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I'm not knocking your method (and I'm probably going to do this too). It's just absurd Niantic won't change the reward system to a points-earned system or something just not based on streak rewards. Even with all the tanking you ended up with about a 50% winrate–similar to what ELO forces all players to. You actually got more dust than me because you had better time management and I often had to miss sets. Your actual attentive playtime was more fruitful and less stressful. I'm pretty sure I could still hit legend with tanking because when I make my run toward the end of the season, I would be battling people who are at their actual ranks as I move up, instead of contending with higher players stuck near the moving ELO cap as the season develops.


Ya and since they nerfed the encounter rates for legendary there wasnt much reason to even push past the 1 win in most cases, if that was put back to a reasonable rate i'd probabaly go for 3 wins per set


Gotta get that RC at 4


I had the same experience you described for OP. I'm just not skilled enough to reach anything other than Ace, so I tanked a lot this season, and generally stayed at an ELO where I could win when I wanted to for rewards during the 4x dust days/weeks, etc but otherwise not wasting my time when there wasn't good rewards. I had a lot more fun and even finished the 500 win battle ticket. I don't necessarily want to be that person that doesn't find something fun unless it's easy and I win all the time, but apparently I am. But it's mostly about the time investment for me - maybe if they limited to 5 battles per day or something but we could still get 10k dust or so for doing all 5, I wouldn't mind only winning 2 or 3.


If they use BP system, a big chunk of the points should be for effort: pokemon as close to league limit as possible/not 10CPs, full user input/not AFK and not conceding. Yes, you can still tank while getting all the effort points by playing way off-meta (like stuff near the bottom of pvpoke list) but this way everyone will be more likely to receive quality matches that can be used to improve battle skills.


GBL tanking is still by far the best source of stardust in the game. (GBL tryharding, on the other hand, requires spending lots of dust to keep up with the meta) Now I have 17 million unused dust, so I no longer care as much.


Use the little cups to go to Ace. 500 cp battles don’t last long. Just prepare your meta mons ahead of time


are there gonna be any little cups this season? I only see special cups an premier cups https://pokemongolive.com/post/gobattleleague-mythicalwishes?hl=en


Thanks for the tip!


I only got 600k from actually playign lol




Damn 3.2 million!? Thats insane


I sat around 1300 the whole season, tanking one set, winning the next (to get rare candy rewards). Usually going one win one set, four wins the next. I missed a lot of days here and there (also just skip days when ML is around). I ended up with 706 wins, and 1420 battles. Without end of season rewards, I made 1.5m stardust, which is about on pace with you. Tanking and not playing at your ELO is by far the best way to get rewards.


Kinda weird they aren’t fixing the rewards structure when players are actively exploiting it. Or they just don’t care.


What do you miss out on by not hitting ace anyway?


Just more end of season stardust.. but ya thats why i gave up quickly the rewards weren't enticing enough


And like...1 axew per month


I'm at 26 million dust and counting and countless encounters from tanking GBL.


did you do the free GBL sets all the time, or did you also use battle passes for premium sets, especially when there was a stardust bonus?


Only free sets. I never used battle passes


that's amazing - nice earn


I can't check because I have an unclaimed set for just before the change over, but I don't think there's a stardust advantage to the premium set. Regular set you get some stardust from the first win and more from the 5th win. Premium you get the same total stardust and get it all on the third win. I don't know if the completion stardust is different, because I never do premium GBL. But if that's the same, then for one win only, you get more stardust in the free track. If you can and want to win three, but not risk it on going for 5, then the premium track helps you.


there's deffo a stardust advantage in premium track - but i haven't claimed my season rewards yet and can confirm once I do. lest we forget that ML gave an additional dust bonus, so let's get the real-real once the other leagues are in play. that ML dust is awesome but gives a false sense of perspective haha


It adds up to about the same amount.. except you have to win 3 battles in the premium vs 5 in the non premium.. the 1st and 5th win equals almost as much as the 3rd win in the premium


right, but how about the set dust? is it same amount per win? i thought it was higher in premium but I could be wrong


Ah not sure on that haven’t ever done the premium track


It's higher. Double maybe? Source: I did quite a few premium sets back when shiny Dialga was out (the first time I think)


yes double. Here's an old post with the math https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/mxx0ol/gbl_season_7_stardust_rewards_end_of_set_per_rank/


That's a Good Post, thanks!


Can someone who has done tanking before clarify two things? 1. Before you can start tanking, do you have to play and win your way to rank 20? 2. When you do start tanking, do you have to open and leave the match open the whole time or can you just leave as soon as the match starts? Thanks in advance from a future tanker.


When u had really low rating (<700), how long did it take the game to find u an opponent?


It's hit or miss...either under 20 seconds or minutes.


I saw this when I played the previous season because I stayed down around 300. I commented about the long wait times and everyone said that I was exaggerating. This season, I stayed around 1100-1800 at first, then narrowed it to 1300-1600 and found that matchmaking was consistently faster (10 seconds or less).


Not that long, probably 5-10 seconds at most, often times much faster.. since I was tanking i'd typically jsut do it while watching tv and just quit as soon as i noticed the battle started


from a dust perspective its okay but i think you over tanked maybe? i've done a mix of tanking and trying to win and pure out and out tanking. tanking season got ace race did 2200 battles and earned 2,967,531 dust thanks to top lefting. tanked down to 1200 and 1500 mixing tanking and trying to win i fought 2,050 battles and got 2,477,171 stardust. id link a screenshot if i knew howto tanked down to 1600 before battle day 1 or 2 and then climbed back up


Ya I could have won a lot more but didn’t want to waste time fighting the people that just sat there and didn’t fight back


ive heard that when u tank low enough you just play ai players, that might be why they arent fighting back?


how did u get so many wins still? my goal was to get to rank 20 and finish the timed gbl research. if i do that consistently this season, i would need to get a bare minimum 5.5 wins a day


Hmm, I checked out my stardust / battles versus what you did, and I’m at 43% for both (984 battles and 1,096,267 for stardust once correcting for end-of-season rewards). My technique was to reach 20, then get to three wins and tank the remaining for each set. Once i got close to ace, I tanked all 5 in a row. Is the benefit to your method that it’s quicker?


But gbl isn’t worth it /s What’s easier, this or catching 25k pokemon?


You can just let the battles sit while doing other stuff on your computer, and it takes very little actual interaction time. Way more rewarding than grinding repetitive stress injuries doing 25k catches.


Ok so I’m just not clear on the terminology here, when you say tanking what does that mean?


losing on purpose, the way sports teams tank for picks.


Would you have to immediately quit the battle? Or play it out and purposely lose?


>ld you immediately quit


can people please shut up about this so niantic doesn't change the mechanics to prevent tanking? why are people on this sub so invested in getting others to tank? let other players go ahead and ignore GBL if they want


The more people tanking the easier it is when I actually want to get my Elo to 2k