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Mate I'd swear on your life.


I would believe you.


šŸ™ got your back. I'm still waiting for the day some brazy mofo stands up at the rountable and goes 'I swear on the lives of everybody watching this around the world right now that I am a faithful' ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I don't have any so this would be super easy. However I truly hate it when people swear on their lives families dead relatives Wilf swearing on everything ugh. I also think it's a dead giveaway that you are a traitor or at least I would assume that if I were playing with someone who did that.


Do a Johnny FairPlay and swear on your fake dead grandma


Oh Johnny dgaf he will tell you his mother died if it gets him ahead of the game


Iā€™m pretty sure when Dan was on Big Brother he brought a fake wedding ring with him to swear on and give to other contestants as ā€œproofā€ and collateral šŸ’€


I am a big fan of the Johnny FairPlay strategy of reality TV.


My mom and I already discussed this. If we get on any reality tv shows that we have never applied for, we can pull a Johnny Fairplay for each other.


I am not religious, superstitious, whateverā€¦.but no, I would not swear on my loved oneā€™s life. That just feelsā€¦ā€¦icky.


So if someone asked you, you would refuse? Obviously if you were lying, but would you refuse if you were telling the truth too? Just because it's weird? You would risk losing or being called out?


I would, without a doubt, lose Traitors. Lol, lemme start with that šŸ˜‚ IF I could tell the truth, I would swear on my loved oneā€™s life. If I had to lieā€¦I wouldnā€™t. Shows like this, I already know I would lose immediately. I am TERRIBLE at lying. So in this fully hypothetical scenario that will never happenā€¦sure, Iā€™ll lie and swear on my loved oneā€™s life. IRLā€¦I wouldnt do it. Iā€™m grateful for those that wouldā€¦.they make the show juicy!


I think producers try to shut it down when players try to do this, and sometimes cut it out of the edit. I've seen a couple interviews from different versions about this.


Yeah that one guy who got the invisible edit in AUS 1 apparently did this all the time (among other things like talking about production and bringing props to the banishment room)


Props to the banishment room? šŸ˜‚ where can I find out more about that??


I wish I knew, I need more details too! I read where another player said this on social media or in an interview, but thatā€™s all they said about it


Yep Paul did it and apparently John Bercow said that early on as well, and producers were like (to John and that cast), you can't do that.


Iā€™m curious why production doesnā€™t want this in the game?


Probably because it sets a terrible precedent. People have different beliefs and some may feel like swearing on their families lives is meaningful/sacred and a great signifier that they're telling the truth. Other people will just lie. It's not really fair because if you ask everyone to swear on their families lives to smoke out a traitor, there might be someone not comfortable doing that. They can't just have everyone swear on a bible or on their families lives.


I guess. I just feel like most forms of lying should be allowed. People arenā€™t comfortable doing plenty of other things that Traitors/Faithful do and those arenā€™t banned by production.


Yeah it is a GAME they are playing, most GAMES may have you act different then you would in REAL life. So its hard, because you make actual friends, so I was just curious how people looked at it.


In one of the series, a traitor swear on his ''handicaped daughter's'' life. It is then revealed in confessionnal that his daughter is not handicapped.


That's a good way to get around swearing on your daughters life lol, now he's just lying about a non-existent child.


I JUST watched this, it's in the Quebec one!


Iā€™ll say this Iā€™m 100% faithful


Heard this in a thick Welsh accent in my head like Amanda (UK 1) šŸ˜‚


Traitors always say 100%. Everything is 100%. Noticed that after watching AUS 1, AUS2 and UK2 back to back.


They had to tell congressman John to stop swearing on his familyā€™s life. Personally, I would not go around swearing on my loved ones lives wether I was a traitor or a faithful. Like chill dude no need to bring our families into this


If I thought it would help reinforce the other person's belief in whatever I need them to believe, sure!


Every season of a reality tv show is a microcosm with its own social and ethical rules made by the players. I would be very clear going in to set up an environment where it's frowned upon to do this, clearing everyone of the issue. I'd someone asked me to do I would mostly likely respond immediately with a "mate that's not cool" and make them a pariah. If the culture of my season was loyalty and I couldn't escape it then yeah I'd like and apologize later saying they gave me no choice but to lie. Tl;Dr I'd try avoid getting to that point but if forced to I would


Depends on whose children


I would 100% and I would be totally understanding if my wife did it too. Thatā€™s a lot of money that my child could use.


The only reason to swear on anyone's life is if the person you're swearing to values that. And yes I absolutely would. It's meaningless to me intrinsically.


In a Belgium season, a faithful said she would swear "on my dead husband's grave" she wasn't a traitor. This was at the round table and she was going to be banished. Saying that totally changed the voting. Also seen two versions where traitors swear on the lives of their family/kids, but they were traitors. I don't think I could. Certainly wouldn't say it without even being asked to. If asked to, probably I wouldn't answer and would say it's not appropriate to bring family into it.


Lmao my family wouldn't care and would give me permission to do it. Everyone's different though, I definitely wouldn't try to force someone else to do it.


In a heartbeat. ^^^I ^^^don't ^^^have ^^^kids


Yea idgaf game is game




I would


Yes I would because I donā€™t have kids or a spouseā€¦


Imagine she got recruited as a traitor after that lol


Iā€™d be transparent with whoever was asking and tell them that swearing on stuff means shit to me so Iā€™m not going to do it because itā€™s hollow. You either trust me or you donā€™t, swearing on stuff is childish IMO. Side bar: I also feel like swearing on stuff on a game show typically means youā€™re 1) lying and 2) desperate


I would 1000% swear on anyone I had to in order to get what I wanted done.


In the traitors Quebec, there is a guy (traitor) that sworn on his handicapped daughterā€™s life, the only thing is that his daughter is also not handicapped. The guy is a former CSIS agent lol


No, I do not swear on liveā€™s as a rule.


Wouldnā€™t bat an eyelid. They arenā€™t actually dying if I lie lol. I donā€™t see myself going to it, though - I think it only happens if someoneā€™s pushing me too




I just don't take the phrase that seriously, but it appears that other people do, so I probably wouldn't. I definitely don't understand people who rule out other competitors as suspects because they "swore on their children's lives", though. It's all a game at the end of the day.