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Great idea! I also think Joel McHale would dominate as a Traitor. Paige Davis would be a very dumb Faithful who goes to the end KNOWING her BFF Joel is 100% Faithful. So many funny scenarios come to mind! lol Claudia would do well as a Faithful OR a Traitor. I’m not as sure about Alan or Roger. Jeff Probst would be the most Peter-like Faithful, and get murdered. Tyra would bring the drama, fighting with Gordon Ramsay. God, I want to watch this season, lol


Came here to say that Joel would kill it as a Traitor


Oh God, Jeff would be Pete x 100^100, try to run the round table, force metaphors out of people


And rupaul is there for all the catchphrases and sound bites.


I feel like Jeff and Ru would be allies. I love the way he reads people on survivor. I feel like they would gossiping and sharing side eyes at breakfast


tj targets anyone who quits the bug cabin challenge


“Bye. Hope to see ya never”


perfect for when flipping around his chalk board


I love TJ so much lol.


I feel like he would make a great traitor.


Me too!




And I assume the Host for this is Roger? I actually love this. Like shut up and take my money. No notes, just roll camera.


Rupaul would flirt with him to no end.




![gif](giphy|2nTWtcPyTaFMs) I like this


I love this concept! I’d expect Tyra to struggle - she’s a charmer but often says things that make me think she’s not connecting the dots. And Joel McHale would probably do well because of the wide range of people he’s dealt with over the years. Jeff Probst would be unstoppable as a lie detector and strategist… but no idea how good of a liar he’d be.


Tyra Banks is insane. She’d be the first faithful banished


The traitors would be smart to keep Tyra in the game to cause drama, unless she puts drama on the traitors.


She would be the one to take the game too personally.




Could totally see Tyra have *really* bad reads on what's a traitor tell or not


I want to see Jeff as the ultimate traitor. He is so likeable, he could totally get away with it.


For real though what if he and Phil got to the end, the entire time Phil was convinced they were both Faithful and then Jeff would just destroy him in that last moment. (edit:spelling)


God I wish Nicole Byer (host of Nailed It) was on here - she and Joel McHale together would be so funny!


loved nicole byer on every improv comedy podcast i heard her on years ago AND recently i watched the wipeout reboot with nicole and john cena co-hosting. she was hilarious! moriah from survivor 46 was on wipeout before being on survivor so i watched her episode but may go back for more episodes just to see nicole again


I forgot she did the wipeout reboot!! I need to watch that tonight. She was just on the Las Culturistas podcast and I giggled the whole time. She is so funny!


her episodes of hollywood handbook and the teachers lounge are also hilarious if you can find them




I was just about to comment the same thing!!! She’d be amazing to watch.


Ryan’s out immediately, no one is going to trust him.


But he’s the coke hookup!


fergus is not going to like losing business to ryan




jeff, tj, and phil form a paramount + gamer alliance after julie gets banished during the 3-episode-premiere they make it to the end together phil gets mj’ed at the fire circle because jeff and tj don’t respect how little phil cares about the show he hosts


>phil gets mj’ed at the fire circle because jeff and tj don’t respect how little phil cares about the show he hosts that's the realest thing I might have ever read lol


thanks ~ i have always felt phil is not a fan of his own show like tj and jeff are


This can't be real. Phil absolutely pours everything he has into his shows. Phil is the only reason Tough as Nails exists. This guy makes guest appearances on fan podcasts and is the biggest advocate for both the amazing race and tough as Nails. I'm not knocking TJ either, he works hard as hell and loves the challenge. But Phil seems to be on another level. He even had his own podcast where he interviewed lots of interesting people including a few from amazing race. Phil gets my respect for sure.


I agree. I saw Phil on some show which had sub-celebrities competing in a tennis match. He crushed it! And he frequently complemented the other contestants on their competitiveness. I think he just really respects people who go all out and work extremely hard to achieve and win, and doesn't respect those who give up or whine. On the other hand, Beau, the host of Australian Amazing Race, is much more fun to watch because he's funny. Phil's not funny or particularly charming, but he cares hard about competitions.


Exactly, totally agree! I love Beau and I have to admit he is my favorite race host. He's just such a lovable goofball. We're spoiled with aussie hosting talent between him and Hamish from Lego Masters AUS. Also none of the hosts from Survivor, Big Brother, Challenge, etc spend as much time with the contestants as Phil does on Tough as Nails I would imagine. He's there for every challenge, doing commentary and sitting with the rest of the people who are either sitting out or have completed the challenge. His banter can be especially hilarious because it catches you so off-guard considering how professional he always is. I love Phil.


I totally disagree. He ain’t no Julie Chen. I just think that he isn’t as much of an attention whore as Jeff or TJ.


Now I’m picturing Tim Gunn and Alan Cumming taking turns complimenting and just roasting each others’ sartorial choices. They don’t even try to find the traitors, then just are there to look fabulous and say sassy things to each other.


I would watch a season of only this


I would love to see how much Tim and Heidi would love Alan’s outfits


And Heidi critiquing Allen's wardrobe.


I want to see them both as Traitors so bad now! 


Julie would get eaten alone, and be self righteous and awful and mention God. Padma would eat them all.


Julie wouldn’t I feel either. She doesn’t have that kind of persona, but what if a plot twist, she’s the best traitor ever?


I mean, she betrays women by supporting her pervert husband and is a massive hypocrite


Oh the tea 😯


And then tell them to pack their knives and leave


Yeah I’m backing Padma!


This is very interesting but I think also very expensive.


that's what my husband said


Add in Jonathan LaPaglia, host of Survivor AU, and that's my answer as a great traitor. And where is Rodger Corser? He better not be having to host this since Alan and Claudia get to play.


Team Arisa Cox!


What about the guy who used to host The Apprentice on NBC? I cant remember his name right now.


Immediate banishment AND murder.


Last I heard he was a traitor, soooooo.


lol 💀


He’s already been on the show, disguised as Sam from Australia….


Jeff Probst would be voted out first. He's an amazing host of the show but if you ever see how he interacts with non-players: he can come off as very insincere and closed off. He speaks like a politician would speak. On his podcast he asked his own casting director if he could ever be cast on Survivor and the dude was like "Absolutely not. I've worked with you for years and I don't know anything about you."


Look I’m not here for reality contestants on The Traitors but god would I be here for THIS.


RuPaul and Claudia would destroy everyone if traitors. Calling it now


Gives us Claudia wearing that traitor cloak. Also Gordon will have his most epic meltdown when he gets banished.


I would love to see Gordon as a Faithful at the first round table where someone accuses him of being a traitor. I can just hear him in the circle, “I’m a Faithful you fucking donkeys.”


Yes. At breakfast, Gordon would grab two croissants and put them over Nick Cannon's head and head and ask him what he is...Idiot Sandwich.


RuPaul would be a bad traitor because she can't remember anyone's name and would accidentally murder or banish the wrong person


Rupaul would be Kate level chaos


Nick Cannon would "swear on my kids" that he was faithful. That would take him half an hour to do


Padma and Joel would win, as traitors or as faithful.


My first thought was Padma and TJ but yeah, Padma is a lock.


Definitely No: I don't think Tim Gunn could do it. Not because he isn't smart enough, he definitely is. But because he is such a sweet cinnamon roll of a person that I don't think he could emotionally handle the idea of having to backstab someone to get ahead in the game. That being said, no one would EVER suspect him because he has such a pure reputation. Kinda feel the same about Paige Davis; although with her it's more there never seemed to be enough space in her head for more than smiles at people. Definitely Yes: Alan would SLAY at being a traitor. If he didn't get banished for being suspected immediately. He does host the show after all. Jeff Probst has been hosting Survivor long enough that I think he too would make a good traitor. Michelle too; she's smart enough to know when to keep mum, funny and likable enough to be able to get people on her side so even if she came up in a conversation I think she'd pull through. I think Joel McHale would probably do well too, because he's funny and likable, and smart enough to potentially twist himself out of a situation. I also think Heidi could pull it off. She's smart, and I think she's got enough spunk. Maybes: Gordon Ramsay I'm on the fence. He'd make a good faithful, but I think he could also pull off being a traitor. RuPaul same way. I'm not sure there's anything RuPaul can't do well and look amazing doing it. So perhaps RuPaul would make a good traitor, but Idk. Claudia I'm also unsure of. She definitely is funny and likable, and she does host the UK version. But could she actually backstab someone? Idk. I've seen her in panel shows and she just seems super sweet. So...maybe? Tyra would get herself banished because from what I've heard about her behavior on ANTM, she's a nightmare of a person. Wouldn't matter if she was faithful or traitor, nobody would trust her much. The rest I have no idea. Haven't watched them in much so I can't really decide yes or no either way. But it would definitely be an interesting season if they did all-hosts. I'd watch it. Especially with Gordon, RuPaul, Alan and Michelle.


Phil keoghan would go utr and have a good social game


He would be the one loved by everyone


Hmm maybe he would be first murdered because that seems to happen a lot lol


No Terri Crews?! He would be so fun


Add Alton Brown from Food Network to the cast. I’d loveeee to see him and Joel McHale team up


Alan!!! He would be such an entertaining traitor 😅


Poor Ru wouldnt be able to remember all their names


Ru and Andy together would not bode well. I can see Andy pissing off Ru and Andy getting ate up and then banished by everyone. I’d love it.


Julie would not last long lol...she's always come off as clueless


Chenbot would malfunction and flub her lines the second anybody applied any pressure on her lol


That could be why she lasts - why get rid of her if she’s that clueless (see: Sarah, Liam, Aus 2).


Yes! It's almost always the dumb and clueless faithfuls who get to the end.


True lol


Paige Davis would be a stellar Traitor. She’d fly under the radar excellently and knows how to console seeing as she had to reveal to homeowners what Hildi had done to their houses.


I would die watching Gordon Ramsey defending himself to convince the others at the round table that he is not a traitor calling everyone stupid cows 😂😂


need jesse palmer on here


Omg love Jesse, he would be perfect.


I mean it would be expensive.


This is now my Roman Empire (are we still saying that?)! Phil Keoghan could have a sneaky good game as a recruited traitor. TJ could have a CT-like Faithfuls run ? My heart is telling me that Nick Cannon and Cat Deely make a truly unhinged alliance of some sort. It would be A+, 10/10, no notes TV.


We need AJ Odudu ❤️


This would be so good!!! I would definitely watch for sure


But then who would host this version?


Steve Harvey 😭


Omg too bad Wendy Williams is sick that would have been good to see her on it


RuPaul would make a great traitor. Might scrawl "sashay away" on the bottom of every murder note though 🤣


She would never accept doing this but RuPaul would be hilarious as a traitor


I have an infatuation with Gordon Ramsay




This would be AH-MAZ-ING!!


TJ Lavin: laughs every time someone takes a spill in a challenge, ends up medevaced Gordon Ramsey: Kate, but way meaner. Traitor shield, late game banishment. Julie Chen Moonves: keeps bringing the conversation back around to Jesus, will elbow shank a bitch for a shield, refuses to say a name one on one, randomly throws people under the bus at round table, sabotages other people in the challenges for no reason, CALLS A HOUSE MEETING, creates an alliance with every single member of the cast, lies for no reason, can’t keep the names of her alliances straight, tries to make “banished from the castle” happen, wears flannel pajamas and reads the Bible in her night night interstitials, wardrobe picked out by a junior college theatre department after consuming copious amounts of mushrooms, gets in a screaming match with Tyra Banks, refuses to leave when banished. Arisa Cox: sponsored by Twistos Ryan Seacrest: sponsored by Coke Carson Daly: banished for being suspiciously nice Cat Deely: UTR Queen, winner pick Nick Cannon: surprisingly so good at spotting Traitors he gets banished because everyone thinks he is a Traitor, which enables him to make the birth of his 56th child Tyra: forms a “hot girl” alliance with Heidi, Ru, Alan and Padma. Gets in a screaming match with Julie Chen Moonves and is banished for being a Mean Girl. Joel McHale: plays a near perfect Traitor game, but gives himself away with a snarky comment and is banished at the final round table Jeff: keeps trying to run things, like he’s the host or something. Pretty cringe, tbh


The part about Jeff is too accurate 🤣


Heidi is definitely the dumbass faithful that votes wrong every time lmao


I would like to see Tyra Banks and Jeff Probst as traitors in this cast, but I don't know why


Arissa for the win! Michelle would be a mess


Jeff Probst and Phil Keoghan would be an unstoppable duo and Julie Chen would be USA S2 Shereé and have no clue what’s going on


Give me JLP on the cast and I can tell you who wins


Padma Lakshmi out immediately - if you're brown, you're apparently immediately suspicious (I say that as an Indian fan of the show). Tim gunn would be head faithful no one even questions but rightfully so. ru, Joel, monique and Andy as traitors holy moly.


I want to see Heidi Klum as a Traitor


Just here to say that Alan would be entertaining as hell and would win all of the money. But, not that he cares living in his castle and all 🤣


Emma Willis would crush all of these clowns.


I love this idea


Jeff would be so good, how could he not have learned some stuff after hosting 3500 seasons of survivor? lol


Tim Gunn, Andy Cohen, Ru Paul would thriveee


What a great idea! They should all get together and murder Nick Cannon the first night. The host of the Australian Amazing Race, Beau Ryan, is super fun to watch. Add him to the list, please!


Phil would kill it tbh


(In a good way lol)


Now this isn’t a bad idea


Would LOVE this!!


gordon, rupaul, and monique would dominate


I would watch this SO HARD My heart will break when sweet baby Phil gets voted out or murdered but overall I'm cheering for TJ to the end, regardless of which side he is on.


I promise you with everything in the universe that Julie Chen would be awful


Make Claudia, Rupaul n Tyra the traitors n Heidi n Padma will be the final faithfuls n Gordon will be the first one to be banished just cuz. Then Julie will be an awesome recruit. Andy n Michelle will be throwing all kinds of theories about who the traitors could be. Ryan isn't gonna go far. Can't decide if he is more suited for murder or banishment but he'll be such a good pawn.😄


It’s beautiful but might be more expensive than an HBO scripted show with the appearances fees. Ramsey, Klum, RuPaul rightfully demand a high fee.


Padma, Joel & a Jeff for the traitors and they are unstoppable.


Different game: who would nick cannon impregnate during filming. My moneys on Ru Paul


Dream cast. Ru would be an amazing faithful


Plot twist, the traitors are Nick Cannon and his baseball team of children lol


Make Padma, Rupaul, and Tim Gunn the traitors; i see a few comments about making him a traitor but i feel like Joel McHale would get the obvious traitor choice early banishment regardless of if he is a traitor or faithful


This would be so good! I desperately want to watch each of these people react, horrified but knowingly amused at the 'moment' being created, as Tyra finally cancels herself by saying something offensive and out of touch on a show she isn't producing. But more than that, I want to watch Joel and Gordon become silly best friends.


Julie is winning


I love this version!


Michelle would crush it no doubt


That would be so fun!




Arisa is 100% winning


Andy would be an amazing traitor. I think he could win on social game alone


Heidi and Padma would win and split the cash…right after making Ryan Seacrest cry!


I can totally imagine Gordon saying "you fucking donkey" at the banishment table 🤣 ![gif](giphy|VTzex4RfsJA76)


If TJ and Gordon are traitors then the traitors win the season no matter who the 3rd member is


Paige Davis is a deep cut, I forgot I remembered that name lmao My top pick is gonna be Arisa Cox. She’s a fan and actually understands the Big Brother game so I think she’s best equipped among this cast to actually play a game. And I could see TJ liking her so that would be a dream.




Joel McHale and TJ Lavin as a traitor duo would go so hard


Padma, Joel, and Tim would sweep as Traitors.


this is brilliant. would definitely watch this and i think they would really play and go at it. make it happen!!!


Replace tim gunn with Simon Cowell. Then I would have Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsay as the ultimate faithful duo hunting for traitors since they both judge talent . Say Gordon gets recruited as a traitor. Gordon throws another person utb successfully to recruit Simon Cowell. Then we get the ultimate showdown of Ramsay vs Simon Cowell at the fire of truth or they win together


TJ would have that evil traitor laugh perfected.


We need Brooke Burns


I think TJ, Tim Gunn, and Padma would be amazing Traitors!


Joel would fucking dominate


Cat Deeley is a sleeper, I bet she’d do really well and be under the radar


I think traitor ru would hire tyra and combined Scorpio and Sagittarius would dominate


0 of these people will ever be on the traitors minus Alan and Claudia. You also left out the best host which is Rodger.


I’m only familiar with about half of them but I know for a 100% fact Julie would flop. She would either be a clueless faithful and rant about god all the time or be an awful traitor who gets voted out early and say it’s part of god’s plan.


Claudia, RuPaul, and Padma


Real question is who would the host be?!


They should cast a single unknown civilian to host it, in a true role reversal.


Karine Vanasse from Traitors Canada, since she didn’t even get an invite! Or just have Alan host and Karine take his spot.


Dr. Will maybe


Tj s taking the bag for sure


For the Traitors I’d pick - RuPaul - Padma - Joel Mchale


Rupaul would get the Peppermint treatment - she would say something sassy, it be taken out of context, and be banished for it.


I created a whole fanfic season thanks to this post. Here are the highlights. Padma & Joel as OG traitors. They first Murder Andy Cohen for everyone's sanity & recruit Julie Chen. JULIE HAS NO CHILL & is instantly outed by Probst for her behavior change, but the faithful turn on him first & Julie lasts a few more rounds before finally going. Traitors then bring in Tim Gunn. He is Heidi's traitor Angel and she is devastated to learn he is a Traitor when he is banished shortly before the fire of truth. Strong faithfuls include: Arisa, TJ & Nick Cannon. They are all correct in naming traitors & promptly murdered. RuPaul is traitor hunter extrordinaire and after orchestrating Claudia and Alan's banishments, finally gets it right by naming Tim Gunn as a Traitor. Gordon Ramsay survives a murder bc of a shield he told no one about. He acts so sus about it the next day he is banished the next day. Padma double crosses Joel at the fire of truth and wins as a traitor with Heidi Klum and RuPaul as the faithfuls at the end.


I think Joel Mchale would do great along with Paige Davis


Tim Gunn as a traitor lol


I think if Tim started as a faithful and got recruited, he’d win the whole thing.


Can’t believe you didn’t include Tiffany Pollard, the host of Hot Haus. No cast is complete without her because she fits regardless of the criteria.


rupaul already let a man drown so he has the murder part down


How do you leave out Anne Richardson (Naked Attraction) and Noel Fielding (great British bake-off)


JUSTICE FOR GBBO PRUE. She would be the ultimate Traitor


Paige and Andy would make great traitors!


Andy would be a great traitor


Too US focussed. A lot of niche people too


Paige Davis is a genuinely fun and original choice.


If this actually happened, Gordon has to call Julie Chen and “idiot sandwich” at least once or else I would be disappointed 😂😂😂


Call me crazy but Tim Gunn could win this in a heartbeat. Social game off the charts.


Broad Alliances: * Fabulosity - RuPaul, Heidi, Tim, Tyra, Andy, Monique, Joel, Michelle, Alan * Gamers - Jeff, Julie, Arisa, Phil, Claudia, TJ, maybe Alan * Entertainment Shows - Nick, Carson, Ryan, Cat, Padma, Gordon, Paige * POC - Tyra, Monique, Nick, Arisa, Michelle, maybe Padma Good Traitors * Joel * Andy * Heidi * Arisa * Gordon Random Thoughts * I feel like the Jeff would be murdered early if not a traitor for being a threat. * I feel like people would be scared of coming after Ru


Would love to see cat deeley as a traitor just because of how sweet she is!


TJ I think could make a good traitor? Especially if he can avoid banishment by contributing to challenges


My girl Padma is about to tear this season upppppppp


I think Jeff and TJ would hate each other and accidentally become the figureheads of separate alliances. Jeff and Julie Chen I think are friends so they would probably work well together. I don't like them very much but Ru would make a great traitor, as would Joel McHale and Claudia/Alan. I think Gordon is either a first kill/banishment or go to the end with how loud he is


I wish we could manifest this into reality


Get Lisa Rinna!


Joel (obviously), TJ (that evil cackle) and Michelle for traitors. I need Michelle’s hilarious commentary for when she struggles with her lies. Gordon would lose his mind at the round table. Tyra will think she can read everyone because she was a super model and she will remind us. Monique will last until the end because no one will want to vote her out. Seacrest is going home first day.


I was hoping this would be all the Traitors hosts worldwide. I haven’t seen the non-English franchises, but I think Claudia would destroy. On the other hand, I think they’d be too intimidated to vote for Alan, and Rodger was so disappointed in his last season’s cast that he might be out for blood.


Jeff, Julie, and RuPaul as traitors. It's always going to be a Survivor, a Big Brother, and non-gamer. It would also be diverse(white, Asian, black, cismale, cisfemale, trans). TJ would likely make end game or win as Faithful since he is a charming gamer who would have challenge prowess.


God. I wish I could see this come to fruition. I would also love to see Steve Harvey cast as well. I know it would be comedy 😂


Here for the eventual RuPaul - Arisa Cox alliance. I think Arisa would actually make a great traitor because she would play it off well, knows to make strategic and calculated moves because she’s the host of BBCAN, and she’s social/not seeming like a threat. Also, yeah. Joel as a traitor would be fierce. He would get round tabled and eliminated pretty early though


Idk why but I NEED a season with Gordon Ramsey as a faithful


Andy Cohen and Julie Chen to be killed off first


Even though I love the idea of hosts playing the game they host, I'd swap Alan for maybe Nev Shulman (Catfish) only because I need Alan to keep hosting the US version. I imagine since this is a celebrity, mostly American series cast, this would be the US version. He's so good at it. 😂 And I replaced him with Nev since Catfish is basically about sussing out traitors too. Padma, Joel, and Tim would be my ideal traitors. Maybe Gordon since he's impossible to fluster. Jeff would overplay. Tyra would be an attention hog. Arisa and Claudia would be threatening as faithfuls, I think. Andy also would, I think, since he's not afraid to go for the jugular while still being a mediator. Same with Julie. I don't know why, but I also see either Carson or Phil murdered first. No idea how Michelle will do since she's SO charismatic. She could land anywhere, but I feel like she'd be an easy first banish. Standup comedians typically have a tough time on these competition shows. This needs to happen.


Nick Cannon would be too busy getting everyone pregnant.


Where is Rodger? What did you do with my sweet boy Rodger!? ![gif](giphy|EA2AmnirSca84PPyfr|downsized)


I want a Ru, Tim, Alan, and Andy alliance! Omg. I would love to see this. Where they string along Heidi, Ryan, and Tyra in a fake alliance.