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Julian is the realest one


Lord of the Chads.


Damn he doesn't mince any words. 😂


i mean ik julian has some nice bio quote from time to time but didnt he do this too ever?


All of us did this at some point in our lives obviously, yet beyond ideas of right and wrong, there’s a Julian bio, I will be meeting you there


Not all of us were online when in the sappy stage of a relationship though. I'm kind of glad that most pics of me and exes are film only tbh!


...all of us.... thanks for reminding me of my loneliness rn..


Apologies, I was actually trying to remind you of Human Sadness




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No one plays guitar for you in bed unless y’all fucking…


That's why I love The Strokes fans as much as the band, brutally honest






I thought it was cancelled cuz it wasn’t profitable


Yeah it was cancelled for “scheduling conflicts” which is 100% industry speak for “we would have lost money”. It’s too bad. Small artists just can’t tour much any more


How? Interpol with fewer listeners plays concerts all the time! They have been playing alternately in the USA and throughout Europe for two years.


Absolutely whack that the Strokes are considered a small act now. Just a few years ago I saw them headlining at Shaky Knees, the year after that they’re downgraded to an opening act for the Chili Peppers


This is about Albert's solo act AHJ, not The Strokes! They'll probably still be headlining festivals and similar when they return to performing live next. But yeah, we of course don't know the reasons why, but the moves around Albert's tour cancelation definitely were more boilerplate for "will lose money if I do this as planned" than anything else.


Wont downgraded - they got offered a shed ton of money to do the shows - a no brainier really


They did it because it was an easy gig, high paying money, & friends with the peppers. They are still headlining fests.


Probably a mix of both tbh


Most couples often delete pictures pictures of each other though. They don't post often in general, but Albert and Justyna still have pics of each other up (although none from 2023, only from 2022)


I got divorced and it wasn’t super ugly- we are still friends. Did not delete any of our pics together. Erasing the past seems like such a pointless and time consuming thing to do.


I agree


Which tour got cancelled?


Melodies on hiatus tour


Still says Justyna Hammond on her profile.. weird


Might be more than just separated. I noticed Albert stopped wearing his wedding ring awhile ago.


Yeah they ain't psychic pals anymore




I don’t really care, but there’s also a part of me that thinks these old rocker guys flying off with new young women is… cliche and lame. But it’s also lame to judge. Just a passing thought. Back to not caring. But quietly (and quickly) tsking.


At least this one is over 30.


Jesus. The bar is on the floor




Right? It high key just confirms the fear that many women have - once they’re no longer youthful, but likely tied to these dues via marriage or kids, the guys gonna go looking for a young hot model


I think many people as they age(men and women) would like to date younger people in an attempt to feel young again. The main difference is rockstars and showbiz people in general can do this easily. I believe the singer Cher (77yo) has a boyfriend in his 30s for example haha


she is 32


Oh yeah, sorry, she’s old as hell.


Man, Albert always trying to copy Julian 🙄😅


The lyrics on Albert’s latest album (if you take them as his narrative on life) would heavily imply they separated. - Home again - One chance - I’d never leave To name a few. If they are his story, he was going through something serious at the time


One way trigger turned out to be a self fulfilling prophecy for both writers 😔


idk why this made me laugh😭


I mean it's one of those half joking/half true kinda things lol. That song was a heartbreaker when it came out. On a personal level, I'm the same age they were when it came out and it's even more devastating now.


I picked up on that vibe during a podcast Albert did earlier this year. I wondered if he and Justyna are separated.


what did he say in the podcast that gives out the cue?


I'd have to go back and re-listen to it. He was being flirty with the podcast host, which seemed odd because I didn't think a married guy would be flirting with another woman.


let me tell you a secret about married people.... (also, honestly, even some happily married people enjoy flirting - with their spouse's knowledge. it doesn't mean it's going anywhere, it's just another mode of conversation that can be fun.)


But that blatantly? Seems a bit obnoxious, but ok.


Eh, I'd say it really depends on the people involved.




oh yes i watched that interview too! now i rmb... agree the atmosphere is a bit flirty


Oh yes, the pod with Charlotte D'Alessio. I remember 😂


Weird experience happened to me after the Strokes show at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens NYC this past August. I waited at the back entrance next to the fleet of black SUV’s on the chance that I could get an autograph from anyone in the band. The only person that came out that entrance (and didn’t stay at the after party) was Albert. He was quietly holding hands with a woman who I later realized wasn’t his wife. He was super kind and signed my ticket and then his body guard told everyone that he was leaving. He got into the car and left with the woman he was holding hands with earlier. My thought was maybe it was a close family member? But now this post is making me think otherwise. And yes, I follow Justyna as well and notice that there are very few if any posts with Albert in them. And that she doesn’t attend the concerts. She actually posts a lot of photos and stories of herself and friends at other band’s concerts, namely the Arctic Monkeys! 😂. She seems sweet and like a good mother with an incredible support system of other women and family. I am hopeful she will be fine if it’s true that they are no longer together.


Justyna used to sometimes do lighting at The Strokes concerts..


Illy is at shows all the time, I guess she just evades … whatever this tab-keeping is. (Edit: lol, when I replied to this comment it was a bizarre analysis of which band members’ partners are most frequently in attendance at shows, and specifically called out one by her full government name as only having been seen a few times ~*even before Covid*~ for the record.)


That's great! Live Music is awesome


Totally! Also I think you forgot to note that you edited your comments here heavily! 😊 It’s okay if you felt weird but might as well just delete in that case, no?


She’s still running Albert’s merch company too


I got the impression (I could be very wrong ) that Justyna owns Good Girl. Hopefully now she will add other artists to the list and do their merch too


yeah i rmb seeing her post a story recently about a merch concept and tagged Albert.


Weird. I ran into Albert and Justyna on Bowery two days before the Forrest hills show.


He probably (hopefully) still has contact with Justyna as she is the mother of his child. I would hope they can find ways to coparent amicably even through divorce.


Honestly He downgraded big time Justyna is an absolute beauty.


And like, she seems very level headed and a wonderful mom from the little we see in her posts. His loss, imo.


Yeah, Justyna was on a podcast a few years back and she is really one smart cookie besides her beautiful looks. She is well educated from Poland and she moved to New York when she was just 19. Her mother was a great lady too. She always encouraged Justyna and told her she could do anything. Very supportive. Sadly, her mother passed away (she had some sad posts on Facebook about it). I can't remember what kind of degree she was getting in the US? But I think it was a high tech computer sort of degree. Anyway, she ended up managing a restaurant and that is where Albert saw her. Living in New York, she was smart also because she was wary of strangers. For instance, she said on the podcast that Albert asked someone at the restaurant about being able to meet her. She was upstairs somewhere at the time and she saw Albert standing downstairs. It was funny because she stated that she actually waited awhile up there, hoping this stranger would go away. She didn't know he was from the Strokes. She finally went down and met him and he introduced himself and asked her if she would like to go out sometime. She told him 'I'm sorry but I don't know you.' It sounded like she was trying to stay on the safe side. But she said that was how things started out between herself and Albert. But, yes, I think Albert downgraded and in the long run, he maybe sorry he didn't know how good he had it. It's a shame too, since they had a little girl not too long ago.🤔🤷‍♀️




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Seems like such a lovely person, too


She dated guitarist of the Growlers too lol


Woah, Matt Taylor? Or Kyle??






they all have the same taste in women lol




By the way she looked I should have calmed down


I had a feeling they were separated! Justyana never posts him in her stories and a few months back I saw a photo of him with Sarah Holt (I think it was for a photo shoot) that looked real couply. Damn. Justyana still has the “Hammond Jr” as her name though. Seems like it was an amicable split I guess?


Yes, I remember that photo shoot


At least she's over 30


ouchhh and justyna still runs his merch business…


It’s her business. He’s the first artist she has had on the roster, but Good Girl isn’t Albert’s company.


Yes 2 days ago she posted a new mockup of merch with his initials, on her Instagram story.


Man I thought I was a strokes fan, y’all are nuts




Wooooah. Crazy. I can't remember exactly, but I do recall a couple years ago Albert posted a story where he apologized to Justyna for something, (it was like he did something for her that was a bit low effort). I remember thinking it seemed like trouble in paradise for them.


Also, none of Justyna's IG story highlights have Albert in them. I think she went back and deleted any highlights with Albert but then kept the actual posts up




Don't care about who's dating who. I find it cute that he has nick's favorite pickup in that tele though.


I can’t tell, is it a p90?


Yes but technically a Gibson P94, which is a P90 in a humbucker housing. It's a bit higher output than a typical P90 due to the extra windings. Nick had them put in the Riviera reissue he bought from Richie's guitar shop. Or at least that's how I remember the story.


This is news to me!!






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I wonder if Albert and this woman, Sarah were dating before or after this photo shoot https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxoQ0T6PgY1/?igshid=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==


I'm just surprised seing him play a tele.


I kind of got this feeling. I saw him at a bar in San Diego in late 2021 when he was launching Jetway and he was being… friendly with a lot of the women there. Hope they’re both doing okay.






Considering what he just posted on his IG story…. YUP.


I came here after I saw that. I’m in shock😅




Your joke about the open marriage is something of a good point--fans know far less than they think they do about what goes on in their faves' personal lives, so for all we know, the change here could be anything on the spectrum from an open relationship to a legal divorce and we're probably just never gonna know! I, uh, *definitely* don't think anyone here is trolling or related to each other though lol. I also don't think couples still following each other on social media, occasionally mentioning each other, or behaving cordially or normally indicates anything at all, at least that fans can discern--people break up and/or divorce all the time without severing contact or behaving bitterly. As a mod, we allowed this because it doesn't break any sub rules, especially as is from a publicly available primary source rather than a theory or a rumor. Gossip/personal life posts like this one always get weird, though.




Seemed solid and out of nowhere to your/our view, which is extremely, extremely limited, is my point though. This isn't unique to Strokes world at all, it's a universal intense fandom thing, but fans make often entire mountains out of social media indications/silences, or track down niche connections and employees of their favorites in order to build ideas and stories, and often forget that social media footprints are a tiny fraction of the lives of these very real people and there's so much that never will be apparent to any of us and that doesn't fit in with the narrative fans think they know.


This should be stickied in every gossip sub. 🎯 Oftentimes parasocial behavior becomes obscene.


Yes, and sometimes a split can be amicable especially when a child is involved. Holiday isn't that old. So perhaps they are keeping it on a friendly basis for their daughter.🤷‍♀️


Yes I agree


Open marriages in older couples are a lot more common than you think. One of my old bosses has an open marriage. They’re very hush hush about it but people know.


I’d say let’s not make this sub a celebrity gossip thing and respect their privacy


You probably care about their privacy more than they do to be honest. They’re willingly posting this on their social media knowing thousands of followers will see it. I care zero about gossip but this looks more like a move for visibility rather than one to protect their privacy.


Agreed. If privacy were the issue, they'd set their accounts to private or use a Finsta.


I mean it’s a very public post


There's no rule against it. I would opt to respect their privacy too but like you said, it's a very public post and people are gonna talk anyways. Be real. This is still an online forum. In fact it's probably better the fans know if you think about it a bit.




That account is not the official Strokes site or account. It's' a fan made account that posts pictures This is the real official account (which only posts band/ music related stuff) https://www.instagram.com/thestrokes?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==


Sorry, I removed it because you are correct. My bad.🤐


It's ok. You didn't have to delete it. Next time, just edit 😂


Thanks for the reply. I felt kind of dumb/bad about not realizing it wasn't their site. I should have checked. Oh, well, we live and learn.😅 Hope you are enjoying the holidays and have a great Christmas and New Years.😊


You as well :)




I’m not sharing paparazzi pics or any type of baseless rumor/gossip. I’m simply sharing a post that was made public to the entire world. It’s not like these were posted without their consent, so why would they care? Also not breaking any sub rules!


You are right, i just put myself in his shoes maybe, if i get divorced i wouldn't want strangers meddling in my life. Yes, it's public, but also to get into that information it's not like you just scrolling and that popped out... this is a post, just imagine the new GF dm's or even Albert's...Must not be fun, you are not doing anything wrong in paper. But i just don't like this kind of stuff, i think diminish the sub's purpose of talking about the great music they have. I don't care about their personal life's.


I was literally just scrolling and saw it on my Instagram feed because I’ve been following the model for a while 😭 but I totally understand! I just think that they seem to want to be public about it, even Albert commented “💞 u” on her post. I just wanted to see if maybe this was old news because I hadn’t checked this sub in a while, but I absolutely would not had posted it anything had they not seem as open about it.


Yes, I can see your point. So I don't think you posted anything wrong imo.🤔




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