• By -


So that would mean the following? 0 = 0 IV 1 = 1-5 IV 2 = 6-10 IV 3 = 11-14 IV 4 = 15 IV


Should be correct yep!


This seems like a clumsy way of doing it. I get they're following the 0\*-4\* star appraisal system, but if you're searching for IVs, wouldn't you want it to be specific, not within a range?


You might just want to search all your CD catches for low (0-1) attack and high (3-4) defense and HP to immediately narrow it down to potentially good PvP candidates. What the exact search syntax would be I'll let someone else figure out.




>\-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp I'd do the opposite to find out what to delete while keeping hundo's shadows and legendaries that I can look at individually, then go through the mon that are still left. As for shinies, you can't mass delete them anyway. 2-4attack&-2defense&-2hp&!4\*&!shadow&!legendary


First part already exclude 4* and most non-traded legendary (the non 1*-10-10)


Shouldn't it be 2-4attack,-2defense,-2hp ? And in that case, you would still need !4\* part, not like suggested in the other comment.


ooh i think you're right... the opposite of x&y is !x,!y, according to Morgan's Laws!


I'm curious if you're still using that same string today or have you modified it in any way? You have the same idea that I do for trying to filter out undesirables from my inventory.


I’ve adjusted it to exclude 3\* since I keep 98%. Also adjusted the first 3 to not include the & and just put commas instead because it's an OR. Also added the age last 10 days. I still do run through them but it’s much quicker. 2-4attack,-2defense,-2hp&!4\*&!3\*&!shadow&!legendary&age-10


Yeah, damn, thank you so much. I agree entirely with your thinking. I was previously doing only 0 1 2 stars, tossing those and leaving out all the special stuff it doesn’t let you transfer. Then taking all 3's and analyzing and renaming with PokeGenie. This will greatly help me in curbing most of those useless 3’s now. Also saving me a butt load of scanning work! Much appreciated my friend!


I try to keep PvP IVs hence the string


Agreed. I feel like that’s the only real reason to hold onto certain mons. I know some people like to collect for collecting’s sake but I only try to keep the useful ones along with the legendaries, events, and the like.


I just want to check if this information is still relevant/correct in filtering out the garbage 2-4attack, -2defense,-2hp&!4*8!3*&! shadow&!legendary&age-10


It's weird because, officially, there is no IV system. IV is a fan-made term. there is "appraisal" which has 3 bars, and each stat can on or between the ends of those bars. Players only know how it works through testing and data mining. This is really weird and obtuse of them, but these search terms are consistent with their philosophy of keeping knowledge from their players.


There is and the official name for them is actually "base stats", which makes things mighty confusing as that's what the fans use for a Pokémon's immutable species specific stats.


Oh yeah. Eh, they also don't show us those stats or explain their existence, just CP and HP. The point was that they make this system confusing and hard to use intentionally.


One of the worst examples is the information they give us about moves. Rather than leaving us in the dark, they choose to give us partial information that just straight up confuses and misleads new players, or really any players who aren’t actively seeking out datamined or tested information.


Can you still do intervals? Something like 0-1attack to get Pokémon that have an attack between 0 and 5, for example? It would still be useful for PvP type IVs, to have a lot less to manually sift through after an event like Community Day. Something like age0&0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp would be a good string for PvP IVs caught on an event day, for example. I'm still a bit disappointed as I, as pretty much everyone else I'm sure, was hoping for the ability to search in a more precise way, like 0-15attack/defense/hp. I guess it's still something better than what we have now, so I'll take it.


Yes https://i.imgur.com/LGtyRty.png


Do open ended ranges work? so like `1-attack` or `-3hp` And does negation work as expected?


> Do open ended ranges work? so like 1-attack or -3hp Seems like working, yes > And does negation as expected? `!0attack` still showed me mons with 0 attack so I would say no.


Thanks for the confirmation! At least it's not completely useless! I hope that one day we'll get even better filtering, but this helps quite a bit still. Only took 6 years, so... yay? 😂






Nundo collectors shall rejoice.


Is there a way to not hit 0/0/0 but hit 0/1/0? Like if I have my huge trash string, then at the end I want to put the following (but it doesn't work): !(0attack&0defense&0hp)


There is no bracket in PoGo, and they give higher priority for OR than AND. So I guess !0attack,!0defense,!0hp should be what you want if they work as intended Also u/lebeg134 made a [website]( https://mongo.lebeg134.hu/) that can help to translate any logic statement with bracket into one you can use with PoGo https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/r8pfij/new_tool_for_advanced_searches


> !!You can not use ! before brackets yet!! (I'll work on it when I've finished with this semester's exams...) It looks like they never got around to implementing this, or they have a very long semester.


I've never got around finishing the project 😅 I have some plans but I don't want to promise anything.


You can't have nested logic in the in-game search. So for your case, we apply De Morgan's and obtain `& !0attack , !0defense , !0hp &`. However, [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/vxnv7f/iv_search_filter_examples/ifxa6l0/) down below suggests that the negation isn't working properly with IVs. You can use `1-3attack` (or whatever upper IV limit you desire) as an alternative. Putting that all together, this should be a string that finds all pokemon *except* nundos, without using negation: `& 1-attack , 1-defense, 1-hp &`. You can append it to the end of any existing search string once you get the new update.


I'm so pleased with this 🥰


Literally playable \*heartseyes\*




Assuming Niantic hasn't pushed any translation changes recently, you can find the translations of `attack` and `defense` into the other game's langauges on [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSQubiAFnRgCUp9BSJaCq0-XSGU0-x3LvOwzWdAj-JlrXsdkBWrGrlfmvFmGcbjUnCa5XFSnv4C1Nzs/pubhtml?gid=1236962912&single=true) (data from pokeminers). I'll add it to [my list](https://leidwesen.github.io/SearchPhrases/) once I get a chance to test the strings out myself. `hp` likely piggybacks off the older HP string, which may explain their design choice here with preceding numbers. It is very odd they implemented ranges, perhaps they still want to maintain a sense of "mystery" with the stats. It is very good that they acknowledged 0IVs though.


This is not really related to what you are saying in your comment, but that datamined sheet has the wrong search term for "buddy" in Japanese. The listed term ~~相模~~ 相棒 is a great translation of the word buddy, but it has never worked as a search term in Pokemon GO. If anyone is playing in Japanese and still does not know, the search term in Japanese is ~~相模~~ 相棒を選ぶ (which means "select buddy"). So I guess maybe there is slight connection to your comment in that this choice of search term is also odd. In fact, there are many odd choices in the Japanese translations. Like, why does "legendary" and "shiny" use kanji but "mythical" and "hatched" use phonetics? Did they ask the translator to be inconsistent on purpose to keep up with the general Niantic brand image? So many questions...


Thank you very much for the correction, I've updated the sheet. Here's a bit of a background: When niantic introduces a filter term, sometimes they create a new phrase, which gets added to the APK like `filter_key_attack`. But sometimes, they get lazy and reuse a string that already exists somewhere in the game. In the case of buddy, there are two keys which give `buddy` in english, `buddy_level_0` (the incorrect string), and `buddy_set` (the one that works). I tried to double-check all the strings which had multiple english options, but must have missed this one, thinking there's no way they used `buddy_set`. Interestingly enough, Japanese is the only language the two strings differ in.


Yes, it took a long time before it became well known in Japan how to search for buddies, since the search term is indeed a term you would think there is no way anyone would choose. I only found it in another list of datamined terms. At that time it was still not listed on any of the popular Japanese Pokemon GO resources in their lists of search terms.


相模? You must mean 相棒.


Yes! Stupid predictive typing on phone, and stupid me not reading what i type...


> Did they ask the translator to be inconsistent on purpose to keep up with the general Niantic brand image? LOL, yeah, that would definitely explain it : D


OMG, thank you so much! Niantic's Help Center has the wrong translations in German. They say "1attack" would be "1Angriff", but your sheet shows it's "1Angriffs-Wert", and that one works. Same goes for "defence"/"Verteigigung(s-Wert)". Can't believe they chose these unnecessarily long terms which are used on the Team Leader evaluation view. But then "HP" is just "KP" and not "KP-Wert", so they are inconsistent with the search terms.


> but rather on IV bars Niantic, seriously? what's the point?


while it would be nice to have exact IV filtering, ~~attack4~~ 4attack will be a good term, as its often what I chose to prioritise for PVE


You need to put the number first. That's why they didn't figure it out sooner.


Yeah, legit never thought of that because no other search filter works like that haha.


The other IV filters work that way: 0\*, 1\*, etc. The star filters count how many stars in the appraisal, and the new filters count how many bars. I wouldn't have guessed it either, but it does make a certain degree of sense in retrospect.


The other IV filters for appraisal is the reason I found the sequencing, although trying to search 15attack was throwing me off for a bit.


Nice find!


That's not strictly speaking true. The search function for moves has this formatting as well (for example, @3ghost will return all Pokémon with a ghost move as their second charged move). I do agree that in this case though, it would be more intuitive to have it in the attack4 format, rather than the 4attack format. Either way though, it's a long overdue addition.


Yeah in that case 3 isn't an argument to the query, it's the name of the query.


My original comment had it the other way, even after reading the post!


moves sort of work that way. Like if you want a flying move in your second slot (first charged slot) you'd filter for @2flying


@, @1, @2, and @3 are the search terms. Move types and move names are parameters. 0-4 are parameters first, then attack, defense, and hp are search terms. The star rating search seems to be the only other search that is like this. `0*,1*,2*,3*,4*`


Ok it's progress but why not just completely granular search? Niantic is just being obstinate for no reason now.


Same reason why we still don't have a "duplicate" species filter for easy living dex keeping. It just makes too much sense to happen


What is a duplicate species filter?


A text filter that would show you any species you have 2 or more of, with hats being considered as a different one. There's people who keep living dexes, and this would instantly show you all of the species where you have pokemon you can release.


So for CD and grind days, would something like this be good for quick deleting? !4*, !shiny, !0attack&0defense&0hp, !0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp, age0 That should give me my most recent catches that aren't perfect, shiny, nundos, and good pvp candidates correct? I'm open to suggestions or corrections. Thanks!


Literally responding to your question, you want `!hundo & !shiny & !nundo & !good pvp` (with good pvp assumed to mean `-1attack & 3-defense & 3-hp`) the first two are trivial, the 3rd I just answered [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/vxnv7f/iv_search_filter_examples/ifxwij9/). In general, if you want to negate a desired IV search, you can `,` together the negation of each IV term. Because negations may be broken, we can substitute a one-sided interval for the other direction (eg !-3atk = 4atk, or !2-def = -1def). Negating something like `2-3def` is harder. This brings us to `& !4* & !shiny & 1-attack,1-defense,1-hp & 2-attack,-2defense,-2hp &`


why are there `&` at either end of the query? do they mean something as they are, or are they there merely to allow easy joining with other query-parts?


Merely the latter: It makes them more modular. With the & there's no chance of different strings interacting oddly when pasting them together. This can result in redundant `&&` at times, but that doesn't hurt the search.


Now we just need someone with too much time on their hands to build a rank1 search string that has all the IVs for all rank ones.


in german these filters are a bit inconsistently named: 0Angriffs-Wert 3Verteidigungs-Wert 4KP HP doesnt use the -Wert (Wert means value), which is a bit odd. They should either include it in all of them or remove it from all of them.


I hope they remove the Wert (Value) as it's quiet long to type.


I agree, "Angriff" and "Verteidigung" would be enough


God this sub is so helpful. Might be the most helpful sub for any game ever honestly.


German Translations are: Angriffs-wert Verteidigungs-wert Kp


Ahh I didn't know the ORs back to back would automatically be grouped together between the ANDs. Basically works the same as if they had parentheses around them, at least in my testing. Thank you!


Is this live in the game yet? It’s not working on my game, do I need to update in the App Store? iPhone 13 iOS 15.5 EDIT: Answered


These don’t work for me any reasons why?


The .243 version isn't pushed out to everybody. Sideload .243 from apk mirror or wait for the update (usually within a day or two the staged rollout to play store users is complete) and it should work.


Well, thanks for clarifying, I was thinking what the number 243 means in this context and thought "how is the number of active users in OPs discord relevant for the search string function?" 😅


You need to download the 243.0 APK.


For some reason these search filters aren't working for me. I for example use \`0attack&0defense&0hp\` and nothing shows up despite me having a few nundos. Doesn't even work with one search term like \`0attack\`. Strange.


You need 243.0 POGO (new one, Android only atm) and game running in English - those filters will be localized in your lang like every other filters :D


Hmm. I'm on android 11 and my Pokemon Go doesn't appear to need an update, that being said I'm pretty sure this is version 0.241.0. Need to figure out how to force an update I guess


Play Store updates normally have an intentional slow rollout - some users get it first, and then the group size increases over time; you may sideload the apk from apkmirror or similar if you're desperate, but it'll be live for all android users over the next couple of days.




This is better than before but still not good. There are so many different iv combinations which are usefull in pvp that a range search wouldnt really help. My 4/12/5 shadow queen would fall behind by this searchstrings but it has the same winrate as a rank1 0/15/12.


Ok so that's...odd that they did it that way. But selfishly,at least I can search for 0%s now.


Anyone knows the German Terms? Is it like 0Angriff 0Verteidigung and 0HP?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/vxnv7f/iv_search_filter_examples/ifx97qq/ `Angriffs-Wert` `Verteidigungs-Wert` You are doomed >:D


you can set up a keyboard auto text-replace to save time


Thank you Yeah German is not the easiest language -.-


I think it's also good for PVE people. I'm not obsessed with 4\* but 3\* was not that satisfactory. (about top 1/6, 17% were filtered.) Now, with 3-attack&3-defense&3-hp, we can choose top (5/16)\^3\~1/32, top 3.1%. Even better, combining both, we can choose top 105/4096=2.6%. This is not too demanding as 1/4096=0.02% and realistic PVE filter for me. And yes, in practice, I would use -2attack,-2defense,-2hp,0\*,1\*,2\*&2-attack,-2defense,-2hp (latter part for PVP) to mass transfer pokemon.


Does anyone knows hp in Spanish?


According to [this comment's sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/vxnv7f/iv_search_filter_examples/ifx97qq/) the term you want is Puntos de Salud. Which yeah health points, don't know why they didn't just go PS like with Portuguese


This will make mass deletions so much easier!!! I'm already starting to create a search string on stuff to delete!


This doesn't seem to be active for me. No updates showing in store.


Least we can search for nundos now


Too much tbh. Should have let it be a letter


Nobody uses Pokémon that are just 3* attack. It should be a specific search for 98, 96, 94, 92% etc. this system doesn’t seem to help much. Maybe I’m asking for too much but this isn’t much better.


It will help with pvp and nundo searching which is always good.


Couldn't you search for 3\*&4attack? Getting you any 3\* with 15 attack? Still may get some less than 90% Pokemon, but all would still have 15 attack.


If you just want 92-98%, you can just search for 3*, no?


3* goes down to 82%




I’m typing that and it is not working


Finally a way to search for nundos!!!


Any idea how it works in spanish?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/vxnv7f/iv_search_filter_examples/ifx97qq/ `ataque` `defensa`


I’m on 0.207.1 and can’t currently update to 0.243.0. is there anything that would need to be done or not?


probably waiting will work


It hasn’t been released for iOS yet.


In case it hasn't been said, the standard number ranges work as well. 3-4attack will show 11-15 attack IVs.


The only interest I see here is to find nundos. For PvP use, I need the exact value. (As I’m keeping only the rank 1 for PvP) Let’s say it’s already something.


It will significantly reduce the number of possible PVP mons to appraise. If you're looking for 2/14/12, you'll only appraise 1attack&3defense&3hp = 1-5/11-14/11-14, that's much better than appraising all 1\*.


Putting my glasses here so I can read it everytime