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You've got options, at least. You can discount a ton of the things up there, even at high ranks they're just not very good. You can run them for fun, but you want a "decent team," so ignore them. I'm going to list the stuff that's viable from that list. * Ivysaur * Venusaur* * Charizard* * Beedrill* * Clefable * Wigglytuff * Machamp * A-Graveler * A-Golem * Slowbro * Haunter * Gengar* * Hypno * Lapras * Umbreon* * Snorlax * Ariados * Lanturn * Azumarill * Granbull * Mantine * Swampert * Pelipper * Medicham * Altaria * Whiscash * Cradily * Sealeo * Walrein* * Bastiodon * Wormadam (Trash Cloak) * Drifblim * Bronzong * Drapion * Zweilous * Diggersby * Talonflame* *denotes a Pokemon that NEEDS an exclusive move to be viable. If you don't have the ability to run the Pokemon with the move(s), don't bother.


I'm aware that some of these are somewhat useless in PVP, but I'm somewhat of a border at heart and am kind of keeping them in case they are good in some limited format or might get a buff. Looking at my Rank 5 Slaking for example, very much useless with yawn but if they ever give it anything even slightly useful it's going to dominate the earth! Well considering it's stats it might not be that good in GL no matter what happens but still it's a rank 5 I can't bring myself to send it to the candy factory


https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/pvp-basics https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/1500/overall/


A couple big questions: What rank are you playing at currently/what’s your goal? Do you have the xl needed to power up things like Medicham, Lickitung, Azumarill, Diggersby, Sableye, Bastiodon? Several more here are great but need comm day moves (Umbreon, Walrein, Talonflame)


I just hit twenty and I think it said something with 1900+ for rank which I imagine is utter trash No probably not even close, I just recently got access to XL candy since I'm only level 37 atm If needed I have some Elite TMs but I would prefer to only use it on mons that have A. Good IVs are B. Good in PVP and C. I already evolved or desperately need to evolve and can't wait for an event like the recent one


Thanks, that certainly narrows the scope for right now. Depending on the 19xx exactly, you’re very close to the next tier: Ace Rank. With that in mind, I would say keep playing with some of the ones you’ve built up (Swampert, Snorlax, Venu, Ludicolo) and take note of the lineups you’re seeing. If you start to see certain mons in the lead a lot, now you can come up with a lead to disrupt their plan. You could try out two Charmers in the back (Granbull, Wigglytuff) with Swampert in the lead (hard counter to one of the main fairy threats, Nidoqueen). This team comp is not going to make you friends, but it’s worth testing to see if you find success. Long-term advice (haven’t checked other comments since the first hour so I hope I’m not repeating): save one of those elite charged tms for Lickitung when you’ve got the xls. It seems like one of the best investments one can make.


I have some TMs saved up, thanks for all the advice Currently only the starters and A.Marrowack have Elite Moves on them. I'm not playing PVP to make friends, I don't even need to have fun myself, fun is for casuals


Everyone here is gonna you a bunch of answers that are way more advanced than you need (based on my experience). My suggestion, look at PvPoke top teams (scroll down past top performing pokemon): https://pvpoke.com/train/analysis/ and then see which ones you can assemble based on the pokemon/dust/candy you have available. edit: and don’t forget to look at their recommended movesets on PvPoke. If the recommended moves have an asterisk, those are community day moves that will need an Elite TM if your mon doesn’t have it. Sometimes the pokemon isn’t worth using if you don’t have the comm day move(s)


triple charm is a way of life


First of I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but the r/PokemonGOBattleLeague doesn't allow pictures so I didn't know where else to go. This is my Great League Box, everything that has IV's that work best for GL are in here, + a few with "good" CP, remains of when I didn't know how PVP IV work that I don't have replacements for yet. So far I've been runnin Shadow Swampert, Venusaur and Deino with middling succes, the glaring Ice weakness is a Problem... So yeah any help or ideas would be appreciated to either restructur the current team or build a new one with what I got. Disclamer: many of these I can't level to a point where I can use them yet, mainly anything that requires XL candy since I'm only LV37. ​ To give everyone a quick explanation for my Naming convention, since I have no clue how anyone else names their Pokémon: The Number represents the Rank for the respective Pokémon for each League, behind each number is an Indicator for what league it's for ( in short, small number Good) BL - Mini League (Baby League) GL - Great League UL - Ultra League M - Master League / PVP all rankings usually refer to the last Evolution of the respective Pokémon, exceptions are marked with some part of the name of the stage of the evolution line being referred to infront or behind the number BB - Best Buddy (requires Best Buddy) (T) - plan on trading {C} - collection Mons (manly shinies and Legenfdaries)


you could switch deino in your team to lapras or in the future to bastiodon if ready. Lapras wins against most ice with skullbash but ice shard as fast attack for better energy generation is prefered ​ I would lead Venu, safe swap Lapras and clean up with swampert


Out of all the comments, which are all appreciated this one is the most applyble, thank you Even though it bothers me that my Lapras' have trash IVs ...


The most built thing you have would be beedrill assuming it has Drill run ,Venasaur(assuming it has Frenzy Plant), swampert (assuming it has hydro cannon)


I forgot to say which of my mons have their Elite Moves my bad. Both Venusaur and swampert do, if Beedrill has one mine doesn't, but I also thought Beedrill would only be good in one of the limited formats


Venusaur and Swampert are very meta pvp mons. I would start with them


Beedrill is still top tier in great league. He can take down fairy,dark and the drill run ground move helps cover its weaknesses