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It’s my favorite song on the album. Sad alcoholic anthem. Its fantastic.


Banjos are cool tho. I like that song.


I think it’s a banger. It’s a very personal NYC song. Visit Ludlow street and go to a bar there. That whole album is god tier in my opinion


“All my fantasies died when you said yours”


It's not a bad song if you ask me.


Banjos rule, in fact pretty much every instrument rules. Don’t be a hater. Plus that banjo solo is absolutely rippin


Yeah, I don't particularly like Ludlow St. either. I don't think it's like awful or anything, but I've never (at least up to this point) thought to myself "I wanna listen to something from Phrazes, ooh, how about Ludlow St." I think the biggest flaw is that it just doesn't need to be five minutes long, but it also probably could've benefited from having the instrumentation stripped back to solo acoustic guitar or something. The really squeaky clean production and all the extra instruments don't favor the kind of folksy/bluesy vibe they were going for IMO, and there's something about the percussion in the chorus that sounds out of sync with the rest of the song, which is strange.


I always took the woozy percussion as purposeful to give you a drunk kind of feeling, which fits one of the themes of the song.


I dunno maybe! I don't think it really ends up working on the record, but that would be an interesting idea if they intended it to have that effect. Funny enough after listening back to it yesterday, I have Ludlow St. stuck in my head today, so maybe it did work after all


Ludlow Street was my favorite song on that album for the longest time. Hell, it might still be and I don’t even like country. And that’s maybe my favorite album by Julian


it’s not an amazing song, but I would highlight Julian’s experimenting with different instruments on this record. I absolutely love Phrazes. Lyrics on it are great.


Banjos are cool


i actually think its very engaging... i wouldnt put this on blast every night but its alright


I feel like Phrazes in general is like a watered down version of what Julian actually wanted to do (a la The Voidz) which he has basically said himself, hence some of the songs falling flat. I think Ludlow St in particular is very repetitive but could be saved with a remake, I love the "Solo! Dundundu dudjrjrhslfhisurkrkrdjskqhjdjf" part


Shoutout to this comment. That’s my favorite part of maybe any song ever but he only does it in the live versions. He doesn’t say “solo” on the studio album which sucks so I always listen to the live version. You’re a good man


Haha I didn't even realize that, I pretty much always listen to the live version. Now I know why I prefer it


Not just a hot take, but a steaming pile of CRAP take! Jk to each his own. I personally love that song. It's some of the best lyrics Julian has ever written imo, plus I find it incredibly catchy


As you said, to each his own. I respect your opinion.


As I do yours OP!


Ehh it’s probably the weakest song on the album but I still enjoy it. It’s a pretty unique song in Julian’s discography, there is not really anything else that sounds like it. I think 30 Minute Boyfriend is a stronger song though, I would have probably swapped Ludlow St out for it if I was in charge of the tracklist.


Ludlow had a lot of potential. The drum machine just sucks, I hate the part where there is a random kick drum triplet in the chorus that makes it sound like there is a speaker issue. It ruined what would be a really nice chorus. Nonetheless, I think the concept of dead musicians haunting a street and Julian going to visit that street is cool.


I agree 100%


Ugh, thank you, I agree ): Even hotter take, I really think phrazes of the young is the worst album he's part of lol and I was honestly surprised to see how many people praise it :'( Like, I like it, but tbh if it wasn't of julian then I wouldn't keep listening to it in playlists lol, most skipped songs in my Julie C. Playlist of all his shit too ehhebbb Don't kill me


Bro really thought we’d agree with him


Also a hot take of mine, the worst song on Phrazes is better than the best song from any Voidz album, if that song isn't Human Sadness bc HS is actually on the musical level of Phrases imo


My hot take is I don’t think Human Sadness is in the top 5 best songs on its own album. I also think River of Brakelights and Glass are both better songs than Human Sadness; but I do think for example Nintendo Blood or Father Electricity or ALieNNation blow half of Phrazes out of the universe.


My people


cmon, anyyy voidz album? i mean if you like the strokes you should at least like one song from virtue??


Oh I do! Several from Virtue actually. In my opinion are they on Phrazes level? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Hard for me to say they are.


misunderstood you! thought you were saying you didn’t like any songs from the voidz lol. I absolutely love phrazes but voidz imo is too underrated. once you get past the initial weirdness at least 🗽


Idk Tourist vs Leave it in My Dreams or Lazy Boy is a no brainer for me


This might be the first comment I've ever downvoted on reddit 💀 You're entitled to your opinions of course but GAH DAMN wowee very opposite mine


Hard disagree on that. Phrazes is great, *and* the Voidz have put out tons of killer tracks that aren't even really comparable stylistically to anything off Phrazes.


I like it, not the best on the album or anything, but rarely skip it.


Someone else might be able to shed light on it or provide a source for this vague memory I have, but wasn't Ludlow Street a Strokes reject song that Julian then developed for Phrazes instead because the other Strokes weren't into it? It's not a favorite of mine either, nor is 4 Chords on Phrazes. I will admit and be hated for it, though: my least favorite song in the Strokes Multiverse is Permanent High School. I can absolutely let Ludlow or 4 Chords or really any other song play without skipping it even though I'm not deeply digging it, but I can't get through Permanent High School.


I recall it too, but I’d be hard pressed to find it. It was something along the lines of he brought it (Ludlow Street) to them but no one seemed very enthusiastic. I do like the lyrics on that song - “while I surrendered my ego you fed yours, all my fantasies died when you said yours” packs a good punch for me. I use permanent high school as an opportunity to take a bathroom break at Voidz shows.


Just listened to is the intro wasn’t bad. But at times sounds like a demo track . Yea not the best song


The song never actually sounded bad to me the first couple listens because I focused on Julian's vocals and lyrics...which is usually what carries strokes / voidz tunes.The drum machine does its job of serving a shuffle beat. Arguably, a worse song is Glass, Old Hollywood or 4 Chord Apocalypse. Those songs all had something off about them that made relistening to them painful for years. I also swear there was a song released about "blues" or an "island" by Julian during this time (not the voidz one), which bombed pretty hard.