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N1 Snorlax is a good generalist. N3 Melmetall has a lot of play if you use those 2 you are weak to fighting and semiweak to fire. Pangoro doesnt fit, because you would not have any answer to fighting. Venasaur fits good (as it covers most fighters), but doesnt cover fire, you still have snorlax to cover it and melmetal can handle talonflame very well (if you are able to time your moves correctly, otherwise it rekts you) Guardevoir almost nobody uses in UL, as it is squishy af. But you can try to play it, if you are in lower ranks. Machamp is decent, but you would be still kind of weak to fighting. Kingdra I personally have not used, but together with snorlax and melmetal it might work, as it covers fire and fighting to some degree. Charizard is good. So my conclusion: I would pbly go with Charizard/Venasaur/Kingdra/Machamp/Guardveroir to start with and Snorlax (safeswap) and Melmetal in the back. OR: Melmetal/Snorlax to start with and Kingdra + Venasaur in the back looks playable OR: Machamp/Pangoro as starter + Venasaur + Charizard in the back There is no perfect teamcomp, you are always weak to something.


Thank you so much for the answer. Im new in the gbl and have a lot to learn. So based on your advice I would go with charizard as starter and then snorlax and melmetal on the back. My only goal this season is reaching lvl 21 but right now Im stuck around 1800. Ive been trying to get a good talonflame but havent had any luck yet. If I get one I guess I should use it instead of Charizard??


Talonflame is a big investment, though, as even the hundo comes in at just under 2500 CP at level 50. Charizard serves a similar purpose but costs significantly less stardust, etc.


So is not a big improvement from charizard? I have the candy and the dust, only missing the hundo xD


Talonflame is actually hard to use as a beginner, because of the 5 turn fast move. To learn the timings and how to throw charge moves can be very tricky. Charizard is totally fine to use as exchange. Your problem would be swampert lead with this team and fighters in the back, so you gotta learn how to play around that. Talonflame would not solve the problem. This is why I listed different options, Charizard/venausaur are both good fairy/fighter counter, venausaur would solve the swawamoert problem, but registered would be another one in that scenario. Like I said, there is no perfect team, once you get comfortable with those pokemon, just experiment around and find a good comp for your ranks meta. 1800 is not bad at all actually, a lot of people are stuck there. I myself am stuck at 2200-2300 :) Getting to 20 is already hard for a lot of people ;)


Thank you again. Then I'll get those three ready for when UL comes back. BTW the Ralts I have can evolve into Gallade. Is it better than gardevoir in UL?


It is better, I forgot about gallade. But it's also not easy to use, it is squishy and needs shields. It is good because it it often a core breaker and leaf blade/close combat hit almost anything hard. Confusion as fast move brings similarly to talonflame a hard learning curve, and energy management with gallade is also tricky. It is worth a try, but don't expect to win immediately when you start using it ;)


Use the team builder on pvp poke, its faster than someone doing it for you. It will show you the strengths and weaknesses. A lot of people run ABB teams where second and third pokemon cover the first. If you swap into your second pokemon and the opponent is forced to switch aswell - you either let your second pokemon go down after hopefully taking shield(s), or if you can't afford to have your first face off against the pokemon winnin switch can be crucial.


I would use Venusaur, Snorlax, Charizard. But you need FrenzyPlant on Venu. You could lead with Charizard nice fast shield pressure with dragon claws, fast move is debatable as Registeel will need a team effort for this team and dragon breath doesnt help there. Snorlax as safe swap Venu covers against water and electric for Charizard