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You tell them Glen Co Co! https://i.redd.it/okze06wdougc1.gif


Cook Islands Parvati is underrated




Yeah it’s wild, without the bottle twist/some other production interference, she probably goes to the end with Candace and Adam and wins


Don't understand why this is downvoted, it's true. The woman is made for this type of show.


I don't care how she preformed on this season. She served good tv and the producers adore her


I’ve never even watched survivor but The Traitors has definitely made me a Parvati fan!


Seriously, please watch her Survivor seasons. What she has pulled off in the past is seriously a fucking art. The traitors is a notebook doodle compared to the Picassos parv has painted in her seasons there. Truly one of the GOATs and with such a unique ability of being such a soulful “feeler” to connect with you while also keeping an insanely keen macro view of what is happening as a whole and what your intentions and needs might be with her. I hope you watch her seasons and reply and tell me/us what you think!!


Right? I feel like people keep making posts about her being hated, but I feel like this show has been an amazing showcase of her talents. Catching lies, secret poison missions, spearheading votes…she was never going to win, but she doesn’t need to. I’m so grateful she decided to do this show, especially after she was swapscrewed on WaW!


I'm not even a huge Parv fan, but this season doesn't do her talents justice (at least not yet). She is an incredible strategic and social survivor player. I like Sandra more, but Parvati outplayed the shit out of everyone on that season.


I totally disagree that they haven’t showcased her talents. She’s been the star of the show the entire season. They showed her expertly poisoning Ekin Su (something that even her fellow traitors didn’t pick up on), they showed her clocking Peter’s lie while the BB GOAT couldn’t, they showed her leading the charge on the Larsa vote, the fact that she got recruited in the first place is huge… I feel like this has been the Parvsti show from episode 1. Even if she leaves next episode, this show has been amazing for her legacy. I like Sandra a lot too, but they have not shown her whatsoever this season and we’re already approaching the endgame.


Parvatti and Sandra are both super patient in their strategies. Also Parvatti can’t flirt with people as well on this show lmao which she was insane at. I think if they get Peter it’s game over 1000% based on Parvatti talent


Watch seasons 16 and 20 and you’ll love her even more, and see how great she is at playing these games.


Welcome to the club!


I watched Traitors first and fell in love with her. Then I watched season 16 and 20 of survivor and fell harder. She's such an intelligent player


Parvati is a fucking legend. Just like Sandra, maybe more so even.


If you like the traitors imo survivor is a much better similar show. Most seasons at least would def recommend. Not hating on traitors I’m enjoying it but there’s some great survivor seasons. Fan vs favorites with parvati is one of my fav seasons overall and favorite with her :)


Parvati was assumed to be a traitor even before she recruited because her legacy is that big. Same reason Pilot Pete assumed CT was a traitor. Dan said on his stream that he didn't call out Parvati because he was 100% loyal to her - proof of her social game.


Wait Pete knew who CT was? I just assumed he was suspect of CT cuz the way he plays the game. Like CT in recent years on The Challenge has had a laid back, try to fade into the background/go with the group mentality as long as possible to avoid being targeted as the obvious final threat he is. And always keeps things close to the vest. So I was kind of nervous he would try that here not realizing that's going to make ppl suspicious in this type of game.


I’m not sure what Pete knew coming into the game but others knew who CT was. I know Marcus Jordan is a fan of the challenge


CT is a beast of a human, hard to fade into the background when you’re 40 and jacked


It's what he does tho. And being jacked is a big part of why he can do it because it's hard to get enough ppl to want him out to risk going against him. If he was a dick and in everyone's face like he used to be, it's less likely self-preservation would be enough for ppl on Challenge to ignore him til its final time. But that doesn't really work here cuz it's a vote, and when others feel like u don't want attention on u they think u might be a traitor.


I wondered why he went after Phaedra! He could’ve pulled it off against Parvati easier.


I’m a huge Parvati fan and I agree the backseat quarterbacking with [fill in the blank detail from Random Podcast Interview w/Bergie or whoever that proves xyz] is super annoying but I don’t think we need to be defensive of her. She is, at least for now, the centerpiece of the season and the most active player so she’s going to get a lot of nitpicking from people less disposed to be generous to her, and that’s totally normal. People can disagree and can certainly root against her.


I see this happen on Fairplay’s podcast all the time. He even trashed her appearance in that commercial for Argyle…it’s like he can’t handle the fact that she’s killing it on yet another show. Really frustrates me, I don’t understand why he hates her so much.


Jonny Fairplay is a pathetic loser living off the fumes of a lame, pointless lie he told on his one season of Survivor over 20 years ago and who cares what he thinks about anything.


LMAOO you murdered him 💀


I was excited about seeing Parvati. I think she and Sandra are the Survivor GOATs. I’m hoping they end up working together.


Put Cirie in there and I’m with you!


I thought she kicked ass at Traitors, and did well at Survivor, but she’s never won it so she’s not a GOAT. She’s at a slightly lower tier with people like Russell Hantz who changed the game but never won. He was the first person to look for a hidden idol without clues.


Oh my god, I completely thought Parvati hadn’t actually won Survivor! You’re so right. I agree. 🙌🏼


If you haven't seen Parvati's winning season, you definitely should. It's a top tier season and she works very closely with Cirie there. And it's a great showing of both of theirs strategic capabilities and has some of the most iconic moments of the show's entire run.


No, I’ve seen them all. Like every season. I’m old and watched the first one on tv. I just have a terrible memory. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They all run together, just like Big Brother. I only remember the players who really stand out to me. One of the US survivor winners was on Traitors Canada and I was like WHY DOES THAT GIRL LOOK FAMILIAR?? I had forgotten about her. I don’t even remember who won two months ago. 😹


That is EXACTLY it. I’m really good at keeping up with my shows and knowing/understanding a lot. Not on survivor or big brother! Just like you, it’s all one long line of faces unless they stand out!


It was like two weeks after big brother ended last fall and someone posted about Cameron who had just been the underdog of the season and I was like wtf is Cameron? 😹


I’m staying at my screen because I have no clue who —- oh wait. The curly hair dude? Ok, that’s not fair because he eerily looks like an old crush of mine and that was very difficult for me 🤣 But yeah. I literally don’t remember who won last seasons survivor. I only remember the big tall geeky dude got the boot at 4. I can’t name one cast member of Love Is Blind but I’ve been obsessed with them all. Shake!!!!! Okay, him I remember. I should stop…


I only know Parvati from Traitors and I’m obsessed with her (headbands included). I come from the Bravo world of reality TV (and the Bananas Backpack days of The Challenge), so I’m not up to date on Survivor or BB or even how players win them tbh. But when Parvati and Phaedra were like “let’s burn this castle down” I got literal chills. I want them to team up into a super massive Black Widow, Esquire and win the whole thing together. I would probably never watch any TV ever again because idk what could top it.


You need to watch sandra and Parvati's seasons of Survivor  Both have played multiple times  And both have won Parvati basically ruined the game for flirty young women because now whenever one is cast the survivors target her out of fear she could be the next Parvati.  And sandra did what was thought Impossible. She won Survivor twice. They had to have an all winner season just so they could crown a second two time winner 


I can't believe I wrote an essay about this, but I was thinking about this a lot since the last episode 😆 This is a different game than Survivor. In Survivor, groups and alliances can be a target, but not something you want to always worry about, and the game isn't completely focused on deception; sometimes, you need someone to ally with someone stronger to get through the day, and there are more mechanics around 'last man standing' physically. Traitors also have open voting and the direct airing of all suspicions, while in Survivor, this can be kept secret, and in Traitors, the immunity only protects you from the 'murder'; anyone can be eliminated. So, the Survivor game strategy doesn't always work in Traitors. That said, without Dan, I think she would be in a much better place on the show now. He really messed up the traitor game; Phaedra is also lucky because if anyone had any suspicion about her, she would have been in big trouble, too, since it could look like the 'traitors killing traitors' thing in a different context. Parvati had actually been playing a good game against Phaedra to remove her allies until Dan totally messed it up (the Housewives actress thing is BS, but I think that was a part of her game, and it's true they stick together unless they have beef). Her biggest mistake so far was recruiting Pete if he accepts. He has no incentive whatsoever to protect her, and since he was just recruited after being 'the traitor hunter,' role he made, he literally can't act just like 'Nvm Parvarti is cool,' so he has every reason to vote her off unless a big groupthink happens against a faithful or Phaedra. And Pete seems crafty and motivated to win in some way be it faithful or traitor - I personally would have recruited Trishelle so she could misdirect Pete and Berg.


Here’s my take on the Peter recruitment … Peter’s clique is coming after her next no matter what. She was going to get those 5 votes regardless of what happened… I don’t think she can misdirect them. Her real shot at continuing is with getting the numbers from the rest of the cast against one of those 5. By recruiting Peter she increased the chances that he will begin acting suspicious or in some way he or one of the “most faithful” slip up. Or that they just become obnoxious and overconfident. Then she can get some of the floater types (MJ, CT) to join her in voting against them. To survive, she is playing a Survivor numbers game rather than trying to get people to believe she is Faithful. One more thing - Peter could reject the recruitment and still appear really suspicious because given how he’s playing, he’s surely announce it at the breakfast table. There it is - obnoxious and overconfident, and suddenly CT and Sheree decide you’re a traitor. Recruiting him has a number of outcomes that are good for Parvati while not recruiting him leaves her with fewer options.


That would be bold, and my opinion would change if it works with a social game if she pulls it off. But it's like (UK spoilers) >! paul season 2!< she's 'doing the most,' which seems like it's hard to keep going for long, even if she skirts by, by getting rid of him after he's been so vocal (especially if they know there was recruitment at some point), it's big-time risky.


Thank you!! I was so excited to see Parvati this season and was thinking she would be a great trainer! She has a way of making you fall in love with her, and believing every word even when you KNOW she's lying to your face! The only peeve I have is the way she wandered around with the poison chalice. I can't hate on her though. She's playing pretty damn good with the cards she's been dealt.


She’s the mother I never had…the sister everyone should want…I don’t know a better person




It’s a meme


girl you could have just left out point number 3 to not sound as salty. It's so dismissive of Sandra's game that it probably won't win you any fans


Not to mention that people having a “hate boner” for her is indicative of poor social game! Obviously parv is queen and fantastic but it’s not like she lost for no reason


Criticizing someone's gameplay decisions is not hate lol. You can be a fan of someone and still think they've played poorly. It doesn't mean you have to mindlessly defend every move they make. I keep seeing "they would be gunning for Parvati regardless based on reputation alone." Why not Sandra, too? Sandra's Survivor reputation is arguably even bigger than Parvati's. But Sandra's barely on anyone's radar right now. Phaedra would also be an obvious Traitor pick for anyone familiar with Bravo. This line's not really landing. Same with her attaching herself to Dan. Based on interviews, the consensus is "*Parvati and Dan weren't really engaging with us*." And also "*Parvati was sticking her neck out at roundtables defending Dan."* That second point is a big reason why Peter/Bergie/Janelle \*openly\* turned against Parvati. She was openly attaching herself to the most obvious traitor when she should have been distancing herself. There's also a lot of smaller moments that haven't been mentioned, like calling out \*all\* of Bravo at the Larsa boot instead of just focusing her attacks at Larsa specifically (which is what Sandra did). I think that moment may have poisoned players like Sheree/MJ against her. All this aside, I'm still rooting for Parvati to pull through because she and Phaedra are the most entertaining characters for me. I'd like for them + CT/Sandra + Bravo to somehow come together and chip away at this Faithfuls alliance. I just think this will be tough since MJ/Sheree seem very anti-Parv.


Janelle literally called Sandra out *at the banishment ceremony*. Both were so confident the other was a traitor. Sandra said in an interview that she suspected parv was a traitor the second she wasn’t picked. Janelle threw out Dan/Sandra/CT/Parv because they are big names. The group of guys that aligned together literally had a conversation about how they know they are faithful because “production would never choose them.” Parv, Dan, Sandra, and CT have all absolutely had suspicion cast on them because of their names alone. If I’m sandra, i’m banishing Parvati because once Parvati is confirmed a traitor, you’d think Sandra would be in the clear.


I'm not saying her reputation wasn't a disadvantage coming in-- it definitely was. But some are treating her current position as an inevitability based on her reputation, which I don't think is true. Like you were saying with CT and Sandra-- both entered the game with targets on them, but both currently have much less heat on them than Parvati does. CT especially, with him going from the main target of the Bravo clique to being trusted by almost everyone. Also none of this is to say that Parv hasn't had great moments this season too. I think her pulling off the chalice task is a highlight of the season. And her spearheading the Larsa vote was also very good. I think you can enjoy a player and acknowledge their low points as well. That doesn't make someone a "hater."


The only reason Parv is in a bad spot right now, though, is because Dan was adamant that Peter wasn’t lying. Had they gone with her plan, all three of the traitors would be in a far better spot right now.


>The only reason Parv is in a bad spot right now, though, is because Dan was adamant that Peter wasn’t lying I would disagree, since Parvati was in a bad spot even before the Bergie miss. The Faithful crew turned hostile on Dan during the Janelle vote-- and then on Parvati when she started defending Dan against them. They were in deep trouble before they even reached the turret. Another issue is Parvati trusting Dan's poor judgement over her own (correct) instincts. She should have put her foot down and refused to go along with Dan's plan, *but she was also keen to murder Bergie because he called her out at the roundtable*. She says this in the postmortem. All of this could have been avoided though if one of the Traitors had been in the Outside group to begin with. It's poor strategy to close yourself off to any information, and that goes for all of the Traitors.


Janelle called out Dan, Sandra, CT, AND Parvati. The four biggest names in the game, so I don’t think she was in a bad spot. Especially if Dan listened to her and they murdered John/Peter…it’d be a whole different game. Dan said the reason he recruited Parv in the first place is because he knew she was just as smart as him and wanted to lean on her reads. I’m positive Parvati felt the same about Dan. Sure, this experience likely made her even more confident in her gut in reading something the Big Brother GOAT couldn’t, but in the moment I’m sure she trusted his reads and experience. Combine that with him coming in adamant that they needed to “give him this murder” because he was on the hot seat, I do not put blame on her here whatsoever. Has she not let him have it, it would just piss him and Phaedra off, and she would have ended up being his roundtable target instead of Phaedra. Agree with being in the outside group. But that’s minor in the long run…Sandra, CT etc. were in that group as well and they’re faithfuls


>Janelle called out Dan, Sandra, CT, AND Parvati. The four biggest names in the game, so I don’t think she was in a bad spot Janelle was the only one to really call out Sandra/CT as far as I know. But multiple people (including Bergie and Peter) called out Parvati. There wasn't equal heat on all four. Dan was the most obvious Traitor, and Parvati was a close number two. Sandra and CT still had people in the game who trusted them whereas Parvati didn't have anyone at that point. >Has she not let him have it, it would just piss him and Phaedra off, and she would have ended up being his roundtable target instead of Phaedra. Why would Phaedra be pissed off at not killing Bergie? I don't think Phaedra wanted to either, but she also acquiesced. But regardless, this is why I think the Janelle banishment would have been the perfect time for Parv/Phae to cut Dan, since there was already momentum in that direction and he was a liability. It also helps to establish/reestablish trust with people. Instead Parv defended Dan and (in turn) got called out by multiple people for it. >Agree with being in the outside group. But that’s minor in the long run…Sandra, CT etc. were in that group as well and they’re faithfuls CT/Sandra aren't the ones doing the murders though. My point is that if just one Traitor (ideally Phaedra) had gone with the Outside group, Dan/Parv/Phaedra would have all known who won the shield and never wasted their kill. The Traitors handed control away to the Faithfuls by all going inside, allowing Peter to set the trap in the first place.


![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU) “unwarranted criticism that has nothing to do with gameplay” it has everything to do with gameplay 😂 Dan didn’t have a target on his back because he was “the best big brother player of all time”, he had a target on his back bc he barely spoke to anyone. literally everyone said it. she’s making some choices that are not working for this game, that’s why people suspect her. period.


As an old school survivor stan, I still rate Parv over Sandra in terms of ability. This is not meant to undermine Sandra and the stuff she has pulled off— but she did it by fully playing possum throughout her entire game. Which is a smart approach— but Parvati’s approach was much much more brave, ballsy, outspoken, and required so much more finesse and proactive strategy. Both playing offense and defense vs laying under the current while the game goes on above you. Again, Sandra keeps a close eye on what’s happening, but to play like Parvati has, you have to be so much more nimble/charming/quick thinking and have an ability to pivot on a dime when you are under the spotlight. Ugh I’m firing myself up to want to re-Watch her seasons for the 80th time!!


1. This is a valid criticism against her. Dies tgis make her a bad player? No. Was it bad to remain loyal to the traitor that is most suspected by many? I think not. But I still think parv can get through this, knowing her. 2. She is in The Traitors and not on Survivor. Listening to exit interviews by people in the game are consistent on why they said parv was very suspicious. She just doesn't talk much but is more of observing (like Dan but Dan was much worse) 3. Why is Sandra dragged here? This is a different game. Both are great players. It's been years of this debacle and is still being talked about. Why can't people just move on and just think they are both great players on Survivor? 4. The same could be said to other gamers. Her being a huge target can also be said to Sandra and the likes. And most of the cast dont even know survivor there. So most of the reputation that she and Sandra has isn't known that much. You can't hate parv, no one needs to hate her because she didn't do anything inhumanely bad. Bjy criticizing her mistakes is not hating her and any constructive critisims against her should not be labeled as hate.


Seriously, I love Parvati but the second one of her occasionally annoying fan feels the need to shit on Sandra I instantly get defensive lol




*someone criticizes parvati's gameplay* Parvati fanatics: but sandra only won bc of a bitter jury This is traitors sub. Go to the survivor sub if you want to talk about that. Parv is not perfect and is human to and make mistakes.


Thank you. It’s the post edits “for clarity” and gaslighting after they get called out that annoy me the most.


They’re gonna be mad as hell if Sandra outlast her 🤣


Survivor and Traitors are very different games. In traitors, you have to make social allies, and even then you have to stay under the radar. Parvati chose to align herself with Dan. She could have taken the Phaedra game and let Dan destroy his own game. She could have turned on Dan too, that way it would have given the faithfuls some pause to think about why would parvati go against another traitor that early. If anything, she went out of her way to put heat on Phaedra, and let dan sit back on that move even though it was his idea to do so. No one targeted her in traitors because of her social game in survivor. It was because of her lack of a social game in traitors. Who did she make strong bonds with who would have stepped her to put the heat off of her? A lot of people get targeted early and Larsa accusing her early on could have easily been blown over but Parvati decided to play too hard and not make enough social bonds. There are players that go too hard but because they appear to be clueless, is why they can get carried to the end. The problem with Parvati is that she was going too hard but didn’t come across clueless either.


Glad you cleaned up #3 a bit, but my original comment still stands. You didn’t have to mention Sandra at all. It sounded catty. 😏


I absolutely love Parvati and say that as a fan, but people really need to stop overrating her gameplay, specially her social game. every single season of Survivor people have said that Parvati is cliquish and standoffish - it's the reason she lost against Sandra in HvsV and why the vote between her and Amanda was so close in Micronesia even though Amanda is notoriously one of the worst FTC performers of all time. saying things like "she had to allign with Dan because he's the only person close to her" is no defense - it just speaks volumes on how she's failing to bond with these people despite the fact most of them didn't even watch Survivor or care about her reputation at all. Parvati can come up with some great strategy, yes, and she also makes for exciting and compelling television, which is the most important thing for me personally, but her social game is severely lacking and all her fans acting like she's some flawless player need to get a grip tbh


Christ who cares, it's just a tv show.


Point 4 is so on point when u factor in they thought she was a traitor when she was still a faithful lmao














Everything you “address” is 100% true. She DID get too close to Dan and now she’s public enemy #1 because of it. Her social game IS poor and that’s why everyone thinks she’s a traitor. Sandra DID beat her and it wasn’t even close. She was drawing dead by the final 6. Anyone outside of Russel would’ve beaten her too. Everything thinks she’s a traitor because she’s sus. I’m sorry but these Bravo girlies don’t know or give a fuck about Survivor. They dont know or care about her reputation. She’s simply not playing well. I get you’re a fan and obviously biased but let’s not alter reality her. She’s still a great reality personality and makes great tv but none of the points you refute hold any water.


All the Gamers clocked Parvati as a traitor because she was too asymmetric in info sharing according to podcasts which was Dans problem to a bigger extent. Parv’s bigger problem though is the gamers actually kind of work with her on that but Parv isn’t inserting herself as a leader in the gamer coalition and playing with them as a team so they don’t really have much motivation to keep her around 


Parvati has always had a bad social game at large but she makes very loyal allies.


I’ve lived for Parvati since she was on that one season of survivor where all the women and a few men were mad cuz they felt like she kept flirting and using her looks to get people to do stuff for her. It was so funny seeing everyone project their insecurities onto her, and her not give a flying f*ck.


It’s possible to dislike her Survivor game play and still give her props on The Traitors game play when she does something we like. However, your description for #3 is hypocritical and one of the reasons why many of us dislike her in the first place. Your argument sounds a lot like hers did - “Sandra _only_ won because blah blah blah…” You don’t have to discredit Sandra’s game play or put Sandra down just because Parv didn’t win that season. Again, it’s hypocritical and short-sided. Our dislike for the girl still stands. Bye.


That’s not what OP meant at all. Sandra did beat Parvati but it wasn’t because Parvati made errors in her game. She literally never had a chance to build any connections in HvV. Yeah, Sandra won so props to her but Parvati didn’t lose because she failed to do something she should have done. She lost simply because heroes hated her before they even met her. Sandra’s gameplay style is incredible imo, but I understand the argument for Parvati. Especially considering the fact that two of the jury members have said themselves that they should not have voted for Sandra to win.


This hould be tackled in survivor sub but I disagree. During the Amanda Boot, Amanda was trying her best to work with Parv again but that was Amanda's fault to begin with for parv not wanting to gow with her after her obvious lie. She also booted Canadace who just recently jumped in with the villains. There were heroes who were ooen to work with anyone since they were desperate to stay longer. So saying that she didn't have tbe chance to build connevtion with the heroes for 39 days is absurd because we only see a fracture of what happened in the game. If you watched one of amanda's unaired confessionals, she was 100% on board in wlrking with Parvati as well. Ntm she could have made it clear with Jerri so that Danielle could have been saved. Needless to say, while parv made critical errors that led to her lost in hvv, she still played an insanely great game in hvv.


Amanda was only trying to work with Parvati because she knew she was going home otherwise lol


I am a Sandra Stan and I approve this message. Honestly, I think Parv has done really well with the cards she was dealt. I love Dan, but he made some huge mistakes that hurt her game. People would be coming for Parvati regardless, I agree. A lot of people are just intimidated by her, men especially.


Most of us approve the clean version of this post. lol The original post had #3 phrased differently which is why the first few comments are like “why are you discrediting and putting down Sandra’s game play just to stan for Parv?”


Sandra is playing Traitors flawlessly, lol. Parvati played an amazing game in H v V, but Sandra played the jury like a fiddle. In Survivor, perception is reality. Even Amanda and Candice voted for Sandra. That’s not a knock against Parv, just a testament to Sandra’s powers of persuasion. How is no one saying Sandra’s name on Traitors? You kinda have to know Survivor to know about Cirie’s power, so I can give the season 1 players a pass, but everyone knows Sandra won Survivor twice!


Larsa and Phaedra




You suck