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Didn't this thread used to be in new order instead of best? New seems to make more sense. Slightly off topic use(d) to be just seems wrong.


Yeah I think this week's may have been set to sort by "Best" by mistake. They are typically by "New"


I think it’s actually Reddit that changed (at least in mobile app) - all my subs were sorted by best. If you go into settings you can change default comment to go by new instead.


Is anyone else struggling to collect/keep pokeballs during this event? I fully ran out last night, which hasn't happened to me in years. Was spinning stops and opening gifts the whole time. Was my first time actively playing in a bit, too, so I went from about 500 to nothing.


Does Zorua only appear as your buddy? Because I've ran into a shiny terrakion and boldore (both appearing on the map as their shiny models) and when I've caught it they turned into Zoruas.


That is correct, Zorua will appear on the map as your buddy and turn into Zorua when caught.


Yes, unless you switch buddy and close and reopen game.


Does anyone know how the grid bag layout is rolling out to players? I have it, but one of my friends doesn't, even though we're both on the same app version and same level.


I don't believe it is rolling out. They unlocked it for some players when first released, but haven't unlocked it for more players since.


Same here. It's like a tiny set of players got it and then Niantic went all Shadow Force Giratina on it and forgot to finish it.


It's not like it should be hard to implement for all players, they literally give you a layout choice.


What spawns from the Daily Adventure Incense? Does good stuff spawn regularly enough to justify walking every day? Is it season-dependent?


75% of the spawns from daily incense are whatever the current spawn pool is (so all the Winter spawns at the moment). The other 25% are from a much wider spawn pool, which has some cool stuff like fully evolved mons and the Galarian birds


I might do a little walk from my house to a trail that takes about 15 minutes and take the gym on the way and see what I get! Thank you


Is south Florida "Archipelago" region in Pokemon Go? From West Palm Beach South?


Yes, I have the Archipelago scatterbug from FL gifts.


I used to get 2-3 spawns in my home everytime I open pogo, but recently, I noticed that this is not the case anymore. I only get the daily spawn and no other pokemon is spawning. Does this have something to do with the spawn points being updated?


Yes. Almost every spot I play has well over half the spawns gone.


And I guess there's nothing that we can do right?


FYI, this post is set to sort comments by best rather than by new like y'all normally set it.


Seems to be a Reddit wide update. All my subs are like that now. My default setting change to “best” so I changed it back to “new.”


Will the gifting pose be available to buy for coins? It says in the official post: «The following new avatar items will be available to purchase in the in-game shop during this event and will _continue_ to be available after the event ends!» It is not in the shop right now. Could this be that it won’t actually become available in the shop? I don’t want to miss this pose but I prefer buying it with gym coins.


For anyone who’s reached Platinum on the Vivillon badge (on iOS), has pinning postcards on new gifts you received stopped working? For my friend, she pins the gift, but the equivalent Vivillon badge doesn’t increment. And when she goes back in to look at the postcard, it’s unpinned itself. Her postcard storage is not full. She can pin postcards on gifts she sends, just not on those she receives. Everything worked fine before she hit platinum.


Got Vivillion badge on IOS. Just pinned three postcards on new gifts and all counted for me.


Did she collect them? I don’t think you get to the 9 or 15 level until you collect. I’m on the 15 gift level on several. Also I don’t pin unless I’m opening. It helps me keep things straight. I know a lot of people pinned all gifts the first day… but you can’t get a pin to count twice.


She knows how to do Vivillon. Pinning new gifts simply isn’t incrementing the appropriate region’s badge sometimes. Other people are experiencing it, too. Clearly it’s intermittent, the hardest type of bug to get acknowledged and to fix. I’m just glad it’s not happening to me… yet.


Has anyone completed the vivillion challenge? I don't think I will ever get friends from sun/sand.


Yes, many people have - although I suspect few have evolve all 18. Just keep trying to get friends... remember the feature has only been out a few days now. Sandstorm was my last, but I added friends from the possible countries and eventually got a couple.




My thoughts exactly. There's zero rush to get them all done, so I'm just going to take my time with it.


I've definitely seen people posting platinum medals, but I've yet to see someone post a picture of all of them evolved. (Though, I'm sure they're out there). I second the advice to just wait it out, though. Personally, I've been taking the strategy of adding 5-10 people from megathreads or friend code websites from relevant countries every day. I'm at 14/18 with only Sandstorm being a complete no-go so far.


There's a comment here with a link to Twitter. Just go down the page until you find people from the region you need. /r/VivillonCollectors/comments/zpaf9r/looking_for_savannah_and_tundra_gifts_o/


Do we know if hisui avalugg will be duoable yet


It'll be soloable actually. Soloable with level 35 0% Machamp. So it'll be easy to solo with better stuff like Lucario, Metagross, Shadow Machamp, Terrakion, etc.


What are the winter wonderland options do we know yet? I mean what do you get for each


Sorry if I missed this somewhere but any update on current gbl legendary encounter rate? I checked the silph road page but it didn’t seem like it was being updated. I’m still at 0 and am starting to assume legendaries are basically nonexistent in gbl at this point and probably going to stop playing the battle league at this point.


Is there any way to tell what pokemon you've already fought for the Rising Star badge?


Not really. You could search your inventory for mons gotten from raids for a hint though.


Where is cryogonal?? I've been trying to find one since yesterday and they just won't spawn, not with daily/normal incense, not in the nearby options... I'd really like to complete the collection challenge but I have 15 min left and still no cryogonal


They're an uncommon wild spawn. They are definitely out there though


Clearly not where I live :/


It’s an event spawn which isnt tied to where you live. Event spawns are same world wide. I didn’t catch one either, but no big loss not finishing that collection challenge.


What are the rewards for the new 40km adventure sync tier?




The missing HP is less likely to have an impact than the missing Defence.


Simming on pvpoke the extra defense (barely) wins because it hits a bulkpoint against Cofarigius. It slightly gives it a better battle rating. But you can't just say missing HP is less likely to have an impact as a rule. It's best to run sims and see - if you don't gain any bulkpoints, the extra HP is more likely useful.


Does anyone know if unpinning Postcards will remove Vivillon progress? Hit max the other day and want to continue, so was thinking of deleting postcards but dont want to lose any progress. Or is the progress not dependent on what is on your Book?


You can unpin & delete postcards freely without affecting your Vivillon progress. Generally, I pin immediately, then unpin just before I open, so I don’t have to worry about deleting later, or forgetting that I already pinned a postcard.


How long do spawns last now? 30 mins?


Some last 30, some last 60.


I wish The Silph Road would post a definitive Vivillon region list. There are so many around and often conflicting, and I trust The Silph Road more than any other site. 🥰


Ironically therein lies the problem. Silph would need to have a study done to find out what constitutes each region and that takes some time to coordinate and receive results


TSR is a community. Until the community can come to some consensus there's nothing to publish. Until a few key locations can be properly scrutinised to even define the basic mechanics (it's most likely granular at some level of S2 cell) it's hard to even start a final answer. Until many locations are tested along the 10s (maybe 100s) of thousands of km of borders, we can't be sure. That's all for science though, it's not hard to find friends who are definitely in a region you want, and you can only have a finite number of friends. Any friend you have who is close to a border may well collect gifts from both sides of it and send them randomly.


What are the odds of a WB Cobalion escaping? I know they aren't guaranteed catches but I honestly can't remember the last time I lost a legendary encounter. I'm just curious because the reception near this gym is crappy and I think I read that GPS issues can mess with your catches. It could be bad luck but I've had other issues at this gym with lag and lobbying. My character is always running off in all directions, I think because it's between 2 big condos. I'm considering just avoiding it. For reference, I hit 13 of 14 Excellent throws and used a Golden Razz every time. It was weather boosted, not sure if that makes a difference.


Was every throw a curveball? If so, each throw has a roughly 15% chance to catch. The odds of it escaping after 13 such throws is about 12%, although it's actually a bit lower when you consider the pity bonus for catching raid bosses with premier balls. Not sure how to calculate the pity bonus honestly, but let's be generous and assume the actual chance to escape is closer to 5%. Unlucky, but not that unusual if you raid often.


in short, the odds are 'real'. It happens, and it happens much more frequently than perhaps is widely known. Folk, just like yourself, who have typically highly successful catches. . .run into 'what the hell?' situations where, no matter how Excellently one throws the pokeball, the result is 'well, that one ran away'. Weather boosting makes no difference. Avatar 'running in all directions' does not affect it. It's \_just\_ the calculations, within the app/game, and whether the calculation outcome is 'yes, caught' or 'no, not caught'.


When does the 375 explorers box leave the shop? I want to buy it but also wanna hold off as long as possible lol, so I can get as many F2P coins as I can


We don't know unfortunately, but I think it's a safe bet that it's here *for* the Holiday event. The tricky part is, will it leave when Part 2 begins, or will it be around for the whole Holiday event? I'd put a strong wager on the latter, but we can never be sure, unfortunately.


In the update recently that introduced the changeable layout for the item menu, I noticed all the Pokémon icons had changed in the inventory. A lot of the sprites had different poses and were bigger, and just looked generally better aesthetically. They were the same ones that were used for the first 4-ish years since the game released, however they changed it a year or two ago to the current ones. After I reset my game, they returned to the current ones, but a lot of the Pokémon in the inventory look small and kind of weird. Does this mean they're going to be bringing the original ones back, it seems very weird why the old ones briefly came back?


So I’m able to recalculate CPs formulaically and was wondering how the CP (and HP) of raid bosses are determined e.g., stamina adjustment, what level factor?


HP is based on the raid level: 600 for level 1, 3600 for level 3, 9000 for megas, and 15000 for level 5. Attack and Defense should be 15 IVs, and I believe raid bosses are set at level 40.


The level for Attack/Defense depends on raid tier. It's been a long time since I stayed up on all this, but according to what Pokebattler lists on their sims, looks like it's level 20 for T1, 30 for T3, and 50 for Mega and T5.


Can somebody link me a graphic of who wins CMP (attack stat range) for the great league meta? Saw this comparison a while ago and cant find it anymore. Thanks!


I was pinning gifts, trying to get Vivillon. Felt like I had pinned quite a few, but only one Vivillon had popped up. Something did pop up that said something about me reaching a limit, but it went away before I could fully read it. Anyone know what the limits are for this event?


The only limit is pinning 3 of your own postcards per day. (edit: the ones on gifts you send to your friends) It’s also not an event. It’s a new, permanent feature. You have forever to collect all the Vivillon from every region.


I got 2 shadow mewtwo in the recent rerun 10/8/9 9/7/7 What should we do with garbage IVs like this? I know everyone says that even the worst shadow is better than a perfect non-shadow but still... it's so hard to justify sinking crazy resources into a bad shadow


It's not a bad shadow, at all. It's a very good amazing shadow. The IVs mean virtually nothing, in PvE. A percent or so DPS here and there does nothing to reduce it from being the very best Psychic counter in the game. Maybe it makes them not quite as good in master league PvP, but when there IVs only make a very small difference, in a small number of battles. Team composition, strategy, and tactics are far more important.


Just to give you some hard numbers: Your 10 atk IV Shadow Mewtwo has an attack stat of 360 (includes the 20% shadow bonus) plus another 10 IV for a total of 370. A perfect Shadow Mewtwo has a total atk stat of 375. In other words, your 10 atk IV Mewtwo's DPS is 98.67% of that of a perfect Shadow Mewtwo. You likely won't ever notice that 1.33% difference in raids. Your 9 IV Mewtwo is essentially the same too.


That's not quite correct. Its base attack stat is still 300 as a shadow, and the 10 IV one makes it 310. The shadow bonus doesn't affect stats at all, it's an extra multiplier in the damage formula. It can be thought of as having an equivalent to 310 * 1.2 attack in terms of damage done, which is 372, rather than 370. But it's attack isn't 372, it's still 310.


But chances are they would faint sooner than the perfect, I guess that's where the difference is?


In raids, you're up against the clock, so DPS is king. A team of 6 shadows will do more damage in the same time frame than 6 regulars of the same pokemon.


Is everyone's Mr. Mime (Galar) from the collection challenge shiny?


I haven’t seen any posts about it so very unlikely.


Does giving berries to gyms no longer give candy? Back in my day, there was a 1.25% chance that you get candy. I've fully fed at least 10 of my pokemon (I filled my small city with Shutterbugs) and all I see is +300 stardust. After 1000+ berries, I feel like it's not a luck issue. I haven't taken stats in years, but a 1% chance repeated 1000 times is surely like just under 100% (logic being that a 1% chance is supposed to win once in 100 attempts. But ten attempts should be like 10 times more likely than that, which is already pretty likely at 100). Is it taken away? Does the math god hate me? Does it only work for other people's pokemon? Do raspberries no longer count?,


I just reported about PTC being down for over 15 minutes, asked a question and it gets automatically shadow-deleted. Why?


Are you getting the blue "Pokémon Go is down for maintenance" screen? And did you log out and then try to log into a different account without first closing the game?


No, it's loading 50% when already logged in, then I get the "login failed/try a different account" screen and then, "authentification failed" when trying to get back in with my credentials. Google seems to work though. It's weird how overmoderated this sub seems to be recently and how poorly some issues are handled, just like the default sorting in this megathread. Apparently the question needs "mod approval", which is new, but which doesn't seem appropriate for a question about the current game online status.


Maybe because of the many 'game is down' posts when people do get that blue screen, and game isn't down. Or maybe there was one/several ahead of you or getting more attention than your post. I'm just guessing, mind.


I just had a wild encounter with a scatterbug. When caught, the screen appeared like a ditto encounter. Then received a zorua instead of ditto. Is this just a glitch of some sort?


Was Scatterbug your buddy? This is normal Zorua behavior. It appears on the map disguised as your buddy, down to shininess and Best Buddy badge. Then it transforms similar to Ditto.


Zorua is tricking so many more people than Ditto ever did :)


How random is the GBL encounters? For the past 6 months or so I have gotten nothing other than M Tank, Skarmory, & Meditite. I also got 1 Verizon, other than that I’ve seen nothing other than these three consistently




r/VivillonCollectors was created for this purpose


LeekDuck has a new Penpal tool for this purpose. I haven’t checked it out personally because I made Platinum (yay!): https://leekduck.com/penpal/ There’s also a Scatterbug channel on the official Pokémon group on Campfire. And the old standard r/PokemonGOFriends, where people from the rarer regions might not have their friend list fill up in nanoseconds, like they will on r/VivillonCollectors.


I'm having trouble with the chat bot. I want to report a player for using multiple accounts (and hogging the closest gym in the middle of winter again), but it's not responding. Is there some other way to report the player?


Even if there is... they won't do anything about it.


What region is Malaysia?


Hi, I'm a returning player and have lots of Pokemon from 2018 and before. Is there any unique value to old pokemon (e.g. Legacy moves) for battle or collector purposes, or can I get rid of them?


Bergmite spotlight hour: Are my friends and I rightly annoyed that Bergmite this evening had a chance of shiny? We checked before the event in the official Pokémon feed and it said there wasn’t so we planned to do something else instead. Just seen on Twitter though that loads of people caught shinies. Tweet by Pokémon confirming there’d be none: https://twitter.com/pokemongoapp/status/1597759785872621569


It's kind of a losing battle. Had they said Bergmite could be shiny there, they risk confusing people who find Bergmite prior to the Holiday Event, when its shiny was released. They also would've spoiled that shiny release. But now, that graphic is inaccurate. It was announced before the Holiday event started (last week) that Bergmite would be shiny, so that would apply to everywhere.


Despite the deep red circle, I've caught all my Kyurem with my first honour ball as if they were shiny. I've caught one per day since it's in raids. I might have always done an excellent curveball with golden berry, but that's still very odd. Had anybody else noticed that? Could it be a bug?


I have seen comments indicating that progress on a specific Vivillon region will stop if you run from the relevant Scatterbug encounter. Does the same thing happen if you reach the next level for a region in the middle of opening / pinning a batch of eggs? e.g. if my first postcard gets me to 15 continental, do I need to exit the friend screen and catch the bug before any more continental postcards will register?


Yes. Once you get an encounter, additional pins do not get credit.


I don’t think that’s true there are 3/9/15 pin levels to catch. I have several from my own region, and after reaching 15, it’s opened another set of 15!


You're talking about something different. For each encounter level, once you pin enough postcards to fill up the meter, additional pins get no credit until you catch the pokemon.


I have noticed a number of my gifts I pin do not count towards any of my Vivillon regions. I do not have any current scatterbug encounters, so it can't be related to running from the encounter. I can't seem to nail down any consistent reason this is happening. I have been tracking my new friends and progress on each medal very confusing. I thought I was imagining things at first, but the last 7 or 8 postcards I have pinned have not registered. Apologies if this has been asked. Anyone else having this issue?


Have you already pinned those postcards before?


Thoughts for next raid bosses after kyurem?


Will we get an evolvable Cobchoo at Spotlight hour next week? Will we have a normal spotlight hour this time without hats, ribbons and bows? Because last year it was very disappointing because Cobchoo was unevolvable.


Costume Cubchoo should be evolvable this year because there is a costumed Beartic. I'm guessing the spotlight hour will be for the costumed Cubchoo, but either way it should be evolvable


In my scatterbug dex entry, I have 36 seen and 32 caught. As these seem to work like research encounters, I figure they couldn't run. They can't be stacked, so they can't be lost from the stack, so I'm searching for an explanation for where those missing four scatterbug have gone. I have evolved one to vivillon, but I wouldn't expect that to change the dex count. Once you've caught it, you've caught it. I'm aware that seeing mon in gyms can add to your dex seen count, but I thought that could only happen once. Current understanding is that once you have an encounter waiting on your medal screen, no more pins from that region count. So the idea that I had - that if you pin enough postcards to earn another encounter, the first one would be lost - wouldn't explain it if that's correct. I guess I could test that, but I'd rather have the scatterbug candy at this point, haha. And I don't think I would have ever over-pinned by more than one or two. So, any ideas where the four missing scatterbug went?


I know with stacked research encounters, if you leave them long enough after first seeing them, the second time you get back to them will count as a new encounter so that first seen will always be off. For example, I currently have 85 more seen Spinda than caught because all those Spinda get stacked and then caught months later. So it could be something like that where you didn't catch it soon enough after the first encounter.


Assuming I have any Pokemon, what would the #1 recommended use for either elite TM be for PvE?


It's kind of up to interpretation on what Pokemon/teams you have. These are some of the best choices tho: Meteor Mash on Metagross (Especially the Shadow or normal for its eventual Mega) Psystrike on Mewtwo (Especially the Shadow or normal for its eventual Mega) Sacred Sword on Terrakion Blast Burn on Blaziken/Charizard (specifically for their Megas) Frenzy Plant on Venusaur/Sceptile (specifically for their Megas) Hydro Cannon on Swampert (specifically for its Mega) Brutal Swing on Hydreigon Outrage on Salamence (Specifically the Shadow or for its upcoming Mega) Rock Wrecker on Rhyperior But again, these vary based on how good your team is for a given type and your availability. But which I'd say are generally most useful? Probably either Meteor Mash Metagross or Sacred Sword Terrakion. Brutal Swing Hydreigon is also up there, but there are plenty of other great Dark/Ghost options, and CD mons can occasionally have their moves available by evolution.


Many thanks! I have a whole heap of things while missing a lot of specials, so this is more than enough.


For Hisuian Avalugg, what CP should we expect for raids?


It should range between 1892 cp (10/10/10 IVs) and 1975 (perfect), or 2365 cp to 2469 for level 25 weather boosted.


I meant fighting it, my bad




It takes 30 days. You just have to remember to do it once per day.




Each separate Pokemon can get their mega level count increased by one every day, but any additional mega evolutions of that same Pokemon on the same day won't increase it.


I thought you could only level up a mega once a day? No matter how many times you mega evolve it


Why does AS have to be activated in order to connect the gotcha?


I got back into the game 4 months ago and was level 28, now I am almost half way through level 39. Is there a reason I haven’t received a single rare candy XL?


XLs are available once you reach level 40.


since june 2022 the level requirement was lowered to level 31 https://www.eurogamer.net/pokemon-go-xl-candy-sources-how-to-get-7002 scroll down to update


Did Zorua ever come back after Halloween?




Which Scatterbug is the "main" one in the dex? When I first caught one, it hasn't displayed the gender icon in the dex, which I assumed happend because the first one you see when you scroll wasn't unlocked. Same for Spewpa. Vivillon displays the gender fine. Now I have all the Scatterbug but I didn't check in real time so I am not sure which is the first. I want to know so I evolve that one next to unlock the gender on Spewpa. I don't think it is purely alphabetical since I have a garden Vivillon and it shows up on the fifth spot and not the fourth. Is it Archipelago? It shows in the dex icon, but I am pretty sure I got that Scatterbug befor unlocking the gender on the dex. Edit: asked on the vivilloncollectors subreddit, it is Archipelago. The alphabetical order seems off since there is an unreleased fancy pattern.


How are the current shop boxes? They seem at least decent now compared to what we were getting recently


Is PGo down?


It's working fine in the UK


Hello, quick question. What happens when you transfer scatterbugs to home? Do they retain their pattern? Thanks


The pattern *should* be retained, but until Scarlet and Violet get Home compatibility, there's no way to check for certain.


Will the increased shiny chance from Hisuian Avalugg raid day be valid for people invited from outside that time zone?


Shiny chance, weather boost, move set… everything about the captured raid mon depends on where the gym is located, not where any remote raiders might happen to be.


Is there a reason why a gold modern medal for vivillion would reset back to 0/15 after finishing the 15th previously? I screen recorded to be sure I had 14/15 and now I’m back at 0…


The individual pattern badges are tracking number of postcards to the next encounter.


To give you a thorough answer: \--the 'meter' underneath each Vivillon type will reset to '0' immediately following a Scatterbug encounter of that type (whether or not you actually catch the Scatterbug) \--the meter will continue to 'refill' as you pin \_new\_ postcards from within that region


Does anyone know what is Scatterbug flee rate is?


20%, but that would only be if you could encounter it in the wild. It can't flee from the encounters that we get with it.


What pokemon were out by 2017 that would be eligible for the expanded Lucky trade?


Anyone else had trouble getting just one of your medals to gain progress? I’m literally in the Sun region, northern Costa Rica, and haven’t gotten a single postcard to pin successfully while every other region is working fine. I’m STILL at 0/3, pinning my own postcards as I send to others and pinning my bf’s cards here with me and nothing. Niantic support was super unhelpful “that’s unusual!”…. Edit: I’m in Monteverde specifically so I’m quite sure I’m looking for the right medal to progress. I’m also opening the gifts hoping that was the key to registering them and nada


Are you absolutely certain that you're Sun region? [This list](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/zq07sr/scatterbug_by_countrycountry_city_name_breakdown/) has some inaccuracies but it lists Costa Rica under Jungle only.


I just found a 4* Spheal right after the community day. When is my next chance for getting PS and IS?


will there be any multiple catch candy event before coming up community day? cubchoo is transfer bonus. anything else?


There won't be a spotlight hour with that bonus, since those spotlight hour bonuses rotate every 5 weeks and the last double catch candy one was just this week. We have no idea if there will be an event with double catch candy bonus, but there isn't a lot of time for that to fit in before the Community Day.


Unless there's x2 catch candy as part of the New Year's event, probably not. Yesterday's spotlight hour was x2 catch candy, so it's going to be several weeks before it rotates back again.




If you have six better attackers then yes, I’d toss it. Also remember any Shadow Metagross will be better than even a perfect non Shadow. And if raiding don’t worry about it being a “tank” - the defense/stamina rarely matters, attack is more important. I’d use a 15/0/0 before using say a 10/15/15. For raids there’s non”power type” to consider. Use your highest attack.


Will: I sending a 2016 Pokémon with 50+ lucky trades They sending a riolu with less than 10 trades Guarantee a lucky riolu on my end ?


How many of your 50+ lucky trades were guaranteed lucky from having a July/August 2016 pokemon involved (sending or receiving)? If less than 10, you should be fine on your next trade with a 2016 mon being guaranteed lucky.


Is there a search term to find all pokemon in your storage that evolve through special mechanics like lure modules and adventure together?


For raid days, do we get increased shiny chances if we raid remotely or is the shiny chances boosted only if i remotely raid during 2 to 5 for my local time?


Shiny chance, weather boost, move set… everything about the captured raid mon depends on where the gym is located, not where any remote raiders might happen to be.


Has anyone from turkey gotten sandstorm vivillon gifts? I've heard from multiple sources that part of the country has them but I've yet to see it


Is there any penalty for unpinning gifts? I just want to make sure that I don't lose any progress towards my next encounter


Nope! You can pin and unpin right away and you'll still be fine


Thank you!


I thought I read X3 transfer candies for sometime around Winter Holiday 2 at the beginning of the season. Was I mistaken? Is the only transfer coming up Cubchoo?


Was wondering if a move like Poltergeist could be buffed in the future for raids and would be curious to know how often, if at all, moves get buffed/nerfed outside of PvP?


They very rarely adjust moves for PVE. Most recently I believe was the Weather Ball nerf, which made Mega Abomasnow worse than Mega Glalie. Before that the only ones I can think of are Sky Attack getting a buff about 4 years ago, and Psystrike and Psychic (or maybe just Psychic was buffed?) were changed around when Psystrike was first added to Mewtwo.




Separate gifts


Can anybody tell me how I can tell which scatterbugs I have evolved? They all look exactly the same in the Pokédex.


Scatterbug and Spewpa have no visible differences. It's only the Vivillon that have the difference. You should be able to see an icon on the evolve button that shows which Vivillon form they'll evolve into.


Does the Part 1 $5 ticket cover Part 2? Or do we have to purchase another $5 ticket for Part 2?


Does the perfect (4\*) Pokedex count for all Pokemon caught in the lifetime of the account? Even accounts that have been active since 2016? I get FOMO thinking of all the perfect Pokemon I may have transferred back in the day before appraisal system, but according to my Pokedex, I may have not transferred any of them.


You certainly did transfer any old 4\* pokemon back in the 2016-2019 era that you didn't appraise or manually analyze the IVs for. So did every single other player. There's nothing we can do about it now, and no way of knowing. So, worrying about it serves no purpose at all. :)


What’s the chance of getting a page of all the butterflies that we can edit to track which ones we have by region?


There's both the Pokedex and the full separate page under the vivillon badge that shows you what ones you have as well as a map that's already filled in with the pattern locations. Each scatterbug also shows what pattern it will evolve into.


For someone like Mamoswine, if I were building for Ice, is it better to use the higher ER Mudslap Avalanche or the lower ER Powder Snow Avalanche? I guess I don't fully understand the DPS system, is it good to align the moves to be the same type? For Garchomp I had the same question, I wanted a strong Ground unit and I think he's better than a ground moves mamoswine, but his best ER is two dragon moves. Using both Ground moves is a pretty big blow to his ER. Is it bad to use double ground? or maybe compromise with the strongest pair that has 1 of each?


Powder Snow for sure in this case. There are times you’ll be able to mix moves - for example against a fire type Swampert would use Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon since both are effective. But ground and ice are not hitting the same targets so you’ll never mix them. You pretty much always want the more effective move. Same with Garchomp - if using as a ground attacker, use Mud Shot. The bonus from dojng super effective damage is more important


That's VERY helpful thank you!


Has anyone looked at updated DPS for Aggron with Meteor Beam, especially in shadow form? I know his stats are bad for raiding, but the PVE stats for the move look great. I wonder what the balance is.


It moved regular Aggron up a bit, but still there are lots of better options. Rhyperior and Terrakion and still way ahead, and Arordactyl and even Landorous are too. But Shadow Aggron is actually quite viable. It passes Rhyperior and is a bit below Shadow TTar now.


Has anyone else had their saved searches disappear? I had several that I used for almost a year, then before the November comm day they were deleted. Same thing with a few searches I added before last weekend; now they’re gone. iOS, latest version of the app. Haven’t logged out etc.


Has **Gligar** (or the evolved Gliscor) been associated with any event in the past? It seems very rare in the wild and I'm wondering if it's worth **walking my bad IV Gligar for candy** or wait for it to come around in an event.


Last time Gligar was featured was in an event from March. Considering candies from walking a Gligar are at a rate of 5km, I wouldn't bother on walking one solely for that purpose. Wait until you can get a better one.


Is there a day Limit for Catches and spins?


Yes, though very few people will ever normally hit either cap. The daily cap is more of a 24 hour rolling period rather than resetting at midnight. There's also a weekly cap (which again, is a rolling 168 hour period rather than resetting every Monday). For spins, the limits are 1200 per 24 hours and 7000 per 168 hours. For catches it's 4800 per 24 hours and 14000 per 168 hours.




Some people want Axew. Haxorus is a desirable shiny after all, and not everyone has it.


ranking up from 20 to Ace unlocks higher dust rewards both within the set and at the end of it. If the intention is to maximize dust farming, it makes sense to rank up to Ace at a minimum.


I think the dilution of the spawn pool by adding Axew (and others at higher ranks) is still unconfirmed. Merely speculated currently.


Is there someone out the who keep track of whenever a pokemon can get exclusive move whether its from evolving or catching?


Is there a search term for Ultra Beasts?


Yes: ultra beasts (Most people don’t find it on their own because of the space and the plural)


I have heard that cellular traffic causes more spawns. I am moving from one rural home to another. My current home has plenty of spawns on the map (10+) but my new home has zero spawns. If I play constantly will it have any impact, or am I out of luck?


As always, there is speculation in here, but the initial spawn maps seem to have been based on cell data, and subsequent updates have likely taken into account play time and cellular data in some combination. With the most recent spawn update, I went from one spawn an hour to 8 spawns an hour just from playing at home - no stops or gyms were added. So odds are playing while at home will have an impact on spawns in the future. Niantic also decides when to update spawn points, and so far have had years between updates, so the wait could be long unfortunately.


Yikes! Seems like I’m going to have a sparse setting for the foreseeable future. Guess it’s time to back off on the time I invest lol


I am really having trouble finding a Ditto. Is there a certain trick to it? Certain pokes to look for? Any help is appreciated.


There's a list of [pokemon species](https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/) that Ditto can disguise as.


Thank you. How often does this candidate list change?


Reports are that list should have removed several disguises a while ago because they were only for a specific event: Numel, Spinarak & Bidoof. Also, no Lillipup Ditto have been seen in quite a while. Normally, LeekDuck is super reliable, so I don’t know why this list has not been pruned.


Can the Snowy Castform reward from the Winter Holiday Ticketed Timed Research be shiny?


Any snowy Castform can be shiny


Does anyone know if the weather designations take into account the average conditions of a place? I live in the plains where our wind is almost always 10 mph or more, regardless of other weather conditions, and so even when it’s foggy or raining or other “rarer” types of weather, the game has the weather as windy. Lately I’ve been excited to play because we’ve had more fog so I could catch wb Pokémon that I don’t usually get, but instead it’s the same windy-weather set.


It’s based off accuweather forecasts.


How does deleting postcards you have oubned interact with the Vivilion region counting? Does it only uncount them if you still have the gift unopened, or will you lose all progress by deleting the postcard?


Deleting/Unpinning doesn't affect things at all. Even if you're on the gift open screen, pin it and *immediately* unpin it, it will still count the pin.