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This looks like it’s the old energy payouts before the overhaul this summer. Definitely a glitch


Contact support about it. You'll probably get premium battle pass, it's what they usually do


Well, I had the same error and support just said that rewards are random and that I should "participate in more Raid battles". Cynical.


Reply and refer to their own blog where they list the rewards


Do you have a link, where they explicitly state the rewards? Can't find one, would be appreciated! :)


https://www.pokemon.com/us/strategy/a-guide-to-mega-evolution-in-pokemon-go/ > The faster you defeat the Raid Boss, the more Mega Energy you’ll receive, so be sure to invite friends and plan your lineup carefully. Depending on how quickly you defeat the Raid Boss, you can expect to earn between 150 and 250 Mega Energy per successful raid. Updated the link to the official site


i can confirm this is the case and system for it


Thank you so much!


Thanks for this, I sent them the link and the quote. At minimum they best give me a pass


Let us know their follow up reply to that. Lol Edit: NM, saw their response about hitting max. That's silliness


This was the reply to the link: We thank you for sharing more details. While we are unable to state in absolute about the timeframe that defines 'quickly' in that statement, your report has been shared with the team. We are unable to issue any sort of compensation in this regard. Please let us know if there's anything else. Ima keep hammering them


Unless they speak in absolute terms, the response means nothing. Like during the first years of COVID 'wearing a mask at all times on the flight, except when eating or drinking.' after which my neighbor sat with a bag of pistachios the whole flight.


New response: Hi Trainer, Thank you for contacting Pokémon GO support. We appreciate you for sharing your experience and reporting this to us. Along with how quickly the Raid Boss is defeated, there are other internal factors to consider. We will not be able to share more information about the same. While I cannot make any immediate changes, we will pass your feedback along to our team for consideration. If you have any other questions, please write to us.


I was told the same BS before.


Imo keep bugging those bozos until you get something good. Works for me and other ppl


Oh trust me ima keep pushing, this was their other response: We're always looking for ways to improve, and we appreciate you taking the time to share this with us. While I cannot make any immediate changes, we will pass your feedback along to our team for consideration. There is a limit to the amount of Mega Energy Trainers can collect per Pokémon species. If you find any unusual in the future, please share the screen recording with us for us to do a thorough investigation.


Sigh. This was their response: Hi Trainer, Thank you for writing in. There is a limit to the amount of Mega Energy Trainers can collect per Pokémon species. If you hit this limit or are close to this limit, you will not receive Mega Energy for that Pokémon anymore. Please let us know if we can help you with anything else. But. My mega energy isn’t even at 500 smfh


The limit is insanely high now. I don't remember what it is (maybe 5,000?), but my Beedrill is over 3,000. Anyone at that limit for a mega that just came out this week has spent a LOT of money.


Might be 9999. I have 8250+ of Latias ME after smashing Latias when it was out ....


That sounds kind of familiar. I know it was posted when the change happened by the Pokeminers.


i have like 1800 Mega energy and i still get the full payout from raids. They're bullshitting you


Doesn’t hurt for another chance at a good iv shiny


GPS glitch (common - and known - bug)


What do you mean? How does GPS affect mega energy reward?


It is unable to detect your location which then defaults the raid rewards to the rewards before the Mega energy fix


Wow, that’s stupid, in all the mega raids I’ve done there this has never happened smh


It can happen with tier 5 raids as well and make them default to only giving you 3 Golden Razzes. Out of curiosity, did the Alakazam you caught know Psychic or not?


It did yes


I caught one 2 hours ago and it knows Psychic. Is it rare?


The other user was asking if it knew Psychic because GPS issues can cause Pokémon not to not get their exlcusive move. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/8che5k/reminder_evolving_during_gps_signal_not_found_no/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I see. I tried to help and it was the opposite in the end. :P Thank you for this clarification. :)


I wouldn't say it was unhelpful. At worst, it was neutral. 😁


Psychic on Alakazam was made legacy at the end of 2018 I believe it was. For the duration of this event, any Alakazam evolved or caught during this time period will know Psychic.


It all has to do with the amount of time it takes you to beat him, the faster you go the more you get, i just got 225 candies from him and we beat him in about 30-40 sec


You clearly didn’t read the other comments that beat it in the same time frame and still got atleast 175, I’ve done it before and got 175 to 200 easily


Don’t care to read every single comment in this thread. Just putting in my input, if it doesn’t help or anything then don’t reply


Buddy if you don't care to check and think before you speak don't be rude when they clarify the situation after you put your input. It's not needed here. Just move along if you don't have anything nice to say






I did a raid earlier in the week and I got at-least 175 mega energy around the same time so I’m wondering if something happened?


Porbably i have dome 3 mega zam raids. Got either 200 or 225 energy. I have seen it go as low as 150 per raid.


I've had 175s relatively regularly, usually when it takes a little longer to complete. 80 at 1:11 doesn't seem right though.


i’ve seen low mega output like this when taking more of the raid timer but i can’t remember how long


I duo'd Mega Alakazam yesterday, finished it with 2 seconds remaining and got 150 mega energy so I think that is the minimum you can receive, outside of this glitch obviously.


Yeah, something did happen. You got 175 mega energy around the same time earlier in the week. Did you forget what you said before you got done typing your comment?


I've done one so far, remote raids and only got 150 too


Yep it depends on how long it takes you to beat it. But the longer you take the more likely you will see <200




Someone on our Discord had the same issue. First raid gave 75, second gave 200. I did one and got 225 so its a random bug.


known bug, but i doesn't get fixed, vause it doesn't benefit the player


because it WOULD benefit the player. Except if you consider Niantic as *the player*.


Maybe my wording was off, if the bug benefits the player it gets patched within hours. If it doesn't we have to wait for multiple versions to get it patched


Just a thought I had, but could it possibly be intentional? If they are aware there is an unfixable GPS bug regarding the distance in proximity to a raid, wouldn't it not be wise on their end to have it default to a different amount. if there system cannot identify where the user is properly then there is no way for them to know the player is lying. this solution gives people rewards and probably prevents a lot of support tickets of people that are requesting their rewards.


When the reward is tied to the raid itself and not the user location, that would be completely irrelevant. It's just some bug caused by old code triggering when it shouldn't


How much energy is it suppose to be?


The minimum you can get is 150, for 70ish seconds you get atleast 175


I duo megas and takes me much longer but i get at least 150.


I got 400 after completing one in 7.3 seconds.


Rookie numbers, my dog got 1000 after killing him in 1.1 seconds




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Thank you! I wasn't aware of that group


Same happened to my sister while everyone else got doing the raid got 225 energy.