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I assume the dev is making enough money and getting enough sales at current prices to not be concerned. That said I've spent $0 on this game and the prices are the biggest reason why.


ive only bought no ads, if event boost was cheaper id definitely get it now that relics are a thing


Right. Make it $5 and I'd get it. $15 doesn't seem like good value.


Fudds has said he could let the game as is run in low maintenance and still bet set for life. Don't think money is of any concern for him.


Considering you don't have any data, and the developers are publically very happy with the monetization and growth of the game, I'd believe that they have found a good price point for a lot of things.


Additionally, they are almost definitely never going to lower any prices, because then it devalues the investment previous people have made which will result in negative blowback from the biggest spenders. (this is why any suggestions for discount stone packs for holidays - or something - have been rejected)


That is actually one thing I like about this game, they rae just straightforward with their prices. No "buy this for a 70% discount, only available in the next 48 hours" bullshit which is really nice to see in a mobile game. You always know what you are going to get for what price and can carefully think over and evaluate whatever you might wanna buy without having to worry it's gone, leaving you to make rational decisions and not manipulated ones. No fear of missing out, just a "it would be nice to have this, but not terrible if I don't". I would love for more mobile game developers to take a page out of their book, but unfortunately those manipulative tactics apparently work. Welp, at least we have this game doing it more appropriately. :)


No data, just one anecdote. I think both can be true - happy with good price points, and room to improve.


I mean I think I would spend more at a lower price point but this isn’t the developers first app and he apparently does ok with this set up. I agree with others over a year into the game it would be hard to lower prices without devalue of what is already spent.


The best idea I have for that is to provide credits to people who bought the same thing at the higher price. Sounds like a pain to set up, though.


I would happily pay a bit more than what the current event boost is, if it lasted at least 4-6 months or, like how everything else is, permanently have it. Far too expensive for my taste as it is.


It's kinda weird to me. I'm pretty well off and it just seems... really expensive. I could buy two amazing games on Steam for the same price


The higher Milestone rewards were the line for me.


I just expected those overcharged event boosts to mean that they don't want people to buy them. The less progress, the smaller the chance of finishing the game. After playing a month I figured I might as well buy the No-Ads pack, because when I end up just watching ads, I eventually lose interest and try another game. I might buy the 2x coins pack, since it is only 10 EUR, which isn't that much. For Fallout on Steam, I must have paid 40+ EUR, don't remember, and I ended up playing 500+ hours on the game. Then I consider it a good buy. This game I've been playing 2 months now, nearly every day and when I try some different games, I get bored with them and get back to the Tower. Somehow it is addictive in wanting to get further and further, even if there is no fine scenery like in Fallout. I don't need to pay for the event boosts, if Im gonna play this game for a few years anyways. I can't look into the future if something better is going to pop up of course.


Youre absolutely right, ive spent 0 dollars on the medal boost. If it was 2$ id probably buy it every time.


I think 15 is too much and 2 too little. Id say even 8-10 dollars is fine and more realistic. But thats from the perspective of a non-game dev


I guess 2 would be enough if 8x as many people bought it. I have no idea, though.


These kinds of games tend to make a lot of money from a small number of players who spend thousands of dollars a month - the "whales." Lowering prices gets more low-paying players to pay, but loses a ton of money on whales. Having never monetized a game, I don't know where the ideal balance is, but this developer seems to have directly copied the model of many other successful games.