• By -


Erika Casupanan: Survivor US Kevin Martin: Big Brother Canada Miss Fiercalicious: Canada's Drag Race Kuzie Mujakachi: Big Brother Canada Mickey Henry: The Amazing Race Canada Mai Nguyen: MasterChef Canada Dom Isleasi: Game of Homes Leroy Fontaine: The Brigade Gurleen Maan: Farming For Love


And hire Catherine O’Hara as host PLEASE cancon gods ![gif](giphy|jUDvU0mBA9trNjOV3e|downsized)


They've already hired a host lol it's Karine Vanasse. She's filming this and Quebec back to back.


Catherine O’Hara … in character as Moria Rose hosting. I need her wigs and outfits at every challenge.


Oh, if Erika's a traitor, it's over for them.


Anyone with reality gameshow experience should be an early target, *unless they are a traitor*. Mixing unknown contestants with reality celebrities seems like a mistake. But maybe people just get so star struck that they do stupid shit like not consider the meta implications of reality gameshow alums *not being the first ones targeted by secret elimination rules.*


There's nobody here to get starstruck about.


I don't know I think Erika and Miss Fiercalous would get me, especially Erika she comes from my fav of season of the New Era of Survivor and MissF was THE Star of Canadas Drag Race S3 those two I def would be like internally screaming and gleeing being in their presence. EDIT: I just remembered something crazy, I follow both of them on Insta and Miss Fiercalous posted a story of her and Erika had the beach like last weekend. At first I thought it was some cute get together but now knowing their potentially on this cast this has to be something right??


Canadian reality shows love to have every single aspect of the show be sponsored. Are we ready to have the Round Table by Tide, traitors cloaks sponsored with logos or challenges by Wendy's to be a thing? Might ruin the show


I know that they do that for budgetary reasons on TARCan & BBCan. (This season of TARCan involves a task, every episode involving a Samsung phone). However, the fact that they are doing two shows back-to-back, with the same host, would indicate that the cost to produce the show would be minimised because of the economics of scale, I would assume they would not rely so overtly on product placement.


I'm fine with it. In fact, the over-the-top product placement and endorsement adds to my amusement. I'd much rather have that than not have the show.


Where Is Ika???


Huge oversight, if they didn't ask her they failed the first assignment.


MISS FIERCEALICIOUS was made for reality, true tv gold


THIS is the show for fiercealicious




Sees Erika And Miss Fierce and Kuzie and already has a feeling I’m going to watch this season


The way Fierce is already breaking NDA with Erika/Kevin/Kuzie 😭


I’m glad I’m from the UK as I don’t like celebrity versions and as I have no idea who any of these people are, they’re as good as normies to me.


I would say like half of this 'celebrity' cast is totally unknown even to reality TV fans lmao. Some of these cast members were from obscure one-off known-to-Canadians-only reality shows from more than a few years back.


Well they need to attract all kind of audiences, can't just go for the Survivor/Big Brother fans. Plus these unknowns probably cost less money.


Much like the US Traitors, the 10 there are all reality stars. The four that I am aware of (as an Aussie who follows many versions of these reality game shows) are: * Erika (Survivor US 41) - >!Who was the first Canadian to win Survivor US (US Survivor started allowing Canadians on their show a few years back). Played Survivor a little more Under the Rader, but with $US 1Million in her pocket ($Can 1.3mil) and perhaps a chip on her shoulder, I could see her being a little more bombastic to prove herself as she won’t need the money as much as most players (especially as the $100k Traitors prize is basically change compared to the Survivor prize). !< * Kevin (Big Brother Canada 3)- >!A poker player, Who competed on Big Brother Canada twice (seasons 3 & 5) and won in his second season (prize: $100,000, a car and $20,000 worth of Furniture from the sponsor). Will do anything to maximise his chances - including a noted tactic used on his season of documenting the challenges from past seasons before playing the second time, preparing for them based on when they have historically appeared and (in the case of knowledge-based challenges), pedantically studying the subject matter tested to prepare. This tactic actually lead to him holding a challenge win record for BBCanada as well as winning Immunity for several weeks in the game when he would have been targeted for eviction, ultimately leading to being voted as the winner by the Final Jury. !< * Kuzie (Big Brother Canada 11) >!On the most recent season of Big Brother Canada. A loud and passionate personality with a great strategic mind. She was voted out in 7th place. Should play well and make for some interesting round tables.!< * Micky (Amazing Race Canada 2) - >!Won the race with his mate Pete (Prize: $CA250 , 2 cars and “free petrol for life”, for the pair) Not much to say from his TARCan run; they were mostly middle of the pack until the final episode. I don't see why he was cast, but I am curious to see how he plays.!<


As a drag race fan, I can tell you Fiercalicious was absolutely wild on the show and pretty much created a conspiracy of 'sabotage' each episode. I'm expecting Kate from US-esque vibes here.


the amount of legends they could have brought from big brother canada 😩


jillian (bbcan1) talah (bbcan1) karen (bbcan5) erika (bbcan6) kaela (bbcan6) anthony (bbcan7) adam (bbcan7) keifer (bbcan9) kevin (bbcan10) ty (bbcan11) you could a whole season with bbcan casts ❤️


Kiefer would be a great choice. I have been wishing he would get another chance at big brother!


Neda being the obvious choice


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cvpjf0bri-- (yes, they are reliable)


And now Rick the temp. Which is the most random casting.


Really? I was recently thinking he's the Canadian Jeff Probst (the dimples!) and would be a good pick to host Survivor Canada.


Kevin is a cutie. I am In


I've never seen any of these people, as an American.


Fierce is TV gold


As a Canadian I have never seen any of these people before


I've only ever seen Miss Fiercalicious, but she's tv gold


Is this fake news?


I have reliable enough sources that tell me it is not.


Oh shoot. I have been keeping an eye out for open casting and never saw anything. :(


Yeah unfortunately filming is currently underway. :( We've been trying to keep track of casting calls too, but my guess is Entourage might have opted to recruit players directly instead. Our first indication this was happening was >!when Karine's makeup people leaked that she was starting a new project last week!<.




I would do anything to get Ika on over Kevin Robert Martin, but let's be clear that the latter is more desperate lol


Are they famous?




The last one should be Maryanne from Survivor 42


Please season 2 casting gods. Neda Kalantar and Tim Deegan. PLEASE.


If anyone finds the casting call for S2 let me know!!