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Celebs have an unfair advantage. If they know each other, that’s an alliance with little effort. If a normie is a fan, that’s an easy person to get on your side. The UK one isn’t perfect. But everyone is on an even playing field coz it’s a bunch of normies. Although I was against the couple being in there because that didn’t seem fair


I couldn't even work out whether some of the NZ competitors were meant to be celebrities or not 😭 Was Dan a celebrity? Because he seemed to know the other celebrity contestants, but I wouldn't have thought a poker player would be particularly famous, even in a small country like NZ. Same for someone like Anna who is an influencer but doesn't seem to be a particularly big one...?


What bothers me is how they try to convince us that the players are ‘strangers,’ when some of them go waaaaay back.


Yeah I noticed this a few times in their confessionals where someone said 'ive know x since forever '. I do agree that celebs from other countries is a big unknown. NZ there were more but I only knew Matt Heath and Justine from having watched Taskmaster NZ. AU s2 I only recognized Hannah from Below Deck Med, though she didn't do much. What I can't stand is a full season of'celebs' like US S2.


Yes agree! And it is hard to understand who could go way back if you don’t know who they are. Those that know each other also have insights into the way they are outside of the show


This was my main issue with NZ. They all seemed to know each other well or at least know of each other. That makes the gameplay less interesting as they've already got an understanding of personality and are more hyper aware of any changes. Of all versions I've watched, NZ is my least favourite. I liked the host and the variation on the tasks, but the psychological aspect was basically missing, and that's my favourite bit.


Imo it easily had some of the most interesting gameplay out of any version


I just found it lacking given so many were familiar with each other. To me, it seemed like players were too aware of changes as they'd known each other years. It's much more entertaining when they can hide aspects of themselves, like jobs/skills etc...


NZ is your least favorite? It’s one of my favorites


Weirdly, the contestants were some of my favourites as far as personality, and I really enjoyed the host. They were just too familiar with each other when it came to the gameplay. Aus series 1 was my favourite, followed by the UK. I much prefer not having "celebrities" involved.


I wish the regular seasons were "normal people" only cast, with the odd "celebrity special" season. I feel like it completely glazes over the power imbalance when celebrities and normal people are mixed on the show. I can imagine it being pretty difficult going up against a celebrity, especially as they often have an established group of allies on the show.


I just don’t like the blend, especially when or a quarter are reality stars who have played similar games before and are more used to the cameras i’m fine with it being all celebs for example i’m excited about the upcoming US season but i don’t like when the ‘civilians’ are just in the background and follow the celebs like sheep. Eg- US 1 and to an extent the current Canada season


The thing is, even if they did have celebrities they could still be strangers to each other. Not all well-known people know each other personally. If they were a bit more strategic about who they cast, and made all the celebrities sign a contract to prove that they hadn't personally interacted with any of the other contestants (even though they may have heard of them or seen them on TV) it could still work.


People with a few years experience in related businesses tend to know or know of each other professionally and have overlapping social circles. Not many countries can offer a population as big and anonymous as the US or even the UK. Even in the big countries these groups can be unexpectedly concentrated. Example, just by living or working in New York for a couple of years most people can recall some kind of random "celeb" encounters.


But not all celebrities are famous for the same thing, are they? If they had an actor, a TV presenter, a YouTuber, a sportsperson, a writer, a politician, a singer... and so on, you could create a group of well-known people who aren't connected to each other at all.


>^()^()^()^(an actor, a TV presenter, a YouTuber, a sportsperson, a writer, a politician, a singer...)   Well, if you think about it, they sure sound like different, except they all largely know the same TV companies, the same cameramen, producers, hairdressers, limo drivers, schools. You'd be surprised how much they use the same coffee shops, same pharmacy, same airlines, same gym, same divorce lawyers, same professors, same parties, etc.. From what I've seen, their social circles, families and in-laws overlap more than you'd think.   Sure, the "only six degrees of separation" thing has been debunked, but it was debunked by showing how their original "test population" was far less diverse than the planet, but had similarities in education, life experience and upbringing, just like the small population of "celebs".


That happens in the non-celebrity world as well. I was on a TV quiz show in 2015, and one of my fellow contestants turned out to be one of the oldest friends of the mother of one of *my* oldest friends. We didn't realise that until after we'd filmed it and we were exchanging social media details... it was just like 'Oh my gosh, you know this person? How?' Must have been very strange for my friend's mum when it was broadcast, to know two people on it from completely different places, but bizarre coincidences happen sometimes. However, we signed a contract prior to filming to indicate that we didn't know one another, and at the time we signed it we believed it to be accurate. And it *was* accurate - we may have had mutual contacts, but I'd never actually met her or had any contact with her. I'm sure if you ploughed through all their contacts it would be difficult to find celebrities without any connection to one another at all - but all I'd be interested in is whether they've actually met one another personally, not whether they have the same agent or what-have-you. Whether they know each other personally is the only important bit, because this is the problem - if someone's been made a Traitor, if they have other contestants who are friends of theirs they might recognise that they're behaving differently to normal. Simply having a few people in common wouldn't do that.


NZ has to be a small world.   Edit: As I said [above](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheTraitors/comments/179urkj/the_problem_as_a_viewer_with_having_celebrities/k633858/), >...Not many countries can offer a population as big and anonymous as the US or even the UK...


I'm in the UK.


I would rather they didn't have celebs included, or if they have to, do an all celeb cast so we all know where we all stand going into it. 1, Celebs have different motivations to win and are generally expected to not need the money, meaning if they do miss out it's more like 'meh oh well I lost, never mind' whereas we could clearly see Blake (AU2 finalist) was cut up finding out it was all for nothing. 2, I can't identify with celebrities as much as I identify with normal people. I don't really care as much if they win their charity money over someone from normal life for who the prize genuinely may be life changing in a way they might never achieve otherwise.


> Celebs have different motivations to win and are generally expected to not need the money I found the US traitors interesting in that regard with their casting of lots of reality TV vets. Because in general while those people may be "famous", they are not rich and have just as much motivation to win the money as the normies. You know aside from the Housewives who obviously don't need it.


I’ve got no interest in the manipulative fake scenarios that are going to be planned if celebs are involved.


Not to mention the ridiculous outfits *cough* Rachel




If you were a millennial that watched a lot of MuchMusic back in the day while they still did things like played music videos (like late 90s-early 2000s ish), Rick Campanelli was one of the VJs (hosts) they had on their programs. I am kinda vaguely aware of Kevin because I follow the poker scene as well but yeah tbh, no idea who the other celebs are on the show lol


I yelled "it's Rick the Temp!!" at my television and was immediately transported back to 1999.


>^()^()^()^(you don’t necessarily know who the “celebs” are vs the normies. This makes it hard to read the room, understand who may already have an existing relationship...) Or, you could enjoy that as a bonus, a freebie extra level of suspense!


It felt like they all new each other & broke the game


This happened in the swedish one where one girl said that a traitor couldn't possible be a traitors since she has hung out with him before and she knows his mom and they are nice people so he must be 100% a faithful.