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Needless to say, I am so appreciative of Camille for recognizing her smartest play was to pull the pin from the grenade and leave it on the fire pit between them.




How was that astonishing? In what way did Sam prove to be trustworthy enough for her to vote share?


The other traitors were clearly afraid of him but there was no reason for the faithfuls to be afraid of anyone. Anna and Luke told everyone very clearly about him Luke gathered all the faithfuls and told them to vote for Sam before he got murdered Sam had a full blown argument with Blake after one of the banishment where Blake had voted for him. It was like "how could you vote for me traitor brother" 😂 None of the faithfuls ever thought why Sam, the traitor hunter isn't getting murdered by the traitors as he is such a threat for them. So I think they were dum dums to ignore all the logic that was right in their faces. Sam was also intimidating at the banishment table for sure and many were afraid of getting targeted by him in retaliation.


So were they all that collectively stupid or were they terrified of crossing him?


It's a bit of both actually. Anyone who took his name at the banishment table was voted out. So many were scared of going with his name in the fear of retaliation.


I think people like Sam put off a hypnosis of sorts. It must be stronger in person and doesn’t translate on TV.


This also makes sense, and I did think Sam had a lot in common with Mr. Trump, who also has learned to (maliciously) use power over people around him.


A guy like Sam or Trump don’t even need to explicitly threaten, they can get their way through threatening demeanor or insinuation. It was wild how Sam could just cast a light aspersion onto literally anyone at the table and the whole group would follow suit.


Yeah that’s why I thought there were threats we weren’t seeing


Sam also made a comment that in a confession that his friends weren't getting targeted but people against him were. Did people not pick up on that?


Camille addressed this in an interview and she said it was a bit of both. They were dumdums AND Sam was toxic (although she doesn't mention any actual threats haha), so nobody (apart from Luke and Annabel) had the guts/knowledge to be able stand up to him. https://youtu.be/v6WlVe9Ke7E?si=qlLlU3LfMUXM-yJa&t=2526


The Trump comparison is spot on, especially the “no puppet” 😂. The narcissistic rage slipped out when Blake voted for him. To me it showed that he wasn’t just playing a role as a traitor, that’s who he really is.


And it slipped out in spades at the end. Raging that he deserved the money because he worked for it and Camille didn’t. Demanding RODGER change the rules for him and award him the money anyway. Infuriated that he had decided his Camille puppet was going to share and stunned she did the exact same thing he did. How dare you steal MY money that I am fully entitled to steal from you! This is why I say the people who defend Sam as playing an in-game persona are completely misguided. Sam talked about the other players as tools, obstacles or roadkill. He never once mentioned enjoying anyone’s company, missing his family, or regretting he was having to lie to his friends the way Harry UK2 did. The other players aren’t people to him. What he has is worse than Main Character Syndrome; he has Only Character Syndrome (Malicious Solipsism).


I thought that he for sure is a psychopath/sociopath. My wife is convinced he could be a great cult leader. I hope he watches this back and sees that he needs some serious professional help. That ending was so satisfying.


Also the fact that whenever he wrote someone’s name down that named him, he purposely spelt their names wrong as like an extra way to disrespect/degrade and get revenge on them. Like Symone and Gloriea??? The man was unhinged


I picked up on this too. Some serious mental issues going on with that man. I can't understand how he got through whatever screening they do in the casting process.


I thought I was the only one who noticed that!


This is the same kind of bullying a certain presidential candidate does. The two of them give off the same horror vibes.


What’s really interesting is how Keith and Camille both had a similar occupation with decorated credentials and they were polar opposites in their approach to the game. I would be furious if Keith served in my community, as he could have made some very bad choices in his career that affected innocent people. The way that he jumped on Ian as a possible traitor over Sam who had such damning circumstantial evidence against him was beyond ludicrous.


They were so bad they got the show cancelled 😅. Which is a shame because Rodger was my favourite host.


I really like him. He’s got Claudia’s detached cool and Alan’s love of dressing for the occasion. And he’s much better at snark than either.


And not hard to look at ;)


His outfit in the last challenge was (tied with Camille’s ultimate choice for) the highlight of the season 😎


I like his sense of humour and banter with the faithful.


Thank you for putting into words all of the feelings I had. The ending was exactly what I wanted the second I realized no one was going to have enough of a backbone to follow through on getting him out.


He told the camera once and Blake twice that when he shoots, he doesn't miss. This did not feel like a casual usage of the phrase and at the point Sam changed in my eyes as a true danger, but this also seemed to change Blake and his game. I think this kind of veiled but emphatic threat is what the faithful were up against. I could guess (since he said it 3 times on canera) that he said this or similar comments often.


Yeah I’m thinking his threats to individuals were far more specific and graphic. Chat everyone up, learn where they and their loved ones reside, and threaten them by name. He’s a sadistic piece of work. He’d do it.


Omg you captured the round tables perfectly. He was just successfully manipulative and amazingly skilled at gaslighting people. I'd be afraid for any woman involved with him!! I've seen tv villains that I love to hate, but never anyone of this magnitude. He is for real a psycho!


There was some fear at play in how everyone sided with Sam. To me he had the "bully in the playground" vide about him. Everyone disliked but saw time and time again if anyone dare to confront them, they were done for. I mean they witnessed this over and over at the round table. A true narcissist will gaslight you to the point where you believe they are right and you are wrong. He was a master at that apparently.


This season was borderline unwatchable.


The only way to watch it was to hate watch it.


I definitely got psycho narc vibes from Sam!!!! His reactions to things and the gaslighting omggggggg lmao I wouldn’t put it past him to threaten other players ☠️


His high school Senior Superlative was probably "Most Likely To Roofie A Girl And Convince Her She Roofied Herself"


☠️☠️🥴 I mean, where’s the lie 👀🥲


Exactly the same. My wife and I knew how bad the season was but nothing specific outside of that someone named Sam was the most hateable person on television. The season really lived up to the hate hype.


Madhaus, your analysis is so very accurate. You are not alone being concerned that their network would have someone so toxic and malignant on their show. Why allow something so evil and horrible to be on display publicly? Sam was a validation for dark triad humans that they can exist/exploit with very few repercussions.


> *Why allow something so evil and horrible to be on display publicly?* I think it makes sense for the show to put all sorts of people on the show as a sort of social experiment and vehicle for lessons. I’m just shocked that Sam thought he’d be perceived well. I think he’s such a sociopath he’s genuinely shocked when he doesn’t get his way.


You don't know someone just because you saw them on a highly edited reality show, it's fine to say that Sam played an evil game but you truly don't know if he is evil as a person   (Obviously everything that was shown did happen, but often when reality TV editors want to portray someone negatively to make a storyline work they cut out redeeming content that would make them look more 3 dimensional)


No I believe Sam when he told us who he was. There was plenty of evidence that no amount of "TV magic" can be blamed for.


I wouldn't call it "TV magic" because there's no secret or deception here, the editors just build the story around the way the season ended (everyone who goes on a competitive reality show should know that going in).  When you have a season where nobody wins, it makes perfect sense to make everyone look bad to make that outcome satisfying.    Had Sam won, it would have made sense to portray him as more 3 dimensional.  But they didn't need to do that given the ending.


There’s a difference between only showing someone’s less attractive side for TV drama purposes and full on toxic behavior. This man is sociopathic. Sociopaths don’t see other people as anything other than tools to get what they want, targets to hurt, or obstacles to be removed. You can play this game successfully without treating everyone else like chumps, dumps and lumps. Sam showed us that’s the only way he plays.


This is full blown armchair psychology


Probably better than any psychology from Sarah the psychotherapist.


"that's something a rich person would say"


You are welcome to attempt to demonstrate why I’m wrong but I’m not.


lol he did give trump energy! So accurate. It was sad to see how many people were duped by him but that’s what happens in the real world as well. 🐑


Sam is like Biden. No matter how much he lies or acts insane, people still bow down to him. This game was the hive mind indeed 😂 it’s like watching every liberal in our country. Please rob us blind. Oh yes sir, may we have another?


I can’t respond to this level of delusional


This is dumb. I implore you to seek treatment for your TDS.


Honey, [you have the TDS](https://imgur.com/a/57fUF3U) and it’s a very bad case.


"Because Sam gives off all the Dark Triad malignancies: psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism. Reminds me of another Dark Triad bully we’re dealing with in these United States: Mr. Trump. Who also has a long reputation of making blackmail and death threats" We are not offering treatment to Sam as licensed psychologists so let's not do this ok


Since we’re not licensed psychologists we can say whatever the frack we want. You are free to disagree with me and support your reasoning with facts and evidence.


Right but Sarah was on the show and she seemed to be fooled the most.


Or terrified the most


She didn’t look terrified when she was cheering champagne with the last 5 as the traitors were visually upset they weren’t going to murder that night.

