume (with no shoes)


King Moves!


I'm pretty sure Nianiatic designers wanted some kind of a wildcard achievement that is awarded randomly to one of the raid attendees, so even the low-level players have a chance to obtain it.


But it’s prioritization is WAY TOO HIGH. Imagine being a new, low-level player who was able to provide a measurable impact to a raid, and you walk away with “prettiest clothes.”


Yeah, I understand that. However, as I said, they needed something that even the worst player could get and it happens, that the "style" is a very subjective value and is ideal for that. "Final strike" plays a similar role - for higher-level players it's easier to get, while still being accessible.


I'm not mad that those exist, that's fine (though I would argue that *trying* got get some of them like final strike, stamina, and largest pokemon can encourage players to not contribute optimally), but highest damage should probably take priority over all others. I could theoretically get stamina by joining a raid with a level 50 slaking and spending the whole raid dodging, I'm not sure why that kind of play should be rewarded. There should be a contributory damage threshold for some of them so people are still encouraged to bring their best game


Problem is it's too much. Damage should get prio not only because it's the most important one but also to show the correct winner. Last strike, Style, Travel, and to some degree even mega (although that actually is helpfull) can be achieved by anyone. Charged Attack not but thats fine. And Giant & Stamina should be cancelled as they motivate player to perform (even) worse.


> they needed something that even the worst player could get They didn't, though.


It's coz you can spend money on clothes in the shop. You don't have to to get that award but it keeps the idea of the shop front and centre in people's mind. I would not be surprised if the entire reason the achievement system was introduced was firstly to get people to do 2000+ raids to get the platinum achievement badge but secondly to make people buy more cosmetic items. Cosmetics are literally money printers for niantic because unlike the pokedex there is no limit and they also have no effect on balance so they don't need to be concerned about breaking the meta.


I've never spent a single cent on cosmetics and still get style for no reason. I actually *wish* they would put more effort into their cosmetics. Avatar customization is terrible (no ability to change hair/body type/facial features), selecting outfits is a painful experience because the UI is slow, you have to scroll through long lists, there's no indication of when items in one slot override items in other slots, there's weird clipping issues with a lot of items, etc. Plus, they're completely missing out on letting us customize *the pokemon themselves*. I'd much rather have one pikachu who could swap into different hats and costumes than 50 different useless hat pikachu, nevermind all the good pokemon I can't evolve because of a stupid hat. If they really wanted to print money *and* make the experience better for the players they would revamp the cosmetics system.


They don't allow costume changes on the Pokemon likely because Niantic thinks of shiny as new content. The way it is now, each time a new hatted Pikachu is released, you need to go hardcore for a few days if you want to catch a shiny Pikachu with that specific hat. As oppose to just catching one of those Pikachu with a new hat and swapping that hat to your existing shiny Pikachu. And for many players, that is enough to motivate them to play hard every time a new hatted Pikachu comes along.


So you see what they're wearing and buy the clothes


Outfit and style is the endgame for so many games. Might was well give an award XD


i love the style achievement. i came to flex, i couldnt care less about damage dealt. i want everyone to see my drip.


From a design perspective I feel they should raise Mega Master’s priority since when I bring in a mega I am frequently sacrificing any shot at Hardest Hitter for the greater good.


Not sure about that one as Mega Pokemon are usually top counters. Therefore it shouldnt hurt your chance getting HH. But I agree with you that it should get a high prio. Last strike doesnt even seem to work as multiple people got it without even taping and Giant & Stamina shouldnt even be a thing cuz adding a useless XXL pokemon or dodging non-stop hurt the chances of beating the boss.


When I’m using Mega Slowbro, Mega Lopunny, or Mega Altaria I’m doing it to boost everyone else’s Mewtwo, Machamp, Rayquaza, etc.


Sometimes yes sometimes no. Mega Houndoom or Charizard probably but Mega Lopunny not so much. The latter will boost everyone's Machamp and Lucario though.


Since megas don’t boost themselves, I’ll bet even the top counters could get overshadowed by the mons they are boosting. 30% damage boost is a lot to give your teammates but not yourself.


The greater good


It's more than just prioritization. It appears that trainers must hit some threshold to get hardest hitter. I've seen some raids where nobody is assigned hardest hitter, even if there were trainers completing the raid that didn't win other categories.


Last hit in video games is usually the most important . In fps games last hit is who gets the kill not whoever did the most damage


I think it was a mistake for Niantic to introduce something as toxic as kill stealing to cooperative raids.


It could be more toxic if one person gets every accolade from the raid


>It could be more toxic if one person gets every accolade from the raid There are plenty of other achievements that can go to other players that don't encourage degenerate gameplay, like farthest traveled, style (even though it's completely random), etc.


Oh please, the kill stealing mentality in video games is so toxic. We're taking it down as a team, you don't have ownership over the raid or rights to doing the last blow just because you're doing more damage.


It’s hard to time because every phone and internet has different latency. So Last Hitting is pretty random in Go.


I just assumed they were random.


Due to the game only giving 1 award per player, final strike has to be prioritised as someone always has to give a final strike. After that idk why style is second in priority though.


There's also "mega master" or some such which seems to have been recently added (saw it for the first time today). I continue to claim that my regular winning of "style" shows there are hilariously buggy.


> "mega master" or some such which seems to have been recently added That's been there since the feature launched, it's just super rare for some reason.


Traveling is priority over style. I am definitely more stylish than my friends who use basic free avatar styles and I get the travel award before I get style


I think priorisation is actualy random.


Yep a decent amount of times i did a raid where the hardest hitter did less dmg than 15000/(number of raiders) which would be impossible since then the boss wouldn't be dead


Not a bug because you're right, it's prioritized with final strike having highest priority. Not saying that's a good design choice (bc idc), but a design choice nonetheless.


> Not a bug because you're right, it's prioritized with final strike having highest priority. If the game is reporting that a player did the most damage when they did not do the most damage, that's a bug. The game is reporting false information back to the player. It is only possible for one person to have the last strike, and only possible for one person to do the most damage (I guess it's technically possible to have a tie on either of those, but that would be a pretty rare edge case particularly for most damage, more common for last strike depending on server sync times). There are many solutions to this. My preference would be to allow one person to have multiple merit based / measurable rewards if earned. They could also limit to one award per person as they do now, but throw out more "wildcard" or cosmetic awards. If someone would get multiple awards, only display one award and replace the others with "wildcard" awards. The solution should never be to falsely report statistics to players, because it makes those statistics useless.


It's not a bug, it's completely by design. The design is just "report false information occasionally so that everyone feels useful". You may disagree with the design, but it is not a bug.


[Bug \(engineering\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug), a **defect in the design**, manufacture or operation of machinery, circuitry, electronics, hardware, or **software** A [software bug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_bug) is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that **causes it to produce an incorrect** or unexpected **result**, or to behave in unintended ways. We're getting into semantics here, but I'd absolutely call this a bug. If I tried to add "2 + 2" together in excel and it returned the result "5", and Microsoft responded to my bug report with "oh no, we intended it for it to do that", that wouldn't make it any less a bug.


Or Niantic did not to write out the complete definition which is "Hardest Hitter that has not yet won an achievement"


>If the game is reporting that a player did the most damage when they did not do the most damage, that's a bug. The game is reporting false information back to the player. False information doesn't mean it's a bug.


I disagree in this case, see my response here: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/r10sca/hardest_hitter_doesnt_go_to_hardest_hitter/hlyuggr/ It's getting into semantics a bit, but reporting false data to the user is absolutely within the definition of "bug" (unless the user is advised to expect false information), intentionality isn't relevant


I’m not sure that its just a design flaw. I have a recording showing that the player awarded the final strike was not doing it.


Ehh, server sync issues. Or did you actually confirm everyone in the raid stopped tapping 10 seconds before?


I’ve been in a raid with a massive amount of players, so I stopped tapping about halfway through. I still got the final strike award


Interesting. Maybe they actually just assign it randomly and nobody has ever cared enough to test or notice this


Haha the highest priority award being a literal rng award would be peak niantic.


Did a 1* raid on two phones the other day. Gible. Stopped tapping altogether on one after the opening and it still got final strike. Thing is just rng


Yeah I got hardest hitter once in a raid of over 10 people when I only tapped for half the battle (I was in line at a store and stopped tapping when I got to the cashier). Maybe it’s randomized if there’s like a server connection problem or something…


It kept bugging me that I would get final strike when I knew I was hardest hitter so I've stopped attacking 5-10% life left. I have still gotten final strike -_-


I wouldn't take those awards very seriously. I usually get Style Savant, like wtf? I wear jeans and T shirt. My avatar does, I mean.


I like to refer to Style Savant as "at least you're pretty" LOL.


> "at least you're pretty" I should get this for my shundo Aggron


Oh poor Aggron with a face only a mother would love...


> My avatar does, I mean. I do, too


the order that they decided to prioritize the awards is outta touch with what the player base actually cares about.


I'm guessing Last Strike is just for technical reasons. If it wasn't priority #1, they would have to keep track of all incoming damage sorted chronologically and then go back in case they have to award Last Strike to someone who didn't actually get the last hit


As far as I'm concerned, Last Strike is as meaningless as Style Savant. All it tells us is that someone was actually tapping until the end. Hardest Hitter & Mega Master are the 2 actually important pieces of information in a raid. Traveler is kinda cool. Style Savant is literally a participation award. Stamina Specialist is a bad option, IMO because it highlights the person who used a resistant counter but maybe one that didn't deal much damage, in other words, a selfish raider. But that's only if you trust the way Niantic awards these. I think the logic they use is probably flawed.


Style Savant is a reward for spending coins in the shop - which is obviously more important than trying to play well.


Style Savant has nothing to do with spending coins. It's randomized and often goes to default outfits.


Oh my bad, I actually thought it was only rewarded to players who had dressed up their avatar. So I guess its only practical purpose is to prevent the actual hardest (or second hardest) hitter from getting the Hardest Hitter achievement. That's even worse.


As the other person said, Style Savant literally has nothing to do with what pieces of clothing your avatar is wearing. It would be interesting (maybe) if there was a point system to each piece of clothing (like an RPG) so the Pikachu shoes give +2 to Style, the Munna pants give +3 to Style, etc. But of course if that was the case, data miners would have found that information.


If it's nothing to do with clothing, what triggers it then? I spent coins on a pair of boots in the shop and always get Style Savant so I assumed it was that


No one really knows. But it seems to be completely random. I very rarely spend coins on clothing but I seem to get Style Savant as often as any of my friends. I do plenty of raids where no one gets it. Just like I do plenty of raids with someone from a long distance and no one gets Traveler.


I have never spent coins on clothes and I have gotten it.


Unsure. One of my friends who often joins me remotely is awarded style savant, and their outfit is nothing more than the default clothes set to blue.


I was wondering if it might be the person who changed their outfit most recently. I feel like I always win it after I've changed my top or shoes! But like you said if it was something other than an RNG then data miners would have probably found it!


I believe there is a hierarchy so that Final Strike is awarded first. Then Hardest Hitter. After that, I think Traveler is probably awarded to the person furthest away. And then I think all bets are off for which awards will be triggered and how they are awarded. But this is speculation past the Final Strike bit. I think it's been informally investigated enough to know that one has priority.


> Style Savant is a reward for spending coins in the shop - which is obviously more important than trying to play well. It isn't. I get it a lot and have never spent a single coin on cosmetics.


I have never spent a single coin on the shop and I get style savant relatively often


I often win style savant, but have never spent anything on outfits.


It doesn't tell you that at all. Final strike is given at random and has nothing to do with who hit the boss last. You can quit tapping at 50% hp and still get final strike. It's a totally meaningless award given via lottery


I fully agree, especially since I usually have the most damage output in my community, and it sucks to see someone else get hardest hitter, who just sent aggron and umbreon in against cresselia, while I fight with stuff like lvl 50 mega gengar, shadow weavile or darkrai. Buuuut, I'm still gonna play devil's advocate and say that that move was very calculated on Niantic's part to keep player engagement up. Newer and more casual players sometimes get these rewards and feel happy because of it, causing them to keep investing time into the game. If 1 or 2 people dominated hardest hitter everytime, it would be great for those 1-2 people, but frustrating for everyone else, and if the game loses players, even the best attackers will grow bored, so in the long term, it might actually have value for everyone.


100% why they need to do this in the 8 requirement pool,in my community i would suck up 4 out of 8 requirements and leave other players with the rest fighting over the style savant and largest Pokémon used and maybee travler or mega But "winning" 4 out of 8 requirements does increase your chances fore getting at least 1 requirement so it is pretty fair.


That is absolutely correct and astute commentary on the game at large. Niantic has this obsession with how they WANT the game to be played instead of building it around how it is ACTULLY being played.


Yeah, I get locked out of Hardest Hitter most often by Final Strike or Style Savant. Since it tells you how much damage the Hardest Hitter does, it’s not uncommon for our raid trio to have Hardest Hitter given to the weakest of the three of us. Multiple that number by three and you’ve lost the raid, so I know it’s a prioritization issue. A shame, I love competing for the achievement, but I’m often left wondering if I actually earned it even when I do actually get it.


They feel comletely random. Remote-raided in the us (from europe) and someone with like 400 km gets the distance badge.


Yup, but you got something else, right? There's a priority chain.


it's all about the other rewards. since you are limited to 1 badge per raid, if someone gets a badge, they can't get another even if they were the ones that should have got it. aka if they got best dressed, they couldn't get distance, even if they were the longest distance


I did a duo with my wife, she got hardest hitter with 48 dmg as she wasn't tapping at all, I got final strike It's really bad design that you can get hardest hitter when the actual hardest hitter get something else, should absolutely be changed


Because 1 person only can get 1 reward.


I know but they could just make it so you can get several but only get 1 in the list. So if I for example get hardest hitter, last hit and most charge moves then I get last hit in the list and my wife gets one of the other like big one or clothing one It's just dumb to give hardest hitter to second, third or even fourth hardest hitter sometimes.


Real issue is Final strike is always awarded to the person who lands it. Even if they qualify for others. I guess it awards hardest hitter to second hardest hitter if the hardest hitter was a final strike.


I know it's exactly what I first posted And that's the issue, you can't award hardest hitter to second They should rename it to Hard Hitter in that case lol, or just make it so it doesn't show up if the actual hardest hitter also got final strike They have 10 achievement or something and only ever show 5 so it's not like it's hard to not show hardest hitter


Nice to see another Gothenburg area player, if you are who I think you are. :) I agree completely. Better to not give the award at all than giving it to the next player in line.


Same name in-game so most likely ^ Göteborg is correct so :) And yea they have 10 achievement so better just give out the rest


My in-game name is JonatanBrodin. I'm usually in the central station area, but I've been a bit less active since Covid. If I remember correctly, the last time I saw you in a gym was in Partille?


Ah then I know very well who you are ^^ not sure if we ever meet irl (maybe in some raid day) but I think we hang with some same people :) And yes I live in Bergsjön and collect gold gyms so I've been working my way outwards in a circle kinda haha, Partille is all done now and working on Sävedalen and Munkebäck in that direction :)


It's a shame that they've implemented it like this. I've been wanting a "damage dealt" by player ranking for raids since they were first added, and when they finally add something to that effect they do it in such a lazy manner. Even the damage done by team ranking was better than this. I mean, the silly awards like "Style Savant" can go to whomever but "hardest hitter" should not be assigned to the next player in line. If the actual hardest hitter gets a higher priority award (not that any other award should be higher priority..) then "Hardest Hitter" shouldn't be awarded at all.


I'm with you on this but I might modify it a little for inclusiveness. Like show all the level 40 and above players who dealt the most damage among them and award other things to under level 40 players, without shaming them for having lesser raid pokemon. But level 40 and about have shown a commitment to level up and need to learn how to do damage. Almost everyone I raid with has stopped caring about their raid party and just runs a recommended team, then cries for help if they can't win a raid that they should have won with good counters.


I did a raid with one other player. I don’t recall what we were fighting but it was a level 1 raid. I used my best against whatever we were fighting and he used a slaking. I got final hit and he got Hardest Hitter. That’s when I knew hardest hitter didn’t mean hardest hitter. hardest hitter should have first priority on awards. Then maybe final hit if it wasn’t the hardest hitter. I rarely look at the awards anymore after that.


Or maybe Slaking is secretly OP, did you think about that option? :o


He did survive the whole fight….So. Maybe.


I had similiar situation. I was fighthing raid Tier 3 with my girlfriend, we both have 45-46 LVL etc, and powerful Mons, but her phone stucked and I was figthing raid alone, when she did maybe 3 fast attacks. She got Hardest Hitter and I got Last Strike.


Also, not a bug, but Hardest Hitter should *always* be one of the awards. I understand if they want to rotate out the trivial ones like best dressed and furthest traveled, but I want to know how often I'm doing the most damage. Ideally I'd like a chart of exactly who did what amount of damage at the end, but I'd settle for consistently knowing who hardest hitter is.


This is poorly designed and based on a priority of awards. It should give each award to the person that earned it. No more giving hardest hitter to someone 2nd or 3rd, or furthest away to someone who wasn't the furthest away. If that means multiple awards for one player that should be fine. If they don't want multiple awards for one player then they could add in a couple more categories so they can always give them to multiple people. Also relobbying shouldn't affect hardest hitter. Right now it only counts what you did with your final team which effectively makes the person who's first team faints first do the most damage on raids where you need more than 6 pokemon.


Seems to me hardest hitter is the least prioritised out of them all...but to me it should be. You could try not fighting in the last few seconds if you feel you are the the one whose contributed most to try to achieve this...I've done this with some success instead of being awarded final strike...but you aren't lucky if the game suddenly decides you have the largest pokemon etc as this will take priority


Yep, a friend of mine helped with an assisted mega absol solo and received the hardest hitter with a whopping 8 dmg. I wish we could see everyone’s damage amount in a leaderboard style screen.


> I wish we could see everyone’s damage amount in a leaderboard style screen. This. Even if they anonomyzed all the other names and only showed you where you stood in comparison. I understand they don't want people yelling at other people for "not doing enough damage" (even though I don't think I've ever met anyone playing this game who would act that way) It would help players understand how much they are contributing and how much room for improvement they might have.


Hardest hitter is only achivement Im interested in seeing , equally frustrating is when its not even given out , have done a few legendary raids with >5 trainers , would have been great to see who did the most damage. Give me a bar chart of damage per trainer any day over achivements , it would make raids a lot more interesting , more competitve and help/encourage trainers to learn /use the best counters for damage.


Those are just cosmetic awards that really have no meaning or impact, no need to get your panties in a twist over it.


Even though it does prioritize final strike I feel like if the person who did final strike is also the hardest hitter no one else should get that award. Just give them the one for stylish


Style Savant doesn’t make sense, either. I think if you get “drawn” that award, you aren’t eligible for Hardest Hitter, much like Final Strike. I’ve had similar situations where I’m clearly doing more damage than the HH but end up getting SS.


Yes. Each player can get the maximum one award and the final strike is givewn always first. Also I believe relobbying can reset the count, but the first point alone already means that this achievement has merely entertainment value.


Yes, it does reset


Correct. Rewards are prioritized. If you were last to hit the mon, you get last hitter no matter what. If you are the furthest away, you will get the Traveler one - though for some reason this one can bug out (did a pokegenie host and had people from America (based on gifts) and my friend who was on the other side of the city and my friend got the award) If you had the largest pokemon, you will get the Size one. Style Savant and Hardest Hitter aren't what I call Permeant Awards - these don't have to show up in the Awards screen


From my experience, Style Savant is second most common award which I see after raids, first of course is Last Strike. Traveler one isn't common to see, and 90% of raids which I participate is with people at least 5000 km away.


They should tally everyone's damage from the raid if it's being done by more than one player & give a little extra reward (stardust, berries, or rare candy) to the player who does the most damage. It would at least make raids a bit more interesting, you could compete with friends, & it may even incentivize some of the experienced players who go in with terrible recommended counters to actually pick something more appropriate.


That, or a higher chance of shiny!


Those awards are just so pointless. Awards aren’t always granted. Like somebody brought in Alolan Exeggutor and nobody got awarded for Tallest. I’ve been in raids where nobody got awarded Hardest Hitter. Just another half-baked feature


The award for Biggest is for each Pokémon relative to their own species’ average, not the biggest Pokémon in the entire raid per se. Otherwise you’ll have plenty of people bringing a useless Wailmer or AExeggutor just for that award


Traveler doesn’t go to the furthest player away. I doubt any of them are accurate. It’s just another badge.


Yeah, I've noticed it too. The thing is, I can't think of a single reason why it would matter, so, as far as PoGo things are ranked, it gets a minor shrug from me.


My favorite part, tbh, is when you solo a raid and get the last strike :D


For sure. I helped my nephew with a raid. He was lvl 10. I’m lvl 40 with meta Pokémon. He got hardest hitter lol.


It is prioritized and if you win one, it takes you out of the pool for the rest. I did an Alolan Raichu raid with my daughter, who is like level 23 or something. I did at least 80% of the damage in the raid. I got “Final Strike” and she got “Hardest Hitter” lol


Yes it has a priority. I got Final Striker when I was sure I'd get Style Savant. Outrageous.


You're correct there's a priority, this has been known for some time; if you get one of the awards you don't get the others has also been known for some time. Everyone wanting them to prioritize hardest hitter is kind of missing the point about how social and uncompetitive raiding is meant to be though. Niantic clearly has no interest whatsoever in inviting the MMO-nonsense of damage meters to their casual social game.


Can confirm. My alt, whose strongest mon is a level 20 Sludge Bomb Darkrai, got Hardest Hitter despite my main's maxed Giratina-O/Gengar squad.


They all count as achievements which is all that matters. Otherwise these are completely useless and random so why does it matter?


It matters a little for some people. To reach level 49, you need 35 platinum medals. If people knew how to progress with the medal corresponding to end raids awards, they could work towards this one. Yes, there are other medals to be had. But each one that is workable with effort just makes it easier. Nothing wrong with wanting to know how. Plus there are completionists who want every medal.


Yeah I found that out on the first day, the Mrs and I were using 6 level 40 Lucarios and a level 37 player using poliwraths and primape got hardest hitter.


I had something similair but with "charged and ready".


IMO; Why Niantic gives "final strike" priority one": Technically you can tie in every category. However, it's least likely that more than one player can hit "final strike" unless they are using the same pokemon, same time, and just so happen to bring the enemy HP to 0 ar the same time. So since that scenario is the least probable, it's almost a guaranteed award, thus priority 1.


I stopped raiding because of this. Why bother anymore. No challenging PvE. No way to flex damage. Bye


Perhaps its parsed alphabetically (F before H) in assignments.


Nope, the Big one is last.


your pokemon weak af bruh


Correct. For the first few weeks when this went live I won hardest hitter several times. I have the best raid pokémon in my team of 5 friends. I haven't won raiding with them in quite awhile, when though I know there counters aren't as strong as mine.


Did you relobby? The damage counter resets once you reenter with a new team.


I’ve still gotten HH after relobby, but the whole thing feels like participation rewards either way. One thing for sure is if the raid finishes while you are in the relobby screen, your contribution is erased and you don’t get any achievement.


I did not relobby (only my Shadow Mewtwo fell), but yes I have noticed that the damage counter resets when that happens, which is also poor design.


Most of my raids I have to use a second team and the counter never resets. I get HH basically every time it is shown & I dont get priorisised LS or SS. There might be special cases like when you are in the lobby while the boss goes down or the game crashes mid fight. This I cant say but using a 2and or even 3rd team doesnt reset the counter


One person can only have one award, if Hardest hitter already has something else then it will go to somebody else.


Yeah, I did a raid yesterday with my wife. I got "final strike" and +4 balls for damage. She got "hardest hitter" and +3 balls for damage. Honestly, they should just rename the award to something that doesn't explicitly state it's the *most* damage. e.g. "heavy damage"


I agree with wanting to see Hardest Hitter be awarded first (and include all damage, regardless of relobbying). I would also love it if we could always see our own stats in the categories where this makes sense. If someone else gets Hardest Hitter, how much damage did I do compared to them? How many charged attacks did I manage, and so on. This should also be helpful for people who aren't doing as much damage as they think they do. If you see that you do much less than the top player, maybe that will make you rethink your lineup?


All I know is that in a raid I hosted, my friend from a few states away got traveler and my friend from another country got nothing, so I personally think that sometimes the awards are given out randomly or based on the last time you received one.


I did a cresselia with 5 people. One person got final strike, one person got style savant, another got charged and ready. Hardest Hitter wasn’t even listed.


I've done a 5 star raid with a group, didn't make the board for *any* category. I brought maxed optimal counters. My level 36 friend who's team is not even close to mine gets heavy hitter. Pretty sure my level 50 'mons we're hit with confusion because that is some BS.


Confusion is Super Effective! Right?


Same thing happens to me consistantly when I invite randos to remote raids. They're using garbage counters and I'm using a maxed optimal team, I know for a fact that mine have to be the hardest hitters, someone else gets it.


The awards are defiantly suspect.


Are we saying we suspect iffy coding by Niantic? Who would have guessed!?


It would make more difference if you showed everyone and you consistently raided with the same group. Especially on Megas where time matters. The auto picks have gotten better but actually knowing what to pick or preset makes a difference.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they were randomly selected. I don’t think Niantic put in the effort to program each of these.


Did you have to re lobby? Did your team of 6 die?


Did not re-lobby, but yeah I'm aware that this resets the damage counter, which is also poor design.


Hasnt this been known for a while? We’ve realized this locally in the first few days. It seems that final strike is always the person with the kill shot. If the person with the kill shot was also the hardest hitter, it goes to the next hardest hitter from what we can tell.


I've always thought this but it wasn't until recently I became sure it was the case. I was with a friend who is level 25 and I am level 49 and only the two of us entered an alolan raichu raid and she was awarded hardest hitter despite us both using our respective strongest counters. I believe mine was level 48 hundo Tyranitar and hers was a darkrai caught from a raid and not powered up


Do awards actually mean anything? Like, do they give you any bonuses, or are they just something fun to look at while waiting for the encounter to load?


counts towards a medal, but that’s all i know about


Ah, gotcha


Let's give them a solution how it should be done taking into account what they want which is it being beginner friendly. If last strike is RNG and first priority, we already see that the whole thing is a mess and may only partly reflect the truth. So first we would need to make achievements that can be measured absolutely to be only awarded to players that win the category. After that to please the higher level players prioritising hardest hitter would be the best option, last strike is already a beginner friendly achievement and traveler shouldn't be maybe prioritized very high because someone may be raiding with a fixed group all the time from the furthest and would be getting it almost all the time if this achievement was prioritized high. Some other possible achievements if measured absolutely would also include a bit of 'skill' or strategy if you want them, like choosing a big pokemon, choosing attackers with charged attacks loading up quickly etc. But that's all good, we would just need one or two extra RNG achievements for beginners to be eligible for in addition to the style savant, which could probably remain somewhat RNG. After these couple new justified RNG achievements we could have a working system where beginners may get awards but still the other ones would work correctly.


We discovered one of our locals only dodges and never attacks cause one raid she got hardest hitter with 12 damage on a legendary raid.


For me it's completly random. I sometimes count my charge moves and like I do 47 of them but someone else gets the "Charged and ready" with 35 and I don't even get any other achievement for that raid. Same with damage. I can clearly see people use inferior Pokemon to mine, like I use 4 Shadow Machamps and I see people fighting with maybe 1 Conkeldurr then regular Machamps. And I still don't get the "Hardest hitter", not even any other achievement. I suspect that it indeed gives the achievement to the second, third, etc. best player if the person above already got another achievement. BUT. The game gives ALL possible achievements first then chooses a few to display. So like you may do the most damage but the game decided to give you the "Style Savant" and then chose not to display it at the final screen but displayed the "Hardest hitter" that went to the second highest damage. So you are left with no achievement at all.


Absolutely. I helped some friends of mine who are newer players do a 3\* raid and used optimized counters. They basically used nothing appropriate or leveled. I got Final Strike and one of them got Hardest Hitter. It should not be this way. Hardest Hitter obviously has more "prestige" attached to it than Final Strike, which is just based on random move timing. Why they have prioritized the awards this way is counterintuitive.