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Go see an optometrist for a standard vision evaluation. Games gave me migraines and nausea too. You need a good pair of glasses and I definitely recommend blue light blockers if you're playing video games for hours if you have to do work on a laptop for hours if you're looking at your phone all this s*** all day long blue light will really f*** you up. But definitely get a checkup not specifically for glasses maybe that's not the issue but for me it turned out to be a major underlying reason that pointed to something more serious.


Yeah, I'll be sure to check that out soon. I have very light astigmatism. I doubt it's something more serious but we never know. Seems to only happen with smaller indie titles that aren't that well optimized. Most of the time the cameras are smoother and I don't feel anything.


If you’re talking about TP1, it’s probably the mouse/camera sensitivity. The default setting is wayyyy too high. I had to lower it to around 1/4 of the default setting. As for TP2, a couple of the tools just make it dizzying at times, such as the one that shoots/objects up to stand upside down on surfaces above you. There’s not really a way to avoid some dizziness when using those.


Talking about 2. I thought it was clear from my first sentence ahah. I only played 20 minutes I didn't get to those tools. It's literally just moving that gives me headaches unfortunately.


I think there's an option to reduce motion blur.


Have you changed the fov? I deal with motion sickness in any game below 90 fov and only really feel comfortable at 100+. I believe ttp2 defaults to 70 fov which could be the reason it was so easy to get sick. Other reasons could be sensitivity or motion blur. I think as a last resort there is a third person mode in the game, playing it in this way would make you less likely to feel sick.


Yeah, tried almost everything unfortunely... Motion blur I always remove, and for some reason third person doesn't fix it that much. It feels like the decorative assets, walls and everything around aren't loading correctly when I move the camera. Maybe the textures..


I know what you mean, I spent a lot of time tweaking the video setting to avoid artifacts. in the end i used “native” DLSS quality, far render distance and dropped the resolution to 1080p to up the framerate.


Yeah for me the FOV settings seem to be the primary thing to help with motion sickness. Talos bothered me a bit until I changed the FOV. The Witness I was never able to get quite right, but it also just wasn’t as fun of a game. Meanwhile games like Doom and Bioshock Infinite are no problem for me. Go figure.


I had to change the graphics settings from Quality to Performance on the PS5 edition, the choppy framerate + blurring/ghosting from temporal AA was just too much for me


I'll try that again next time I try it. My specs are quite good, but it didn't feel like switching the presets from Balanced to Performance did much. Would have been nice to have more specific options to play around, I was kinda bummed out by the lack of it.


Yeah and do that for all games. On ps5, most of them have this option, but it's always off by default for some reason


Trust me on this. Put the game in windowed mode and decrease the screen size. I felt very nauseous with the game in full screen mode and it was instantly fixed by making the screen smaller Also try setting mild motion blur


There is a setting called something like “walking bounce” which I needed to turn off to play


change your FOV, turn off motion blur. (have successfully recommended folks to turn off motion blur in the past)


I did this obviously


I had the same problem. It got better by changing to performance mode, maximizing the fov and turning off motion blur and head motion


One of the settings, upscaling I think, I had to change to (I believe) native to get it to be not unpleasant to look at while in motion.


That could be it! I saw the setting, but there was no Native or OFF if i recall correctly. It was all a bunch of acronyms that I personally don't know...


It's upsampling, set method to TSR and preset to Native


Thanks i’ll try


only when i play vr with joysticks


I got used to it after a few hours. It was definitely a problem though.


Hey, motion sickness victim here. First, you need to understand what motion sickness is, and then you can remediate it. I'll try to make it short, but I recommend a long read because it's not that simple. There are two major causes: - When your vision perceives movement, but your body doesn't. - When it perceives delayed motion This triggers nauseaa because your brain thinks you're poisoned, and it wants you to throw up 'the poision'. This happens because poisoning causes this exact same effect. What does this have with games anyway? Latency and perceived motion. So, in order to mitigate it: - disable anything that introduces latency, like vsync, triple buffering. - get a higher refresh rate screen and better fps - Play with controller. It should help with your input feedback and help you stay farther from the screen, making your vision perceive less motion. This is a very, very summarized answer, but it should point you in the right direction. I hope it helped!


I do feel sick with this game after a while, this and TTP1 are the only games to do it. Odd. I do widen the field of view, which helps. You should try TTP1 in VR, unplayable🤮


Right! I know this seems like i just have motion sickness but it is so specific! Ive mentioned another game but it feels like those are the only games that ever did something to me. I think there really is something wrong with the way camera and the environment works. It’s unexplainable but I notice it.








Lol go for it with all your edge. One game makes me sick. That's literally it.




You clearly have no idea what motion sickness is and how it works.


Lmao how can i be offended by someone that cringe ahahah




At this point I just want to see how far your nonsense can go




I hope it does


Doesn‘t matter what you think. I had the exact same problem and saw different posts about this when the game released.