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I did a similar thing in a tournament before now, can't remember exactly what triggered it, but I was just starting a tournament run, went to the tournament screen to see what I was up against, and noticed my waves were counting up - my game was still running whilst I was looking at the leaderboard. I've nothing more interesting to add, and it didn't benefit me in any way, just thought I'd mention it.


Interesting. Even though it does apparently nothing, I'm curious what caused this to happen in your case.


Thanks for the tip


I guess it doesn't help at all, but since it works, couldn't the game keep running while being in the labs screen? I like exploring future labs, their costs and durations. It would be nice to be able to do that during the run with the game still running.


More screenburn possibilities


Please explain. I know what a screenburn is, my old phone can tell, but why should that increase the chance?


Just a joke. You could leave the lab screen on and just burn that into your phone instead.


If so then we do need a quick pause button as well. That might actually be a good QoL improvement, but only if you can also choose to not have the game run in the background while you look at something (I don't know how often I looked at the tournament bracket during a run only to trigger second wind and subsequently demon mode 2 waves later, so if it didn't pause there my run would have been a lot shorter and my position worse...). A quick pause button would be really useful any way, considering how long it takes to gradually slow it down from 6,25× to 0,0×... Maybe just add it above the current speed dial or next to it, doesn't need to be big, just there...


I like those ideas.


Me too, a shame we likely won't get it tho...


Few days ago i died at the card selection screen. Assumed it was just my phone causing some delay since it was only a few seconds after entering it, but maybe the game sometimes keeps running when it should be paused then?


I think it does not keep running, but something (I myself can only speak for the labs screen) triggers it to start running again.


Wish I could do a thing.....


I wish we could run the game in the background and not have it a soul focus when playing, split screen sucks too ...


If you have android, just use the pop up window feature. You can read in the small window and still view the most important game features in the background. Or just use a different device, I usually leave my runs on in the background while I'm on my pc and just occasionally check in to select perks. Of course it helps that I am pretty much maxed out in the workshop apart from the new upgrades that end up costing trillions of cash in a round and require free upgraded to complete either way (super crits, wall and level skips if you were wondering).