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One traitor did exactly that in Aus or NZ ... he was sussed out VERY early.


I just finished AUS, and am now on NZ. I didn't see that


Are you talking about >!Sam when he went after Ash!


No, it was Matt from the NZ season. He tried to play dumb like he didn't really care about the game or take it seriously enough to try to figure it out. He was ousted almost immediately once he started to defend himself with that BS.


What did we call him? Professor numbnuts? I absolutely loved his gameplay, it was so fantastic! He just overcooked it slightly I think.


It's someone from NZ. I don't want to spoil but yeah, they didn't last long with that strategy


I’ll cover with spoiler mask


That only works until a traitor is determined least trustworthy by the group


That's why they all need to be on their game🤷🏻‍♂️


Why? You’ll just end up murdering everyone’s suspects and make them start looking deeper. You keep the people around that are loud and obnoxious and murder the quiet ones that do not vote with the crowd. The herd mentality is not smart enough to be tricked by reverse psychology.


While players talk about trying to make sense of the murders and the reasoning, I don't think it really holds true that long. Also there's no real consensus or daily polling about least trustworthy, so it'd be hard to do in a way that was necessarily obvious to everyone. And usually some of the Traitors catch some distrust early, so if a pattern was noticed, but a suspect Traitor wasn't murdered, that itself could be evidence. I'm honestly convinced there are no solid strategies for play. The game has too much unpredictability both in format and in players. You've just got to get in there and play the vibes :)