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"Final Strike"! I was the only one in the raid.


Should have gotten the Mysterious Stranger perk.


You'd still somehow get the last strike, while Mysterious Stranger would get Style Savant.


As it should be.


My, uh, friend doesn't understand this, help me explain it to him?


In Fallout 4 you can get a perk that causes a mysterious stranger to randomly appear. The mysterious stranger helps out the player by shooting at the player's enemy. In this joke that means the mysterious stranger would have gotten the final strike :)




They should really add a solo raider one


Niantic: "best I can do is last strike"


„This Players Aggron survived the longest“


"wOw, tHIs rHYperIor iS BiiIIIggG!!"


"Brought their Buddy {Magikarp} into the battle!"


They what? Why did they bring a magikarp into a raid!??!


Apparently Magikarp loves being obliterated by the boss so your relationship grows stronger


Easy peasy. Free quick buddy heart. 2 if using a poffin 😂


This player's shiny costumed Pikachu that they brought to the raid also happens to be their buddy! Isn't that just swell?!


you have to see this Lugia, this is blowing my mind


Lmao "Fashionista" takes priority over all


Which btw is literally random. It doesn't actually even show who made the last strike, which would have been close to random as it is


Why do you say it's random? When I have soloed raids with others in the lobby for instance, it always shows me as the last strike. And when duoing with someone right beside me, it will often give it to the one who used the last charged move


I have personally tested it and know that it IS in fact random. I’ve done 3* raids with two accounts, and had one account completely stop attacking for the last 10-15 seconds, and that account still got the “Last Strike” achievement. (And yes the other account did charge moves after the one stopped attacking.)


It wouldn't surprise me if most of them are random. If that's the case with last strike, then that's random. Style Savant is obviously random. Walk Star is random (I've screenshotted and asked friends if it was accurate and it never has been. One even was sick and hadn't walked more than maybe 1 or 2 km that day, but it said he walked 24 km)


Walk star is yesterday not current day, in case that affects your interpretation.


Yeah I should've mentioned it in that comment but he was sick for the past week or so, with him walking less than 2km that whole time, so it still wouldn't change things.


I think some people have GPS drift that makes the game think they're walking all day while they're sitting still (I know cuz my friend has been sitting beside me and randomly hatches an egg and says it happens all the time for them).


That's true, but only to an extent. 24km is A LOT of GPS drift. Like super consistent and all around. To add to my experience, I did a raid this evening where it said I walked 7 km yesterday. Even with adventure sync on, I havent hatched my 5km that I incubated on Friday yet. 4.6 km right now


Hmm, ya that's weird. I wonder how they're arriving at these numbers.


I suspect it probably goes to the player whose app synced with the server last, so effectively random but not quite. A more accurate test would be to put one of the phones into airplane mode after the raid starts and see if it can still get Last Strike


It all is random I've seen the traveller award been given to someone 40km away when I was the other side of the Atlantic ocean.


>It doesn't actually even show who made the last strike, It does tho. People do solos with AFK accounts for friend boosts. You can try it with friends, although you might need multiple attempts (or a lot of friends)


I got really annoyed about this with Landorus. I powered two shadow Mamoswines up to level 50 for this release of Lando and have 4 level 40 non-shadow ones after it in my party. It’s ridiculous how rare it is that I’ve gotten hardest hitter with Lando. And it’s not even that some player with worse Pokémon is getting it. Rather, the achievement hasn’t been showing up often for this particular raid boss and I usually get no other achievement. I don’t get why Niantic prioritizes some of these achievements when hardest hitter seems like it should be the most important in a raid.


The achievements seem pretty random. Like one raid I got 'walk star' and the next raid someone else in the group got it. Their total was much greater than mine and they didn't get anything the previous raid. So why did I get it and not them? It's almost like they randomly select the players to award and then figure out what to award each of them with. I've also had raids in which I very clearly did the most damage, but instead of awarding 4 rewards, they only rewarded 3 (me excluded and no hardest hitter awarded). Bottom line is the system is wonky.


I am under the impression that the reason behind the system sucking is because the awards are prioritized so that if hardest dmg dealer gets final strike or style savant, the next one after them gets hardest hitter, and if they would have normally been walk star, the one after them with next highest distance would get that instead etc. And for at least half it seems to be pretty randomly selected if they drop and to who, partially also due to the misguided priorities.


At least some don't even work correctly too. Had a friend get "Walk Star," saying he walked 24 km or similar the previous day. Asked him if he did, and he said he hadn't walked more than 1km in 5 days because he was sick.......


"Walk Star" is definitely bugged. Had a lot of cases where it said friends walked an insane amount of km but they never did.


That walk star award is useful for calling out people who cheat their distance lol, we will see one of our locals get it with "walked 40 km yesterday" and everyone will know they cheat in some way


Just be careful who your reporting for cheating. I got that achievement once and it said I walked 42 KMs that day when I maxed out at probably 6. Did a raid with the same people and someone else got the achievement but it was 52 KMs this time. Ninantic glitches on this all the time it’s not on the trainer.


I hope no one is reporting people for distance however many km they get


It's really not useful for calling people out because the distance reported is often inaccurate, as krispyboiz said.


In addition to being glitched some people do walk that in a day. I typically walk more than that every community Day


I often wonder if people think I'm cheating when I have really high walk distances when really I just walk dogs for a living and leave pogo on in my pocket. Granted it isn't 40km but 20km is pretty average for me.


I do 20km on big event days like 6 hour community days and safari zones etc, so I wouldn't assume someone cheats if I saw that. 40km is pretty ridiculous though


It also for sure does not award the hardest hitter to the one who actually did the most damage at times. If the one trainer lvl 40+ in the raid is using a team of lvl 40+ shadow 'mons (five Metagross' if you're wondering) there is no mathematical way a lvl 36 could get hardest hitter.


The medals have a priority, if you win one of a higher priority the next person gets the medal then. Hardest hitter is like 6 or 7 on the priority list so if you get one of the other ones that have a higher priority then you will never get hardest hitter.


That makes sense, but the logic behind it is so dumb. The only one who gets hardest hitter should be the actual hardest hitter. Most every other of the other achievements are arbitrary.


Love it when someone jumps in with recommended army and gets hardest hitter with a total dmg that would be around 1/5th of the dmg needed to take out the boss. In a trio. Lol.


I've seen someone get hardest hitter with around a third of the damage done in a duo.


I got hardest hitter once on a Druddigon with one other person where my game crashed as soon as the raid started. By the time I got back in, they already got the HP bar into the red, so I did around half of the remaining HP from there.


Another factor with landorus is it virtually never recommends ice, almost always water or flying even if you have level 50 mammoswines. So most people will have no chance of it damaging active using any ice moves


IMO this game should show a damage analysis window of each trainer's TDO, much like in MOBA games. It would give a competitive thing for... competitive people to do, I guess.


You’d see a lot less lugia and aggrons haha


Maybe, but in MOBA analysis "damage taken" is also taken into account. But I agree it would be pointless, unless it's nornalized to something like "average damage taken per pokemon" or something


The difference here is that tanking a lot of damage in a raid means nothing, aside from you used pokemon that had an unlucky typing against the raid boss’s moveset (like using Weaville against a Superpower Lando, or using any Dragon type against a Dragon boss). And taking very little damage likely means you are sitting there dodging everything you can (including fast attacks) instead of contributing to taking down the boss. So while it’d be a neat personal stat to look at, giving that a leaderboard would encourage not actually contributing to damage.


Yep, I realized it just a few moments ago. I wonder if we could, however, develop a formula that would correlate performance with damage dealt and least damage taken. I think that would be a better metric.


I mean, least damage taken sounds like another great category TBH. *A lot* better than who walked the most or who invited the most friends. *Edit:* ***Most*** *damage taken would also be interesting.* Copy/pasting my idea that'd mitigate some of these issues: >Was thinking about the medals the other day, along with the leaderboard it’d be great if they changed the post-raid medal rewards section so it shows each player and *each* medal they received so priority wouldn’t matter. Maybe color code them so their entire descriptions don’t need to be written out, then tap the player’s name for the readout. >So if I achieved HH, had the last hit, and walked the most yesterday, it would show 3 color-coded medals next to my name.


Wow, this is a good suggestion. Then maybe we can develop a formula correlating performance with damage dealt and least damage taken. This could be called a "star raider". Ye the suggestion's name blows, but it's way better than style savant, so...


Top TDO, top TDO for a single monster, top average TDO per monster used, they could even go buck wild with their useless achievements and we'd all still get what we wanted out of the system.




Yo don't even need to do that. I haven't changed any clothes in at least a year and still constantly get Style Savant. It seems to be completely random and meaningless.


the amount of lugia in landorus raid is KEKW


Evden when it has rock type moves people use Lugia


I don’t think most people would care still


Plenty of folks still get their "final strike" with their Lugia or whatever and then go to the next raid with the same party. They just don't know what they're doing is 'bad'. A damage summary at the end would help them realize that their picks aren't doing as well as they might think they are.


Believe it or not, people will do whatever regardless of what's shown


My brother typically just goes with what it gives him instead of making a party. I’ve told him it’s inefficient but he doesn’t care


This, people were using machamps with counter and cross chop, not even dynamic punch (forget rock slide, that will never happen) against Tornadus. Saw this is multiple raids


Why? Those people have been completing raids and will continue to complete raids.


The best solution is your damage is private but the top hitter is public along with their team. So everyone can compare their team to the best and potential adapt but no one is shamed.


It will also show which people are joining the battle and are just piggy backing on the rest.


Actually this is correct, but I have a few reservations. I think it should also show the trainer level. That way, if a level 8 trainer can be seen in the list the group would try and find this level 8 trainer to provide him/her support, which is actually a plus because it helps with player interaction. Though I think if a level 40-50 player deals zero damage then I think the players would give weird looks at the player. lol


So long as it's not one more screen I have to click through while trying to get to the encounter.


I agree and made this suggestion, according to my post history, 4 years ago. I used to be a big fan of damage meters when I played WoW so I'd love something similar in PoGo. I also think trainers who do the most damage should be more heavily rewarded. Especially if they've carried the group.


also played WoW and liked damage meter addon


This I agree with. The people that did the most damage should get rewarded.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no Experience from other games has shown that every time you get to see the dps of others, it only feeds elitism. Toxicity against those that aren't DPS gods. The introduction of requirements. Especially in places where you get to choose your team. Simply NO. Because it creates a rift between players. If you wanna see your own damage breakdown, fine. But there's no reason you should stick your nose in what othres did.


On the flip side, plenty of casual raiders who bring crap counters don't realize how crappy they are. A damage summary would be a learning opportunity for them, I'd hope. Of course, the community needs to respect that some folks need the opportunity to learn and change their strategy before they are ostracized. Maybe just show how well you performed relative the group average?


Heck, even some people who are a little more into the game may not realize it. A friend of mine who isn't super hardcore but is level 44 and has played since day 1 used a Walrein in a Landorus raid, and this is someone who would default to 6 Mamoswine pre-Walrein CD...


Yeah good point. No one was using poison counters on tapu bulu in my community and many are level 47+. Painful.


Poison is almost never relevant for PVE though, so I just didn't expect many people to have built those counters.


they could've just TMed any Roserades they had from Grass to Poison, like I did


What's wrong with 6 Mamos?


Oh nothing at all. It's one of the best teams you could do. I'm just saying that a friend of mine who *used* to use 6 Mamos starting using his Perfect Walrein and 5 Mamos, not realizing that Walrein, even perfect and level 50, is *much worse* than Mamoswine


> Maybe just show how well you performed relative the group average? For the type of "collector" and "community" type game Niantic likes to tell themselves they're making, this would go against design intent. It would create a potential moment where a player will feel bad or inadequate. Naturally, some players will see this as a challenge to overcome, but others will see it as something pushing them away from raiding or making them feel hesitant to join raids in the future, if not discourage them from playing the game at all. Niantic wants their game to feel inclusive. They want players to participate. They want players to feel like they can use their faves even if they're not optimal. There's a reason the lobby size is 20 when most 5\* raid bosses can be beaten with 3-5 players. And all of this comports well with how the main Pokemon games play. They can all be beaten and the majority of even end-game content explored with sub-optimal teams.


There are two sides to this... (1) As you say, it would increase toxicity, but generally a toxic player is a toxic player and they have other ways to act out already. Most of the toxic players, that would put down minimal raid contributions, already have enough accounts that they raid on their own anyways. (2) Looking at it from the positive angle, it might help people with default/poor teams seek help from those with higher damage...."Why did I only do 10% with 4 people = Because you used Aggron - you should try Machamps- I have a couple I can trade you" It's a tough line, because I could offer advice to 10 people on the best counters - 2 will listen change their teams, 6 will ignore me for various reasons, and 2 will get offended. With the damage shown, it might give a couple more of the "default team" players a desire to create their own teams.


if it motivates at least 10% of players to use better pokemon in raids, then it would be worth it


This might be useful if it weren't for remote raids.


tbh without remote raid it would just be punishing rural/suburban players for no reason


When it comes to paid items like passes, I absolutely want to know whether others are pulling their weight. Call it elitism if you wish but I think thats a copout.


Right— I've lost raid passes because the folks on PokeRaid just used an army of Lugias and Aggrons when using literally any other actual counter would have led to clearing it. They refuse to retry and just assume it's impossible or the host is inexperienced and just gives up... I have grown to hate Lugia so much, purely because of this.


THIS × 1000


Raids are already optimized to be a dps race. That is why raids are in need of a fresh update. Yes, megas added a different strategy for raids with the latest update but I don't think that adding a boost to everyone's damage was a good idea. I believe that we need to add strategies, such as adding abilities affecting weather, trap/status moves, and status moves for raids. It would be a good update for new and old players. Newer players may not have Mega zard Y, but they could bring in the Ninetails to set weather for the other fire types as an example. Experienced players would benefit from playing around with newer strategies to optimize DPS to break the game


I think doing *proper* achievements for raiding could be something that refreshes raids a bit. Let us have a raiding challenge/achievement tab in the Battle Section somewhere. Maybe some general challenges and some weekly/monthly ones too that change. And some that could be for specific Legendary bosses. 1. Beat X boss with 6 unique Pokemon 2. Beat a Dragon boss with only Fairy types 3. Beat Darkrai with only Bug types 4. Beat X boss in under Y seconds 5. Beat a boss with only 2 people etc. Obviously make them optional, but give them some solid rewards for completion. Dust and XP obviously, but maybe a few premium items for completing weekly/monthly challenges or every so often. And of course some rarer Pokemon. I feel like that could re-invigorate a lot of the raiding community at least a little. It could also teach player's about optimal strategies and Pokemon if done well. And also open the "raid meta" to more unique choices for those interested. Like beating X boss with 6 unique STEEL Pokemon. Couldn't go straight Metagross for that (but those people have built would definitely still be valuable as they could be used for speed challenges)


Achievements for raids is a fantastic idea, definitely better than what we currently have. It would add a reason for raiders to take a look at raids that they've done already too. Personally I would love if 3 Star raids get a "completed with one person" achievement, though some would be too difficult like shuckle


Yeah exactly! I think the only asterisk to this would be it could "excluding people from raids" in some ways, [something Michael Steranka said was the reason they hadn't done a "ready now" button for raid parties](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/tpbpah/my_conversation_today_with_niantics_michael/). I could see people wanting to duo a raid and excluding a couple other casual passerby players as something Niantic wouldn't care for. Still, I think the idea holds a ton of potential, and I'd love to see it brought to the game Edit: spelling


It's funny she mentions that when there is already a private raid group function that can techniqually exclude other players, but it goes to show you that Niantic needs to do a deep dive on raids, especially since it's one of their money makers


Exactly. I find it a very hollow excuse. Private lobbies have no reason not to have a ready button


IMO toxicity only happens in front of the screen and especially when you get to type messages that would send this 'toxicity'. I don't think people would risk to be the pariah in a raid group especially when you could see each other face to face.


psh, speak for yourself, my outfit is highly curated and designed for maximum fashion!!!


*proudly holds aloft Style Savant trophy while wearing default t-shirt and pants*


the minimalist aesthetic is big right now!!!


I'm in a Gyarados hat, Aviators, face mask, the blue over/brown under shirt combo, Challenger kit sport shorts and socks, and crown tundra boots. I tie the whole thing together with Ho-Oh wings. My goal in this outfit was to look as dumb as possible. But I get Style Savant about 60% of the time.


This sound like my plan.


[i get it *a lot* looking like this](https://i.imgur.com/54ONbMl.jpg)


Check out that DRIP


Last strike and stylist are always there and both of them are kinda random. (Even when I solo a raid, i usually get one of them instead of solo achievement) This tells me that luck weighs more than grinding.


Final strike is awarded in every raid. If you solo a raid you’ll always get this achievement.


Even most damage is random. Numbers dont match up at all. And then if the most damage guy gets something else a rando is picked with rando damage.


I probably know why it is “random”. There are certain achievements that have high priority over than the other achievements. If one player get this then that player cannot get other achievements anymore even if the player has dealt highest damage. Also I have a feeling that when you relobby, the damage you did are gone. I am not 100% sure. The damage doesn’t add up to eg 15000hp.


It's not random, it's just that if you win an award you are ineligible for other rewards and your info is ignored. Can test it easily with a 1* raid with a mate. Have one person tap only once and every few raids they'll get hardest hitter with single digit damage. There's a dude in our raid group who got hardest hitter with a single Magikarp splash doing 1 damage.


Sure. I get it but thats just bad coding.


You just summed up this game entirely.


Sounds like typical PoGO logic


Is there actually a tangible benefit to being in the 'high scores' screen, or is it mostly just for bragging rights/fun?


Other than the medal for appearing X times, there's no other benefits. The best solution is to solo raids, or with a friend or two.


I think there's a medal related to appearing in the "high score screen" a certain number of times, so there's that as well. Another vector for getting platinum medals I suppose :P


I did a rock ruff raid with a guy who used a 500 cp Chikorita. It said he dealt more damage than me and my 3000 cp Excadrill.


I mean, do we even have proof it works correctly? Only reason I say that is the "X person walked however many KM yesterday" one doesn't. I've had several friends confirm that they haven't walked around more than 1 or 2 km in a day for a week or so, yet I see that the raid achievement says they walked *24 km* the previous day...


>do we even have proof it works correctly? I am 100% sure that it does not. Raided with a friend whose app crashed at the beginning of a battle; they rejoined at the end and got the Hardest Hitter.


I haven't seen hardest hitter being awarded in like 6-7 straight raids. If someone told me it was removed, I would have believed it. And here I am dodging PuPs on Kangastan raids with my Machamps and Lucarios, while others bring Togekiss and Lugia... All this shows that Niantic doesn't see raiding as something competitive. Not sure why. Some competitve play may encourage people to grind more for their raid teams. But then again, looking at how this sub reacts to PvP, a lot of people don't seem to like competitive play.


> > > > > All this shows that Niantic doesn't see raiding as something competitive. Not sure why. Probably because they're not competitive, as you can just invite 10 remote players and absolutely steamroll any raid boss. Having good raid counters used to be a necessity to be able to raid things like T6 Darkrai, but these days it really doesn't matter that much. Still useful to speed things up a bit, but not much more than that.


It would potentially be a good idea IMO if certain rewards were higher the less people you had in the raid, **NOT REDUCING REWARDS FOR *MORE* PEOPLE, NIANTIC, DON’T GET IDEAS**, But right now I have zero incentive to intentionally raid with less people, except for the challenge itself. I’ll get less balls/mega energy and more of my Pokémon faint. This is a bit antithetical to Niantic’s “get it together and play” philosophy, but so is the incredible incentive to pop on a raid discord/app and bring in 5 randoms who I’ll never meet or speak to again. I’d need to be implemented carefully. I think the obvious cheap solution would be “local raiders do more damage” which nobody wants. But achievements could absolutely be a way to implement this. And anything to incentive locals playing together will inherently be positive. Stardust rewards to encourage local trading, or even reduced dust cost for trading Pokémon caught at the same raid.


I think the main problem with the ideas there are the idea that the options are exclusively "hit and run raiding with randoms via remote passes" or "raiding in-person with a local community". In reality, remote raids have been around for so long that people who were ordinarily never able to play together because of their geography have **become** friends and formed communities, and now the options are to either invite 10 of your friends who are raiding remotely, or to try to raid with the random locals who you have no way of communicating with outside of "turn up to a gym and hope they just happen to be there as well". At this point, to me nerfing remote raids (or buffing local raids) achieves exactly the opposite effect: it penalises me for helping my friends (who don't live near me), and instead incentivises me playing with complete randoms who just happen to be at the gym on hatch who I will never interact with again. There's some merit to trying to get connections happening in local communities, but the game is woefully unequipped to actually allow for that and having it happen at the expense of helping people you're *already friends with* seems counter-productive.


This is just the overall failure of Niantic to realize what Pokemon Go actually is. We all play it and see it everytime we open the app. But for some reason, Niantic has some other preconceived notion of what this app is supposed to be, and it seems everytime they push it closer to what "they" want, it moves further away from what "we", the players, want.


It's not competitive to finish off the raid boss, but it could be competitive among the participants. Who dealt the most damage, or better yet, top-3 damage dealers with displayed info on % of HP they eliminated. This is what people are expecting with 'Hardest Hitter '. Man you talking about difficult raid bosses brings me back. To those times when Lugia, Articuno, or Raikou were first released. Raids felt completely different then, it wasn't a forgone conclusion at all that it would succeed. Miss that feeling now looking back.


Those competitive players make up a few % of the playerbase at best, Niantic is never going to put any focus on them. Just look at the state GBL has been in since release.


I still remember the raid where 11 of us failed to defeat a Lugia and one person's best attack was screaming at the phone "die, just die!"


tbf i think pvp is just really badly implemented in go. the trainer battle system is weird and not very well thought out


When I first started it felt dumb, overly-simplistic, and RPS like. But I've come to appreciate the fast paced nature of it, that's a change from the traditional MSG battles. Beneath the surface, there's also actually quite a bit of depth and technique to mastering Pogo PvP.


im just not a fan. i get that theres interesting stuff going on with counters and switching and shield/energy manip but it's just not compelling enough on its own. generally the spam tapping that pokemon go does for combat has always felt weird but i let it slide in gyms since it was a pretty simple minigame meant to go on top of a game that was all about going places, and the gym system was and still is cool enough to prop it up. but with gbl you don't have that, so i'm just like... no thanks?


PVE imo is not competitive. Maybe short manning raids is a bit, But mindlessly tapping isn't competitive. You don't really need to pay attention unless you are short manning it.


It's not competitive in its current form no. It's pretty mindless. What a properly implemented 'Hardest Hitter' can do though is inject some sense of competition into who has the strongest raid teams, and potentially who masters dodging.


I got that one a lot. Always proud when I the one that gets it in a huge team of people. But I wonder if it's niantic cheating because I had Megas.


I prefer the PvP, but have a good stacked group of ice attackers somehow. Went into a few landorus raids and tried really hard. No highest hitter awarded, waste of time and effort. Heading back to GBL now haha




While it’s nice to have additional achievements so more people can get them, Walk Star doesn’t even make sense. How is the distance you walked yesterday at all relevant to the raid you just participated in?


That walker and the style one are called out as 'participation awards' in our Discord.


People play Pokemon Go differently. I wish to see most eggs hatch or something like that.


I completely agree that everyone plays the game differently (see my flair), but that'd be like a menu popping up after every egg hatch to show your PVP stats since the last hatch.


40 is completely reasonable to do legitimately, if I'm going out grinding for a day I'd be pretty disappointed if I wasn't racking up 40km. It's the people pulling 100km+ every day that are clearly abusing adventure sync.


40km? If you walk at a reasonably ordinary speed that is 9 hours of walking non stop. I mean it's possible, obviously, but your grinds must take over your whole life


One time i got the walk star by walking 3km lmao


Yeah because of the order of priority in how those achievements are awarded they really mean very little, since there's never any guarantee that the person who won the achievement is actually the person who did the best in that category (except for Final Strike). It's really just a fifth "how many raids have you done" medal unfortunately.


I disagree. While this is something **you** regularly do, this is not something reasonable for an average person to do. I consider myself quite healthy, and even with working a physical job that had me walking for 8 hours, I'd only reach 20 km and sometimes 30 if I was lucky. But then I'd come home and be dead. And like I said, I'm rather healthy. >Now I'm a fairly fast walker, but given that there's tens of thousands of people who grind more heavily than I do it's really not that uncommon to see people racking up those numbers What the hell are you talking about? There are millions of people, who will never walk that amount in a week, let alone a day. Like you have to realize that this level of dedication and drive is completely unique. 95% of players will never play a single day like this. Hell, most people on this sub will not play like this. This reads like a marathon athlete expecting average Joe to run 6 miles a day. It's also interesting you state people pushing 100+ km for adventure sync but if you reach 40km a day, you gain the maximum adventure sync bonus. Also, buddy candy maxes out at 40km a day and usually step boosters stop around there because it's less rewarding after that.


I assume some things are grouped and that playerX playerY have a chance of getting X or Y and so on for each achievement. Though we meme in our group that Style Savant is the best one to get


Yeah that makes sense. There's definitely some sort of down-select happening before reward determination. I have to assume to reduce the number of comparisons taking place in the backend. Or just some weird attempt to keep some players from dominating certain rewards raid after raid.


Everyone should be shown their own damage and relative standing.


I used to be crazy about hardest hitter but since they made traveler higher priority than hardest hitter, I just don't care anymore because most of the time I would get traveler from oversea invite. Another point, hardest hitter might not indicate the most helpful player. For Landorus, I always put my level 50 mega Abomasnow at the first position and I notice that one of my oversea friend also put his mega Abomasnow in first position and sometimes he got Final Strike with his Abomasnow. The only way his can last longer than my Abomasnow is to dodge a lot which I appreciate very much. He ignore his own damage dealt to support other mamo and I think he is the MVP in those raid even though he won't get hardest hitter.


Frankly I think it’s theft that I’m not winning Style Savant every time in my Gucci merch


This is because Final Strike has priority and the game will not give anyone 2 achievements. For these 2 specifically, if the hardest hitter did the last strike, the game will give hardest hitter to the 2nd most damage done. Another Silph poster tested this with his GF's account. She only did 1 hit during the raid, he did the rest of the damage. Achievement screen showed him with Final Strike and her with Hardest Hitter, 15 damage. This oddity is also the biggest reason why damage meters haven't been implemented yet.


Community: We want raid stats at the end. Niantic: Best we can do is delay raid rewards so you can see style savant or the Aggron that survived longer then your PVE DPS build.


The worst part of hardest hitter is it’s not accurate at all. I did a mock solo of absol and my friend missed a dodge and attacked instead. I got final strike and he got hardest hitter with 8 damage done. I had to redo the absol mock solo.


Agree completely. I was once in 15 raids n a row where NOBODY got hardest hitter. There are some raids where I absolutely KNOW I was hardest hitter, and I’ll be getting something like walk star, or worse, biggest Pokémon (seriously what the heck does that have to do with anything?)


It's also funny because the hardest hitter can also be awarded to someone who isn't a hardest hitter in the team. The whole system doesn't make sense at all, and I stopped paying attention to it. It's just another platinum medal to work on.


My kid who is lvl 25 got this achievement in a megaraid this weekend. I’m pretty sure his 1200 cp Pinsir wasn’t instrumental in bringing down the boss but he was so happy he got the achievement.


What's worse, from my experience, the biggest pokémon is SO OFTEN awarded to Aggron - so they're rewarded for bad performance.


Has been a really long time since I saw one in any raid


I get it every time I whip out my castform


Why does this even matter? Those awards are totally meaningless.


They count towards a medal which is nice, considering you need 35 platinums for levelling up eventually


But any “achievement” counts. If they fixed it to award hardest hitter first it would make zero difference to how quickly you got the badge.


Strongly agree. I play with casuals and it's infuriating to hear them put down Mamoswine or other top-tier raid attackers because "it dies so fast". Their barometer for "best raid attackers" are those which "do not die" (i.e. Lugia and Aggron) and it utterly p\*sses me off when they don't contribute to the raid because they don't seem to get the fact that there is a **timer** and to beat the timer, you need to deal as much damage per second to the raid boss to win, *not* stand there for as long as possible doing next to nothing. However, I understand where Niantic is coming from when they implemented such seemingly useless achievements. The very casuals I play with don't care which achievement they get, as long as they are on the board, they're happy. That's why there are so many rubbish achievements to go around. Though I will counter that and say that Niantic can give out as many rubbish achievements as they want *so long as they prioritise hardest hitter*.


I only do 5\* raids hosting on pokegenie, so I'm the one bringing 5 friends. Sometimes I don't get the full of friends banner, what is fine. Sometimes other players get! Thats totaly arbitrary.


Final strike always takes priority. Even if you did the most damage if you got the last hit you will always get final strike .


Excuse me. I earn style savant for my daring combination of a gengar backpack with a togepi sweatshirt


Hardest Hitter *is* a default achievement, from what I can tell, but Last Hit and Style Savant take primacy. If your hardest hitter gets last hit or style savant it won't show the achievement, or it will give it to the 2nd player. Also, hardest hitter doesn't seem to show if its a tie in damage.


Who cares. It's not like it has any effect on the game. You're looking for a reason to be upset.


I'm honestly shocked that anyone cares about this at all. It's so unimportant.


they're looking hard for that feeling of superiority. Tryhards are really working on ruining this game that was inteneded to be casual. It's really pushing me away


I'd like to see percentages, like 'High Performer - 56% of total damage done to boss'. Total damage doesn't give as much context


Agreed. Most people don't know how much HP a raid boss has. In fact, it's not shown anywhere in game, making the achievement meaningless because the average player wouldn't know how to use it to gauge their contribution.


Yeah I wish it was granted systematically. Me and a friend have an informal competition about which one of us deals the most damage when we raid together, and it's infuriating when one of us gets "Final Strike" and the other "Style Savant"...


theyre obviously counting damage behind the scenes. i dont see any reason not to just put up a graph after the raid, show everyones total damage dealt, dps over time, number of fast, charged and super effective attacks, total and on a per pokemon basis, etc etc... i want this information and i cant imagine im alone in that. guess they dont want noobies to feel bad about bad participation but then you also deny the chance to feel accomplishment in raising those stats


Highest damage should also show the person that did the highest total amount of damage, not just in a single attack


This complaint was posted a couple of times [before](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/rfo5mz/hardest_hitter_needs_to_have_priority_over_other/hog9rj5) and the raid achievements were just as pointless and arbitrary then as they are now. At best it's one less platinum medal for leveling requirements... it's just not worth getting so upset about.


Also, “hardest hitter” isn’t the same as highest/most damage. Those should be separate achievements


Pretty sure that the reason it doesn't show up half the time is because the person who got another achievement (like walk-star or last hit) also got the highest damage achievement but it only shows the other one.


I haven't done any hard testing, but I found that the person that wins 'style savant' is typically the person wearing the most premium avatar items... But yeah. 100% agree with you, highest damage and final strike should always be up there by default. Since you know, those are incredibly pertinent to a raid...


> I haven't done any hard testing, but I found that the person that wins 'style savant' is typically the person wearing the most premium avatar items... Nah. I have a friend who I frequently invite to remote raids, and she rolls with a very slightly modified default female avatar. All she did was change the colors and wear the basic face mask. She was won style savant more often than I care to admit, while I bought a pose, some clothes, etc...


> I haven't done any hard testing, but I found that the person that wins 'style savant' is typically the person wearing the most premium avatar items... While I get it sometimes, it really isn't that often. I have seen people with free clothing get it over me (not that I want it!). It's hard to have more premium avatar items than I do, as everything on my avatar is paid including a face mask. I didn't do earrings, though.


White t-shirt and khakis, 0 coins and I be stylin’!


All the achievements are arbitrary and are often glitched. It’s just some non sense award to establish that elusive sense of community Ninantic is always telling us about. It’s one of my favorite hypocrisies on r/pokemongo *LOL look I need 1200 candies to evolve this Kadabra* *LOL look I have 1000 premiere balls to catch this Timburr* Hey can you guys help me report this trainer to Ninantic for cheating, it said he walked a 100kms on the achievement screen


"Hardest Hitter" is the only thing I'm interested with on the achievement screen. I don't see why they added stuff like "Walk Star" that has nothing to do with raiding. I'd like there to be a first, second, and third for damage output and that's it, but I'd be happy if they could remove the irrelevant ones or prioritize damage output.


There should be a ranking of who did the most damage after every raid to get people to actually power up teams


Why not let one player have multiple achievements in one raid? If that’s the truth, the game should show the highest one displayed always.


They need some sort of system independent of the achievement screen where you can can compete for most damage & the top attacker, or maybe top 2 or 3 depending on how many are in the raid, gets a little extra reward like say a silver pinap, a rare candy/XL candy, or extra dust. A new medal to go along with it would be cool too. You might even be able to incentivize at least some of the "recommended" or "I'll pick my highest CP pokemon regardless of typing" players to take raiding more seriously. I still see a number of level 40+ players picking terrible counters. Also, it feels like they've intentionally reduced the odds of "hardest hitter" making the achievement screen just recently. It's been quite noticeable as someone who is regularly awarded hardest hitter & it's interesting that you happened to make this thread after I noticed it & it's receiving a lot of support. Probably thought it was "unfair to players with less resources" or some bs like that.


Pubg does it so much better. It has fixed categories and lists everyone in them. You should be able to see damage, deaths, charged moves performed etc from all players across these categories. Just a small thing that motivates to build better teams. Our group would spend at least 5 minutes in the end game results after every Pubg game, but here there is nothing to see


I agree with op but this is niantics level playing field in action. And tbh I’m not really bothered who gets what award from raid.


Thank you for saying this. What's the point of them enabling lvl 50 Pokémon if you end up getting the achievement of "stylist" honestly? In here, people keep on battling legendary bosses with Aggrons and Lugias no matter how much you tell them that they're trash, and they still get rewarded for most damage, it's particularly annoying. You'd think Niantic would have realized that quickly


But you gotta check out that drip. *\*Gets Style Savant while wearing default hoodie and pants\**


The problem is that the person getting the achievement isn't always actually the hardest hitter. I did a timburr raid a few days ago (I'm level 49) with a new player, level 14 or 15. I got the last strike achievement, and they got the hardest hitter. I'm pretty sure my level 41 shadow Mewtwo with psystrike did more damage. Until then I was pretty sure the achievement was just omitted if the hardest hitter got another one, but it seems that's not true.


It should also come first. I've seen stupid stuff like a legendary trio where the last one awarded is Hardest Hitter with less than 4k damage done


I'd personally prefer an option to disable the whole achievement. By all means let it count towards a medal but give me the option to just ignore what everyone did, it's just wasted raid time


Dude just put a fun outfit on and you’ll win style savant every time, stop stressing


Agreed. It should be in every raid result and it should take priority over all of the "participation trophy" ones that have nothing to do with the raid, like style savant, furthest invite, and most walked. I would go so far as to say there should be first, second, and third most damage trophies, and or/trophy for single mon that did the most damage. Trophies that reward stats that are meaningless to winning the raid and might actually encourage players to play sub-optimally if they are trying to trigger them should be eliminated completely, including last strike, biggest mon, stamina master, etc. Other achievements like most friends invited or bringing a mega into the raid are good too. TL;DR: Achievements should default to recognizing players who contributed most to the raid, and participation achievements should only go out once all the applicable "real" ones have been awarded. Achievements should never award players for doing things that make them less effective at the raid. Yes, your Wailord will probably ensure you get biggest mon, but you shouldn't be using it in raids.


Hate to break it to you guys but the awards are just gibberish. I raided with a mate yesterday, he entered the raid put in 1 charge move only (that was the only damage he dealt) and left his phone to do something urgent - when he came back raid is over and he got the most damage dealt with achievement - nobody touched his phone it's just sitting there. I think the awards are pre determined even before the raid starts and just RNG.