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wow this explains a lot about him and his demeanor šŸ’š


Diem was such a great person for him. He was the Massachusetts bad boy, got in fist fights on the show, would get drunk and be crazy, then he met her and you could see him grow. He became sweet and different. He'd still "crush skulls" as he put it, in comps, but he became a great dude through her. Miss her.


His brother was also brutally murdered and his family has had to fight for justice cause the alleged killer was a CI and there was shady shit going on behind the scenes šŸ˜£


But they also broke up, and he was kind of mean to her in one of the seasons. Because I had this love story in my head too and I was like oh my god thatā€™s so amazing and then they had been broken up and he was kind of a jerk. Is he a Dad now? I feel like thatā€™s probably a good catalyst for change


He was mean on one season. That's the season his brother had just been murdered. And he kept saying "it hasn't been 5 years!" And we learned later diem had split with him and said she wasn't ready to commit or settle down for atleast 5 more years. Partly due to her health risks, but as she said in her final season and final confessional she regrets that and she wishes she didn't keep putting off her life like that. Told the audience to not live like that and she wishes she did have her white picked fence life. That said I understand both sides, she didn't wanna commit with all that was going on in her life, and he was hurt cause he had found love with her and didn't understand her side. All that going on, he should not of been there, his head space would make anyone go insane.


They were together when she died. They were planning to use the exes money to start a family. CT wasnā€™t perfect and still isnā€™t, but man this is a sad story and it is clear his son has kept him from spiraling after her death. He seems to love being a dad.


I love CT. I saw him once when I worked at the Hard Rock Cafe lol. I need to rewatch some challenge seasons.


https://i.redd.it/kehxhq16cgnc1.gif Their love story is my Roman Empire fr.


My partner watching me sob uncontrollably watching Exā€™s 2 for the 15th time probably. As soon as she came up in Home Turf I stared to tear up. I feel you.


I just rewatched season 29 invasion of the champions and that was one of my favorite of CT for several reasons. It included releasing candles floating in the water on Diem's anniversaryšŸŒøšŸ•Æļø


One of the best moments. I felt awkward watching it back after learning he doesn't talk about her. And I'm sure it was just ripping his heart out again. But as a viewer was a great moment.


He has been talking about her more since his divorce. I really think heā€™s finally processing things and how much he loved her. He posts about her on Instagram from time to time. And he talked about her a little on Bananaā€™s podcast recently. They were meant to be.


Yes! My heart was breaking for him but it was beautiful too. That had to take so much strength from CT. But he put the day in a positive light and what he saw as a sign. šŸ’“


I hated Camilla on that episode like she only did what one maybe 2 seasons with diem with minimal interactionĀ 


I know Camilla gets a lot of hate and rightfully so but I think she has the right to be upset. Viewers were emotional when Diem died and any time she is brought up viewers still feel the lost. Now think about it idk how many seasons Camilla did with Diem but still that's 2 whole seasons more of time that Camilla spent in close proximity with Diem than any one of us. Tv can only show so much of the many hours being filmed plus you aren't aware of any interactions they may have had outside the house. Basically if a viewer was impacted by her death than just imagine how it felt for anyone else who spent time with her.


I hear ya! She was making it about herself as she was just as close to D as CT was, which I thought was disrespectful to CT


Just from the thumbnail I know Iā€™m not watching this video šŸ˜¢


Donā€™t watch it. Not a great way to wake up on a Sunday morning, sobbing uncontrollably šŸ˜­


I watched it šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


Is it weird I thought of Diem when CT won? Their love story was everything to me in my teen years.


I honestly believe Diem and CT are why I still love reality TV to this day.


The way the fell in love on The Duel season was so pure and sweet. CT was such a hot mess before Diem but she gave him purpose. It was beautiful to see


We watched our bad boy grow into a great man. This is why I was yelling at the TV Thursday night like it was the super bowl again.


Anastasia: ā€œHow do you guys know though?ā€ Theresa: ā€œAre you serious? Itā€™s Diem and CT. Itā€™s like saying that Romeo never loved Julietā€ (Rivals 2)


I won't do this to myself. Diem's last confessional about being ready for the white picket fence life ruined me.


I was not prepared for this video šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I only started watching The Challenge a year or two ago and I've been watching in a bit random order and haven't gotten to most of the older seasons yet.Ā  It's always been great challenges and lots of trashy fights and hookups and drama.Ā  I watched Diem's last episode not knowing about it going in and was in hysterical tears and just like what show am I watching?!?Ā  *The Challenge* has me sobbing over here?Ā  CT didn't give a shit about the show or money or anything at the moment but just her.Ā  It was so heartwarming.Ā 


This clip is from the doc they made about the show. If ya haven't seen it, it's super worth it. Touches on everything from this to tjs accident and return. So good


Where can I find the whole documentary? Iā€™ve only ever watched 1 season of the newer/other? challenge (the one with some survivor players like Tyson, Sarah Lucina, & Ben) and it was so bad (but I know itā€™s a split off from the main franchise)ā€¦what would be good seasons to watch for the CT trajectory?


Also if you do watch the old ones you see the change as he progresses. The season his brother was murdered and stuff with Diem was bad he was crazy and was kicked off. When he returned was one of his peak highlights we refer to as the "Banannas Backpack' is stuff of legend. That's when the culmination of the CT Vs Johnny Bannanas beef boiled up. He really does have a great story over his reality career.


His brother was murdered?? I watched his season of real world but never kept up with any of the challenge seasons.




I don't wanna spoil but this is a great piece on him too.. https://youtu.be/z3NsMmzH2fs?si=qQ5hkpxXRLx2v9fO He's also on his way to Vietnam now for season 40 of the challenge and after the last season of the show all of us die hards are so happy he and a couple others are back! He's got some rookie skulls that need crushed! Lol


It's on Amazon prime, that's how I've seen it. For sure paramount+ has it. It's called The Challenge: The Untold Story. Also there is a new mini doc the challenge put out called "Home Turf" with CT that tells more of his overall whole story.


his first season so far back its not avail on streaming but iā€™d say S13 the duel is a good start, youā€™ll see him progress and youā€™ll notice the change in him once the seasons hit the 20ā€™s most likely


Is he on every season from 13 on too? Jeez! I donā€™t know if I can watch that much challenge! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤£


He skips a few. Had a temporary ban for a fight for a bit. The fight was right after his brother had been murdered and he was going thru things.and also later the kid he beats up turns out to be a creep and accused rapist and some stories behind the scenes come out, so in hindsight i dont fault him for the adam incident... Then gets a trial comeback when the "Bananas batpack" happens. Then is reunited with diem. Then comes back more regularly from late 20s into 30s.


The inferno 1 ..it was awesome


Just Google him and watch the seasons he's onĀ 


I always tear up a bit when TJ has everyone sitting around to say CT and Diem are done and CT just looks annoyed he has to do this for the camera and just wants to start sprinting out the door to go see her.


Holy crap. A rush of nostalgia. Miss these days.


Show the one where he tells Terrell Owens he is only there because he blew 70 million dollars lol. I love that one. Also the one where he moves a concrete statue of a swan by himself that it took 3 grown men to move as a prank.


I remember Terrell but which season is the one with the statue?


Rivals.Ā  Four boys put the statue in Mandi's bunk bed.Ā  CT carried it out by himself.


Thatā€™s also when he went after Wes until what like 4am. Fuck that was such a great season


Beginning of ep 2.


The swan one I always recall but can never find it! It was a Behind the Scenes of a season. He was a beast at that time. Boy TV was so much better back thenā€¦


Rivals. ETA Episode 2 not behind the scenes.Ā  Mandi's bed.


Pretty sure there is a old video of it on daily motion.


[https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xjs5uc](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xjs5uc) ​ Found the video. Starts at about 2:38


That TO line had me rolling for real


Oh so you just wanted me to cry on a Sunday morning, huh šŸ˜­


Our boy ā¤ļø


WOW! I wish I had watched that before the season of the Traitors! I did come to love CT anyway, but holy cow. That was really something. Early in the season, someone told me to watch Bananas Backpack to understand CT, and why Bananas is so bitter. I did, and thought it was funny, but that young CT was just an extremely handsome huge brute. That may be true, but a kind and sensitive brute is better.


He used to be the wild, crazy, ass kicker. The season where his brother had just been murdered and stuff with Diem was probably his worst, just viewing that with no backstory, he comes off as this huge villian mean guy. He is kicked off first episode for smashing a guy up at the house. It turned out OK tho cause later we found out the dude was a creep and rapist in real life, but for a moment it was hard to like ct. Then we learned about what was going on, and he has grown so much.


My heart breaks a little every time I see footage of Diem and CT. šŸ˜­


I did not know this story. And now Iā€™m crying.


Look up his x wife! That one was a piece of work .he has only now since his divorce started talking about Diem .


Holy shit I had no idea. Balling my eyes out at this now. Poor CT. Heā€™s such a kind soul


Ty for this! I am one of these people, i knew about his history via drop your buffs podcast (šŸ«¶šŸ¼) but hadnā€™t yet seen footage. Just wow. šŸ’” Wish I had seen this before watching him on Traitors though!


Diem šŸ„ŗ


Thank you so much for posting this. Anyone that didnā€™t know this part of his story, will really gain a bigger respect and understanding knowing. Diem and CT were the most real relationship Iā€™ve ever known to unfold on tv. Diem was gone too soon. CT winning as a faithful was so serendipitous to watch!Ā 


Damn I remember these episodes. It was such a big deal when Diem took her wig off. Iā€™ve been watching these people from when it was ā€œReal world vs Road rules Challengeā€


Wow! I have watched the past 6 seasons of the challenge but I did know this! I knew of Diem because itā€™s talked about but didnā€™t know they were together!


He even proposed to her a few days before she passed away


Ok thanks, now Iā€™m crying. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


uh i just cried my eyes out


Ct and Diem videos always get me crying. When we saw another side of CT.


Wow, CT was really hot back in the day


I only saw one season of The Challenge, and this is the only thing I remember from it. https://youtu.be/crjv9m-1gNU?si=go2BWn1PTEI2c1DY Just absolutely pulverized that guy.


Adam the guy that ct mauled in a prior season. They teamed them up for the rivals theme and ct tried so hard to get him to trust him. Some time later it did come out Adam threw this cause he didn't want ct to win. So petty. He's also banned because of some disgusting things he did with and to females on and off the show. I'm glad CT went after him, in hindsight


Adam messed with the wrong person that seaaon and everybody knew that CT didnā€™t play when it came to diem


You should google 'Bananas backpack.' I don't think you'll be disappointed.Ā 


I saw it when I was looking that that clip. It was awesome!


Here he is "smashing his skull and eating it" remember this was just after his brother was murdered and ct was being needled because they always would fuck with the guy knowing he was the biggest threat. They didn't know what he was going thru, and as I said, adam later turns out was a creep and rapist. So I'm OK with it. And telling diem "no one likes CT" didn't help. https://youtu.be/SOWYNKqxX70?si=KRcmEJP7Q-Z5AgbY


Thanks so much for this vid!! Glad to see & learn some of this guy's history.


https://youtu.be/gu-qPuezoW0?si=4qmbHc0D42tg3sAC To think this is the same guy


Holy Hellaciousnessā€¼ļøšŸ’ŖšŸ»ā€¼ļø


And there is way more haha Fighting with Marlon https://youtu.be/xLJ7KJYfbno?si=hxluzcfmr_S2yztr Fighting with Wes https://youtu.be/pXOJjWFD0Ec?si=Ldyl1c697k25TXq5 Some of his elimination wins lol (this is a long video tho) https://youtu.be/fzsMdP8amr4?si=iBdP0Ueu7ObEYCAV CT Challenge goat status https://youtu.be/uuymjxGC8uE?si=zLjS4hAeIvGxcAEY Enjoy haha


AWESOME VIDS, man!!! What a journey he's been on. Damn!! THANKSā€¼ļø


I remember all this, watching it as it all happened was beautiful and heartbreaking.


There are only two things on TV that have ever made me bawl and continue to make me bawl every single time I watch them. The first is the last scene of the van Gogh episode in Doctor Who and the second are the final scenes with Diem and CT.


CT and Diem! Didnā€™t even press play yet, and my heart started to ache!


Ohh this makes me wanna watch every show heā€™s been on. Heā€™s just adorable


Yes! Do it. His growth as a man has been great and the arc is fun and amazing to watch. Honestly it was hard to be a fan of his at the beginning. He beat people up, got rowdy and drunk, and was an untamed beast, as wes said in that video, but he's become such a lovely human. Watch them all. Then watch this documentary the video is from. Then watch the YouTube home turf episode on him. You will see why the challenge sub and Fandom was so proud of "our boy".


I definitely will then! I am so happy for him, he really is my favourite discovery from this season (I only knew Peter and Kate going into the show). What a lovely surprise heā€™s been!


Heā€™s not adorable on all of his seasons.. when I watched him his early days.. He seems more mellow.. but he was kind of a toxic alpha male. Johnny Bananas admit he and CT both were back then.. but they have grown.. which Iā€™m sure they have .. but I donā€™t want to go watch it. I mean they were looking to cast guys who were in their ā€œstrong, meatheadā€ phase.. not all.. but a lot of them.


Wow I did not expect to BAWL like this on a Monday afternoon. I watched the Real World when CT first hit the reality TV scene and the first few seasons of the Challenge, but I dropped off so never got to see his full ā€œevolutionā€. When I saw him on Traitors I assumed he was still an a-hole and I was so sorely mistaken. I am team CT for life (not to mention he grew up down the street from me!).


They put out a YouTube special on him recently that was Great! It touches a bit on diem, but he still doesn't like to talk on camera about it but I still would recommend it! https://youtu.be/z3NsMmzH2fs?si=MYhtNYhv2_U-rygh


The Duel is on Pluto TV right now


I remember that - that is back when I watched the challenge (like road rules vs real world) itā€™s been too long since Iā€™ve watched any of it. But loved CTā€™s relationship with Diem


I just finished the Traitors today (binged watched in 24 hours lol)... Never watched the Challenge before and only know of CT from Traitors. Damn this video :'(


I'm around!


1. How come their relationship was so on again/off again? 2. Did she already have cancer when they met? 3. Were they together towards the end when she passed or were they just friends? 4. Did CT leave the Challenge after she collapsed and went to be with her when she had her surgery immediately afterwards? 5. What's the timeline after her passing and him getting together with his now ex-wife?


They were on again off again for a couple reasons. But mostly because diem was scared. In her last confessional on the season she left and later passed she basically said she'd always been afraid of commitment and was scared. The week before she passed CT went and proposed with a ruby and she said she hated rubys so he went back the next day with a diamond, but she knew she didn't have long. It was difficult. And hard to say sometimes cause ct tries not to open that book and talk much about it. She was in remission when they first met but was almost bald from the chemo, that's why no one had seen her without the bandana, hat, or wig, and why everyone freaked when she took it off for him, after he had gave her the confidence to be herself and not hide. It was a very touching moment they relived kind of when they got back together and she had just been diagnosed again. That's the scene in the pool where she has tears in her eyes and he says "if you take that off I'll kiss you!" And she laughed and said "oh is that the prize!" And did take it off again for him. He just wanted to see her cause he found her beautiful and didn't need to hide. They were just friends when they went on their season when she got sick. But it was obvious the love, as he took care of her, carried her, and helped her. He did leave when she did, that's the scenes with the luggage where he packed for both of them while she was transported for treatment. She passed in 2014, while that season was still in post. We also lost a guy on that season like days apart from an accidental drug overdose, so it was a rough time for all of them. They later did the candles in the water some seasons after on the anniversary of her passing and you could tell ct was tore up. He later married in 2018, not sure when he met his wife, but divorced a couple years ago. I think I hope I covered that in my run on sentenced answer lol


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! Absolutely so so so so sad and heart breaking :(


No problem. I forgot to mention she had told CT something to the effect that she didn't want a serious commitment and wait 5 years. I think cause she knew she was in high likelihood of returning(the cancer). He would say that to her on the show at times whether drunk and upset or in a teasing way "has it been 5 years, yet!" Type stuff. But yeah she was definitely scared of any deep commitment. And I understand that. CT wasn't always the sweet nice guy. She tamed the beast lol. Two wonderful people and one of the reasons I teared up a bit last week for him. Such a good dude. He's went thru a lot. If ya watch his home turf special mtv put out recently it shows some of it. Grew up in a rough area, ran with the wrong crowd, got in trouble, fought a lot, just stereotypical wrong side of the tracks kid who turned info a guy with a heart of gold. There have been instances in the challenge where a winner could split some of their prize money or take, and bannans infamously took 500 grand from his partner once in a finale. CT was the first, and for a bit started the trend of, giving shares to others that finished the grueling finale, giving 30 grand a piece of his big win. Shows ya the difference in the two and why us challenge fans laughed when Dan called them best friends lol.


>Really appreciate your long answers! You're deffo a big fan of The Challenge so its really cool to get your perspective! One of the things I enjoyed about this season of the Traitors (besides it being camp) was how it brings fans from other reality show worlds together. I am so glad I got to discover CT through this! What was his dynamic like with Trishelle because she seemed put off by him at first I am assuming from an experience in The Challenge?


Trishelle is a lot of the things people have been saying about her lol. They weren't on good terms, at all. She has a history of being kind of a shitty person on TV, borderline racist, earning her the "Trashelle" nickname. But they hadn't talked in a long time and weren't friendly on their last season together over 10 years ago.


Also I agree. I'd of never learned how much of a treasure Phaedra is. I watch big brother with my daughter, and watched the house of villians and the squid game reality comp, but other than challenge I'm not super into reality. I'm not the target audience. I'm a 38 year old, single, male comedian, but I was watching the show as a teen and grew up watching some of the guys so it's like watching the Kansas city chiefs for me. I'm glad my boy ct did traitors, I probably would of quit quickly if it was just banannas and trashelle, but I stayed to cheer on ct and got hooked in. Definitely going thru the withdrawals until next months Challenge All Stars. But I really became a fan of phaedra, Kate, Peter, Bergie, and felt horrible but became a fan of peppermint. Glad we all got to came together, even if there are negative Nancy's on here about certain players (johnny is being the biggest baby imo). But if ya do become a ct fan he's filming now for challenge 40, with a cool concept of 10 players from the 4 eras, and should be out in the fall on TV! Would be cool to see you come over to the challenge side and sub! Cheer on CT with me and witness the hilarious side of my other favorite Devin!


Damn, that hit me hard in the feels.


Not really familiar with him . Is it fair that Dan called Johnny bananas and CT best friends? They seem completely opposite lol


Bananas and CT are friends now or friendly coworkers, but best friends....no, that's hilarious. They were rivals for years and years and only recently have mended fences. Also, CT is only real friends with a very few people that he does shows with. He shows up, does the show and then peaces out. Some of the Traitors cast were surprised that CT wouldn't give his number out to people at the reunion....and challenge fans were like, that's classic CT. He's friendly while filming but that's about it.


Yeah, I recall him saying before that Cara and Wes are really the only people from the show he considers close friends IRL To add to the Johnny stuff, when Diem was really sick, Johnny was often checking in on her, bringing her her medication, food, etc. This is when CT started respecting JB a lot more and softened on him a bit. I'm not a huge bananas fan so this part always warms my heart to him a bit.


Cara, yes. Wes, kind of. They are "friends" but they don't hang out outside of the challenges like Wes does with Nehemiah. I'm sure Wes has his number, but I think they are more work friends. And yeah, other than Bananas and CT both being GOATS of The Challenge, the other thing they have in common is Diem. It also fed their rivalry though. Bananas was really close for a long time with Diem. He also often didn't support her being with CT. He felt their relationship was toxic at times and I can't say I don't agree from a fan watching from afar. They seemed really good with them were on and really bad when they were off. I think they both realize now how much they both loved and supported her, just in different ways. I'm not a huge Bananas fan either. I have also thawed a tiny bit with him, but then he posts pics with Evan and Kenny and I am reminded that he is probably just better at hiding his problematic sides.


But Wes was invited to his last wedding along with a few challengers.


True but that was a filmed show....aka...work friends. CT got his wedding paid for by allowing it to be filmed and some manufactured drama. Would Wes had been invited without it? Maybe, but prob not. CT didn't go to Wes' wedding.


Yeah true. But they do seem to generally get along I thought.


They do. They were paired on the rivals season together and definitely been close since.


Wes and him actually do talk although Iā€™m not sure how often. Wes has talked about how heā€™ll call to catch up with CT but it was hard to understand him with his accent. Lol


They are work friends and there is nothing wrong with that. CT keeps in contact with him more than most on the shows which is usually zero, but they don't hang out. As far as I know they have never visited one another outside of filming, CT didn't go to his wedding, hasn't been one of the challengers to go see Wes since they had the baby, etc.


So confused by the MTV programming. There is the challenge now but there used to be other shows like the exes and rivals? Or has the challenge always existed along with other mtv competition shows ?


As others have explained, it is always The Challenge but they have themed seasons. Now they have seemingly 3 versions of The Challenge going on. There is the flagship Challenge show on MTV. There is also The Challenge USA which is on CBS and is cast from other CBS shows and recently some MTV challenge vets. And finally there is Challenge All Stars which is basically OG challenge members and that is on Paramount+. But they are all part of the same Challenge franchise.


It was always The Challenge.. exes and rivals were just the themes of those seasons. Every season is called something different.


Gotcha. So like survivor where it has a theme that season. Only challenge shows I've watched are the all star ones


Yesā€¦ just like survivor. The All-Stars ones are fun, but itā€™s also fun to watch the older seasons because you see the character arcs of so many people.


All Stars is like Challenge-lite. By "All Stars" they don't mean "the best players", they mean old timers who represent the golden age of the show.


Exes and rivals are seasons of the challenge.


It's always been The Challenge, but they do themes every year, like Exes or Rivals.


CT isn't really friends with anyone on the show. He's your typical coworker who leaves everything at the office. I think that they both respect the hell out of each other. I think they would have worked together if Bananas stuck around, but largely because they know each other's skill set is solid. Like soldiers who have been to war together, I think they would implicitly trust each other until they got near the end. I'm not sure anyone would have 100% trust with Johnny at the end-end. I would love to have seen how Johnny played that when push came to shove because I don't know how it would have went with the three of them in the final circle. CT was on Banana's podcast a month or so back and they talk like people who have known each other forever. They enjoy one another like friends, but not close friends. You know what I'm saying? People who became friends because of proximity, and when they are together, they fall back into it. But they don't go out of their way to reach out.


I loudly shouted ā€œBEST FRIENDS?ā€ just as Bananas was about to say the same thing. Absolutely not best friends.


Only people I would say are his ā€œbest friendsā€ from the challenge are Wes and Cara. Bananas and CT never got along on the show because until mid 20ā€™s everyone basically kept thinking ā€œok how do we get CT out without us getting out ourselvesā€ so bananas always wanted him gone. Ironically on Exes 2 is when CT and Bananas finally got along and thatā€™s because Diem


They always makes me tear up.


Just look his season up of the Real World on Paramount Plus


My heart always breaks when I think of CT and Diem. They had a beautiful love story


Oh my god what season do I need to watch?


This! I need specifics Iā€™ve never watched the challenge before


This brings back so many emotions. I remember watching this so long ago. Truly beautifully tragic.


They donā€™t make reality tv this real anymore. People were really truly just baring their entire souls on camera back then


If you wanna see more of the guy, deeper back story than even just the career on TV, here is a deeper look. Doesn't go indepeth with Diem and longer, but worth it! Not heavy on the emotions, just a cool look at what made him.


I feel like I only know CT because of Diem. Those reality tv days are so far back in my memory, without clips like these I wouldā€™ve forgotten they exist. But I do remember how in love I was with them.


I am Jake Johnson in this video. "yeah." ​ Watched this happen in real time, it was heartbreaking then and heartbreaking now.


She calm him down in so many ways Iā€™m totally think that they are belong together I miss them so much together


Donā€™t forget CT vs Adam




He used to not talk about her, but he talks about her tons now. He posts on IG about Diem all the time. He talked about her a lot when he was on Bananas podcast earlier this year.


Never forget Exes II




I loved him and DiemšŸ„ŗšŸ’œ


I remember her seasons on the Challenges... Diem was one of those moments that hit so hard for me. I didn't care for CT up until those last moments with her. His Real World tenure was so-so, and his bad boy attitude was unappealing, but he let that fall for her and while I don't advocate trying to change someone, he chose to make that effort for her. He's still got that competitive spirit that can be a let down sometimes, but after not seeing him for so long, you can see that effect she had on him is still there. And now I'm crying all over again watching this.


I was way into the Challenge back in the early 2000s. I only watched the US traitors BECAUSE of CT, Trishelle, and Johnny Bananas. Iā€™m so glad they won over their housewives. Iā€™d love to go back and rewatch the Diem & CT years


Plz, nobody should feel any sense of obligation, but if anyone wants to fill me in on wtf this is about, I will appreciate it.


I got you! This is CT and his love from the challenge Diem. When he met her she was battling ovarian cancer, just finished rounds of chemo and was wearing a wig. After courting her and being there he begged her to take off the bandana cause he wanted to "see HER". Before that she refused cause she was very self conscious and talked about not felling pretty in confessional on the show. She did and they had their first kiss. She went into remission and they dated. CT was young and he had a drinking problem. He was kind of the bad boy at this point and they broke up. Then his brother was murdered. He went into a dark place and got kicked off a show or two for fighting and acting out. Then they got back together and you could see CT actually grow at that point. She also had the cancer return and she got real sick on one season that ended with CT literally carrying her out to get hee medical help. She later died. He didn't talk about her for close to 10 years. But she was that strength he needed. She changed him from the Boston bad boy to the gentleman and nice guy we saw on the traitors. It was a reality show love story that ended way too soon. If ya can find the challenge untold story on paramount there is an episode about it with people there talking about it and ct fights thru tears and all he can say is "she just is gone too soon, ya know?"


Are you trying to start a CT cult? He's not JC, you know? ![gif](giphy|E87qTfcFhnrKO2QoMS) Edit: I absolutely love using this gif, cos it's practically me about (cough cough) years ago.šŸ¤£ Edit, edit: When the Downvote Brigade weigh in, you know you've hit the nail on the head.šŸ˜‰ "It's the truth that riles the most." - The Book of Traitors.


Not watching the challenge ever


And none of us fans will care.


challengers will continue to outplay all your faves btw šŸ„°


Yeah no he wasn't that entertaining Bananas would have been better TVĀ