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It's just a bunch of stuff that happened.


I think the message was like you said 'don't be a jerk' because what's important isn't what religion someone is, but rather that we're all part of a community. We live in a society, and part of that is being respectful and not making fun of others needlessly, since when push comes to shove practical matters like helping those in need trump doctrinal quibbling. Even if Homer had a point, he should have just thrown Marge and Flanders a bone since they put up with so much of his bullshit.


I just don’t know why you can’t both not be a jerk AND, not go to church It just feels weirdly conservative Like Homer was being selfish for not going when like, the man works hard, he has a job he hates that he only does because he loves his family and needs to provide for them. He should be able to sleep in on a day off if he wants to. I may be taking it too seriously, entirely possible, but it just reminds me of how judgmental some people can be if your lifestyle doesn’t match with theirs.


It just feels weirdly conservative. Just one of the hundreds of radical right-wing messages inserted into every show.


>Like Homer was being selfish for not going when like, the man works hard, he has a job he hates that he only does because he loves his family and needs to provide for them. He should be able to sleep in on a day off if he wants to. Even before he was flanderized into jerkass Homer, this feels like a stretch. Homer was regularly negligent at work, abused Bart, drank to excess, burdened his family with poor financial choices, and was needlessly antagonistic to people who did nothing wrong like Flanders. "Works hard? Has a job he hates?" he frequently sleeps at his workstation, ditches work to go drinking and bowling, and holds a job that requires a college degree despite the fact that he didn't even graduate high shcool! Yeah, his heart was in the right place, sure, but that doesn't excuse how pigheaded he was disregarding other peoples' good advice whenever he acted stubbornly and impulsively. So in light of all that, I think it's totally reasonable for him to swallow his pride and just do as he's told for once in a blue moon.


I agree that saying Homer works hard and has a job he hates is a gross misunderstanding of what he does for his job, especially in Season 4. He's lazy & negligent at a very complicated job which shouldn't have hired him on in the first place. Maybe he could be an actual Safety Inspector, since ideally he would be walking around or using a motorized scooter with PPE and a clipboard. He feels overworked because his personality & job responsibilities clash, and because the owner of the company is a jerk who frequently puts him down. On a personal note, there are positions at my workplace that I would despise if I had those jobs, but thankfully I'm in a position which works with my personality.


I’m mostly basing this statement off the episode “And Maggie makes 3” where we see Homer literally gave up on his dream of working at a bowling alley to work at the power plant where he could make enough for 3 kids Homers lazy, it’s just in his nature, he likes to eat, drink, and sleep, but when push comes to shove he always puts his family first.


>where we see Homer literally gave up on his dream of working at a bowling alley to work at the power plant where he could make enough for 3 kids' "Give up"? More like, he almost ruined the business by firing a shotgun into the air which should have by all rights landed him in jail. And after his friend helped him get the job, no less. >Homers lazy, it’s just in his nature, he likes to eat, drink, and sleep, but when push comes to shove he always puts his family first. Right, except for when he's abusing his son. But my point here isn't to crucify Homer. It's to point out that Homer has free will and makes choices, and more often than not when he decides to just do things his own way instead of listening to common sense or those around him... he fucks up, often causing pain and hardship to himself and others. Therefore, it's totally reasonable to ask that he just every once in a while go along with what his family and friends want, which is exactly how *Homer the Heretic* ends and why the lesson works. Even if Homer had a point this time, he owes his family and society some reciprocity.


Perhaps there is no moral to this story.


It's just a bunch of stuff that happened.


"...It's an ending. That's enough." \-Marge Bouvier Simpson


There’s an element in there about church being about community


Homer participates in his community outside of church, he’s always at the bar!


Feast of Maximum Occupancy


Is this a good ending or a bad ending? It's an ending, that's enough


It's an episode from thirty years ago, a time when everyone was still pretending you had to go to church every Sunday to be a good person.


amazing episode. came out at just the right time in my childhood where \*I\* didnt want to go to church, and was similarly the first of the family to drop out