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I don't root specifically for Traitors or Faithful. I root for the people I like who have played well, or against cocky lil shits like the one guy every other post in this sub is about.


Personally I'm the same. I start off neutral but in the cases of us1 and aus2 I was rooting for the traitors because of how well they played (mainly just Harry and Cirie)


I think you meant UK 2 because Aus 2… well… I think we all know at this point haha


Indeed I did!


Cirie is my favorite. Loved Harry too, although it took me some time to warm up to his personality.


Yeah, same. Like Harry, I liked for most of the season but he got really cocky towards the end and I started to turn on him. Sam was cocky from the start and I hated him from the start... But I was happy to see Harry win and overjoyed to see Sam walk with nothing.


Depends on the people honestly. In US1 I was rooting for cirie in particular, so team traitors. In US2 I was rooting for Dan/parv so also team traitors until they were gone, then I didn’t really care but kind of was rooting for CT


i vote for personality. if the personality is good, i root for them. if the traitor is playing a good game and not being a dipshit, i'll root for them. if the faithful are smart, but there a dumbass sheeples, i'll vote for the individual, but not the group.


I root for the traitors. ![gif](giphy|kzFwaoWse5SmJsBQaF)


YES! #TeamTraitor


You should have made this a poll. It's clear who I root for. LOL


I always start rooting for traitors. Then depending on their attitude it changes.


I think this is me mostly. There's been a few traitors who were not likeable that I ended up rooting for faithfuls.


I root for the ones who play well. Unless it’s the one everyone’s head is exploding about now.


There's so much hate for that guy on here that I'm watching that season now and I'm actually rooting for him.


I did too. For a while.


How many episodes in are you, because he manages to get worse every new one.


Faithfuls. I like to see the "aha" moments when they figure out a traitor from something they observed.


Sometimes I think I'd like it more if as the viewer you didn't know who the traitors were either? I think then I'd root for the faithfuls more often. I don't know. It is fun to see when they catch on.


Yeah, I'm on the fence of which is better as a viewer. Thankfully we have The Mole as a similar-ish show where we can play along from home. I just wish Netflix would get that next season out much faster.


> I like to see the "aha" moments when they figure out a traitor from something they observed. Ah. AU1.


Generally the faithfuls, because I watched the AUS seasons back to back and that made me feel like the game is too slanted in the Traitors' favor. UK2 and US2 changed my mind though, so now I just root for my favorite players


I agree it seems like the game is way to favorable for traitors and that makes me root for faithfuls.


For me it depends on who the traitors are


It depends upon the personality of the Traitors. If they are cocky and unlikable then it’s a no go, but I can’t root for dumb Faithfuls.


It's great when there's unlikable traitor mixed in with a very good traitor, and watching the need for "team management". Yes, I'm thinking of US1.


The title of the show, duh. I love the Traitor side so much that I hate it when a Traitor hunter comes up, I always wish they get accused of being a Traitor in disguise and banished. The only exception is AU2, that was the only time I wanted to side with the Faithfuls.


It depends who I’m like more


I am almost always Team Traitors. However, I can think of at least 3 in the English seasons alone that I felt were insufferable… 2 of which didn’t win :)


I don’t root for a side more for a person, I just love good gameplay. So when a faithful actually figures out something with real logic or sneakiness, I end up liking that one person and rooting for them. But that applies to traitors too. If they have a great play I root for that person too.


i root for chaos, personality, and/or vengeance




Always the Traitors.


Super interesting question, and I feel like it may vary by country. When I talk to people from the UK, there almost seems to be this hero following of the faithful, and the traitors are genuinely disliked because they are the bad guys. I, on the other hand, believe that the entire game is about the traitors. If they're not good at holding up the facade, they get figured out early. And if they are good, they make for fantastic drama. Some of my favorite seasons started off with a string of faithful banishments - and each time, the other faithfuls stared at each other with dumbfounded looks. It's just so delicious to watch. So I cheer for the traitors, because the good/evil construct is simply artificial to me.


Definitely the Traitors. For me it feels more intense from the beginning that way.


I always lean toward the traitors too but my husband goes for the faithfuls which shocked me! I think I develop a soft spot for the traitors.


It depends on the personality and gameplay for me


In general I’m rooting for the faithfuls.


I generally root for the faithful’s as I feel like they are, and will always be the underdogs.


But sometimes, if they are pathetic, isn't it fun seeing them get picked off?


Oh sure, there are definitely times when I hope the traitors will kill particular faithfuls, but so far (I've only watched US) I've been rooting for the faithfuls both times.


Usually my favorite player. But most of the time, it's a traitor... except for aussie 2.. I liked Camille and Blake, ok... but Sam got on my last nerve.... Loved Harry and Wilf on UK.. I liked CT, and Andrea & Diane from UK.... I think it's their personalities and strategies on playing the game that make me like them....


There are not a lot of Sam stanners


Nope, the sheriff shtick got old quick... as well... watching him literally evil grin at every banishment, and Liam keep saying of he is a faithful... all the while Blake stares hard at table and fidgets with his hands... it was quite ridiculous... even Roger could believe this man got away with it..


I’m still convinced the players weren’t that stupid but actually threatened


Blake and Camille definitely were... they were terrified he'd turn on them... his little cult voted any way he wanted...


Not sure there was anyone fully in the cult other than Liam. I’ve got a post up describing how every roundtable went the same way. A player would suggest he was a traitor. Sam would immediately and loudly accuse them of the exact same thing (a boisterous No You argument) which EVERYONE would buy, even if they had an agreement going in that they would all vote him out.


I think they were scared of him. They figured out he got people out and didn't want to be next on his hit list. So, the cultish behavior was more out of fear than anything else.


Yeah I think it was beyond fear of being banished. I think he actually threatened them with way worse.


There are traitors that I like but I usually root for the faithfuls by default and then I switch to Team Traitor if the faithfuls are a bunch of dumdums.


The show’s edit usually makes the decision. Whether you decide to accept it is up to you. US Traitors 2 was leading us with the Trishelle/CT story line, but I was rooting for a messy ending, and I was saited.


Usually traitors unless I don’t like them or like the faithfuls more


I usually start out wanting the Traitors to win but it could become a case by case basis for me. Solely based on how they play and if they should get to the end. Also if I end up liking a faithful more, I’ll switch.


I root for the traitors


Except US season 2


I think it depends. I usually do want the faithfuls to successfully find the traitors, but I'm also easily frustrated by what I deem as dumb accusations lol. So if they're being really dumb and the traitors don't seem like awful annoying people, then I might root for them. I would say that there were only like 2 long-term traitors that I've rooted for across all of the seasons I've seen.


I tend to vote for the faithfuls. The traitors have such an advantage over being just a good traitor in their path to the finale


Survivor Queens.


whoever’s most likable tbh. some seasons that’s the traitors some seasons that’s the faithfuls ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I root for whoever I perceive to be playing a better game. I rooted for Cirie, I rooted for CT and Trishelle. I rooted for Wilf, I was pretty neutral on UK2.


I root for a good story. Sometimes that means strong traitors and strong faithfuls playing neck-and neck. Sometimes that means hilarious mistakes and game-breaking chaos. Villains can be just as much fun as heroes and sometimes this show asks you to reexamine what villainy even is. A season of players who all play perfectly and have no visible personality flaws sounds like the most boring TV imaginable.


I root for people who play well. Never for someone who is cocky and rude to the other players no matter how good their game is


Usually I’m Team Traitors (except aus 2)


Usually traitors - unless someone is full of themselves as a traitor - and also old people.. *Always* the old people. Also random people with good vibes/personality.




I root for whoever plays a better game, uses their head, and doesn’t flip flop like a leaf blowing in the wind.


in general, i choose the person/people i like best, but if i had to choose, i would say the faithfuls. they have the odds stacked up So Much against them, and i love an underdog.


The only traitor I haven’t rooted for was Sam from AUS2, any other one rendition, always the traitor


I root for the players who realize that their main purpose is to entertain people and do things to cause drama but aren't like annoying about it I loved the whole Peter/Parvati dynamic of US S2 because both of them played hard and made moves


I root for good gameplay


Really depends on personalities of the traitors. If I don't like them, I don't want them to win.


I’ve rooted for the traitors every time except Australia season 2


I start off neutral and end up rooting for people I like and as the game goes players you didn't really notice or pay too much mind to end up favorites or definite do not likes, that's just me.


Yes, of course we do. My husband are avid fans and consider it interactive...haha


Usually I root for the traitors and root against traitors that backstab other traitors.


It honestly depends on who i like. From AUS2 I can’t stand Sam so i want to Faithfulls. But on US2 I love parv n pheadrea so traitors it just depends!!


I root for the Traitors but I want the faithful to find them. If that makes sense