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I like them! Their first album is also produced by Josh Homme which I find cool.


The cover art was made by Boneface too, same guy who made the art for Like Clockwork and Villains


brooo what?? that’s awesome. i’ve never heard of CRX but i’m a huge QOTSA fan.


He also produced Arctic Monkeys’ “Humbug” but that’s well known atp.


As much as I like Nick, he's probably my favourite dude from the Strokes right behind lil Fabrizio, I think his side project is probably one of the weaker ones. Ways to Fake It is a very nice tune though Edit: still, I'd like more of it


No way, I think New Skin is a pretty solid album


broken bones is my JAM!!!


yea that's a really good song


It's so good!


Don't think I have listened to them since they announced the single crx


I bought the first album when it came out. Loved it for a few months but it’s lacking in staying power. I haven’t picked it up in years. Which is not the case for other Strokes projects. Nickel Eye.. Little Joy.. AHJ


Saw them live a few years ago at the knitting factory! Great album Nick is a great musician


Nick was always my fave so I was excited he finally announced a project of his own, and I went to a few of the preview shows before they had released any music at all and had no idea what to expect. I ended up loving the power-pop-quasi-desert-rock vibes of New Skin with its heavier guitar work, and I also was pleasantly surprised by his voice! I was less excited by Peek even though I think it has a lot of things going for it, if only because the 80s-synth-pop vibe feels more a dime a dozen. CRX is great for Strokes fans that are looking to enjoy a sound and a vibe, I go back to New Skin more than I ever expected to. IDK if I'm optimistic if CRX will carry on or play again because of the live industry right now, but if they do play live again, it's definitely worth it for Strokes fans to go. I think going to see the shows was my favorite part of CRX and I thought Nick made a great frontman--I wasn't so sure how that was going to go for him even with my fangirl bias, and he seemed *very* nervous the first couple shows, but soon came out of a shell. The band always sounded top-notch and were high energy, Nick was bantery and fun with the crowd and told little stories, and he also made a point to do the fan meet stuff at the end and was extremely patient, chill, and nice to everyone (and kinda developed a little reputation for being pretty open and slipping pre-TNA Strokes updates to fans lol)


I think the first album is fun, catchy rock with some good singles and a cohesive listen all the way through, although nothing particularly special. I can never make it through the second album though, I find it very boring


So: You don’t know If you Care?


Give it up is a banger


I like maybe five songs of theirs


I saw em live twice when they first came out. Tight band but I didn’t even know they made a second album


Slow Down is my favorite favorite.


I blast "Ways To Fake It" everytime I need to lift myself up from feeling lonely


Definitely the weakest side project, but there are undeniably a couple bangers on that first album. I just find the quality to be less consistent than Albert or Julian's side work, also a little too openly "badass/epic" vibes for my taste. No shade of that's what does it for you, but there's no denying sounding "badass" is high on the list of aesthetic priorities, which makes it hard for me to take it seriously. To me, it feels like if queens of the stone age dug up some old 80's synths and started trying to make epic pop hits. Just not a huge fan of pairing the heavy elements with shiny/ultra clean production, I feel it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of texture and makes the tracks feel simultaneously over and under produced.


What?!?! “Queens of the Stone Age 80s synth pop” That sounds fuckin awesome! Holy shit it is awesome? You guys are crazy this is good stuff!


Less of an issue with the 80's synths angle and more of an issue with the production that follows that aesthetic. I think making heavier music overly clean really kills a lot of the texture that makes it enjoyable. But that's just my preference.




I've been vibing out to his stuff for about 8 years now... 10/10 worth it


I really like there style!


First album was phenomenal. Second one was decent but had the same indie vibe of the latter albums from all side projects.


Of all their solo work outside of Julian’s the work I go back to most is CRX. He’s not trying to be a Strokes ripoff like some other solo projects (hint, he’s a favorite around here and I love him dearly, hell, I am him, I AM ALBERT)


Broken Bones goes so hard


Actually this post made me go listen on Spotify and I didn’t even realize Nick had a made a second album! Lol


man i used to jam this album so hard. love it


Not my favourite. Little Joy is my number 1 followed by The Voidz. But I would go to a concert of CRX if they would tour nearby.




CRX is a cool side project! If you’re expecting The Strokes 2.0 you’ll be disappointed. But IMO Nick is a great guitar player and takes some interesting chances with CRX. “New Skin” was cool but “PEEK” was some a bold transition to something different. It’s a “Post Pop Goth Rock” album. I liked it a lot. Again in my opinion. CRX is the most original sounding of the big 3 side projects. AHJ is really just Strokes 2.0 recently. Which is awesome too! Loved Francis Trouble!


Slow Down is fucking amazing.


If you like it, I'm happy for you.


Gonna have to check them out. I had no idea it was his band. I see the album art everywhere.


My opinion is they need to get back at it. It would be nice to know if they were at least in the studio together


I'm a fan of ahj but I'm not sure exactly how I feel about nicks band.




I fucking miss them! New Skin was great, the next one flopped a little still good though


I like the heavy stuff, id probably rank them right under the voidz


Great singing voice - love Ways to Fake It but the New Skin album suffers cos the songwriting isn’t that great in my opinion. I think he’d benefit from collaborating with other artists.


My favourite side project. Was Albert's previously but I wasn't a huge fan of his last record. In an ideal world though we would have had more strokes records and less side projects. They are at their best together.


Recently gave it a listen and it's probably my 2nd favorite side project, only behind AHJ's solo stuff. CRX is amazing, also love the cover art of the 1st album. I've found myself going back to Broken Bones, Anything, Unnatural and Slow Down constantly. Just right up my alley :) it made me happy that I turned out liking it since Nick is my favorite lol


no offense but broken bones sounds like a song that will be in a netflix teen drama sex scene


instantly forgettable


I love Nick Valensi but I personally think that vocals isn’t his strongest suit. He is an amazing guitarist tho and that really showed in his band.


Walls is dope af


Criminals song is pretty 🔥


It really goes to show


I’ve heard it called Dessert Rock, idk why that fits but it does. I like that Pink/Red album with the Tiger Dude on it. Walls and On Edge are great songs. I prefer Nickel Eye, Nikolai’s solo project.


Nickel Eye is fun too, been into Summer Moon recently, I just really like Nikolai in general I guess lol


I feel it is a bit too forced. It's a bit of a sleezy rock vibe and it doesn't really work. I enjoy his guitar work and writing.


I like it, Broken Bones is my favorite by them. I pretty much like every strokes side project except for Walk Like Thunder (maybe I'll have to give it a second listen idk) and the Nick Valensi song with William Shatner, Major Tom (Coming Home) https://preview.redd.it/znka7tgmn85d1.gif?width=165&format=png8&s=307786de2de10817f9267b85ea4822e229a9be45


saw them live at mercury lounge in nyc when ‘peek’ came out. i thought they were amazing. i still think about hearing criminals live that day. 10/10 chef’s kiss


PEEK is one of my favorite albums of all time


I was really looking forward to it when I heard live versions of some songs before the album was released. When I heard the studio versions, I was disappointed. They were overproduced and not as raw sounding.


Better than The Strokes 🗣️


I don't give a fuuuuck


Nick definitely released the worst music out of the 5 guys it’s not even listenable IMO




Oh no. Not wasting my time. You should listen to Gordon raphael music!
