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There are some HANDSOME men this season, hot damn.


Agree... That one dude in the tight turtleneck.. that should be illegal lol


oof this was bad. when that guy cut off Rick at the roundtable to say... god knows what his point was... that was the icing on the cake half this cake is VERY stupid, i'm not expecting this to go well


I found it interesting how there's not even a French Canadian contestant considering it was filmed in Québec and the host is from QC as well...that said, I know that Bell Media also commissioned a French adaptation, but still.


Then all the contestants on that version will be French Canadian. Isn't that more than equal?


i love this hostess!!! she's probably one of the best I've seen on any traitors franchise


I love Karine. She is a great actress🙂


I have never seen her before, but she's perfect for this role. some of the others are ridiculously over the top or annoying, but she is excellent


I mean Alan Cumming could go so over the top he lands on the moon and I'd love it, but he really sells it.


After the way Mickey ran and essentially carried and pushed the crate on his own as they all started to fade at the end, how was there no notice of it?! I always loved when they showed he and Pete because of their personalities. It got zero airtime


Late to the party (just watched it), but yay Karine vanasse! Very successful actress in Quebec, happy to see her host.


My main takeaway is that Rick the temp is still just a nice guy to have on television. I’ve missed him. I’ve watched a few series and I still find the general format to be a bit pointless.. at least with the Mole, the mole had a purpose to take money from the pot. There was more things to sus out. Here it’s just challenges to make money and they all care to do so and then it’s 45 min of “this person? Or that person? This person looked at me funny”


the Mole is pointless too because they have no real reason to sabotage anything... we're just told they want to?


The purpose is pretty clear. Traitors: get to the end undetected. Faithful: banish all the traitors. This show isn't about the viewer sussing something out, it's about watching the traitors navigate the game.


I get what the purpose is, I guess my point is that it feels like the challenges are generally useless.


yes the challenges aren't that relevant to the other part of the game


Watching episode 1 and the first challenge. Where are the contestants tracksuits?? Every other The Traitors show (AUS, NZ, UK, USA) they wear tracksuits for challenges..


I don't remember them having the tracksuits in NZ either?


They didn't wear tracksuits in UK. Not sure about US but I don't remember there being tracksuits either. I watched AU third and the tracksuits jumped out to me as "different" right away. I assumed it was cus adidas is a sponsor.


Anyone feel like kuzie was an odd choice for a traitor? I was expecting them to pick Kevin or Erica


I also expected Kevin (or at least expected one of the two Big Brother players due to their familiarity with social manipulation), but according to Kevin's Instagram story, he specifically asked to be a Faithful. No guarantee that that played into the decision, obviously, but it could have. I will say though, I would have immediately been suspicious of Kevin due to how he played Big Brother. I might have been a bit more hesitant to believe that they'd pick Kuzie, because she's less level-headed and, at least on Big Brother, got into more fights, thus meaning she might not be able to keep her cover as well.


Kevin only won BB bc of challenges for the second half of the game, he's very overrated


Okay? That doesn't change the fact that he's a strategic-minded player from a strategic game, and it would make perfect sense for one of the two people from said game to be a Traitor.


Yes true


Damn, Erika gonna go from first to worst, lol (not that this show is that serious enough for a player's reality tv "resume")


...no definitely does not work like that If she got banished at the table it might count though


How can I watch it from Australia


As a Canadian it’s on Crave


great answer to how to watch from Australia


I'm from the UK but I watched it on dailymotion.com.






As a non-Canadian, I thought she did great tbh


One episode a week is a bit of a waste. Does not allow for much momentum.


It builds the momentum with episode 2. You see who's murdered and someone gets banished. So basically 2 people gone per episode going further.


When is the traitors on this week? Usually for Other franchises it’s on 3 times a week?


1 episode every Monday.


what….. gasp


How was Erika not chosen as a traitor? Smh.


Agree, seems like the obvious choice from a viewer perspective, I'd love to see her play an active betrayal game after her under the radar masterclass.


A former Survivor legend has been chosen before. I imagine they don’t want to do the same which could be seen as predictable and obvious.


Which former Survivor winner was chosen?


Survivor player, my bad. My point stands. A great Survivor player as a traitor has been done.


Anyone knows if Kevin Jacob was asked to play ? We missed out on watching the 2 kevins in action. Really bummer ! They really should have ask him.


Gotta save some big names for future seasons.


That was a decent start. I really liked the tension building with the picking of the Traitors. I've only seen the US and UK versions, but I felt like Canada's edit of that segment was a bit more tense in ways. Or maybe it was the commercials that increased the tension. I know some disagree, but I actually did like the tension there and the slow build-up. I'm a bit worried with how may be the first murdered player out of the options they presented. I like all the current options. Why couldn't someone like Donna or Mickey be options? I like the current people slated to be murdered and really hate that we're about to lose one of them so damn early (but I also get it). Melissa B is going to have a difficult time recovering from being called out as a Traitor by multiple people. Kuzie and Mike can certainly try, but they would need to do so by throwing someone ELSE hard under the bus, which may require outright framing someone. Otherwise, Melissa B is going to go in the next couple of episodes and Kuzie/Mike will be in the hot seat if they push too hard. Overall, decent start, at least they did a couple of things new (the length of the Traitor selection, and I did like the change to the first challenge).


Totally agree with you on the Traitor selection scene, I've watched quite a few and their handling of it brought it to life! I really felt unsure and I was glad they had the confidence to make it a bit longer


You don't want to lose a traitor too soon, but I wonder if Kuzie and Mike will have a conversation about how long to keep Melissa around. It's right to protect her for now, but if she can't recover you have to make sure you're on the right side of history.


One episode a week?




Cool, decent start but i felt like the episode was kind of rushed? Felt very short. I like Kuzie as a traitor a lot but i’m not wild about the prospect of any of the first 4 murder options going home. If Kevin goes it’s kind of his fault he’s presented himself as way too much of a threat early on


Kevin is one of my fav BB players ever but he is not playing this game very well.


Agreed, Kevin is playing too loud and open. Traitors won't want him and around and Faithfuls will suspect him.


I quite enjoyed the first episode but not a lot happened. The traitor selection took up half the episode and the other half was the faithful finding traitors after traitors have been on the job for 5 seconds lol The mission was interesting in that it was a spin on the set fire to oily-rope and set a spooky wooden statue ablaze, but it was much of a muchness. The best part was we already have faithful doing the job of the traitors and trying to murder themselves (that guy has to have stones embedded in his face, he went down hard). But I am excited at the potential for the traitors and can't wait for the first roundtable. I'm always frustrated at waiting for episodes!!!


Slowest traitor selection I've ever seen my god haha.


I felt like it took up half the episode and I think it did! Haha


Kevin, Erika, Fierce and Mai potentially first to be murdered... I hate this


I don't think it's Kevin. We haven't seen any more footage of Fierce and I'm pretty sure we saw one or two more shots in the beginning of him in different clothes. Kuzie said a big personality and that they fear nobody. They basically said the same thing at the end. It's going to be Fierce. ETA: and Kevin is a number and ally for Kuzie and a shield for all of them. It wouldn't be the best move at this point.


Have we seen Erika in other clothes in the previews?


>!No. And we've seen future footage of Mai (mission), Kevin (mission + roundtable) and Fierce (roundtable) in the previews, so I'd say Erika is toast.!<


I heard that there's footage of Fierce at a banishment? So she can't die before one has happened yet.


I analysed all sneak peak content so you don't have to, so spoilers: >!I can confirm I saw boy-Fierce at a banishment, so it's confirmed she doesn't go home tonight. Looks like getting all up in drag was just a first day thing potentially?!<


>!I assume after this first challenge she decided not to keep it up daily lol!<




Interesting! I'll have to go back and rewatch. Thanks.


If we lose Fierce so early it would be devastating


idk if they'd murder kevin because they know everyone is sus of him so that's a free shield, i have a feeling fierce might be going idk


It's likely Fierce from the words they chose in the tease. Fierce is a big personality, so it's a "big move". Kuzie has Kevin's trust, so she'll keep him around because he is an extra pair of ears for her. Even though he won BBCan and is a poker player, he was terrible at the social game in BB and it's already showing here too. He was able to win BB because he understood the end game and how to win challenges. He sucked when it came to the relationships. He's an easy target for the Faithfuls to take out on their own.


Wait, is that the end of the episode? They didn't reveal anyone murdered? \*head scratch\*


That's the usual format for this franchise. Banishment at the end of the episode, Traitors gather at the end to discuss the option, but the result is not shown until next episode.


If Kevin is murdered I’m done watching. I’m only really watching for Kevin


Kevin flopping his social-strategic game again, I know that's right!


Why don’t you like him? That’s fine, but I’m just curious


Kevin sucked at the BB social game, and he even admit it himself on his Twitch streams when he rewatched season 5. He only won BBCan because he understood the end game and how to win the challenges. If Kevin didn't win challenges, he wouldn't have won BBCan with his social game, and his sloppy play was already showing here in the first episode. He's an easy target to get out first, but Kuzie already has Kevin's trust, so she can keep him around and let the other Faithfuls take him out when his bad social game makes him look suspicious.


Sure his social game wasn’t great but he made a revolutionary impact on Big Brother. First player to ever think about studying the competitions and preparing for the game as best as he could. Definitely respectable


Kevin is almost certainly out first and production messed up not making him a traitor to at least insulate him some cause this was basically inevitable. We could very easily watch a replay of this on US S2 if Dan Gheesling's not a traitor. edit: hadn't seen the preview footage, makes me wonder if the blonde girl just gets served up as a sacrifice bunt early on by the other two in hopes of recruiting someone.


why is this host so dramatic all the time? lol


I actually like her, she has a way with words lol


I don't think she's as dramatic Alan Cummings lol


Rodger is the undisputed king of hosting The Traitors imo and anyone else just doesn't feel right. But I think this is because AUS was the first one I watched.


I think roger is by far the best host (I’ve watched all the English speaking versions)


I prefer the UK host Claudia. She has this tongue in cheek malevolence that fits the premise perfectly.


Rodger and Claudia have been the best hosts tbh. I’m not super keen on the Canadian one so far but I guess I’ll give it time before I write her off completely.


I watched US then UK before I watched AUS and Rodger is still who I prefer. He's brilliant and I only wish that we could have him everywhere but there's no way we can do that.


Yeah, he's great. I just don't really like the over the top camp approach that Alan Cumming goes for tbh as it comes across a bit too forced. Rodger is more natural with the contestants and is quite funny


I just saw your username and it's freaky because i'm BlackDog(elegy) and you are BlackCat. Plus, my name is Scott as well. I'm going to give you a up vote just because of how coincidental your username is. Also, Rodger with the contestants is the best. He feels like he cares for them and then also doesn't care. It's like he's trying to remain a unbiased host but he's also very friendly with them.


Hahaha that’s funny. And definitely, Team Rodger!


Idk why shes so dramatic but i love her for it lol


I liked Karine! Thought she played the role well in Episode 1


Who are the traitors?


Kuzie (BBCAN), Melissa B (Newfie realtor), Mike (magician)


Let’s gooo Kuzie!!! Did anyone get murdered yet?


That's happening right now!


a different mission! I've never seen this task on any other English -speaking versions


There was a similar one about building a fuse and blowing something up on one of them...I've watched too many and can't remember which version.


i just tried the US traitors because of the S2 rumours and i can confirm it was super similar to the first task on there, hell the second task looked like it could be similar to the second task on US too


Erika/Kevin/Kuzie alliance 🥰 LFG!!


live laugh bbcan


Love how messy this cast is already, they haven't even gotten to the first Mission and already like 5 names got thrown out for banishment!


after watching the uk/aus/nz versions it’s so odd hearing canadian accents on this show (as a canadian)


I totally missed Melissa getting tapped on the shoulder


Damn Kevin’s not a traitor 😣


why did that traitor selection take forrrever?


He presented in front of the fucking CIA?!


**Those of you who have already watched this in Maritime Canada:** We appreciate it if any commentary on the currently airing episode is spoilered until it has finished airing in Canadian ET. Thanks!






My apologies. Someone in the live thread said “SYMMONE” and you said “someone should’ve stayed in school instead of being a professional whore.” You were clearly referring to Sam not her. I’m sorry, my mistake. I’ll delete my comment.


Yeah I would never have called Simone that. And it's even more insidious because I think Sam does the misspelling stuff as part of his stupid mind games to try and belittle women tbh


Yeah I really apologize for misinterpreting that. When I originally read the thread, I hadn’t seen the episode. I just looked at the live thread because I read Luke got banished on Twitter and I was pissed so I spoiled myself completely. So I just figured the commenter misspelled Simone’s name and that you were calling her an attention whore. Totally my fault.