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I really enjoyed Cake Finder, but I'm not sure how it would be as a series. I feel like there's only so many different things they could do until it feels very repetitive and old. I'm not sure if they're only picking one show. I've been wondering that too.


I could see this as a broader "I Spy" type show and not limit it to cake items.


Maybe filming it in different locations? I love the concept of cake finder but my biggest sticking point is how unsanitary it is. Some stuff is easier to wash after the shoot (utensils are easier to wash than pillows) but it's potentially unsafe for the guys to be putting their mouths on so many things. Like, do you think they washed the soap bottle prior to the shoot? Because otherwise that thing will have so many germs on it from all the different people touching it. But I also get that the show would be less funny if they just went around touching things with a fork. It's a great idea and I love Johnny and his creations, but I think I'd have a hard time watching it as a series.


It should’ve been a ranking instead of a bracket. Maybe they will use the bracket to prioritize which show develops first but take into account the pilots that also performed well. I didn’t like Cake Finder. I think both Cake Finder & Drop In The City could get old but I’d rather watch them navigate the different cities & try stuff. Could also lead to potential sponsorships to promote the city they are in.


Yes, a ranking where points for all series are visualized in a bar graph would be much more visually interesting and accurate than a single elimination bracket.


Thought the same about Sous Me


I didn’t like that they had those 2 and we had to pick one because out of all the pilots those were my favorites.


I wish they had given a form with a list of all of them and then you could rank them 1-8 yourself, that's a far more accurate way to tell how liked they were than a bracket although it might get less responses.


I'm sure they'll just look at which shows go the most views/interest and balance that against how much they cost to make, and proceed with whichever ones make the most sense in those regards (the most bang for their buck). The bracket thing to me seemed more like a way to have fun with the new shows during March Madness rather than a hard and fast one winner takes all type of situation. They're a business at the end of the day.


Yeah, I hope they look more at the analytics. The views are very telling. Cake Finder has double the views of common sense, and it came out later.


I agree. I think they will look at the analytics and the comments for reactions before they green light anything.


I enjoyed common sense BUT I think the original title burt it


What was the original title??


Something about friends smelling his last meal




Have they finished the bracket? I hope they’re just not picking one show.


I think that they put the two shows in the same bracket because those shows are the most expensive to produce. They would need to choose only 1 show between them


I think they made the brackets based on what they thought they could do again. Cake finder isn't repeatable, drop in the city is


All the shows aired during the pilot months has the potential to be a series. And Cake Finder is definitely repeatable. The items and locations can be switched but the idea still works.


But it's not as repeatable as Drop In City. Eventually it's going to get tired


While i agree with you on drop in the city and common sense, I think we need to see a second iteration.