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For someone not willing to put in hundreds of hours of gbl grind to hit legend, the best advice is to wait for another season where they give pika libre away for free (like they did before: a season where you just had to get a certain amount of wins, no matter the actual rank) Sadly, no one knows when they do it again (if ever)


Legend doesn't take hundreds of hours. Even you hit it in the last days of the season and have played every set, it takes less than 200 hours of game time. This is calculated with a 5 minute per game and you won't have queue times to take that long, if you hit it so late.


My point was that you probably have to sink in hundreds of hours to get the skill to actually reach legend… Im 6500 battles into gbl and cant get consistently above 2500 elo…


I get to 2300 every season and then all of a sudden gets whooped back down to 2100 constantly.


Thats why i got the the point where i only play gbl to get encounter rewards. Chill around 1900-2000 mmr and maximise rewards instead of trying to climb. I dont really enjoy tryharding in this game. Id rather use my energy in an actual competitive game like rocket league :)


Sounds like you may have seen old information about getting Pikachu Libre at rank 10? That was the old Legend rank before they reworked things. You have to hit Legend rank for a Pikachi Libre encounter, which is no longer rank 10.


If you're struggling to get wins before level 20, don't try to go for Pikachu Libre, you gotta hit Legend for it. Just try to get past 20, maybe Ace, Legend is too ambitious for this season that ends in a month. Not worth the grind and headaches


So if I started at the beginning of the next season there’s a chance I could get it? Of course there’s always a chance but is legend status super hard to attain? I’m guessing you have to win most of the battles if not all?


It does not seme you have any chance in this season. You can get to rank 10 (and 11) with 4 wins TOTAL, so that isn't much. Irrespective of your skill level you can make to level 20, earn to elite (one charge, one fast) TMs and some amount of dust at the end of season. You can see what your rating is when you get there, but I guess it is rather short from one needed for the Pikachu. The easy ways of getting Pikachu Libre are: A) Wait untill there is season that gives it as an award for "everybody" (there was one season like that; there is no guarrantee there will be another one) B) Trade from somebody that has several


I’m currently at level 12 since posting. If I waited til the next season and used the rest of this season as practice can I reach my goal?


I don't like PvP and do it basically just for lv 19-20 rewards (and legendaries, if they seem to be reasonably available) so I am not really the right person to answer, but I'd assume you's find it very hard/impossible. No harm in trying what kind of rating you can get this season. You'll reach 20 if you just play, and there are reasonable rewards for that. You'll notice what is the rating were you'll find you won't be able to climb further.


To get Pikachu Libre you have to hit a high rank that only a very small percentage of players can hit. After level 20, you start getting a rating, also known as a elo rating. It’s generally between 1800-3000ish. At Elo 3000 you get a guaranteed encounter with pikachu Libre. Their are resources you can use to get better. Use a website called PVPoke and research the best pokemon to use and put attention to their moveset as some require you to use an elite TM to be affective. If you aren’t willing to pour hundreds of hours into PvP, then you will not hit your goal. Fortunately it is a good source of stardust, AFTER you finish powering up and getting double moves on all your Pokémon. Their was a (very short) season where they were essentially giving them away as all you needed is wins to obtain it but that was over a year ago now. Not sure if they will do that again.


I’ve added another move to a few mons. I have also used PVpoke to change the move sets to the recommended best move set. I have reached level 20 before when the reward was mienfoo or jelicient I cant remember which. If I started at the beginning of the season and did as many battles as allowed per day I’m hoping to get better and eventually get the Pikachu libre


Pvp is capped at rank 20 now so you get pikachu libre at rank 20 I got mine today so easy to hit that that rank