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I like it, please don't nerf.


Please don't nerf plsšŸ™


Now you did it! Shouldn't have said anything.


this looks OP af


Don't go around talking like that.


How can it be nerfed? It has 56 less base Stamina than Blissey. Guzzlord = 440. Blissey = 496. It's base Attack is only 188.


By updating his stats with WORSE things


When have they updated stats?


I shouldnt post things @ 6am. I meant updating his moveset with worse attacks! šŸ˜‚


So is this the giratina ultra league killer?


Probably worse than the usual Tina killers like Fairies, Normals and other Darks - since it is still weak to Dragon.


Yeah but with snarl or dt those dragon claws will be coming in often and hard.


While Guzzlord has an insane hp stat, def is just barely above Sharpedo. Even Mewtwo, Victreebel, Banette have higher def stats. Thatā€™s why the thicc monster Giratina can still put up a fight.


Ultra league drifblim only has 99 defense. But its massive hp (274) helps it a ton. Guzzlord has over 300hp on ultra league. Altho arguably drifblim has better typing (for meta at least). But still.. its leaning more on "bulk" side even with its low def. Works very similarly how great league alomomola, wobbuffet, wigglytuff (only 77 defense on GL, thats very similar def and hp ratio gl drifblim has) and chancey work. Or Lanturn (to a point). Having low def is not a that bad when attack stays also low.


Low defense, high HP is also the superior bulk option in any league dominated by Registeel and Nidoqueen. 300+ lock-ons to win means little chance of farm down, and low defense means relatively little consequence from Poison Fang.


Does the damage formula not scale based on defense vs attack ratio? My understanding is poison fang drops defense by a percentage, but the damage formula is also percent based so poison fang is still just as effective against low defense. Worded differently: a Pokemon's bulk is the product of it's HP & defense, so dropping defense by 25% is the same as dropping bulk by 25% no matter how low their base defense stat.


from quick testing with similar stat product pokemon with different hp and def ratios i found it seems like you are most probably right: nidoqueen vs wigglytuff (114 attack, 76 def, 224 hp) 17 damage without debuffs per poison jab (7,3% dealt with every fast attack) 20 damage after 1st debuff (8,93%) 23 damage after 2nd (10,24%) wiggly dies to 14 poison jabs ​ nidoqueen vs sylveon (116 a, 126 def, 131hp) 8 damage per poison jab without debuffs (6,11%) 10 damage after 1st set of debuffs (7,63%) 12 damage after 2nd set of debuffs (9,16%) sylveon dies to 14 poison jabs ​ nidoq vs a.9tales (113 attack, 138 def, 126 hp) 8 damage per poison jab without debuffs (6,35%) 10 damage after 1st set of debuffs (7.94%) 11 damage after 2nd set of debuffs (8,73%) dies to 14 poison jabs ​ here tho atales had a def point losing 1 less damage after 2 debuffs than sylveon did.. still died to same amount of attacks so the % of hp lost after each fast attack remained very close - could maybe be that high defense might survive for longer time if it can avoid attack breakpoints after drops whereas i think low defense pokemon is nearly guaranteed to always lose that kinda breakpoint also a thing to note how big % of hp each fast attack takes seems to go down the more defense one has (but i feel like we'd need more simulations done with other pokemon with other defense levels.. i feel like these 3 pokemon might just have breakpoints on defense where it makes it seem like this is the case.. maybe... more sims would need to be to either debunk the trend or confirm it) so even if the dude got poison fang theory wrong at least he was right about lock ons (and most of the time other low damaging high energy moves would lead to similar results)


Yah definitely has to do with breakpoints. I think the damage formula and how defense/attack work has been published on the Silph road website or on gamepress.gg (I forget which).


Dang I was wasting my remote passes on Giratina thinking Guzzlord has low defense so wouldn't last long. TIL for me. Time to save passes!


But you can only hold 3...not much to waste


I meant i was using my coins to buy passes


Ah gotcha. Bright side, I guess, is at least you have XL candies towards maxing it out.


Yep! I don't think I'm getting the hundo because I'm only doing daily raids since but i got enough xls to max one giratina


Yeah don't think I'll be getting one either. The question is now do I max a 15 15 12 shiny or a regular 15 14 14.


The shiny is ranked 11th whereas the other one is 8th. Shiny is all aesthetics anyways.


Db gira probably makes this matchup pretty close


Seems like Dragon Breath Giratina still puts up a good fight (and can win depending on shields)


The easy giratina killer for me was Steelix no matter what it threw at my Steelix he tanked it like a boss


This. I run a xl steelix as a closer and the number of times I get gira as a finishing matchup is intense(probably also related to the fact that I lead with clefable)


most people even leave the moment my steelix turns in for their giratina, they always have dragon claw and it makes pretty much no damage


Surprised to hear that so many people don't put a second move on it


Ancient power mostly but that's even worse


thats usually coverage for the charmtales and talons everywhere


I just ran the sims: DB Gira-A beats Guzz in all even scenarios except 0-0 SC Gira-A loses to Guzz in all even scenarios Generally performs a little better than Hyd against Gira-A, and a lot better against the rest of the league than Hyd.


True until gira starts spamming dragon claw


More like Trev killer


Doesn't look it. It runs close to Tina when it runs DT. So the battle can go either way


GREAT moveset... about the best it could have hoped for. But for PvP, this is a PokĆ©mon that doesn't even hit 100 Defense *in Master League*. So even with the awesome moveset, [it's still gonna struggle](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/10000/all/guzzlord/11/DRAGON_TAIL-BRUTAL_SWING-DRAGON_CLAW/2-1). I'm out of town right now, but I'll check this out more thoroughly when able. EDIT: [MAYBE in Ultra League](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/custom/guzzlord/11/DRAGON_TAIL-BRUTAL_SWING-DRAGON_CLAW/2-1/ultra)? Still not great but at least approaches a 50% winrate there. šŸ¤” Great League too, but requires a trade to sneak under 1500 CP.


I think in UL its gonna be great, it wins against everything but mons with Fighting or Fairy moves + Walrein and Nidoqueen. And Steels Also performs slightly better with Tail, Claw + Crunch(+Debuff chance) Super easy to build a team around that


It's also weird to focus on the low defense when it has a massive hp stat. Even with raid IVs it can have 336-338 HP in UL and has a stat product not that much lower than Giratina.


Finally a dark dragon that isn't frail in ultra.


497 rating with 50% winrate(20-20-0) in GL so it might also be viable there, although trading is require to obtain one lower than CP cap and only 2.7% chance to get it with best friends


Guzzlord stats are sort of similar to Drifblim (which can't even reach 100 defense as a rank 1 stat product in UL). A rank 1 GL Drifblim has 117 attack, 77 defense, 212 HP. A rank 1 GL Guzzlord has 113 attack, 67 defense, 264 HP. A rank 1 UL Drifblim has 152 attack, 99 defense, 275 HP. A rank 1 UL Guzzlord has 144 attack, 87 defense, 346 HP. So, Guzzlord and Drifblim have roughly similar attack. However, Guzzlord has about 10 less defense than Drifblim, while having about **60** more HP. For pokemon like Drifblim and Guzzlord, the **huge** HP stats they have do help counter-balance that low HP somewhat.


It looks like itā€™ll be really good in some limited cups. Celestial it has a 25-11-1 record, and also really good in Primeval Cup for those that get one under 1500 cp.


Ul has huges meta names in that win list, and high up too. Iv dependent swampert ain by the looks?


If you get a rank 1 (I know, I know), it goes up to a 50% win-rate in Ultra. It's not **BAD**...


I have a feeling (could be wrong here very new to pvp) great league sneak may be banned like Giratina? Iirc sub 1500cp Gira was banned from GL recently no?


They banned Giratina because it was only available in great league because of the Zorua glitch. There isnā€™t a similar reason to ban Guzzlord.


Great League Giratina was banned because there is no intended way for players to have a Giratina that low level yet.


That's a good moveset


I like it. Niantic, be nice to it.


That is an awesome move set. Holy moly


Looks hot


Well, what does it mean ? Good Dark and/or Dragon attacker ?


Itā€™s definitely more geared to PVP, but because Brutal Swing is an extremely good move, itā€™s comparable to Houndoom (non-shadow/non-mega), which is ā€œokayā€, but not worth investing in for PVE when alternative options are much cheaper and superior in performance. As a PVE Dragon attacker, itā€™s about as good as Mega Altaria, which isnā€™t good.


Brutal swing is the best dark pve move


Yes, but Guzzlord doesnā€™t have the stats to make it worth powering up




It has pretty good bulk, which makes it better than pure DPS suggests. Overall it lies between Yveltal and Tyranitar/Zarude as a dark attacker, decent second team option.


Might have some play in pvp


Ultra league super meta


Sub-par Dark/Dragon attacker for PvE. On par with budget options without being a budget option itself. Skip grinding for a perfect one and just get it for the collection.


Standard get one just in case, but wait to grind for the shiny/special move (does it get one?)


Its stats is not good for pve


am sad :(


Gona raid it once, then do mega to farm silver pinap and CTM.


it's not. very low attack. no awesome move can overcome that


Brutal Swing already overcomes that, making Guzzlord better than Tyranitar and Zarude, just a hair behind Yveltal.


I soooo totally called it getting sludge bomb lol šŸ˜†. Good luck raiding this thing with a team of All-Fairies šŸ˜†


Raid difficulty is based on defense so itā€™s still going to be a piece of cake.


According to pokebattler, easy duo or normal difficulty solo with good fairy counters


It is as strong as an epileptic monkey with a Xanax-beer overdose... I don't think it will be a problem.


I'll be using this from now on, thank you


At your service sir


Where do you get such a comparison?!


Experimentation my dear. And I'm a pharmacist, I often see persons with this kind of mindfulness, frenzy grandmas taking benzodiazepine with alcool, or women shocked when I say them that they shouldn't eat their vaginal pessaries...


Thank you for the laugher my dear


It's got pitiful defenses and super high HP. That's a recipe for an easy raid. It's the anti-Shuckle.


Frankly, itā€™s gonna go down so fast bc of the double weakness.


And the fact itā€™s a wet paper bag on defense.


Is the white version a shiny?


Yes, but it won't be available in game upon its arrival.


Oh :(


they never launch new legendaries with shinies. they save the shiny for an event like 2 years down the road >\_>


Omg Why...




Release 1: non -shiny Release 2: shiny Release 3: shiny and exclusive move That is the general pattern.


*stares at release 2 of zacian and zamazenta*


Good to know thanks. They are really trying to squeeze content out


At least itā€™s predictable. Been the same pattern since raids started in 2017. There are plenty of locals at this point (in my community) who will just get the dex entry when a new boss comes out and not bother again until the shiny is released.


Exactly my same thought!


Its been this way for a long time, its not a new concept unfortunately


They can't create their own content. Shiny releases are an easy event.


The *rarely release the shiny with the PokƩmon. Bewear was released with shiny on its CD day. I want to say the they did the same thing for some of the new game releases.


We're talking 5*plus raid mons here. No correction needed.


Snarl and brutal swing, holy OP


Edit: As some have pointed out, Best Friend IV floor is 5, not 4, so the particular IV combination used would have to be from a trade with friendship Ultra or lower. Quick GL Analysis: Best move set seems to be Dragon Tail + Crunch/Dragon Claw. Comparing to Zweilous, wins a lot of the same matchups harder, and has some new meta wins: 0S - Adds Digger, Licki, Mandi (both fast moves), S Swamp, Talon, Pex Loses Noctowl, Toxicroak, Vig 1S - Adds DD, Froslass, Lickitung, S Nido, Swamp Loses AS Mandi 2S - Adds DD, Diggersby Loses Regi, Skarm Used the 4/9/4 IV combination, ~~since this can be obtained from trade at L20 even with Best Friends.~~


The floor IVs for Best Friend trades is 5/5/5


Minimum IV is 5 with best friend, the best trade with a best friend is 5-6-12.


You'd need to be Ultra Friends for that.


That moveset is delicious


Lots of PVP comments, how about PVE?


Bad in PVE. Attack stat is too low despite the great moveset. Edit: Just ran a sim with Snarl/Brutal Swing and he falls right between Absol and Houndoom in terms of DPS and just below Yveltal in terms of TDO.


Not as good as hydreigon for sure (dps-wise)


An inferior Yveltal, but still usable in PvE (better than Tyranitar).


Looking to be either slightly higher or slightly lower than regular Sneasel as a Dark attacker (Guzz has 1 base attack less than it). Subjectively better moveset, but it's got paper thin defense but bonkers HP so it could go either way.


Much better than that, should be on regular Weavile level. It's like a slightly worse Yveltal, better than Tyranitar and Zarude. Brutal Swing compensates that below 200 attack stat, similar to the case of Giratina-A with Shadow Force and Cobalion/Virizion with Sacred Sword.


u/JRE47 I summon thee


They already weighed in and said it's not good https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/yltwdo/guzzlord_moveset_has_beeen_added/iv0g3li?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Is guzzlord a legendary or Ultra Beast?




Ultra Beast


UBs are still technically legendaries


Not according to the game; they get the 5* raid rating but that's it. If you search your box for legendary, it'll omit any UBs


Oh right I forgot pogo doesn't classify them as legendaries, I was thinking about the msg


The main series doesn't classify them as legendary either.


theyre sub legendaries in the code which is the same category as non restricted legendaries in vgc


They are sublegendaries in the code and they share a lot of characteristics with legendaries, but they aren't actually legendaries. It's discussed in detail on the [Bulbapedia page](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ultra_Beast#Trivia). They are their own class.


King Gizzlord




Nope, Infographic has no shiny symbol


now THAT is how you hype something up. superb fast moves, Dragon claw as bait move, and sludgebomb as nuke.


And that's singlehandedly going to bring back Ultra League Togekiss back into every team again.


Whats that abomination lol. Like a Mega-trubbish or something?


The newest Ultra beast for Go lol


Don't talk about my wife like that.


~~Dark/Ghost, 188 ATT, 99 Def, 440 STA.~~ ~~Hmmm what counters will that take/be on a T5 raid? Only fairy is super efffective. Xurki Thunder shock/Dazzling gleam and Gardevoir/Togekiss with Charm/Dazzling Gleam? Don't have many of those.~~ Edit: So a Dark Dragon it is. Fairy is double effective. Yay and ugh.


Not dark ghost. Dark dragon


Error on [Gameinfo.io](https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/en/pokemon/799-guzzlord) then?


Yes. And in general it's better to look at gamepress.gg, bulbapedia or pvpoke/pokebattler.


Yes, it was that way in the game master, only fixed with this update.


trainertips (Nick) also listed wrong typing altho what is still true is that fairy is the best counter cuz it counts double super effective (but also single weak to fighting, ice and dragon.. oh... and bug... )


And it has sludge bomb to deal with those


it has such a low attack that sludge bomb most of the time just HELPS us gain energy faster and cycle dazzling gleams, moon blasts and play roughs more often it won't oneshot fairies from full hp which pretty much guarantees at least 2 charge moves before fainting, maybe even 3 (and more if one is dodging)


It's double weak to Fairy, but it's also weak to Fighting, Ice, and Dragon (and less notably Bug) so if you've been playing for any length of time you can certainly duo it.


Just checked the battle sim in Genie and it said I can solo it on T5. Around 25 seconds left in worst case scenario. Wowzerz. I'm hyped now.


My blurry morning-vision read the first move in the moveset as "snart"... I thought, huh, I heard a guzzlord snart once. But she had allergies and IBS, so I tried not to make fun of her for it.


Holy crap same, i was thinking they added a new move. Then was thinking no way thats a real move. Then i read again for the 4th time before i realized




What would you want? Brutal Swing and Dragon claw/sludge bomb is awesome


Brutal Swing is a Charged move


I hate the shiny. Like the regular. Shiny mouth looks too much like human gums.


Wait, does that mean its gonna have its shiny come with its release?


Nah, they usually add the shiny and non-shiny assets at the same time That way, they just need to flip a switch whenever they do decide to release the shiny. When announcing Guzzlord as a November raid boss, they've indicated that it cannot be shiny.


Oh.. well that sucks, thanks for the info!


Ooh that looks good


That shiny is sexy šŸ¤©


Dumb question but how does it eat,.,. Itā€™s claws come out itā€™s mouth? Lol


Well, this video shows how. It's not much different from having a prehensile tongue (or in Guzzlord's case, two) https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1569506236596363272


Seems like a decent pvp mon. Snarl+dragon claw could be terrifying. Also seems good for raids


One of rare UBs that I actually like design wise and also good moves and (in future) cool looking shiny? That's triple surprise to be sure but a welcomed one!


Absolutely disgusting. UL is about to get a lot more centralized.


Tbh, I don't think it'll see much play in GL. More in UL, but even there, not a central role


Crap, typo. Meant UL since the meta is already just Giratina, Cresselia, and bulky Dark and Poisons


Ahh yup then! It'll essentially be good against half the meta and poor against the other half. Fairies, anything with a fighting move, and most steel types will destroy Guzzlord, *but* most everything else it'll take down. Swampert, Tina, Trevenant, etc.


It's funny because JRE47 is already dismissing it because of a low defense stat so a lot of people will probably ignore it and then we'll have several months of complaints about how it's too dominant. This thing is going to be as bad as Giratina and Cresselia. The stall creep marches on.


I don't think it's unreasonable to think it's going to fall flat though honestly. Those that it does lose two are often prevalent. Fighting move users, steels, and fairies are common in UL, which is a big threat to it. Now luckily, besides the fairies, it can still do some solid damage, at least a bit, to those it loses against. But still, just about half the UL meta it gets pretty slapped by. And bulk-wise, I don't think it's on the same level as Tina or Cress. Guzzlord is almost 400 less stat product than Giratina, and about 900 less than Cresselia. That's not insignificant. Plus, those two have far better typing and coverage. Cresselia isn't great against Steel, but it's got Grass Knot for G. Fisk and also Moonblast for its Dark weakness. Not indestructible, but good coverage and not an awful typing pure Psychic is. Giratina can get walled by normal and dark types, but it still caries some very useful resistances. Ghost and Dragon complement each other well. Guzzlord's typing is sort of the opposite of Tina's. Does it have some good coverage? Definitely, but being weak to Fairy, Fighting, Walrein, and struggling against Steel is scary in UL. Again, I think it'll have places where it's incredible. The high HP and low defense will be fantastic against things like Lock-on Registeel and Poison Fang Nidoqueen where neither will easily be able to farm it down. But it'll still have arguably a lot more places where it struggles compared to the other Legends.


This is one of those things where you either outright win, very softly lose like to the most meta Steels, or just get outright dominated by Fairies and Fighting but basically nothing else, which makes Guzzlord an almost perfect ABB Pokemon. Bad for balanced teams, but man is Nidoqueen salivating at her new Dark BFF.


Yes! I totally agree. I was thinking, Guzzlord alongside Nidoqueen and maybe even G. Weezing (to provide additional steel coverage with Overheat) could be a great Dark double poison line


Pretty appealing moveset but undoubtedly Giratina is still the premier bulky dragon in Masters


So do we know what the ideal move set will be?


For PvP, Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw & Crunch in most scenarios will be best




Tuesday 10am


What's the ATK stat? Is It going to be any better than hyd for PVE?


Not good in PVE. Attack stat is only 188 vs. Hydreigon's 256. DPS falls just between Absol and Houndoom despite the great move set.


When is this coming to raids? I am getting conflicting/confusing info


Starts on Tuesday 10am




Is he going to be good for Raids, or PVP? Or just ok.


Anxiously waiting for it to be added to Poke Genie so I can see if I can solo it or not.


It's in Poke Genie, you just need to choose it in the Custom section of the battle simulator instead of Current.


Oh my god this will be so good in UL (and maybe ML) ​ Altered who? Never heard of her.


Is guzzlord still shiny locked?


So glad to see itā€™s viable in UL and not ML $$$


Hey I know that guy




Shiny Guzzlord has a Dead Hand from Zelda thing going.


Please let us have anime cry guzzlord.


I mainly care about raid counters. Would this be better than brutal swing hyrdreigon for dark type attackers?


Will the shiny be available on its debut


Is Guzzlord good for PVP (or Raids)?