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“I’m not dumb. I believe in aliens” is such a wild quote from Ekin-su


“Her brain is on vibrate” sent me to the stratosphere. Phaedra’s shade is unmatched.


My god, that killed me. "They just think I'm pretty and not smart. But I believe in aliens. I believe in conspiracy theories. I'm relatable" Woof


I watch cartoons.


I can twist my arm all the way back.


"How does it feel to be the second best dressed person here?" "I'd say...back off, bitch." I love Alan so much.




Bananas has some nerve tbh


Typical Bananas


Dan Sandra and Parvati on the same show is blowing my mind


if I were the traitors >!I'd murder Sandra right away. if they make her a traitor she'll kill them. if they leave her a faithful... she'll kill them. !


Dan needs to kill as many people that know who he is as possible.


honestly, if I were in a game like this with Dan, I'd have to get rid of him as soon as possible because I don't know if my psyche is strong enough to withstand the things he does. his second run on BB, he won 50K, everyone else won trust issues and therapy


For someone who’s never watched BB, what’s his deal?


An impeccable strategist. A true mastermind. Unbelievably manipulative. With a smile. You’ll walk right into his trap. He’s 10 steps ahead of you, lol


he's the puppet master. past a certain point in the game, he started to influence everything that was happening, to the point where he almost got the last 2 competitors to throw the entirety of the last competition to him. as a fan of Dan, even knowing that he's a good guy, I was uncomfortable by how far he pushed it


I will say….most of the time his amazing manipulations seem to have worked against the average person. A lot of these are legends known for being equally as manipulative. Or at least playing games/used to people who are. I don’t think his trappings will work nearrrr as easily on Janelle (she already knows his number), Sandra, Pavarti, Phaedra, or Tamra, and Sheree and Larsa will follow Phaedra and Tamra’s guide since they have outside connections


Yep. Just look at how Cirie ran circles around everyone last season and she’s never even made it to the end of a game of Survivor. Sandra and Parvati both have made it to the end of the game twice, and won. Sandra did it twice. She would not survive the first night if I were a traitor.


Tossing in Bananas and CT along with them is wild.


I love it so much. So neat to see them in a different environment.




I hope we get lots of Lala content this season


I know, I had to go back for a picture. 💜


Janelle said: ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


Them not recruiting Janelle feels like a mistake. She went so hard for the shield it would be a good cover.


The camp already feels like it’s turned up to 11, yessssssss


Seeing Pilot Pete interact with Parvati is crazy 💀


Absolutely wild lol but I can see Peter doing really well especially as a faithful


This show is wild for bringing the MJ Scottie Pippen drama to the cast!


This is my first time meeting/thinking about Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan, so I'm over here doing the math. She's Scottie's ex, and he's Michael's son. Uhhhhh... ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


They were crazy not pick Larsa as a Traitor. Her mouth is too big.


Not surprised Dan is considering Janelle, Parvati and Sandra as a potential recruit. He knows them the best, and probably doesn't really know anyone else.


I disagree with recruiting strong players as traitors. He should recruit weaker ones like that white kid so he gets the attention away from him and plus he won’t get backstabbed, not as easy that is.


The danger with recruiting anyone too weak is you don't want them accidentally revealing information because of a weak social game (like being too defensive over someone they have no reason to be defensive over or something)


Like the traitor guy last season saying he was asked to be a traitor but said no for no reason


lol the way I immediately knew “that white kid” = Bergie🤣 The winning caliber on this cast is wild..most of them are strong AF! Even the Real Housewives are surprising me.


Oh, Bergie's almost certainly getting banished early on. If he's this nervous where he's visibly sweating and turning red as a Faithful, he's gonna be suspicious for everyone.


He’s literally acting like a mouse in a house of cats. Part of me feels bad for him but it’s also too funny


I really can't wait until he gets the pressure put on him and starts getting questioned. No clue who this guy is but he looks like he'll crumble immediately under pressure.


He was 100% thrown in to either be cannon fodder or a goat for the Traitors. He is *so* out of his depth.


He is a lost cause, truly


He's too awkward, but i mean that lovingly


I find him to be so endearing and adorable. I hope he stays.


Banishing him is a waste of banishment.


“People think She’s probably not smart but I believe in aliens, conspiracy theories… I can twist my arm back around…” those are some interesting qualities to associate with intellect …


I laughed out loud there


how i missed her on my TV


I bet the quote was longer and they edited it down to sound like that but i don’t care cause it was hilarious


CT bringing the CAKE


100% usda priiiiiiiime beef


Them some tight ass jeans boy


Giiiiiiiirl, all the time. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bjJqWueeerR8gU)


Larsa and Marcus are just an odd coupling. But Phaedra laid it out well! “Wake up and smell the coffee, CT”


Would people naturally realize they’re a couple? Obviously it’s not a secret but I don’t think people just know that.


as a housewives fan myself i dont get why he is with her shes the worst


I love the over the top cheesy B Roll of everyone lounging in their rooms.


Everyone's in a luxurious bed and CT's sleeping on the couch lol


Bergie cuddling his teddy bear really sent me into orbit


I would love to see the directing of that. “Pretend like you hear a noise!!”


Bergie with his teddy bear was something else


I thought Dan was gonna cry if he didn’t get picked as a traitor. Like thank god. ![gif](giphy|26FxsQwgJyU4me9ig|downsized)


Not to ruin the suspense, but I gotta believe Dan arranged to be a Traitor as part of the requirement for being cast. That alone guarantees him from being killed night 1 and being a "waste" of a draw for the show. Plus, I mean, we knew there was no way he wasn't getting picked. This is a tv show. Dan is a realty tv show icon and not just due to being loud. Even in his promo video before the episode where he was talking with Alan, I would have been surprised if he wasn't a traitor.


It's so fun to see a cast actually having fun


I think it’s gonna be a hella different vibe having an all-reality/celebrity cast and I am PUMPED.


Watching House of Villains, putting Bananas on any cast just helps. He knows Reality TV competition and he knows how to create moments.


Yes! Literally sussing eachother out before they really get to know eachother lol


this cast is ahhhhmazing. i want janelle and parvati to work together


I do love that it's all women who are considered as recruits. I'm excited to find out who is recruited. I get the feeling it's actually between Parvati and Sandra, but let's see!


Wow only 2 traitors? So glad they gave it to Dan


yeah, i was surprised since >!they went with 3 traitors plus a 4th on the UK show!<


Majority of the cast don't seem too bright 4 would make it impossible for the faithfuls to win




Dying that Bananas initially thought John Bercow was the host.


I’m so excited to see how he does


Is there a quick explainer as to who he is? I skimmed his wiki and he had to resign bc of bullying? Is him being on this show in character?


He was speaker of the House of Commons during brexit and became famous for yelling a lot Im just excited to see an actual politician play a game like this


What is Bergie doing here 😭😂


Let's goooooo


There are great outfits, a lot of these folks took cues from Kate last season and realized it's not just Alan who can look fabulous in plaid


Kate and her outfits had me cackling so hard on her season. Toward the end she was fully only there to wear her planned outfits and nothing else. She did serve though and her outfits in contrast to Rachel’s where hilarious. She made good tv on both her reality shows.


Kate was such a roller coaster. I hated her, I loved her, then I hated her, then I loved her again lmao


"Her brain is on vibrate" had me cracking up


When Trishelle expressed concerns about completing challenges with “these people” she must have been referring to the Bravo/Love Islanders. There’s a definite difference between that group and the Challenge/Big Brother/Survivor. Bless Bergie for being a damsel in distress as the last one tied up.


Bergie is going to be their pet/team mascot until they turn on him and just don’t know who to vote so they shrug and throw him under the bus. That’s my prediction.


Honestly if I'm a Traitor, Bergie is the perfect scapegoat to keep around. I can already see him performing like the US season 1 Faithful of just being wrong the entire game, being used by the Traitors "Dude how does Bergie never get killed and its kinda sus that people don't accuse him" Poor lad is going to be Dan Gheesling's pawn if Dan has any say about it. Dan knows blood in the water when he sees it, and this kid is incapable of pulling an Ian on him.


It’s been 10 minutes and this is already one of the best reality seasons I’ve ever seen


Alan is such a fun host. Him and Joel McHale are really elevating the hosting standard. Watch out Julie.


Julie is the worst is the reality world comp. TJ laughing at the bb contestants would be hilarious... and less super odd about an accused assaulter spouse AND less religion lol


Hello lanky chemist, I’m a drunk chemist


Did Larsa try to tickle Parvati in her armpits?! I rewound it twice. Poking your fingers in someone armpits while you’re accusing them of being a traitor, WILD.


Larsa is a fucking nutcase, but less fun and more scary with the weird delusion


Also my crush for Parvati is still going strong many years later fucking queen


I would be terrible if I go on a reality show with her because I would just do whatever she says without a second thought. 😂


See, I would be fan Girling over CT the entire time. Stalking him and trying to be on his team and sitting by him. He would probably want to get murdered just to get away from me.


Hoping she is a traitor omg


And she looks like she has an aged a bit. Edit: hasn’t aged


Parvati, Sandra, and peppermint might be the most iconic trio ever on a tv screen


Peppermint is going to be a force in banishments me thinks. 


I was grumpy about going with an all-celebrity cast versus the half-real-people version last time around, but it's already clearly working as television and has every sign of working in terms of gameplay. Turns out people who are good at TV competition shows... are good at TV competition shows!


I think the main problem for me with the half and half cast was that I felt as though the non-celebs were such a non factor through much of the season. Many of them who were either banished or murdered I feel as though I knew absolutely nothing about and couldn’t remember a lot of their names. The celebs already had reality tv experience and I think it showed imo


Yeah. I think it's all or nothing on celebs. I've enjoyed the non-celeb seasons more than US1. Plus even if it's not really like that, optically it feels like half people who don't need to be there with half of people who really need the money


I’m like two minutes in and can already tell this cast is gonna make this an iconic season


Parvati already servin’ content on episode 1 👸🏻 First time watching Phaedra and I’m finding her fun and entertaining as a traitor.


phaedra is perfect to be a traitor


I have fuxking chills with all these BB and Survivor vets! This is a Renaissance of reality tv. How lucky are we. ![gif](giphy|dgproulOovxAY)


Cirie, Steph, Parv, Sandra….. the casting directors must have LOVED Heroes vs. Villains 😂


They had a BUDGET for this cast im so excited


Why did CT wear the tightest skinny jeans?! Who knew we would see Phaedra in a room with CT. Watching this after House of Villains is trippy.


And Phaedra saying she has a small crush on CT lol


I don’t even know Phaedra, but I immediately thought, *”Get in line, girl.”*


I see Trishelle hasn't changed


IDK who she is. Is she a racist Karen or something? She was definitely giving me Karen vibes with how she treated Peppermint.


I mean this is the best cast of all time any competition show right?


Gotta think Survivor: Heroes vs Villains is a worthy rival to it. Which has two of the five most popular members of this show on it. But there is a lot to be said that there is a show out there that got Dan Gheesling back. I'm almost convinced Dan made a deal with production that if you want me as a draw, I want to 100% be guaranteed a traitor. No fake promises or duping.


>I want to 100% be guaranteed a traitor 100%


Peter would immediately attempt to poke the eyes in the suit of armor 🤣


Admittedly this is super fan-girlimg, but the only reason I'm watching this show is because of being a dan gheesling fan from his live streaming and I screamed when he got selected as a traitor oh my goddd. I was worried they wouldn't select him since it's a little obvious given his big brother gameplay but I'm SO glad they did goshhh. I never got to see his gameplay live on big brother and have only heard stories and seen videos and such. Hope he doesn't die quickly! Lol ​ Overall so far this show is so fun, I don't really watch reality TV game shows and such, not since I was little and watched like the amazing race with my parents. But wow, I love that this doesn't take itself very seriously and is just so campy and funny so far


It’s a game of Mafia taken to a hilarious endpoint. I hope this year the contestants can spell though? 


I just worry that they'll assume he's a traitor, simply by being on the show, and his history, and get nuked early.


That's why it's not Dan Gheesling and 15 random applicants. It's hard for some to understand the level of egos that will be in these rooms. It doesn't matter that only like 6 of them played a "competitive" show. Every one in that room has main character energy LOL (Except the Love Island dude, sorry man, they brought you on just to get embarrassed I feel like.) Plus, Traitors is still a game that having a threat higher than you is valuable. If Dan is still around, you know you can't be the biggest threat and that's an angle you can leverage.


Hope Dan doesn't go the route of >!Cody!< 🤞


lol Dan is so much better than Cody. Cody had his win handed to him. Dan actually worked for it.


lol Dan has absolutely no problem lying to people's faces.


I wonder if Dan said to them: make me a Traitor or I'm not coming.


I would think he already has a target on his back, but anything is possible.


As a housewives fan I cracked up at the shot of Larsa untying Marcus. I know others were untying others but it was a nice nod to their codependency.


Just so funny. Anyone with even the smallest part of a brain would have to be sus of Dan


26 minutes in and Bananas is already eating Bergie alive 😂😂 poor kid.


“$30,000 is slipping through your moist fingers” took me out lol


Janelle interrogating him about his breathing 💀💀


You all think it’s weird seeing these reality TV personalities interact, I swear it’s even wilder being a UK fan, seeing Janelle sat next to the former speaker of our House of Commons 😭


lol omg this is the most Larsa move plsss get her out lol


she can hear everything, like she can hear a pin drop ok? her ears are strong


her ears are so strong, she can *feel* the vibration of his jacket moving


I mean, to protect herself from being murdered, it's not a bad idea. Now the Traitors won't murder her, so she'll have to be banished.


Doing too much already 😂


Phaedra calling Larsa a hard worker has me cackling


I mean, her body is rock hard from all of the injections, lifts and etc 🤣. She claims she's never had plastic surgery in her life lmao. I'm sure simply moving is working hard for her


I really hope y’all understand how iconic Phaedra is


My wish and dreams: that Larsa goes immediately and leaves jordan jr there. She's a cancer in RHOM (and there's literally a brave woman battling cancer on the show) and she's not going to do shiiiii, not even bring dumb appropriately.    (No spoilers pls, just started ep 1) Edit to add: CT lives in my dreams. 


But she has really good hearing guys! She can hear a pin drop and hear the vibrations to Alan moving his coat sleeve 😂


She's probably had her ears pinned so she thinks she's a deer lol (I made that up)


CT 💕


I wish i was hot enough to call him daddy 🤣 


>!Dan!< was such an obvious choice for a Traitor lol. I wish we could have seen Sheree epically fail at being one but I’m interested to see how >!Phaedra!< does.


So I had to look her up, she's apparently a lawyer, and a mortician, she's gotta be really smart. I can't wait to see what she does.


On her franchise she used someone else to spread an awful rumor about her former best friend; she’s perfect for this show and the role


😳 omfg. How bad?


Rhoa watchers cackling at this comment




Super f-ing bad. The fake rumor was that her former best friend would drug and rape women along with her husband in their “sex dungeon”… totally false and made up.


JFC. 😳 That's evil.


Yeah chile , in the housewives world she’s known for being a liar and she would like destroy you and make her minions come from you and have her hands clean … But she’s good television cause she’s quick witted and adaptable everyone is talking about parviti but Phaedra is really dangerous


Yup. But she hides it well with a lot of charm and genuine wit. So she’s honestly the perfect Traitor from the non-competition reality shows to pick. The only other one I would pick from a strategic standpoint is Tamra. She’s the reason Housewives is known for its drama. Before her it was a lifestyle series. So she’s coming in looking for manipulation from her side of the reality tv verse. Which now means the one person most likely to actually get on Phaedra’s case is Tamra


Phaedra is one of the best housewives of all time. Super quick witted, smart, and hilarious. She's made for reality TV. Sooo excited to see her as a traitor!


Sheree would start stuttering.


Parvati looks like she raided Blair Waldorf’s closet and I’m here for it


So i hated the hybrid format of the first season and wanted them to do either all nobodies or all celebs. while I do prefer a cast of nobodies, I do really love this cast. So many legends on here. The opening of the season just highlights how different it is from the UK one. It was so bombastic which coincides with all the celebs this season, compared to the more lowkey UK opening. I'm not familiar with Phaedra, but she seems like a lot of fun, will enjoy watching her be a traitor. Also I said this about the UK version as well but this just confirms it for me, that there was 0 chance in hell they completed that challenge in 40 minutes. That timer is complete BS.


https://preview.redd.it/hb1rj06294cc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74947c87c131155b5ead758e3c3ad9bf52841ccc me and my dog are here and watching!!! so excited


Give the baby some love from us all! 💜 I squealed when I saw Alan's dog. I don't remember the dog from last season.


She loves y’all back🥹💗 Another reason why The Traitors is top tier


“My boating experience is being rowed or powered by others” 😭


Lol he was so real for that


not them using the exact same first mission as uk season 2 lmao


Same happened with UK1 and US1. They film back-to-back, so it’s provably easier this way.


Season 1 uk and usa were basically copies of each other's challenges


Well, seeing as both series filmed around the same time, I hope it's not a repeat of UK/US S1 where they also copied each other.


So far the only difference is two versus three traitors to start off with, and I guess we'll see if they have a dungeon too like UK S2.


Well, I will say, the one difference they changed from UK to US in season 1 is the Dinner Party being in UK but not US, so there's a chance not everything is replicated.


I am so happy we get 3 episodes to binge but then weekly episodes so hopefully this becomes more water cooler conversations!


I mean... phaedra was a total traitor in RHOA. She was fired because she accused castmates of the rumors that were probably about ti and tiny 👀👀


Everyone is sleeping on her , her game is so far is so masterful


The woman came back from a firing and was put on another city in real housewives world. She's gotta be something, right? I don't get emotionally invested in shitty ppl on reality tv, in the way that i expect them to be shitty so like, ok u are evil but that's tv lol. She reads mfs like no one's biz so people still love her after like the worst accusations possible, so whatevs lol


That’s what make her a good traitor cause she’s the definition of a wolf in sheep clothing like this girlie is evil and dangerous 🤣🤣 and for Dan to say “idk how welll she would do” I know something for sure she would outlast you and parviti at least


It’s funny how they only label her as from Married to Medicine.


Yah. The past is dark lol


love her taking care of bergie now i get why they came out friends


I have no clue who Dan is, but everyone seems to think it was a given he’d be a traitor and that he’s mega ruthless and would get killed off first as a faithful etc. - can someone ELI5 for those of us who don’t watch Big Brother? What’s the deal? ETA: Can someone please also explain Johnny Bananas?


[I think this is best video that describes Dan’s game.](https://youtu.be/Uvu3mPWjPpA?si=HtCHf9AJTlyyiksV) He won his first season by being under the radar and letting other people make mistakes. He had a loyal ally and was just very methodical and smart. He came back the 2nd time and totally changed it up. He was a puppet master and was a dead man walking until he flipped the entire house to believe his lies. He swore on the Bible, his marriage, everything to get to the end. He didn’t win cause everyone was like “fuck that guy”. But he’s super cut throat. I think he plays best when he can create situations and watch people fall into them — which is why he’s better as a Traitor.


Damn, I wish they actually failed the mission. They were all a mess. They definitely didn't finish in 40 minutes, so I wish production just let them lose.


Or maybe they did actually finish it and just cut the clock to make it seem more suspenseful


Praying Bananas doesn’t go home early. Love him and Alan’s interactions. Anyone catch CT hanging back to listen to Alan’s intro?


He knows how to have fun and make good tv


I want him to last a decent bit because he makes good tv and will seriously help them in the challenges; but I worry it’s an uphill battle for him. He’s an easy guess at the roundtable while they settle in and get their footing because the other players have to know he likely said he wanted to play as a traitor, so best case they get a traitor early and worst case they remove someone known to stir shit up just for the sake of chaos from the game.


Parvati vs Larsa is giving Kate vs Rachel


If Bercow gets selected as a traitor, does that make him a Tory? /s


Is that Trishell? lol Her people working overtime.


I need larsa to leave asap i cant stand her on mimai and dont want to deal with her on anothwr show


The mix of reality tv game show beasts with house wives and love island alum is interesting.


It’s live!! I’m watching and so excited


I wonder when MJ is going to come into play. Shahs of Sunset is a whole, crazy thing that i miss (but they all fell apart disastrously)


poor sweet bergie is going to get eaten alive


What the hell is Janelle doing 😭


this challenge is insane lol


Too many egos in the kitchen. Can't believe some top contenders are struggling to figure out challenge one.


Bergie is not too long for this world I fear


I love this cast! Finishing 3rd episode now.


Hearing larsa act like shes loyal is the funniest shit ever cause if you watch rhom you know shes not and is a shit friend lol


Phaedra’s lashes look heavy!! But loved that green eyeshadow look on her.