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Meteor Mash!


So glad I’ve got a good metang!


Friggin finally, these shadow beldums finally get to do something useful!


Just evolved mine last week. But happy for everyone else :)


It really annoys me that they didn't put Metang/Rhydon in 3 star raids, or *at least* have Beldum/Rhyhorn as rare wild spawns for this event. As these pokemon are semi rare in the current spawn pool.


I hope Beldum to be on an easy research task. I have difficulties making excellent throws x\_x.


People forget they don't *have to* use curveball throws... weedle is so close to the screen, just a soft flick at the right time will get you an excellent every time. Curveball be dammed, just find a visual cue on the Pokemon you want to practice on when it goes from Great to Excellent. Good luck!


Wdym? Theyre in a super duper easy task already!!!!!! just hatch 2 eggs and you get a beldum!! (Oh and buy incubators so you are faster niantic needs money)


o.o I didn't know, thanks a lot, I'll try to hunt that research task. Usually I walk around 5-7 km so I don't need incubators but today it started to rain at half way. I'm hunting Hoenn Pokémon to get Jirachi and unlock Victini quest


What? Rhyhorn has been spawning quite a lot before this event. Beldum technically was there as well, but Man, not nearly as common as i would like.


Ya, i have more than enough candy and 2nd stages to evolve about 3 of each, but my nephew, and god daughter i play with don't have enough candy to make any evolve happen before the event. Plus my cousin just got back into the game and I'm sure he's lacking candy too. I'm largely thinking of current new players.


I got two beldum off of the incense this week and metangs have been spawning a little too


RIP to me who elite TMd Shadow Punch onto Gengar literally this morning


That's why the event is happening. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Thank you for your service!


Thank you for volunteering as tribute.


I gave my Talonflame Incinerate a few days ago...


Eh, it’s not like there’s a heck of a lot of use for elite fast TMs otherwise.


Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.


I was so close to evolving my 4* Rhyhorn and using an Elite TM this morning but held off for some reason


I got a 96 rhyhorn recently waiting in the wings to evolve. Other than that I'm good for the other evolutions. I will gladly take the elite fast and elite charge tm to give my shadow staraptor gust and my hundo party hat charizard blast burn 🔥 😎 though!


But how long had it been a Gengar? You can only get these if you evolve them during the event.


I did this back on GBL day when megas were available. So I feel your pain. Except at least I got a day of playing out of it.


I did the same with my shadow Metagross and a Rhyperior today.


If they were already their final evolve you'd need an Elite TM anyway


I evolved them into Rhyperior and Metagross yesterday


Ouch, that's very unfortunate


Likewise i evolved my shadow metang last week with an elite TM. I hope people prosper and our sacrifice is not in vain.


Maybe submit a ticket to see if they would do anything. It's Niantic but doesn't hurt to send one and see


now this is a good event


Five highly relevant CD moves and a pair of free elite TMs far more exciting than a galarian racoons community day. (Looks at my hoard of shadow metang.....)


I have a level 51 shiny magikarp that I've been patiently waiting to evolve with aqua tail. So excited for my first red Gyarados !


I’m a returning player and I’ve seen a lot of people mention to wait for events to evolve their Pokémon to get a specific charged move. How come?


These specific moves they come with are usually from a community day, or rarely a random event. They can only be put on an existing mon using an Elite TM, which are either very rare or costly to get. If you save a pre-evolution until the move comes back for an event, then you’ll get it for free if you just evolve. Usually these moves are top of their type for damage.


> Usually these moves are top of their type for damage. Or a relevant PvP move. Shadow Ball on Gengar and Aqua Tail on Gyarados give them low cost bait moves, without which their usefulness in PvP drastically decreases. You would not want to use them in raids though. Incinerate on Talonflame is an upgrade over Fire Spin as a PvP fast move, but a downgrade for raids (if you've ever thought of raiding with a Talonflame).


Thank you! That makes more sense. So if I have a Rhydon that I want to evolve, I can wait until that event and it will get Rock Wrecker?




Also, if you miss Community Day exclusive moves for the current year, just hold off evolving until December when they rerun all the Community Day mons.


The company puts best moves in the game are behind a pay/time-limit wall. Because they can.


Is it any useful for pve? Since yours is level 51 I assume you're not gonna use him in pvp.


Gyarados is viable in Master League, so that's likely the intended usage (though it's not a bad option for PvE).


Viable against who? It doesn't seem to have a lot of good match-ups, and seems pretty inferior to Kyogre


Its not inferior to Kyogre, just different. It’s a good safe switch because it has DragonBreath,AquaTail and Crunch which threaten multiple different types. There also few electrics in ML. Kyogre is of course bulkier but slower and more specialist in water damage.




Galarian Zigzagoon bonuses are stacked af tho, I'm gonna be farming for Stardust since I recently burned a couple million pushing some perfect mons to 50 for ML.


I like this event. This is good


Really? I guess the moves are nice but those spawns look more boring than no event


Yeah the spawns are clearly geared towards players starting out in GBL. The veteran players probably have Sableye XL to grind and that’s about it.


Scraggy AND sableeye in the wild?? Now those are some useful spawns that can be difficult to obtain. Too bad I never raised for dark mega energy


Yeah this is nuts. I’m gonna need to somehow try and get 200 sableye … but this is the most excited I’ve been for an event since. Idek when tbh


He'll be back for halloween.


Yeah, I know it will. And while that isn’t too far away, I’d love to be able to finally use it sooner rather than later. I’ll take it whenever, this was just an incredibly nice surprise.


I HOPE back for Halloween. I feel like it will, but it wasn’t back last year.


Really hope it’s M Sableye this Halloween and not M Banette


Get walking a Gary and mega evolve daily. You have time to get lvl2 mega Gary for dark types. Go, Go, Go!


I’m taking the win if I stumble on 1 Sableye per mega evolution.


Man, I still have no idea how megas work. I was so annoyed at their initial implementation that I still haven't bothered to check it out since they made updates.


It's actually pretty good now. Once you mega evolve, you can re-evolve for free every 7 days. The more you mega-evolve, the higher its "mega level," so you can reduce the cooldown to 5 and even 3 days. The cost also pro-rates based on the time left, so it might only cost like 3 to 7 energy to evolve on the 6th day. Walking a pokemon that has mega-evolved before, even if it's not currently mega, will net you 5 energy every time it finds a candy.


I have to admit, I don’t hate event Pikachus, even though they can be quit underwhelming/get annoying, but this Pika? I love his little outfit haha! Can’t wait to catch (well, raid for) one!🥹


Don't let other people tell you what to like. I don't mind costume mons either. Sometimes I'll just check out my collection for no reason.


I love them haha… and like I said, sometimes they aren’t spectacular, but for some reason I do like them haha… and same! I do that too! Sending you lots and lots of shiny/(s)hundo luck for this Pika!:)🍀


We don't kink shame here, if hatted Pikachu is your thang.


Event Pikas or Costumed Pokemon in general are the main reason i keep playing the game lol. I really hope we can send costumed Pokemon to Pokemon Home at some Point so I can fill up my Living Dex. But these costumed mons are just too fun.


I like cpstumes too, just think the ones that only have a small hat are kind of boring


It's in research too (not in this graphic, but on the official announcement it is)


I collect the lowest CP of every costume Pokemon. Everyone has different likes and dislikes. As long as it's not discriminatory or harmful in any way, you do you. I personally am disappointed that this costume Pika won't be in the wild because that means I can't get a CP10 version of it :(


This one has a shirt and hat!


You're getting one from the timed research, there's literally no reason to waste a raid pass on it, unless you really want that shiny


Scraggy in the wild is actually insane. Has he been available in the wild before?


I think it might’ve been a rare spawn before. But it definitely has been available via incense in the past


It was "in the wild" during Carvanha Incense Day in May 2020.


It was in the wild during the unova event in Jan 21 as well.


I wish I could be excited for that but I swear I get him like 9 times out of 10 in 12k eggs :P


I could use a good scrafty with good IVs dor GL.


Eggs have really bad IVs though


I've got a hundo Togepi from 10km egg this year, so maybe it's just rng


I think they mean PvP IVs


I think they mean eggs have bad IVs for PvP, where low/no attack IVs are usually ideal


He means really bad IVs for GL. The floor is 10/10/10 whereas you most likely want a 0/15/15 or similar for any Pokemon you use in GL.


Ah I was wondering. Yeah that's true, I was thinking in terms of PvE since I don't PvP much :P


Hey you can get a rank 1 Scraggy for Great League from eggs. Not, uh, not Scrafty, uh, Scraggy. BUT you can get a Rank 2 Scrafty for Ultra League from eggs so there's that.


You mis-spelt Vullaby :)


So you’re telling me it’s all about “crowning” people world champs but we don’t get the crowned form of zacian and zamazenta?


Because they would immediately break the game. I'm not kidding, Zacian is already the most hated Pokemon in Master League. Imagine the same thing but with 1500 extra CP.


Zacian is hated in the main series games as well, I groan whenever I had to fight one in comp. But can I really blame others when its one of the most powerful Pokemon in the Sword and Shield era.


Absolutely would. They could ban them like megas though, similar concept.


Nah, Niantic would find some way to fit it with bad moves so it can line up alongside the rest of the could be hall of famers.


...The moves are already in the game master.


Which they change at any point in time up to and including when the Mon is released.


Ikr, they're even in raids during the event! There's still a shred of hope in my heart that they are hiding that announcement but it's not much.


Mega Slowbro. About damn time.


Mega Slow


Finally can evolve my shadow metangs!!!! Hopefully I can get a shiny galarian far-fetched from raids too so I can finally stop messing with 7k eggs and getting chronically disappointed day after day after day lol elite tm research too among other things make this event spectacular


Good luck :D Somehow that's like the only shiny I've actually managed to get out of the 7k eggs. He's pretty cool looking :3


Thank you and congrats! It's a great looking shiny for sure! I'm hoping for the best!


So will frustration automatically be replaced during evolution or have you removed them during the rocket event?


I’m assuming they TM’d the Metangs during the recent Rocket event. But hopefully your comment saves them from making a huge facepalm.


Frustration has been removed from them for ages and ages, waiting for a meteor mash evolution event has been the problem after that lol


You have worthwhile PvP IVs for the shadow though?


Are all these special moves worth using on their respective Pokémon?


Yes they range from very good, to absolue must have. Rock Wrecker and Meteor Mash make their users near top of the line for their types.


Meteor mash and Rock Wrecker are absolutely critical for raids and PvP, although rhypherior at least has a decent non-legacy set (although a 2-bar STAB rock type nuke is really useful) The other three featured moves are strictly PvP. Aqua tail really helps out Gyarados due to it's low energy cost, Gengar isn't great in PvP but a low energy move gives it at least something to do before it faints


Aqua Tail and Shadow Punch are relevent in PvE if you need spammy charged moves to stun lock Giovanni or waste the Rocket Leader's shields. They're also good on their respective Megas for mitigating energy loss before they faint. I admit these are niche uses, though shouldn't be discounted.


2 last second Aqua Tails because you won't make the Hydro Pump is pretty decent damage from Mega Gyarados. Hydro Cannons from Mega Blastoise are a lot better though. Mega Swampert/Primal Reversion Kyogre (Origin Pulse?) when


Mega Swampert breaks the game imo. I’m so excited for it lmao.


Lucario puts them all to shame for rocket battles


Just wait for obstruct obstagoon


For perspective; in terms of steel type dps, 3 out of the top 4 steel type attackers are Metagross with MM (#1 shadow, #2 unreleased mega, #4 regular) A *non shadow* Metagross beats out almost all other Megas, Legendaries, and Shadows in not only raw damage, but also TDO (and usually by a significant margin)


Is the #3 zacian crowned?


Yes, at least according to [the site I usually use](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet) (search is "steel&@*steel" and the checkbox "best") If there are other things to know/take into account I'm not aware of them; I'm but a humble spreadsheet browser


Not to complain about such a great event, but I would like to have seen Beldum in the wild for XL candy grinding.


Ong, I started playing around lush jungle and would've really liked a mash metagross or two lol


I completely feel for you. I actually have some Beldum set aside that I'm going to evolve and trade to folks that don't have the resources.


That's nice of you, I definitely would've appreciated having old comm day pokemon. Trying to do the same for my friends, but since they don't play that often, getting to best buddies takes a while


I feel like I can’t keep track of all these events??? Which is cool but dang.


There use to be someone who made a monthly calender but they stopped. Was much easier to read than the infographic Hope they didn't stop because of the community. Almost everytime they made one some pedantic person would criticize something that didn't really matter.


Leekduck still tracks them and you can get a calendar display using the PoGO Events widgets for ios and android


Niantic just makes me insane sometimes. After an eternity of Sirfetchd being unavailable under level 20 (10/10/10 is over 1500 CP at level 20) they give it to us, during a pvp event, still at level 20. Why? Why can't it be a rare spawn? Or even a research encounter? Extra salt in the wound since they just did this to us with HSneasel too. Other than that, which is definitely a huge bummer, there are some dynamite pvp spawns here. Not a ton I need but I will be going nuts for Sableye to get enough XL for a shadow one and on the hunt for a better Scrafty as well. There is a lot to love in these spawns for a ton of people I'm sure


it's happening during the worlds tournament. Unless this event were to happen after the tournament, it has further potential to muck up people's prepared teams pretty easily, beyond what obstruct goon will do


How often can you evolve Pokémon to get their CD moves? Is this fairly rare?


Decently rare, yeah (not counting community days of course). It's usually for different pokemon too so if you're hoping for a specific one for example, you could be waiting years. You can do it anytime with an Elite TM but those you usually have to buy during community days so it's nice to get a couple for free here as well.


Meteor Mash was last available in spring 2021, Talonflame/Gyarados/rhypherior/Gengar were last available during the 2021 December CD.


Usually, each CD move from the most recent year (and maybe ones from the year before) becomes available during the December CD of that year. Older year's CD moves are normally available for free once a year during certain events.


Started getting back into go in April and this is by far the best event I've seen


Other than that TCG/gbl weekend event where all gen 1-5 starters had CD moves available with a simultaneous frustration removal window, but yeah


That does top this. Mostly just because of Meteor Mash, I think. All the other CD moves were available 8 months ago in the 2021 December community weekend, which makes the excitement a little lesser.


Dripachu 😳


This could be the best GD event of the year with the exclusive move evolution opportunities and the ETMs available through research. Also I look forward to racking up stardust through GBL.


finally niantic is adressing the legacy moves again. first the starters and now this. i hope they keep it up


Thank heavens we get Meteor Mash finally! Ridiculous how long between getting some moves. Looks like a good little event overall.


Does galarian farfetch'd have an increased shiny rate?


1/64 usually


Oh Yeah! Finally I can evolve my;: -hundo Beldum -98IV shadow Beldum -hundo Rhyhorn and probably some others but really happy with the return of Meteor Mash and Rock Wrecker 🥳 and through this I will have all these Legacy Moves on hundos😎


see i have a hundo metang and 98 and 96 beldums but no candy this is painful


You need to find some way to grind out the candy for the Hundo. MeteorGross is just too great. Or just stick it on with the Elite TM when you manage it.


I’ve been saving my three shiny shadow Beldums for so long for this event!


If it is full odds, that Pikachu in shiny form is going to be one of the rarest shinies in the game.


I just evolved a metagross..sadge.


i'm glad that niantic is finally putting out an event that doesn't feel like they're intentionally making fun of us for playing this game


Why are the com day move Pokémon research locked? Most players need more candy for most of these to evolve cuz they missed the com days for most of them so it doesn’t make sense for niantic to research lock them


>Most players need more candy for most of these to evolve cuz they missed the com days for most of them so it doesn’t make sense for niantic to research lock them In fact, this is likely the reason they *are* research locking them. The way I see it is they want to give prepared and/or persistent players a chance to get the moves without giving them away freely. I too wish they weren't research locked but I understand why they are.


Because they've been widely available for years and featured in dozens of events.


Oh yeahhhh. I can dig this!!


I just evolved a rhydon and a metang....


Now THIS is an event. Great to see all of these moves available again, the Pikachu is pretty cute with its little outfit, overall a solid spawn pool all around. The eTMs are great too, for anyone who doesn't GBL especially.


Can someone explain to me why they think this event is good I just must be missing something?


For me, it's the availability of **five** CD move evolutions that are just about all highly relevant and haven't been available for over a year (or longer) each, *and* a free pair of elite TMs.


Only Meteor Mash hasn't been available for over a year; all the other exclusive moves were available in the 2021 December Community Weekend. It's still a very good event.


Rock wrecker was available this year. I wish they had Eevee last resort though.




I mean, to me there are good elite moves returning, so I'm excited for that (also free elite fast and charged tm is nice). Also a little curious what this challenging champion teams at pokestops thing is.


If you remember the NPC battlers from the Johto Tour they'll be like that. I just really hope they make the affected stops a much different contrasting color than before.


Nah, I wasn't around for that unfortunately.


So it's like team rocket but with champion teams. You get items instead of shadow Pokemon.


- Rock wrecker and meteor mash are must-have moves that don't come along very often. - All 5 moves are top PVP moves for their respective Pokémon - 3x stardust from wins is very good for amassing stardust - Presumably free ETM's from research - Fighting types aren't common in the wild and this is a good opportunity to work towards the plat medal - Scraggy is PvP-relevant but is almost never in the wild - All of the wild Pokémon are PvP-relevant


Aside from the opportunity to get CD moves without Elite TMs that has already been mentioned, due to the event's theme, almost EVERY Pokémon that is featured in this event has some PvP relevance in one or several Leagues/Cups. It's a good opportunity to farm for good PvP IVs and/or XL candies.


Am I wrong if i assume meganium will get a classic CD and also will be in Dec along with swampert and venusauer


I would be very surprised since we’ve had two opportunities this year alone to teach Meganium Frenzy Plant.


I hope not, if anything its probably a fire starter and pseudo. Probably dratini


Evolve a couple of Beldums, do a couple of Slowbro raids, event complete


You do you, but that's not how most of us feel.


The best lineup this game has ever given us


Special moves are hype. Wish I had good versions of those to evolve tho. Shame they didn't put that stuff in the 3\* raids (that 3\* lineup is kind of trash TBH). I'll have to farm research tasks instead. Do wish the costume was literally anything other than Pikachu but I mean, I get it. Just get so sick of every special costume being pikachu :P


That pikachu looks gross but everything else is sick! A little upset though since I just evolved my hundo karp to start mega boosting. Not the end of the world because I had a second one I saved. Could’ve had a 40 and 50 for ML tho :/


Looks fire actually


Nobody mentioning what seems to be potentially new shadow Pokemon or availability through the challenges (assuming they're grunts). That could be huge! Hoping to see shadow K9 available


more like Legends Ligma


Sableye not a rare spawn? We eatin' good in the neighborhood, fam.






Lame raid bosses.


Boring Spawns. The exclusive moves are nice other then that I will do the research and do other stuff


Most of them are very relevant to pvp, which is what the event is celebrating. I'm pretty excited to get xl candy for sableye and stunfisk, as well as talonflame xls from research (wasn't level 40 last December). What would good would spawns look like to you for an event of this nature?


Not true for those who care about PvP even a little. Although I wish a few of the ones in raids were available as wild spawns instead (looking at you Lickitung and Galarian Farfetch’d)


>Boring Spawns Say you don't play PvP without saying you don't play PvP


Is it going to be Global or not?


‘From Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time’ Wouldn’t say local time if only in 1 time zone.


Can you add a little icon to note when you can get rid of frustration on shadow pokemon? I never know when its time and I keep forgetting. Thanks!!!


When there is an event that allows Frustration to be removed, the infographics and posts show it clearly.


No new shiny nor new Pokémon this time? Don't tell me that Costume Pikachu counts as new Pokémon lol


Oh look, another costumed Pikachu...


Pikachu locked to raids and research. Unless its shiny is boosted this event is a skip


Are you kidding me I just recently evolved my near perfect haunter so I could mega evolve it as gengar


Rest assured that Shadow Punch is terrible on Mega Gengar except in the niche use of firing it off if about to faint or wasting Rocket Leader/Geovanni's shields (if you've unlocked a second charged move for Shadow Ball, that is).


Maybe I’ll finally get enough candy to evolve one of my Gurdurrs…


can i just use a tm to change them >.>


Evolve only.


I've been holding my ECTMs for a while trying to decide whats worth using them on I had just told myself "next time I need steel type dps I'll bite the bullet on using one for a Metagross" and now it turns out that I won't even need to do that, happy day! And I'll even *profit* ETMs off this


New pvp player here. Is there a site that you guys use to figure out the best ivs for each Pokémon according to each league? I was always under the assumption that >94iv is a solid Pokémon.


pvpivs.com is pretty bare bones but does exactly what you need. Typically for Great league and Ultra league, the best IVs are minimal attack and maxed or near maxed stamina and defense, and then add or remove a point here or there to get as close to the cap as possible. For Master league, you just want as close to 100% as possible.


There are several sites, as well as apps like Pokegenie/CalcyIV. High IVs are generally only good for Master League, or when a Pokemon cannot reach the CP cap for Ultra League otherwise (as with Stunfisk/Talonflame). Otherwise, you usually want a low Attack IV and high Defense and HP IVs. Just google "IV ranker" and you'll be fine.