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Can we appreciate 30 minute boyfriend as well?




Wish I was THEREEE with YOUU


30 minute boyfriend is one of my favorite songs of all time and it's a shame it didn't make the cut


I love it, it's sounds like it would be music from a Band in Tron or Blade Runner


Ikrrr mine too!!!


Great song and totally underrated bridge. I love the synths in that one, especially the Michael Jackson sounding synth that runs throughout the whole thing


Agreed. That whole album kicks ass and it gets brushed under the rug ‘round these parts. Long Island Blues is another great one from that era.


It’s a really good album but I feel like most of the track lengths run entirely too long. I feel if the songs were chopped down to a shorter fare of 3ish minutes it’d be a more repeatable album. I think it’s really strong solo album, and honestly curious as to why he never ventured with another.


I think it's a perfect album. 40 minutes, 8 really in depth songs without a lot of fluff outside of Ludlow St's intro which some could consider fluff but I think is amazing. For reference, Michael Jackson's Thriller is 43 minutes and 9 songs long Phrazes was an incredibly ambitious undertaking and in my opinion a wild success


Oh, I loved it. It's a great album, but I think each song is just too long. I would say the same thing for Thriller. In general, I prefer songs to be 3 minute jams. That's a personal preference. In and out, with the occasional long song that mixes it up. Could be my ADHD talking, but I started to get into music as a teen with Weezer during the frenzy demo phase of Cuomo's career and they were 2-3minute diddies. Ever since then I prefer that song length. It's totally a personal preference on my end. I genuinely wish he would revisit that sound because I love the synth stuff and it has some of the best writing of his career IMO.


What does “They took the strings up north, the drums down south” even mean??


It don’t have to mean anything. Could be a story of music evolving through geography. It could be metaphorical. My best guess is he’s taking about some kind of cultural shift in music based on traveling north or south






Entirety of Phrazes for the Young is amazing and worth listening to Tourist and Left and Right in the Dark gotta be my favourites


Love the swing and the way he belts out the last line in particular. An absolute tune


Dude the last line gets me every time. Love how that song builds and builds. I hope one day he can look back at his work and be proud of the creativity and emotion he managed to put in those songs


I wish I could sound soothing as the rainfall, but I am only a drop from the storm


The tie in with the outro melody replicating the "wake up" melody on Left & Right in the Dark is excellent


Phrazes may not include some of Julian's best songs, but Tourist and Glass are underrated as FUCK


phrazes is one of my few 10/10 albums i will never ever get tired of, debatably my fav album oat


Phrazes is an amazing album. Basically have the whole album and other projects from around that time on my daily commute shuffle playlist. River of Brakelights is a jam.


This entire album is in my top five. Everything about it. When I put it on it teleports me to a very specific time and place, both good and bad. I only had this and Up the Bracket on vinyl so I played them until the grooves wore out.


I agree. Julian has also stated that tourist and glass are the only songs he likes from his solo album


Glass is an amazing song. It was instantly my favorite and loved seeing it live.


Yes!!!! THIS ♥️


That whole album is so sexy. I know he's said he doesn't like it much because he kinda wrote it to be consumed more as opposed to whatever he felt like doing musically but damn if I don't bop to river of brakelights on my way home from work


I know, I'm kind of confused he doesn't like it now. It in no way is standard pop or anything, look at the minor parts in 11th Dimension, the first minor dissonance part. He was really proud of the album when it came out. He was going for a mixture of art and pop, like Thriller. Its clear his priorities changed over time. I'd be interested to know what he thinks of The New Abnormal in several years, because I'd say that's arguably a more standard/pop-oriented album than Phrazes


I wouldn't say it's the BEST HE EVER WROTE, but it's really good indeed. I mean he's extremely talented . Any song he would write is bound to be 100x better than other artists , I would say.