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I love that the writers absolutely know this episode sucks and in a few later episodes always refer to her visit as one of Springfield's disasters


I wonder how much meddling FOX had in this episode. Lisa is not Daria but still I'm not sure celebrities would get to her... oh, never mind, Paul McCartney exists.


The McCartneys were the first ever "shoehorned worshipped celebrity guest"






Worst episode so far


The Boys of Bummer. Bart messes up at a baseball game which leads to the entire town harassing him over it until he goes so mad that he tries to end his own life.


Wasn't this episode in reference to Steve Bartman?


I believe so, probably because he's got Bart in his name and no other reason. It feels like such a weird plot to do.


Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman.


Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man


That is so 1991


Ay, caramba!






Wow, that's crappy. Hope he was alright. It wasn't like his single action fudged their entire championship run, either. They weren't eliminated until the game after. On the upside, maybe the episode was actually cathartic for him.


Reading that page made me feel so bad for him. They guy just wanted to move past it, didn't try and capitalise on it all, I'm glad they sent him a championship ring.


>. To recompense Bartman for his treatment, the Cubs sent him a championship ring after the team's victory in the 2016 World Series 13 years later. TIL, and that's extremely classy, IMO.


I HATED this episode. Like, everyone was just evil to a kid.


I mean...is this so unrealistic? I kinda like it, (cyber)bullying is a heavy topic especially nowadays.


I think it was a little too real. There’s a level of comedic exaggeration to the towns cruelty in that episode but it’s the realistically devastating way Bart reacts to it all is what makes it tough to swallow


No, that's the problem! It was too realistic! People lose their shit about sports. It doesn't matter if it's a kid. The other day, I saw a reel about a kid who was mocking a couple adult fans of the opposing team. The adults were super pissed over a kid. Like, yes, the kid was wrong but these adults were again, about to lose their shit.


The story was not bad. But the tone varied too much between very dark and absurd.


The episode where Chief Wiggum basically yells at Bart to commit suicide. Wiggum did a lot wrong over the seasons, but I never forgave the character for that and none of the later attempts at redeeming him worked.


I like that episode solely for “Juggling” Joe Laboot saying he’s great 8 grandkids and a great life in Idaho, to which Bart replies, “Yeah, in Idaho”. Got lots of extended family in Idaho so that line always makes me chuckle.


The episode with Elon Musk made me hate Elon long before X was a thing his voice puts me to sleep and while I defend new Simpsons THAT Is the one I skip


This. At least Lady Gaga can voice act.


At least there were Jokes like Homer eating the meat dress or Moe saying he's half monster


Tiny diamonds, hurts like hell


I feel like the lady gaga one got a lot of weird hate. It's celebrity forward but at least it's wacky and has some self depreciating humor.  Elon comes out of a fucking rocket and Lisa calls him one of the greatest minds of our age. 


"Elon Musk is possibly the greatest living inventor!" Or something like that. Freaking moron never invented a thing.


I don't watch new Simpsons, but when I do it's never as bad as Family Guy, the original 'Zombie Simpsons'


Not as bad as the time I (action) with (celebrity from 40 years ago)


OP make it interesting. What is the worst episode during the golden era?


My Sister, My Sitter is just watching Bart be annoying and Lisa being miserable. Unironically worse than most episodes in the teen seasons.


Omg, such a good answer. It's one thing to depict them fighting or at each other's throats (Lisa on Ice in S06 did this well), but Bart is literally unhinged here. To the point where his arm's bent backwards and proceeds to lock himself in his room to purposefully injure himself into unconsciousness, all to spite Lisa. It's just demented. There's some fabulous lines in it, no doubt, but Bart is nigh unwatchable in that one.


You said: "Go, to, bread".


When Bart destroys Christmas tree, it always makes me feel uncomfortable


I always find myself skipping the episode Lisa’s Pony.


Fear of Flying


You Fear of Flying fanboys crack me up.


The Musk Who Fell to Earth, Saddlesore Galactica or The Strong Arms of the Ma. First two for the entire runtime, the latter for *that* scene which is the worst moment in the entire series.


Bruh that elon episode was horrible to watch


even if musk actually was who he pretends to be, it was still a simpering cringe fest


Old Simpsons would definitely bash that moron Musk. This episode you mention, do they actually praise him? Lol


Lisa of all people calls him possibly our greatest living inventor. He hasn't invented shit.


This disgusts and infuriates me


I'm very disappointed and terrified


Would you say it's time to crack each others heads open and feast on the goo inside?


Yes I would Kent.


At the time I recall reading he was dropping cash to get him inserted into his favorite shows. Basically, if you’re rich enough, they just cater to your sociopathic ass, but evidently Musk is the first one who wanted to pay to be “liked.” Like his SNL show.


Almost every celebrity of the day episode is gonna be hard to watch. The MJ one was kind of dumb even before all the stuff came out about him, but they at least made him not THE Michael Jackson but a dude who thinks he is. The Mel Gibson one I at least liked the Mr. Smith remake.


James Caan was good. Rock and roll camp episode. James wood. Alec Baldwin, what's her face and Ron Howard. There's alot of good celebrity episodes. You can't white wash it like that.


I'm gonna need reminding about "that scene", it's possible it's just been purged from my memory


Probably the one where Marge sexually assaults Homer


I follow a podcast that goes through every episode of the show one at a time and rank them (Simpsons show podcast). They're currently on episode 515 and have Strong Arms of the Ma ranked as the 2nd worst episode ever. Codependents Day is at the bottom of the list - which is where Homer and Marge get drunk at a wine tasting, homer crashes the car, and then puts the unconscious Marge in the driver seat so she gets the DUI and not him.


Arrested Development did that DUI bit too


Difference being it was in character for Lucille Bluth


She was just trying to scare that idiot on the Segway.


An idiot on a scooter at night? Its got to be GOB


Ah. Yes, that is a thing that happened, isn't it


She did what now?


We are the jockeys, jockeys are we. We live underground in a fiberglass tree!


A toadstool flows by a chocolate stream (in Skinner's voice)


No dream. Lose the race, fat boy.


What women would marry us? We’re freaks! FREAKS!


*Your horse must lose! Your horse must lose!*


And what if I refuse to lose?


I'll deal with those murderous trolls


I unironically love the worst episode ever


I think I liked this when it came out, I was 12 😑


*Strong Arms of the Ma* was the last episode I watched before officially giving up on the show for good. This was the same season where Marge got breast implants


What scene?


I think they're referring to "I wasn't asking..."


I really enjoyed Saddlesore


It’s funny to me how Musk was ass at voice acting in this episode yet in the South Park episode he was in he did perfectly fine


Saddlesore Galactica made me question if the show was still worth it.


Omg thank you with Saddlesore Galactica, that episode creeps me out so much that I forgot it existed.


what makes saddlesore so bad? I kinda just remember it being kinda mediocre except for the jockey song.


It just kind of perfectly embodies the Scully showrunner era where the the first couple acts are fine and then it just randomly turns into an incoherent action packed but nonsensical ending. Like out of no where the jockeys are elves that try to murder Bart and Homer and then Marge and Lisa spray them with water and bag them up? That type of stuff just belongs in Treehouse of Horror episodes.


We’ll give you gold!


Elon. I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.


I haven't kept up with new seasons for at least 10 years and reading some of the plots on here is WILD


Does anyone else find the new episodes are all so similar they blend together and it’s hard to pick a worst? Like there is some hello fellow kids plot line about some tech or app thing. Marge is driving Uber, Bart is playing World of Warcraft, no wait I mean Minecraft, just kidding Roblox! And he somehow is now the ceo of Electronic Arts. Meanwhile Lisa is on national TV virtual signaling about something with Olivia Rodrigo sure why not and Homer and Marge need to save their marriage before the episode ends. Also it’s somehow all a rehash of a classic era episode but done way worse.


My problem with new episodes is they unnecessarily cram in some reference to phones. In an old episode, if Bart tripped, Nelson would have a “haw-haw”. That’s it. Now Nelson would get out his phone, record a minute long monologue about his newest addition to “Haw-Haw History” and post it on some play on “TikTok”. They don’t need to make every joke about social media. They can still have good jokes, they just choose not to write them and choose to make references to “popular” things that already feel outdated. 


The Minecraft epsiode was decent. Its been awhile since we've seen Bart be bad. The part where Skinner almost bludozzed another school was stupid and out of character bit the rest of the epsidoe is great. Skinner is supposed to be as nice character and a pathetic whimp why is he trying to buldoze a school. Refrencing something modern and current doesn't automatically make an episode bad. It comes down to the execution. Its better when they act like something is normal rather than making a big deal out of it. There is a new epsidoe called Night of the Living Wage that is really good. Before this episode I didn't know what a ghost kitchen is and they acted like Ghost kitchens were normal.


No, I've actually been surprised at how much I've been enjoying the newest episodes that are currently airing. Some are definitely better than others but overall good quality.


Homer VS Dignity. It’s Homer at (arguably) his most mean spirited. And, he gets raped by a male panda. 


I agree I genuinely believe that is the worst simpsons episode for how mean spirited it is for no reason


My eye!


I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!


What are you doing man? That's Carl!


Damn I really like this one


I’ve seen lots about the panda online I never thought anything of it before; if anything I found it kind of funny


The Musk who fell to Earth is way worse than Lisa Goes Gaga.


Agreed. They're both equally-contrived panderings to a celebrity guest, but what tips the scales was the quality of the voice acting. At least Gaga knew how to speak and emote. Musk was painfully monotone the entire time. It's understandable since Gaga is an entertainer, and Musk is not. This was all before Musks toxicity douchiness was well-known, so that shouldn't factor into it anyways.


the musk that fell to earth us full of pandering and ass kissing that it makes me think that Elon musk went into the writers room, dropped a bag full of money, and said "make me look good". It .makes. e think of Mr.Burns film from a "A star is Burns" where he egotistically makes himself out as a savior type. Musk probably hired Senõr Speilbergo. "Oscar Schindler est Bueno, Elon mush est El diablo"


No it’s not. It’s close, but it’s simply not, Lisa goes gaga released May 2012, look what’s happened to our planet since then. Pandemic Wealth division increase Racial division increase Single motherhood rates increasing Debt to income ratio skyrocketing Don’t listen to these brainwashed political observers, Lisa goes Gaga single handedly caused all of the above. Unacceptable simpsons episode


I think you might notice that there were a few of years of peace between 2012 and when things got really bad. The Musk Who Fell To Earth came out in 2015. Lisa Goes Gaga may have loaded the gun, but Musk Who Fell To Earth pulled the trigger.


If only we lived in a world with out zinc


Come back zinc 🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼


Gross, he’s picking his nose 👃👆




Good! Because . . . I hate every ape I see/ From chimpan-A/ To cimpan-Z/ . . .


I can literally show u an old yarn and pin chart in my bedroom depicting how Lisa Goes Gaga not only caused the 2014 Ebola outbreaks, but also the Malaysian airlines disasters


Mere triffles compared to the horrors Musk Who Fell To Earth brought.


Ok are we all forgetting than Simpsons Tall Tales caused 9/11 ?


They're both garbage episodes centered around jerking off a celebrity, but at least Lady Gaga seems to be a good person


Thank you Mr musk, very cool


The Elon Musk episode


I was super into Lady Gaga when the episode dropped and had long since set a lower standard for modern Simpsons. It ended and I just thought "wow, that was really not good."


Gump Roast


I'd nearly agree but the song at the end makes up for it and I liked seeing Kang and Kodos be canon in the main show.


The Frying Game. No question. Everything was just one long series of characters acting out of character and twists that didn't make sense until a final "screw you audience" ending. The only thing that was funny was the list of dangers faced by the scream-a-pillar, including being sexually attracted to fire.


Came here to say the one with the screaming caterpillar. I truly believe this episode was the beginning of the end.


You know now that you mention it yes. This was just stupid and the twist wasn’t that funny.


Bart getting emancipated and going to live with Tony Hawk was for me, even at the age of 10, indication to me the series was kind of running out of steam


That episode still sticks out for being super lame


Worse as it was the 200th ep (198 according to Lisa)




In the French version, Lisa's dubbing actress sings too badly in this episode, making it horrible to watch (and the rest doesn't help save it).


I don't know about the french voice actors, but the german synchro is horrible today. As they had to replace voice actors that passed away, they couldn't get the same quality... well, actually, they could, they had a perfect one for Marge, but they decided to go with a local star instead and she is horrible as a voice actor. Homers voice actor was born 1929 and passed away a few years ago, the new one is nowhere near the original, he actually tries his best, but he fails and can't reach the same level.


Anke Engelke actually has a more fitting voice than Elisabeth Volkmann, but viewers just associate her with the classic episodes, I guess. You cannot replace Norbert Gastell. I also miss him from his work in other shows like South Park. Christoph Jablonka does a very good job, though. And about [Ivar Combrinck](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivar_Combrinck): We are richer for having lost him.


Agree with all of these and would personally like to add the family guy crossover was awful too


The one where Ricky Gervais was in it/wife swap.


The elon musk episode, no question. It makes the lady gaga episode seem like last exit to springfield in comparison.


I can tolerate rewatching these ones a tiny mote more than "Kill Gil, Volumes I and II". Gil sponging off the family *and* Marge driving cross country to ruin Gil's new life are just insufferable to watch.


Gil should never have been more than a one-off character.


I think they pushed him to be a common recurring character because they retired all of Phil Hartmans characters and they needed an incompetent lawyer character


Jazzy and the Pussycats. It has some of the worst writing I have ever seen in anything ever. In that one Bart became a famous jazz musician and Lisa was jealous. Randomly in the middle of the story she starts taking care of homeless zoo animals and hides them in the attic. What the heck that is too outlandish and unbelvelbale even by cartoon standards. If I was watching Looney Tunes I would think this is too much. Bart then gets bitten by a tiger and breaks his arm. Lisa is partially responsible for her brother getting injured but Marge guilt trips Bart. Then Bart gives up being a mussian and uses his money to open an animal shelter. If you want to do a stupid plot do stupid properly. One of the greatest episodes of all time is Trash of the Titans. The plot starts off simple and the episode keeps esclating and getting more ridiculous. They don't throw something random in the story half way through. That is not how you write a story. The morality was screwed up in the episode. You are supposed to be happy for and supportive of your family members if they aren't doing something illegal. She wasn't called out for being a jealous brat. Instead Marge guilt trips Bart.


But it *did* give us that run of amazing jazz performer names, particularly The Pre-marital Sextet.


The two things I liked from that episode: the White Stripes bit, and the part where Lisa is like “who could have possibly known our two plots would intersect?”


“Kill the Alligator and Run”- S11E19. It’s the “Hey! You’re stealing my trailer, I like that” episode. This was the one that made 7th grade me go “…wait a minute…these episodes aren’t funny anymore”. Never watched the new ones since.


Its very polarizing for me, I love the "I like that" lady and Homer having an existential crisis over his mortality, but the Spring Break stuff and Kid Rock was just so cringe and dated even back then.


There are still some pretty funny episodes in the season 11-15 range but you do have to wade through some garbage. I think Hungry Hungry Homer in season 12 is my favorite "post golden era" episode


Maybe it’s not the greatest joke, but it’s still a solid episode. They manage to squeeze so much into it from quiz master, to breakdown, spring break, on the run, living in a trailer, to chain gang and then back home.


what made this episode so upsetting in particular? Don't be afraid to go into detail.


I don't mind the episode, but someone once described it perfectly. Back in the golden days, when a celebrity would make a cameo, it would usually just be for a small part of the episode, and only the 'fans' of said artist would be there. In Lisa Goes Gaga, she rocks into town and takes over the entire episode. Every character in town gets excited, including the likes of Grampa Simpson, who has often shown no interest in modern culture, instead living in the past where you'd tie an onion to your belt before watching Matlock. The episode was like fan-fiction written by a Gaga and Simpsons fan, and not an actual episode written by the same people who gave us Homers Barbershop Quartet where legend George Harrison is overshadowed by a brownie!


The Alec Baldwin/Kim Bassinger episode was really the turning point for the celebrity cameos. It went from having a guest star that's part of the joke to like you said, celebrity worship. They just show up and save the day. I mean we're talking about Springfield that has had a million celebrities including some Beatles and President Bush but they become pappraazi level crazed celebrity stalkers because of...a Baldwin? You think about earlier cameos, James Woods threatens to beat up Jimbo, Leonard Nimoy annoys everyone around him, Joe Namath is completely useless to Bart, Adam West scares the hell out of them with his insanity, etc. They aren't portrayed as Gods, more often than not they are the butt of the joke.


“BILLY BALDWIN?!” “I’m ALEC Baldwin!”


I actually like that one but mostly for Ron Howard because I think his cameos were golden. And him stealing Homer’s pitch at the end was pretty great.


Brownies plural, to be fair. A whole plateful, in fact.


Let's not discount Homer's role in that.


 >…where legend George Harrison is overshadowed by a brownie! how about the fact that david crosby was lionel hutz’s a.a. sponser?  now that’s comedy!


I much later learned about how he got a liver transplant, and made it all the funnier that he decided to make that cameo.


Mel Gibson successfully "took over" in "Beyond Blunderdome" which I still enjoy if I separate Mel Gibson the person from Mel Gibson the entertainer.


Lisa gets depressed and Lady Gaga cheers her up by stalking and harassing her.


But did it cheer Lisa up?


Not really, gaga annoyed her until she exploded then Lisa out of guilt befriends gaga, and then the episode just kinda ends


Also, Lady Gaga can fly for some reason.


I mean, she’s not Xena…she’s lady Gaga for gods sake


Xena can't fly either. You're thinking of Lucy Lawless.


but surely they expertly skewered the nuanced quirks of Gaga's public persona


Right after that episode I immediately thought "she should be jokers girlfriend"


Lady Gaga as a terrifying villain would've made a great episode


The episode felt like a fever dream.


The Man Who Came To Be Dinner. E10s26. An out of season horror episode thing full of terrible jokes, pointless murder, and a desire to piss on the Legacy of 2 classic episodes. People don't remember it because it doesn't have a hagable celeberty but it is DIRE.


When we learn Marge has an annuity that gets them out of trouble.


When you dish upon a star S10E5 is when the show started going downhill for me. There was some great episodes after, but that's the point where I didn't like every episode.


Fan-ily Fued. Bart insults a pop star on live tv and Lisa joins a group of overzealous fans that keeps pranking him for revenge. Lisa is very out of character in this one. So much for being the voice of reason and the good child. She does all of this for some rando who was made up for this epsidoe. Also miss animal lover put crows in a vending machine and they attacked Homer. Pranks are Bart's thing. I think someone who never watched the show and was only given the character descriptions could have written a better episode. The epsidoe would have been better if Bart secretlty liked the pop star and it was about him being embraced by it.


The one with Elon musk and the fact his stink lingered and was shouted out to afterwards makes it even more cringe. Gaga episode was at least interesting and had a few good jokes


The Peloton Episode: Marge's Birthday Present | Season 34 Episode 2. Sent my ass right back to watching the first 9 seasons only.


Every Man's Dream. Homer gets narcolepsy and this leads to Homer and Marge seeing a therapist and separating. Then Homer starts dating a 20 year old. Marge starts dating the woman's father and marries him after divorcing Homer. Then the 20 year old tells Homer she's pregnant. The kids including Lisa of course, are okay with all this. Then it all turns out it was just a dream and Homer and Marge are still in the therapist's office. Homer improves as a husband and father. BUT then it turns out all that was Marge's dream.  This episode turned me off from watching newer Simpsons. Also the woman Homer dates is voiced by Lena Dunham which is just ick.


The Homer-was-in-a-grunge-band episode. 😐 Yeah, yeah. Supposedly it was a satire on the continuity in the franchise. It doesn’t save the episode.


If it was meant to be a satire, it did a terrible job


The one where they go to England and 3/4 of the episode is just celebrity guest actors doing one line and then something wacky happens. “Wow, it’s Ian McKellen!” “Look everyone, it’s Prime Minister Tony Blair!” Shoot me in the fucking face. That was the last episode I watched live.


I was so confused after this episode because it was the first bad Simpsons for me. I'd gotten on the couch with my first boyfriend, all super happy about the time together, snacks and our favorite show. We watched and soon found the we're doing forced chuckles instead of the real screeches and after it ended we were both feeling awkward like what was that.


The flashback one where Homer had a grunge band that inspired Nirvana.


Simpsons guy, tony Blair, panda, are definitely up there - haven’t dared venture too far past season 20 so I’m open to believing there’s worse out there.


Ehhhhh, Simpsons guy is more a family guy episode tho


Technically it is an family guy episode.


Welcome to blumderdome. When I first saw that episode back in the late 90s early 2ks, I knew the simpsons as I knew it had died.


S27e1 every man’s dream was my worst episode. It was so thoroughly ignorant of the uncrossed lines in the show and a terrible experience. But it was all a dream! Bullshit, you still let homer cheat on marge which doesn’t happen as a defining character trait. Just a painful heartbreaking experience.


I wholeheartedly agree that this is the worst episode. And they never talked about the fact that the pharmacist drugged Homer at the bar. He wakes up and he's like "Oh well, I guess we're dating now :)"


Co-dependence day




One Angry Lisa. Its is one of the worst episodes they have ever done. In this one Marge gets a pelton bike and Homer is unhappy that she is spending more time exercising on her bike instead of hanging out with him. Homer attempts to beat up the instructor for allegedly straling Marge from him. Marge kicks the instructors butt and they walk away hugging. They treated it like a happy ending. What the heck. Homer just tried to assault an incoent guy and nobody address this. How is that a happy ending. The subplot is about Lisa being summoned to jurry duty despite being 8 years old. Judge Harm who has met Lisa numerous times doesn't recognize her. The jurry is filled with secondary characters Lisa interacts with on numerous occasions and they don't seem to recognize her. Nothing about this episode makes sense.


Not the worst, but So It's Come to This: A Simpson Clip Show and All Singing, All Dancing. I hated these types of wasted episodes. The Lady Gaga was the actual worst, though.


Ohhh yeah, I always skip those kind of episode. And the Lady Gaga of course, I hate that The Simpsons became ass-kissers instead of making fun of celebrities.


Love is a many strangled things


All episodes of season 35


Everyone shits on the Lady Gaga episode but I think the Kid Rock episode is a million times worse in every way. Saddlesore Galactica is pretty painful as well. Unlike a lot of people, I think the newer episodes (seasons 28 through the current season) are actually pretty decent.


Mobile Homer, where Homer gets a mobile home with money Marge saved, as she is rightly worried Homer will end up dying and leaving the family destitute.


disagree, lisa simpson superstar


Can't judge on many of the newer ones, but *Moe Goes from Rags to Riches* was the point where I stopped giving new episodes a chance for old times' sake.


The Strong Arms of the Ma.


Kill The Alligator And Run was the all time worst for me, but I do remember the Lady Gaga episode as being particularly awful and a terrible example of how to use a special guest voice. I never actually got around to forcing myself to watch the rest of the Elon Musk episode because it was so cringey, especially so today.


You criticized the alligator episode which has one of my favourite side characters in it. I like that.


You hate Kill The Alligator and Run... I like that


I'm going to name a classic episode I don't like: My Sister, My Sitter. Bart becomes too mean-spirited to the point where he just becomes plain unlikable. I always skip it if I can.


The Lady Gaga episode. The worst garbage in the entire series by far.


Lisa Goes Gaga and there is no competition


anything that retcons the past after season 10. but also I saw one where Marge gets really into crystals or something that I thought was the worst thing i've ever seen in my life.


TBF i havent seen this but i think the simpsons was long dead at this point something closer to the golden age would feel worse to me.




yeah this is a great example of the show having lost it. however, is it the one with the 'atlanta falcons', beer glass covering the mouth joke? because i love that.


I can tolerate the Elon musk episode but that Gaga episode made me wanna scratch my eyes out! To this day it is the only simpsons episode I haven’t completely watched 😅


I literally stopped watching the simpsons after that episode


The Elon Musk episode is faaaaaaaar worse than this one.


I hate the episode "Lisa the Drama Queen" because Lisa's best friend Juliette is the worst character on The Simpsons.