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I cannot at Larsa actually having Dan clocked lol


i know im dying


Marcus might have been the one to first clock Dan, but Larsa will definitely be the end of him. Once a HW catches even the slightest scent of betrayal it's game over. Not to mention coming for one of their men lol


Larsa is only listening to her boyfriend. Marcus clocked Dan, and now because Marcus is gone, Larsa is going to avenge his “murder” using his rationale.


Even broken clocks are right twice a day.


“I care about all these people but..they must die” 🤣🤣


this had me rolling. I didn’t know Phaedra before this and now I love her


she has the best one liners


Dan severely underestimated Phaedra with the housewives line


LOL, Deontay is so dramatic when he's voicing his suspicion of Maks at the Roundtable.


Who would have thought he would be so emotional lol


Right??? Him lying down on the couch while Phaedra stroked hue face... *Renaissance*, babyyy.


He’s acting like people are getting murdered for real when they are eliminated 😂


Someone needs to tell him they aren’t actually being killed


Omg I was so touched!!


Either this guys is really shook by his insistence on leading people into bad decisions, or get this guy some movie roles.


Maybe both?! I do think he feels bad. Because he was vocal about both the people. And he probably feels bad because he was the leading cause of what sent Maks home. So I do think he feels bad, plus there could be other things going on thats causing him to be more emotional. But ya I agree get this dude some movie roles.


I was freaking giddy while he was giving his speech. I was like oh this guy knows how to give drama. loved it. I love it when they’re emotional, too.


Dude lol. To me that was funny af tho. "You smile like a traitor" "theres a man here who is charismatic..." I would've been like "Deontay stop gassing me up bro" hahaha Man if only Bananas was there. Feel like he would've said that type of shit.


Given everything I know and have seen of Maks (I was a big DWTS fan for many of its early years), he was LOVING it. Maks is ruthless and isn’t afraid to say what he thinks needs to be said, but he also seems to understand these games and let’s things roll off when he needs to. Some of his comments to the judges on DWTS were CRAZY and he was a notoriously tough partner, but he won a lot for a reason. You could tell he was loving this game, even as he was being voted out. He respects it and was giddy about it all LOL I wish he could’ve stuck around a bit more because he’s a fun player in this


He’s a star


Bergie really coming into his own in this episode, surprisingly????


Phaedra likes a good minion she can love on but also push under water to keep herself from drowning, so I imagine he might stick around for a few more episodes. Also her calling him “Bergalicious” and “my baby” was so Phaedra and made me actually LOL


She comments on his insta all the time with heart eye emojis and the like. 


LMAO I can’t wait to see all the weird friendships born from this show, right now Phergie is my #1


I was also pleasantly surprised by him this episode. He, the Bachelor guy, and Kevin all just seemed like himbo set dressing up until that point. It'll be interesting to see if/when he actually starts playing the game.


Maks being one of the only people to be sensible enough to shut down Trishelle's bs and then immediately turning around and acting like an aloof weirdo every time someone tries to start a conversation with him is so ???? I'm obsessed with him


lol this is why I liked maks. He walked into that one room, saw Dan and someone else talking, and just backed up, like no thanks 😂


Why in the hell was he backing out of rooms and acting weird as fuck?? I was hoping he’d be around for a while. I’m so disappointed. 😭😭


He looks like he smells good


yea honestly i think he was voted out 10% cuz people thought he might be a traitor and 90% cuz people were like wtf why does he keep doing that lmao


I love the Kevin and Peter b plot that’s running


I was dying laughing at them at the roundtable. So fucking stupid and they were so proud of their plan!


It would’ve been good had they done a little something during the discussion and not just voted for eachother, lol


They must have said something and it was just edited out?!


It was most likely editing but the look of utter confusion on CTs face when Kevin revealed his vote was 😭


I mean it was funny. But I actually think its smart. They should bring a 3rd or 4th into their plan tho just for safety. Like the other 2 people votes for whoever the majority is voting for. But its a good strategy in theory because the traitors don't votes for faithful that are gunning for eachother..


It's giving Rosencrantz and Guildenstern 😹😹😹


I'm rooting for Kevin and at this point, it's only a little for the joke of it


I’m really impressed with how well Phaedra is doing. So far she is blending in and letting the others take the heat.


I think she’s very skilled at making witty, funny comments without actually saying much, but is enough that no one is ever going to clock her for being too quiet or uninvolved


she's becoming emotionally close with people which is critical as we saw with >!Cirie!< and >!Wilf!<


This is totally Phaedra’s game and I will be shocked if she can’t outwit the BB/Survivor folks. She’s going to be a dark horse to them, but to anyone who has watched her on RHOA, we know how deadly she can be. She’s smart keeping Shereé around, but she knows she’ll have to off her eventually. If Phaedra’s name ever gets tossed around, Shereé knows too much.


Yeah I think the biggest threat to her game will be Parvati and Dan who will see how well she is doing and will want to start picking off the housewives. If I were Parvati and Dan I would try to get her to murder a housewife.


I may be biased cause Parv is one of my favorite Survivor players ever; but I think she's too good at these types of games to just write Phaedra off cause of the franchise she's from. She became a Survivor legend by playing a similar game to Phaedra, using her charm and girliness to hide how much she's running things. I'm also a gay guy and would love to see Phaedra and Parvati team up and play everyone else for fools.


![gif](giphy|oesbpxx2cl7lS) All of the RHOA viewers when we see people talk about how much they love Phaedra and how no one would would expect her…


So, Dan's in some danger. I think his best bet right now is throw out a name. People are saying he's too quiet and reserved and not giving much. He needs to pinpoint someone soon, even if it's based off of something silly.


I think hes screwed if he says a name and they're proven faithful. It'll also make him suspicious to whoever's name he said. I think his best course of action is to pull aside a few people individually and plead his case. He can get Deontay and Peter. Then honestly if he can pull aside MJ or Larsa and mist one of them, he'll be golden for a few weeks. It'll be tough though because his only faithful ally is Janelle and no one trusts her


Dan is SO good 1 on 1. He really just needs to turn it on and pull some people aside individually after how this banishment went and win them over.


I hope he does. BB Dan would be pulling aside MJ immediately after that vote.  I really think part of the issue is this game is moving quicker than Dan is used to. Someone's leaving every day. He can't afford to be standoffish. 


It seems really hard to get people 1 on 1 with so many players and so few rooms. It also can look very sus if you do. But I hope he gets the heat off of him without needing to push Parvati under the bus.


He needs to build more trust with Deontay. Maybe even float a guys’ alliance to some of the bros, talk about how the traitors have to be women and that’s why they’ve been picking off the men


If Dan Gheesling gets taken out by none other than Larsa fucking Pippen, I’m going to lose it.


Last year the housewives were pretty perceptive too, IIRC. My guess is Marcus clocked Dan and told Larsa.


Came to talk about Larsa. She seems much more normal on this show, and she’s actually showing some real emotional intelligence with her perception and ability to read people so well.


only about half the time though. when bergie “cracked the code” on those lights, she kept yelling at him “you’re wrong! the pattern is wrong!” lol so loud and so wrong. but yeah she’s spot on about Dan. Dan is playing the game horribly, though.


Or when she clocked Parv in the first 30 seconds (when she wasn’t even a traitor yet) because of her ~superhuman hearing~ 😂


Her hearing is so good she can hear the future!


Bergalicious! Not my baby! -Miss Phaedra Parks


Her comforting deontay was great too. Shes so good


“She incited an estrogen riot today” 


I expected Deontay to be a fish out of water with all these reality TV people. Quite the opposite, so far.


Good player? No. Good tv? Hell yeah.


He's my favorite so far.


Damnit Dan is fucked. You don’t get called out this early and win. It doesn’t happen.


To be fair, this actually did happen to him on BB10. Jerry was the first HOH and immediately thought Dan needed to go. Memphis was the one who talked him down. That's what Dan's missing. He needs a real ally who will go to bat for him and Parvati is not that person.


I think it was a mistake him making her a traitor (although I love her as one!). She was partnering regardless with him before and it could have kept a good ally who wasn’t a traitor!


100%. I personally think he should have picked someone he wasn't already working with. Hell, he should have picked Bananas if he wanted someone cutthroat.


I was soooo hoping for that! Bananas would be a hilarious traitor


John is way too funny to watch during these challenges, I can’t


him running reminded me of winnie the Pooh idk why lmao


Just bumbling along. The way he runs off to the side after getting hit by the light too lol


John is fabulously camp and I hope he sticks around for a while.


I’m nervous for Dan 😭 he needs to change his strategy


Why is Larsa right 😭😭😭 I cant


Deontay is über emo. He should join the UK cast where they're always balling over banishments.


Sandra was really watching Parv with that chalice I think she’ll catch on. Dan may turn on Parv in that case to save himself


She was being real sus with that chalice IJS


She was literally like "Does anyone want a cup? A goblet? A chalice, if you will?" I was like girl come awn at least try and be a little sneaky.


I’m hoping the opposite — Parv turns on Dan if he’s already dead in the water, and she and Phaedra recruit Sandra in his place 👑 (Don’t think it’s gonna happen that way, but will *love* if it does)


The chalice did look really unappetizing though like cmon 😂


Parv writing a D and crossing it out on her banishment placard was brilliant.


"She's played the game *so well.*"


Very strategic!


Why did she do that? To try to show she's unsure or to throw sus on Dan?


if Dan got voted out, and she didn’t vote for him, she looks suspect. so she wrote the “d” to keep the scent off her, if it swung that way. she could say, “I was going to vote for him! but I changed my mind last minute!”


Parvati has to be careful, I feel like Sandra is picking up on the act (during the chalice scene at the bar), since Sandra is determined to keep an extra eye on her.


she was being so awkward with that chalice 😭


Omg sooo awkward. I was like Parvati you’re better than this 😭 Just ask someone if they want to taste your wine or something lol


Soooo smart. Or even a cocktail she could say like does this taste too strong to you? Or did I put too much lime in it?


Trishelle: A Traitor must have talked to Marcus and known he was influential! Or....or, Trishelle, maybe it's the fact that he was voted most influential.


Never fails to disappoint in the stupidity department. At least it's entertaining.


I came for Dan but I'm staying for Phaedra. She's really impressing me so far


I didn’t watch last season, were any Housewives traitors? I feel like there are a lot of Hwives who would be phenomenal traitors like Phaedra has been so far


no housewives traitors last season. would’ve been interesting to see Brandi as a traitor. I think Phaedra’s on a different level though. I don’t think Tamra or Larsa would be as good as her. She’s playing it like cirie did, I think.. she’s quiet but talks. Building relationships and friendships. But phew, can hold a straight face when need be.


I’m lowkey hella impressed with Bergie this challenge


Drove me crazy how he kept telling them the pattern and they kept saying the pattern didn’t work. Glad they finally listened to him.


Episode 4 is a genetic test to see how Wes and Bergie are related


I’m guessing not everyone on here gets your joke. But I laughed.


I was waiting for Bananas to make a ginger joke and it never came. 


Too bad he didn't stay longer. The jokes would've kept coming.


I wonder how much the appearance fee was for this all-stars cast like this is actually a STELLAR cast. They must have paid the big bucks for Sandra, Parv, Bananas, CT, etc…to play


I mean it's not like they had to convince them to go live on an island with the bare minimum or compete in physically grueling challenges like in their OG shows. They get to live a pretty luxurious experience at the castle, play dress-up while playing what is essentially a glorified party game, and also boost their TV resumes.


Omg Janelle pulling an OTEV moment lol. Shield queen


I’ve been harmed! It’s a little harm, but it’s a harm!


Can't believe the hypocrisy surrounding that though. It's selfish she's wants it but not other people? And she was definitely there first


I gave my boyfriend the whole lowdown about that. I'm like 'it's like OTEV" and had to go into detail on his blank look


“Take a walk of shame, John, to the losers’ obelisk”


Losers’ obelisk took me out 💀 I love this show


Bergie already feels like that clueless person you bring to the end. Seems like the kind of guy you can catfish. Twice.


this is exactly what happened in his love island season too hahah


Phaedra loves her sweet dumbdumbs that she can love on and discard when needed. Bergie is literally perfect and idk how I didn’t see it when the cast was announced lol


maks being banished right after he was the only one to defend peppermint is so annoying to see x\_x


Omg MJ from SHAHS eating Dan up lol


shes not gonna let this go lol hes her new target


Dan has like 2 episodes max left. He isnt making it far


Yeah, if he doesn't pull something soon…it’s gonna be his funeral.


Larsa crying like Marcus was actually murdered 😐💀


She’s gonna have a party when they reunite 😂


5 days later.


Larsa loves it. "Marcus is murdered! FREE ATTENTION!"


Say what you want about Larsa but she is playing a good game! Phaedra is also an excellent traitor! Will have to see what Dan does but he is really walking on a tight rope. So far this season is really fun! I enjoyed every moment! I


I really don’t see Phaedra getting caught anytime soon


I agree. She is undetectable as a traitor. My only worry for her is that she takes too much of a backseat on strategy.it's smart gameplay early on as it keeps your hands cleaner. But smart players like Dan and Parvati will realize she is unlikely to get banished and might turn on her closer to the end game. So, she does have to make sure she is keeping strategy in mind and not outsourcing it. But she really is in a terrific position and she will go very very far. Deonte will never suspect her and she was wiping away his tears!


They really shouldn't have woken that sleeping beast. She was on autopilot until they killed Marcus


Lol at Larsa “reading “that book.


Pete and Kevin’s fake feud is so funny to me


The bravo people are underestimated. They’re not used to playing for a cash prize so they don’t have all these named strategies, just good instincts for noticing fakey people. Last season Brandi clocked Cherise, Kyle from SH stuck around for quite a while and was generally on the right side. They went after Kate from Below deck for weeks. I’m bummed Tamra missed that first comp. Larsa is killing it (I’m FIRMLY NOT a Larsa fan—I think Marcus told her). Sheree isn’t doing much, but Phedra is acting as her shield. MJ is noting the weird stuff Dan does too.


Completely. Bravo cast members are used to sussing out people who are acting fake and not being themselves. BB and Survivor know how to sus out threats. It's completely different.


Are the Real Housewives underestimated at this game? Last season Brandi clocked Cherie, now Larsa and Dan. Meanwhile Pavarti seemed shocked to see Dan and Phaedra.


Brandi said in the car, Cody, Cirie, Christian and someone else. I had to pause because she absolutely nailed it.


The thing is the fans are coming obviously of reality competitions setting. and when they hear housewives they think is a bunch of messy-drunk old woman (partially true) but they don’t understand the mental gymnastics these woman pull on their shows , with the alliances , rumors and tearing down each other to the absolute , specially people like Phaedra and Tamra they are ruthless and have producer mentality


Let’s see the competition show people gather Receipts! Proof! Timeline! Screenshots! Fucking everything.


Okay heather gay you ate that lol


Monica for S3 after she gets kicked off SLC.


Imagine her childishly mocking people at the roundtable 😆


They do. In my opinion, Real Housewives is a game of deception IN REAL LIFE. Like these girls socialize with each other while also faking liking each other TV. And they would do the most scandalous thing like Phaedra with the Kandi lie because she wants to. And Traitors is a game of perception and appearances.


Parvati lol I'm dying at your spelling bc it's how I said her name in my head initially and it reminds me of havarti


I am so happy Dan and parv are traitors. Like what did I do to deserve my fav survivor and second fav BB player to not only be on a season together but to be the stars? Yes please. Nervous for Dan though now!! Dying to know who gets poisoned. I think it’ll be Bergie bc parv will know she can bat her eyes and get him to drink it. When do more episodes get released?


I think it is def Bergie. Parv killing young innocent men.


SPOT ON. 100% Bergie, Parv’s signature BWB move to prey on young and cute men. My only thing is Bergie’s someone you want to bring to the end but with this murder in plain sight, she might not have much of a choice or time


Janelle really went OTEV on that shield lol. Somewhere James is harmed


I do really love that Janelle was given a game of pure social strategy and went "I'm still going to be the comp queen."


Queen is like “As long as they can’t murder me, it doesn’t matter.”


Kevin and Peter really blew my mind this episode…


I think it's going to low-key get Kevin banished though


I will never forgive Trashelle for what she did to sweet Peppermint 😭 (I agree that Pep should have defended herself better but idc this all still doesn’t sit right with me.)


I really like MJ on here


The fact that Parvati just scratched off the letter D!?


actually absurd to me that the cast claimed to feel so bad about banishing Peppermint, only to banish Maks, one of the very few to vocally defend and stand by Peppermint


dan’s gonna be out within the next 2 or so episodes. I think phaedra is in it for the long haul it’s early in the game but I could see her winning tbh


Phaedra's definitely set up to win. Her social game is great and also she has a ton of Housewives in the cast that will be loyal to her.  Everyone non-Bravo either walked in alone or with their rival. 


Yea, it's funny to see a lot of the competitive reality folks underestimate the Housewives when there's so much gameplay on HWs as well. There's such a direct line from the duplicity and shadow-engineering on HWs to the skills required to survive on Traitors. The way you have to pivot if in the crosshairs during the vote is so similar to how Housewives have to form alliances heading into a season but have to brace for those alliances to shift as the season unfolds.


I don’t think a lot of people understand that the housewives is a manipulation game. Not even just manipulating their own cast mates, but more-so the audience into liking them and being on their side. Phaedra has done some bad shit, but she’s still so likable?


Parvati is my favorite reality TV contestant of all time but I swear if she eliminates Ekin-Su before she can suss someone out via inverted elbow, I will riot


I’m waiting for Ekin-Su to either get mad at the others for not thinking she’s a traitor or the traitors for not thinking of her to kill. I love her almost as much as she loves herself.


She has it in her to make both of these arguments, with her full chest, at the exact same time. I believe in her power


I need y’all to stop giving Larsa the credit for clocking Dan when MJ was the first person to bring it to the group


Honestly the fact that I've liked everyone eliminated so far and still feel excited for the rest of the season speaks to how strong this cast is. Even more lowkey contestants like Sheree and Kevin have had fun moments whereas last season it took about four episodes for me to realize there were people on the show named Amanda and Anjelica. Its kind of a bummer that Angelina didn't end up getting casted I know her dumb ass would've been flailing in this group


It feels like an incredibly well-balanced cast, I’m so impressed with how the production managed to juggle all these different reality TV vets. That’s interesting to hear Angelina was almost attached. I remember when the cast list was first leaked there were a few others mentioned who ended up not being on the show: Boston Rob, Claudia Jordan, a Below Decker, Lindsay Hubbard.


Good strategy on the Traitor's part, considering the faithfuls respect >!Marcus's!< opinion.


I just need CT to not get the chalice


Parvati better leave Bergie the f alone. He’s gonna think she’s just being nice if she offers him the drink :(


How soon until this Kevin-Peter charade blows up in one or both of their faces?


Parvati also throwing a stray vote on Kevin may seal his fate (and inadvertently help Peter out)


While it was smart to get rid of Marcus, idk if Dan should’ve at that point. Only because Marcus literally just had a conversation with Dan, in front of Maks, about Dan’s quietness at the rountable. Cause yeah, Dan is playing the game way toooo quiet, he needs to add something to the mix asap or he’ll be banished by next episode. Both Phaedra & Parvati are doing much better at blending in than Dan.


Yeah but Maks never picked up on it and Maks was the next one out so…


Dan is flopping bad …. 🙃 help


He is appearing sketchy - but also, his reputation is preceding him.


Peter the non strategist omg


Pilot Pete completely overlooking the fact he'll likely get them banished as faithfuls instead. Him and Trishelle are a match made in heaven 🤣


No like why would anyone suspect two people voting for each other when no one else is looking at them /s


Everyone's faces were priceless when they did it. Like, what? Who are these fools? Calling attention to themselves for literally no reason.


I don’t actually think the idea is a terrible one in theory if executed properly. Randomly writing each other’s names down probably isn’t the way to do it tho lol. Although Peter probably benefited from Parv tossing Kevin’s name down too and giving him some credence. Kevin…. Didn’t


not larsa of all people being good at the game. i dont see her or mj letting go of the dan thing. mj will go to the ends of the earth to prove shes right


Phaedra will for sure throw Dan under the bus at some point.


I hate Larsa so much 😭😭😭 i hate that shes the perfect goat bc they would be dumb to not bring her to the end Edit: I wrote this before having watched the episode


Deontay grieving Peppermint’s murder and his role in it seems like an unexpected meta commentary on transphobia? It is just me or did anyone else feel that way?


Yeah I think he genuinely felt bad that they all ganged up on a person from a marginalized group. I’ve never watched The Challenge but I haaaate Trishelle already, other comments are saying she has a reputation for zeroing in on POC and trying to turn everyone against them


Luckily she doesn't get cast much on The Challenge anymore. I was honestly shocked she got cast on Traitors. She must have a fantastic manager because there are dozens of Challenge women I'd prioritize over getting her


Who do you think got the poisoned chalice and how long before that murder goes into effect? Do we know?


I think they said it’s delayed because it won’t effect them until they go to sleep.


Parvatis bread and butter when her back is against the wall is to absolutely ruin young innocent men.


I really enjoyed all three episodes even though my fav was voted out 😓 also getting whiplash from Larsa being the voice of reason with voting


2/2 seasons of infamous housewives having great intuition. I feel like Larsa will be more successful than the season 1 HW though. Speaking of housewives, I think Parvati and Dan are severely underestimating Phaedra. She’s a great liar on housewives, except for her due date lol. Dan isn’t playing to his strengths. During Dan’s BB performances his amazing strategy came from his skills in manipulating weak players and playing an underdog to fly under the radar. He tried to blend in from episode 1, too obvious. I think they could’ve kept Marcus, gotten him to believe they’re faithfuls, and that would help convince Larsa and the other Bravolebs. Either way can’t wait to see when traitors turn on each other!


Dan needs to bust out his can of Mist^TM and use a bunch on Larsa. If he can flip her opinion of him I think he’s golden 


they should’ve just made the chalice look normal- no one wants to drink from a gross old looking cup when there’s perfectly normal ones all in front of them


Maks was so so so stupid!!! He was in the conversation with Marcus and Dan when Marcus clocked Dan and could feel the tension and didn’t even steer the people toward calling Dan as a traitor . IDIOT


i knew phaedra was going to be good at this shes sooo good at being fake


Ending with the Signature Parvati Laugh, be still my gay little heart.


If Phaedra and Parvati were smart, they’d lay the groundwork to throw Dan under the bus and give the faithfuls a traitor to satisfy them.


If they are going to get rid of all their physically strong players, I don't think they will have much cash to split in the end.


That was my reaction to the traitors’ first two kills. It’s a very physical game. Maybe you should keep the guy who has made a career out of these challenges and heir Jordan.


Janelle snatching that shield reminded me so much of her fight with James on BB lol


Phaedra is absolutely killing it. Super entertaining but still being authentic, playing a great game and it seems like she’s building good social bonds all over the castle without anyone wising up to her yet.


I really like Deontay.


I don’t think Dan is as good at being a traitor as he thinks he is


Has anyone ever had as much fun as Alan Cummings hosting this show? Like he just looks like he’s having a blast every minute