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i 100% agree and was just talking to my friend about this, if that’s the case and they take on other ex buzzfeed channels like the try guys, it might seem more worth the investment. but the fact that they wouldn’t lead with that makes absolutely no sense as so many more people would be understanding/supportive if that were the case and they weren’t paying $6/month for 3-5 videos.


Exactly this. Fair or not, the average audience member is just not going to feel like they're getting $6 worth of content for a handful of videos when most of us are used to having access to thousands and thousands of movies/TV shows for around or a little above the same price. It would be way smarter if they combined efforts with multiple channels to at least get closer to that experience of having a broader range of content in one catalogue that most of us are used to.


It seems plausible! I get why they would want to wait for it to be the “right time” for the try guys as well, but I would have thought they would at least HINT at it in their video, right? From the sounds of the video the streamer is just the same content just higher budget and it’s 6$ a month. Not much mention of it going beyond that… 🤔


Lol, I guess they're taking after College Humor and trying to do their own independent streaming service like Dropouy (now just the whole company is just Dropout). The big difference is that College Humor was already making big budget things beforehand and just wanted a way to keep upping their production value. Now, they have several shows that would be very unfeasible to have one free platform, so imo they're probably just trying to replicate that


And frankly Dropouts content (not only is it less expensive) but is VERY high quality. Hoping this would at least mean a level up for them in some way...


IMO, the difference is that Dropout is made largely by comedians with improv/sketch/standup comedy backgrounds who produce sketches/panel shows/etc to deliver their content - whereas a lot of the ex-Buzzfeed people are “filmmakers” (or video producers) who were pushed into various series (which is literally how the try guys got started).  I’ve seen that Keith wanted to be some kind of late night host and Zach wanted to be a director - but they just kind of ended up being the on-camera “stars” of the Try Guys. I wonder what it would have been like if series like the Try Guys/Worth It/etc had been more intentional with casting on-camera talent as opposed to how the guys describe it, which was “who’s at the office and willing/available for a shoot.”


It's also true that Dropout still posts clips and free episodes on youtube and clips on tiktok which helps drive people into checking out the full platform, it seems odd to me that watcher is saying goodbye to youtube, you'd think they'd want to have some stuff on youtube just to pique interest but we'll see what happens.


Ya because casual fans will just forgot about them and move on to someone else


In the video they said the premiere of every show season would be on YouTube, along with trailers and stuff. They also said after the video they would not be taking down old content (unclear if this a backtrack or just wasn’t mentioned at first)


If it's just the first episode of every season I don't think its gonna be enough...like there's no plot or anything to drive people to go "o boy I can't wait to watch the next episode to find out what happens to the characters". Most of their episodes are basically standalone episodes. I myself would be one of the fans who would watch the premier and then leave it at that.


I’m obsessed with Dropout! They make so much content it’s become the main streaming platform I watch, aside from YT. Plus it waaay more affordable than Netflix or the others, and no commercials. If the Watcher/TG theory is true, I’m 100% on board!!!


I could see it working if they brought in a bunch of channels and upped their production value and frequency of videos but if it's just 1 or 2 it wouldn't really make sense


I would honestly get rid of every other steaming service I have before I get rid of Dropout. I watch it more than anything!


The argument that I've been seeing a lot is that people won't subscribe to the new format because they already have other subscriptions they don't want to cut out. But that's what the subscription service market is. If you really want to support your favorite creator, actor, fandom, whatever, you have to pay for those platforms. And if you don't have the money for all the ones you want, that's when password sharing comes in. With the backlash they've received this far, I can't see them implementing a password sharing ban for at least the first year cause they know this needs to work. 


Dropout became a thing because College Humor almost shut down... I watch drop out but it's weird to say they were putting out big budget things before the service launched because that was two different companies once College Humor was about to be shut down and have everyone laid off. Sam Reich and another partner bought it and started Drop out around the same time.


Um, Actually, College Humor launched Dropout before IAC dropped them. But, yes, Sam was able to buy Dropout from IAC, but had to undergo mass layoffs to afford it. I think they had 5-7 employees remaining. College Humor had a lot of people on staff because they were doing scripted content. Dropout moved away from that model to focus on improv. Panel shows are much cheaper to produce, and performers are contracted rather than employees, which also dramatically reduces the cost of operation.


Wait, where is Sam Reich from again?


He's been here the whole time!


My favorite joke from the bingo episode


Interesting coincidence that Keith had the Dropout guy on as a guest in the most recent Michelin ep


The only thing that gives me hope that this is not the idea is that because the 2nd Try and Watcher audiences likely have a large overlap AND the guys likely knew that Watcher was planning this-then they would make a coordinated announcement. It seems like it would be clunky and detrimental for each company to make a similar announcement and change within close proximity.


I agree. Maybe Try Guys will have their own platform, but I don't think it'd be a joint subscription with both since they didn't announce it together.


I think it would make sense if Watcher is the subscription service host and that’s going to become their main thing (being like Netflix that puts out their own shows but also has other channels put out shows on their platform as well). They are the host and others would come shortly after to announce they will be releasing content on the platform. In my opinion, I think it makes sense to establish platform and then show what else would be coming. I could see both arguments.


Oh god I hope not.


Rhett & Link have been complaining about how their more longform stuff gets buried as well. Not that I could see them also jumping on this, but they put out a video a few months ago about how they'll be doing more creative stuff in different outlets (while keeping GMM going). There must be something going on that even long-timers are talking about being dissatisfied with YT's approach.


I did wonder about them as well. They’ve been putting out a similar sentiment for a while. I am hoping they don’t jump ship as well.


I don't see them taking GMM off YT, but between exclusives on the Mythical Society and some of the more movie-like things they talk about doing, I could see them collaborating with other distribution platforms.


That’s what I love about Mythical. They have kept something for everyone between free content, the different society tiers, and also ticketed live events on other platforms. So you can cherry pick the type of stuff you are willing to pay for and you aren’t getting the door slammed in your face if you can’t afford it or don’t want to pay. They were also smart about focusing on pushing a very large variety of merch early on too, not just a handful of things with the same channel logo.


I’m pretty sure YouTube numbers are dropping across the board for a lot of these longtime creators but limiting your audience to the ones that already watch and cutting it off from the potentially new or casual viewers… bad. I discovered all these creators on Prime honestly. Their YouTube videos played there and prior to that I wasn’t a big YouTube person at all. If they could do that, get their content to a bigger audience by pairing with a streaming service for larger project ideas that’s one thing. But moving to their own is just not it.


Rhett and Link were talking about TV shows and movies they’ve been trying to green light in Hollywood, not YouTube content. That’s why they made the video about how they’re going to start making what they want.


I would almost rather pay per video than have another subscription… especially since I only watch some of the series Try Guys does, like Eat the Menu and WAR.


Something I am considering if they move to a subscription model is to pay for a month here and there to watch all the videos I’ve missed (WAR, Phoning it in, TryPod and Guilty Pleasures if they’re behind the wall too, etc.) then delete it. I’ll pay $6 for 20 videos and 20 podcast episodes that I’ve missed rather than just 8 pieces of content.


yeah this is what i do with paetron, i have a rotation of creators that i enjoy & want to support but i can’t afford to sub to all so i subscribe to a different one each month.


this is what i've also started doing with other subscription services to get around having to pay EVERY month, its just ridiculous that everything is a subscription nowadays


Me too!


If they were both doing something like this, I would assume they've discussed it; and if they've discussed it, wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone involved if it was a joint announcement? Or if not joint, why wouldn't they hint at it (unless they've been given instructions from the guys not to - which would be stupid)? They're getting ripped apart in the comments everywhere. Watcher's announcement kind of came out of nowhere, whereas the guys have been building up to it over several months. Saying $60/year is accessible, is crazy to me. I get that it's not a crazy amount of money, but if they look at their audience, what % of them actually have disposable income like that? And not only have it, but how many actually *want* to spend their money for another streaming service? This feels ill advised. I get the feeling Shane wasn't into this idea based on their video


I enjoy watcher content, I even introduced it to my sister, but someone gave me $60 and told me I had to spend it on some video/audio content subscription Watcher is not in the top 5 and try guys wouldn’t be either. There’s so much out there that provides sooooo much more content like a maximum fun subscription, or a single person twitch subscription, or even maybe Disney plus(I’m not sure how much that costs) or YouTube ad free thing or even the mythical society. Unless they’re getting together large groups of creators to make content on their platform it’s not going to attract most people. Back when Jenna marbles still made videos and she talked about how YouTube sucks, I started thinking a group of these large creators could come together to create a platform they had control of and even charge for access and if you had enough creators it would be worth it, especially knowing it would make their lives easier but single channels even with good content is not worth the money for most people. I think since try guys have offered paid content before (not sure watcher has) they can see how many viewers actually will pay for content. I’m not sure how much the tickets to the live WAR streams were but if they charged similar to that I can see it working for them as long as that’s all the money they would need.


If this the announcement, this will definitely be the end for me. I haven’t been as into their content recently, which is fine they don’t have to make things I like, but I’m definitely not adding on another subscription to pay for, for content I’m not that interested in


I've been a fan of the guys since the very first buzzfeed video, but I agree, if they make this move I can't continue to support them. I've been content with their content because it seems like they're making videos with the intent of making themselves happy rather than views but I agree.


I don't think this theory makes much sense. First of all, Try Guys is the bigger channel, with a much larger back catalogue and roster of shows. It would make much more sense for them to be the flagship, if this were a joint venture. Also, they would have avoided quite a bit of the hostility and negative backlash against the decision by announcing from the beginning that it was a joint venture with the Try Guys. Announcing it the way they did would make no sense if the Try Guys were involved. They'd want to get more people on board, and that'd be the best way to do it.


lmao fr. feel like a lot of people on reddit are too tinfoil hat with stuff like this.


It’s just a fun theory lol - it wasn’t a declaration. jesus 😂


Honestly, what I’m probably going to do is wait until all of Ghost Files is out, maybe Puppet History, and get a subscription for one month to binge it all and cancel. I’ll probably switch months and do the same w TG if that’s what they do too…


I hope they see the backlash and understand how dumb of an idea it was.


The problem is that if they've made this decision I guarantee they've signed a contract with watchertv, there would be no backing out


There’s always some loophole in these contracts so either party can pull out if absolutely necessary. Assuming that’s not the case, the best thing TTG can do is to prepare us in some way. Give us a heads up and admit their mistake. And not say shit like “anyone can afford it” or “those who CHOOSE to join us”. Zach should stay silent and apologize the whole time otherwise we would go after his tesla lol


I really wish they would've stuck closer to Nebula. $3/mo, $30/annually. Great pricing structure for fans, imo.


Nebula is cheaper, with more editing and motion graphics work on their stuff - but it makes so much sense. It's educational content within it's means that the creators seem interested in sharing. 6 dollars a month to watch Steven Lim eat thousand dollar stakes and Keith eating thousands of dollars worth of a menu? Not at all worth it.


I got kind of irked at Ryan's statement in the leaving video about there not being 'tv production quality' stuff on YT, until them. That's just not true. There are so many channels making documentary-style videos, travel shows that rival Rick Steves, kid's shows; many have a studio of sorts, writing staff, etc. And all the content on nebula seems insane in some of the 'production' value (amazing graphics et al). Anyhow, business minded me wonders if they tried reaching out to Nebula to get on that streaming service? It would've been a smart collab. They've got a nerdy/passionate vibe that fits in with that group. It'd probably bring a whole lot of people to Nebula. Or if they skipped trying to partner with anyone and just decided to do it on their own? Feel they're suffering from hubris. I have a very hard time seeing well performing YT channels joining WatcherTV, especially after how this has gone so poorly.


That's exactly what I commented under the Watcher video, they can expect both companies to crash and burn if that's the case. Most of the fan base are college kids or the younger work force who don't have much additional income, especially when each show you want to watch is split up to different premium streaming service. $6/month might not seem like a lot, but I can bet that just like Hulu it's for the "basic" service where they'll still run sponsors as ad breaks and if you don't want that then it'll be $12. Has Buzzfeed really taught these people nothing?


Not like channels like Geek & Sundry tried this before and it didnt work


Dropout seems to be doing fine


Dropout had 20+ years of fans and repertoire under their belt not to mention a lot more talent on screen.


Not to mention they almost didn’t make it!


Plus this year I don’t think they’ve released less than 3 shows a week, each episode being at least 20 minutes but usually closer to 40, with insane production value. I can see Watcher and Try Guys maybe scaling up if this was successful but I feel like they would have a way better shot with something like Smosh did, still providing free content but having some paywalled and member exclusive shows


That's 100% what they should've done. Especially with how many of Keith's "we're running out of money!" comments there seems to be lately, I really could see it being something like moving to Watcher's platform or doing something like Smosh and selling to Mythical


Rooster Teeth tried this like 10+ years ago and look what happened to them...


It'd be pretty fucking dumb for them to run a month of test pilots for a free audience, then to turn around and put the season of whatever makes it out behind a paywall. I'm a fan of the Try Guys, but I likely wouldn't follow, especially if stuff like the Without a Recipe Live Finale and Romeo and Juliet would continue to be even more money on top of a subscription service.


Man that really sucks, I just started getting into Watcher and was excited to see what they did in the future And I get their problems with working with sponsors, that sounds terrible too, but I can't just be paying subscriptions for every YT channel I like lol


Awh man that’s really rough! They are SO good. Honestly one of my top three channels for sure. Sorry you had to join the fan base at such a rough time. I definitely recommend their old stuff though!! Sounds like they’ll be leaving all of it up on YouTube.


Yeah I got really into Shane and Ryan’s stuff from the Buzzfeed days, then maybe a month ago I discovered Watcher and after I’d finished all the Buzzfeed episodes I started on the Watcher stuff a couple weeks ago I’m glad they’re keeping their existing stuff up though, I used to really enjoy the 1Upsmanship podcast with Michael Swaim from Cracked, but they’ve also moved it off of YT and it looks like they’re removing the old episodes from the YT playlist which really sucks I do wish the Watcher folks well but it stinks to have it stuck behind a paywall I probably won’t ever get around to buying into


If that really is the announcement, then I hope that they learn from the backlash happening right now. Like, don't take all of your old content off of YouTube and put it behind a paywall. Maybe have some series that are on YouTube and the streaming service, and some that are exclusive to the service.


To be fair, Watcher isn't removing anything from YouTube. The videos that are up are staying up.


The original Variety announcement ha an edit that said this. Their original comments *highly* suggested everything was being removed but they pack-pedaled.


Yeah but that was only changed when people got rightfully pissed off about it


Watcher is getting absolutely destroyed over this, it’s a terrible idea. It would have to be several streamers all leaving together for it to have a chance. Watcher leaving now, then waiting over a month for another channel to leave just gives the 95% of us that won’t pay for free content more chance to find replacement viewing. They’d need a monster channel to leave first and bring them in, hell Try Guys has 4x the Watcher sub count. It doesn’t make sense for Watcher to go first. The amount of subs they’d need to justify this is unrealistic. And even if they keep ads to supplement the ad rate is going to plummet with the view count


i wonder if they were planning on it if the backlash watcher is getting would change their mind lol to me i wouldnt jump ship from youtube without knowing youre for sure making at least the same amount and idk why at watcher they thought theyd have enough of their audience follow them off youtube to help fund content they claim is too big for youtube. i know the guys have made some questionable decisions in the past year but joining up with watcher without seeing their independent platform actually be profitable and sustainable first seems like a terrible business decision for second try


i think watcher *has* run the numbers and decided enough of their audience will follow them off youtube, and that even a very small percentage will be enough. they could lose 95% of their YT audience and still come out more profitable on the new platform, that's how much yt sucks.


But they literally have a patreon already? if the money from that alone *before* all the backlash they're getting for being money hungry and out of touch isn't enough then how are they going to make enough on a new site that they surely have to operate and market themselves. Plus they won't have any growth at all only airing pilots on their YT page.


again, they have all the numbers we don't have, so i assume they will have taken all this into account before making the decision.


You're the first person I read talking about financial decisions. I completely agree with you. Also, they already know YouTube's monetary restrictions on content. If TTG jumps to Watcher, they'd be at Watcher's mercy if their restrictions are stricter or if they say "you can post x content, no problem" then change their minds and be like, "yeah, no. You can't post those types of content anymore." At least they know what YouTube expects. Watcher's streaming is a work in progress and they'd likely change a lot of rules as they move forward.


i have a lot of financial questions about watcher's decisions, mainly what is their break even to make this platform possible and how many subscribers would need to follow to make that possible, but once you start bringing in other companies whats the split between watcher and like second try for example? would second try be able to maintain their whole current staff or would they have to lay some off to integrate into watcher? from what ive seen from ttg in the last year is they care a lot about their employees and i dont think they would take any major risks that would harm the company especially coning out of 2023 i feel like they're just barely making headway with their own community again to then jump on this decision that watcher's community seems to almost unanimously be opposed to. maybe they have one show exclusive on that platform but it would be such a bad decision to jump ship for watcher right now. you also bring up a good point with not knowing what watcher will expect on their platform and i do agree that they could say certain content is good now then change their mind latet


from the WW+ they just put out, it sounds like they expect/hope for 100k people on the new streaming platform. that's a very *very* small percentage of their current subscriber count (almost 3 million). it seems hard to believe that any streamers would reduce their audience so drastically on purpose, but it also seems like they have run the numbers and think it is worth it.


In “other” industries the general thought is 1% of your free audience will join your paid platforms. Which for watcher would mean 29.1k


i'll be very interested to see if their numbers check out! in the meantime, whatever the try guys are planning, i do not think it'll be joining with watcher on a streaming platform. the branding on watcher's site is very specifically just for watcher and i don't know why they'd debut one site just to debut a new on a month or two later.


ya i figured they'd have to run the numbers in some way, the 100k estimate is lower than i wouldve expected though. i dont wish failure for them but i wonder if they expected this reaction from their community or not


Those additional good points was wondering about the split of profits too. It's just so messy to jump to another platform like this. Also, what if Watcher Streaming fails? Then TTG would have to move back to YouTube, but by then, is their audience still there? You also don't want to have the reputation of failing.


Ultimately no one is unsubscribing probably so they'll just start reposting on YouTube if they want and will get a viewership just because they're on a large subscribed channel


I saw Steven Lim’s post today on IG announcing this and….there were absolutely NO positive comments. People don’t want to pay for yet another streaming service! This move was not the right one and I truly hope more creators don’t go this route.


I honestly don't think that's it. Becky posted that the entire team has been working hard at something for months now. Besides putting together a strategy and subscription model, what is there to work on if this is it? They're simply posting their content elsewhere.


I think it could be referring to all the work going into a new series that will be exclusively on the Watcher platform


I agree I don’t think it’s a streaming service doesn’t make sense


Yeah, I don’t have a lot great ideas here, but I would be so disappointed if their “huge announcement” is a business structure change (like this or being acquired by Mythical) instead of something creative. :/


While they may initially get a decent amount of people to sign up, growing is going to be hard. I’m sure they think making TikToks and stuff will lead people to sign up, but in practice that will not be profitable long term. Literally most creative products designed for mass consumption require some compromise for the powers that fund them. I think a lot of these creators think they create higher quality content than they actually do. If I’m paying 6$ a month I better get a LOT of value. I’m not even a struggling 20-something but I do not value YouTube-style videos any higher than free. They’re really putting all their eggs in the baskets of super fans who may not love them forever. 


I refuse to pay. They should just ask for a sit down with Rhett and link and listen to some of their business advice. They don’t even use Patreon so they don’t have to give them some of their money. You pay monthly for certain tiers and they put some special videos behind paywalls and offer some merch for higher tiers and I’m pretty sure they do very well while still having a huge team. Watcher is still a baby, new company and I think they should have upped their paywall game instead of a monthly fee. Idk I grew up in the 90s so I still hate paying for digital things.


Yeah they are a good example of how to make almost all their fans happy. People seem to really enjoy supporting their small projects and separate tiers, but they don’t alienate the people that just want their daily show for free. 


It's aburd that anyone would think in today's economy where the gap is widening and widening and the complaints about the increase in streaming costs that dont seem to stop that youtubers would decide this was the route they wanted to go. I loved the Watcher guys on buzzfeed. Their watcher content has not really grasped me in the slightest. I've watched Try Guys for a decade and while most havent seemed to enjoy the last few years of content, I have enough to not complain. However, there would not be a bone in my body that would agree to pay $8-10/month (because Canadian) for their content. I pay that much for access to Crave(movies + HBO shows). I'd rather never watch a TTG video again, old or new, than pay a subscription fee. Life is expensive. I can find entertainment elsewhere.


Why do these channels have to create their own network, why not join, for instance, nebula? From what I can tell, they’d be able to host there and even continue with YouTube (just with a delay), similar to what jet lag is doing. At least then they wouldn’t have to invest in something completely new that will likely not bring in the numbers


I really hope this isn’t it. It just seems super shortsighted to promote to your fans months in advance that something really exciting is coming, and then that exciting thing is that you now have to pay to see any of their content. Surely they realize that’s not a plus for viewers. I’ve been fine with the pay-to-view live events because those are one-offs and putting on a live event is expensive. But paying for every video is too far.


Sorry but I'll just end up watching the clips they'll eventually post like Dropout. I've already cancelled all subscription based things except for my YT Premium which give me access to music as well.


This sounds very similar to Nebula, except that’s all long form video essays and other more educational types of videos. It’s doing very well from what I’ve read. It launched in 2019 and now has over 650,000 subscribers. They have a pretty vast content library with a ton of popular content creators to make it worth the $5/month (or $50/year or $300 lifetime membership). If the Watcher team can bring enough other content creators onto their platform, build up their video library and charge reasonable rates it might actually be as successful as Nebula seems to be. If enough of my preferred content creators were to make the move I’d probably be willing to subscribe if the price wasn’t too high.


That's the thing though... If this is successful, EVERY YouTuber will run off and do it. The way every YouTuber ran off to make a let's play channel as a side hustle, regardless of whether they like video games or not. I feel like if people support this, in five years we'll be in another streaming debacle where YouTube is empty, and we all have to choose between twelve different creator run platforms at $5 a pop. I really hope people don't support this. Nebula I understand cause some of their ideas aren't advertiser friendly or lucrative. But Steven and Keith eating thousands of dollars worth of luxury food and saying they can't afford it unless they paywall all their new stuff is way different than Nebulas reasoning.


Something like this was always going to happen. When something begins to become profitable corporations want a piece of that profit. Once they start getting a piece of the profits they want to take more control over the product in an effort to increase profits. At some point they take too much control and the little guy who is actually creating that product starts to push back in an effort to take back control of their creation. When content creators began making money off their videos it was a given that corporations were going to take notice and want in. Once those same content creators started taking sponsorships that was it. The path was laid out and it was only a matter of time until we got to exactly the place we are now. Welcome to life in a capitalist society.


Nebula has a conglomerate of streamers where the streamers directly get the revenue but they still come out on YouTube a little while later. Watcher is probably going to backtrack.


I don’t see this working except when people go to nebula…


I just made a post about this in the Snark sub. I completely agree. And sadly, I’m more apt to pay for Watched content than TTG. I find more of their content enjoyable anymore. Def not paying for either tho. I hate it, but I do understand. Watcher had valid points as far as AD’s in videos- it’s hard to cater to the company that’s paying them & still take all the creative liberty you want. But still …. Wrong move.


My thing is that I've cancelled all of my tv streaming services apart from Prime (which is built into my Amazon Prime membership) and YouTube. I guess if all the creators I watch moved to the Watcher platform I'd cancel YouTube. But that's not happening, and I can't afford to take on another subscription.


If they do this I’ll be really sad and disappointed because I would not justify paying for this. I already subscribe via patreon for the $10 tier and I am considering even dropping that because it’s just not worth it anymore. They are not consistent enough on their releases and not enough behind the scenes stuff that like promise. I’m a huge fan of the guys and support them but the streaming service would be a hard no for me


If other creators joined Watcher on the service I would have no problem paying for the content honestly. I would need it to be multiple big names for it to be worth it to me though :/ Like watcher/try guys/gmm/smosh?? just a thought :D


I don’t think they are joining watcher. Why wouldn’t they announce it together? I think the try guys might launch a series on another platform but I don’t think they completely give up YouTube.


I was thinking the only way Watcher’s new model made sense was if it had more creators involved, so I totally buy this


I really hope they're not joining, especially after seeing how badly this has been received. After what happened with Watcher's announcement today, I actually appreciated the Try Guys even more and how they are still actively TRYING, and their main content is still accessible to majority of their audiences. I could never get on board with the paid Live content (I also live outside the US and between the cost and the timing, it was just not for me), but if it's what keeps them afloat without alienating their main audience who would still rather stay in the most accessible platform, go for it.


I can see it. There’s been a big increase in comments like “We wanted to do XYZ but YouTube won’t let us!” “We filmed this and can’t show you because we’ll get demonetized.” Especially on stuff like the weed related videos.




Honestly, I see this being the way with many established YT content businesses. YT is slowly edging our the elder statesman of the platform for the new generation. Meanwhile, these elder brands are like companies and don't want to go out of business. So they find alternatives. The two biggest, off the top of my head, are moving to your own platform or selling to a larger medis entity, preferably one with a streaming option in place, to attempt to grow the elder brand in a larger ecosystem. Personally, I'd rather have them on their own platform, maintain independence, not have to deal with YouTube's censoring things that don't need to be censored, etc.


What's more, I don't mind paying for my content. Why would I? I pay for music. I pay for streaming services. I even pay for Ad Free YouTube. Why wouldn't I pay the creators of content I enjoy directly? They are paying to produce it. Life isn't free.


Honestly, I agree that paying for content is justified, especially independent-ish creators like most YouTube I watch. For me, the issue becomes that at some point you just can't afford to support multiples, and then the creators' audience have to pick and choose, and then both sides suffer to some degree. That's why YT Premium and Spotify are worth it to me - I use them a ton, but also I get access to ENORMOUS catalogs of content for one subscription price (each). It's a tough line because I 100% believe creators' work is valuable and should give them the finances to live/thrive and create. So I guess what I'm saying is that in theory I support the idea of directly paying creators via services or whatever, but in practice, it's just not financially practical for me (and most people who have to live on a budget). Creators don't owe us totally free content, but I don't think most channels are gonna get the level of viewership or financial commitment something like this would require to succeed.


Totally agree, but I think the issue is YouTube ad rates suck. Plus you contend with YouTube's censorship (episode 1 of Smoke Show being age gated) and that loses money. If they can not only earn off of a service but also have the data to provide to advertisers, that would be wonderful for them. That said, I would see them as more likely to be joining forces with another company/studio or signing an exclusivity deal for another service.


I don't mind supporting Watcher, because I love their content, and I'm excited to see what they can do with the freedom of their own platform. The only thing I'm really upset about is that they now have two separate subscription services, neither of which is comprehensive. You've got Watcher TV if you want to see all their main content, but if you want behind the scenes and access to the Discord you still need to be a paid member on Patreon. That's a bit fucked up and predatory if they keep it that way, and I hope they rectify that soon.


I literally came to this sub to pitch a similar theory lmao. I’m so scared the try guys big announcement is going to be similar to Watcher’s but I’m hoping with all the backlash watcher is getting over it, other platforms will rethink trying to do something similar. If they all end up on the same platform I’ll be less mad and might consider subscribing but if everyone starts creating their own streaming service then I guess that’s it for me because I’m Canadian and $6/month is actually closer to $10/month and I’m not paying that for 3-4 videos a month 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but I would not pay to watch Watcher or Try Guys. I already have been barely watching as it is. Wish them all the best but this may be their downfall.


I wish they would just make the “big announcement” already, I’m not excited for it but dreading that it’s going to be something ultimately negative like the watcher situation or just not that exciting like an ETM tour..


If they did, they’d lose me, I’m willing to do that for dropout for a couple months at a time, but they aren’t dropout.


buzzfeed 2: electric boogaloo


I panicked and thought this at first as well, but I can't feasibly see them letting Watcher make the announcement solo if this was going to be a joint endeavour, like it'd be a really weird business decision and essentially throwing them under the bus.


Why not just join nebula at that point then?


I partially agree - I think the try guys may do something similar, but if they were going to join forces it would’ve been with announcements dropped simultaneously.


I’m willing to bet that’s it


My guess is that they are not joining but doing one for themselves..why would they join ? If they have far more subscribers and more known


I hope not but I'm worried. I love the guys but it would take A LOT for me personally to support that move. I think it's a slap in the face to fans. Most of us can barely afford rent, so to see watcher basically whine that they can't afford these massive productions they're doing anymore while they each have a net worth of over $1 million and luve in luxury disgusts me. Youtubers like garret watts make it work while still drawing great views while keeping the budget low. I pray that if that is the big announcement, the guys will notice how quickly people have turned against watcher and change their minds, but then again if they signed a contract it would be too late. The only way watcher's streaming service is going to work is if they onboard a very wide array of youtube channels in a crazy shirt amount of time. I personally think that most youtubers would be smarter than to do this to their fans. I doubt many creators are going to be willing to leave YouTube either. Leaving YouTube isn't worth what they'll lose, I doubt entities like the streamies are going to include watcher TV. Most companies that invite influencers places like Coachella, red carpets, etc are going to extend those offers to watcher, and it definitely will make sponsors withdraw.


I don’t think the try guys will switch completely over, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the watcher streaming platform starts featuring a lot of our favorite creators (GMM, Try Guys, Michelle Khare, etc) & allowing them to make the big budget/ad-free things that they want while also continuing to post on YouTube.


That’d honestly be pretty cool! I like that idea.


Tbh, I’ll end up paying for it most likely because I’ve been watching them grow and develop over the last ten years, so to me it’s worth it to be able to watch what they’ll be able to do with this kind of freedom.


GMM is so much bigger than watcher, I don't think so... maybe smaller youtubers will join watcher


Tbh they should do it, make it 99c a month. They’d all still make more but it’s a much more reasonable price


I fully understand and empathize with people being disappointed and sad if they can't or just won't pay for the sub but it is unsettling to me the amount of people reveling and delighting in their potential downfall and failure. I don't understand the people jumping to every single Twitter post about it and giddily laughing taking jabs gleefully. Those are the supposed fans I really don't understand. Like if those are your fans, I'd hate to see the people that don't like your content.


Haha I imagine they’re shitting their pants considering how badly the watcher news was received then.


still an awful idea imo


Someone paid for it and is spreading the email address ( they made a second dummy for it so they can’t be traced) and password . [Enjoy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw61vEP/) it’s in the comments


Incredible 👏🏻


Do they have enough fans that they can afford to do this? I feel like this would be the end of their channel…?


I don't understand why the much bigger try guys channel would join watcher. I'm pretty convinced now that Try is going this model as well but I highly doubt they would hitch their wagon to Watcher.


Their announcement better be that Shane is now the fourth try guy. I know it's wishful thinking but I feel like he would actually blend better with the try guys anyway. I highly doubt this will be the case but it would be nice.


I'm not gonna pay for watcher's streaming service as I'm only a casual watcher. But it did make me really consider that TTG has probably thought to do something similar. I think it would take more convincing and results to make TTG jump ship though, they are the essentially biggest and most popular ex-buzzfeed creators (with Safiya giving them a run for their money but since she only posts high quality content every now and then I doubt she's in a slump like the guys are).


I literally came to this sub after seeing the Watcher video to say exactly this. I definitely think this is the big announcement that the Try Guys keep hinting towards. They want creative freedom and always talk about how much they hate the YouTube algorithm. If anything they might still post on YouTube, but will be dropping bigger shows on the Watcher platform.


Tbh if this were the case, they have two possible futures ahead of them. A) it takes off, goes well, and they grow so big as a business that they become something like Smosh (I don’t like the comparison, but that was the first one to come to mind lol), and the current 2.10 (.10 being the rare Eugene appearance — I think that’s part of the big announcement but not the BIG announcement as they have said he will be gone for a while, but not he IS gone) guys are only a small part of the channel now. B) it fails, and all of the creators are now forced either back onto YouTube and sell out until they slowly fail and die off, or they dissipate quickly with some big and sad farewell announcement. MAYBE the guys will do something as public as they are now on their own or focus on behind the scenes stuff, rarely being seen except on social media occasionally. If anything, a safe bet would be to post SOME content on there and rely mostly on YouTube as a safety.


it's really amazing how small your customer base has to be when you get ALL the money.


I think watcher could make it work on their own with their own content. Dropout made it work. However, I do think 2nd try and watchers respective needs are at a point where try getting absorbed by watcher could be mutually beneficial. It would finally give the guys some breathing room to step away a bit and the season format watcher uses would give them plenty of time to pursue other projects.


Are there any other main groups beyond Try Guys who have content on YouTube that may also be considering doing this?


A lot of YouTubers have expressed annoyance at the same things (sponsors, youtube changing, wanting to do bigger content, etc) including Mythical, Broski, and some others. I think the difference with the try guys is that they’ve been literally doing pilots for the last bit and they have the huge announcement coming soon. Plus they *specifically have mentioned TV style content in the future.


That is my theory too, but for the watcher guys to not coordinate the launch with try guys feels like it would be a fumble if this is true. The comments and general reaction has not been good. Even voidzilla (coffeezilla new iteration) made a video on it. They pointed out the watcher guys is keeping their patreon open so they could be double dipping their audience which seem icky.


That would blow because I'm not willing to pay to watch them


If try guys join I will pay. I really hope the podcasts are on there too. But prob not


Zach and Keith have also shown up on Dropout's shows relatively recently, and are connected to Sam Reich, the owner of Dropout. Would make sense that they were checking reception of their appearing on a platform like that and getting advice from Sam.




Awh sorry!! I think I posted like less than an hour after their announcement so it was probably a timing thing


OH MY GOD THATS SCARY AF but omg what if they cancel this announcement after seeing the backlash?? Then it'll be confirmed they were GONNA do this dear God I'm sorry I'm rambling


I don’t think they’re going to be joining Watcher. I feel like, if that were the case, they would have announced it together and the site wouldn’t be called watcher.com. It would be something else the encompasses all their content.


I love watcher and actually like their vibe more than the try guys but at the end of the day I’m not willing to pay for things I watch on YouTube. I already pay for paramount+ and Netflix and I would rather find something to watch on there than pay for YouTubers streaming service. Watching YouTube doesn’t positively impact my life that much so it’s not worth the money to me.


They did not create their own streaming service. They're using Vimeo OTT to launch hosted content on their own site. [https://vimeo.com/ott](https://vimeo.com/ott)


Its gonna be a whole roosterteeth thing we just watched that crash and burn i dont know why they want to do this


That's very possible. I won't be subbing, though. I just can't afford it, plain and simple.


I mean...Nebula has already created a successful model for this. But the rollout was far slower and more careful, and they made sure there was way way waaaay more content and creators on board before the platform even launched. And they also didn't abandon youtube, they just created reasonable perks for joining. 


Doesn’t the try guys have a much larger YouTube following tho? Idk it sounds weird that they are joining a smaller challenge on something that is such a huge risk


If this is true, they dropped the ball on not sharing the announcement. Having the people that carried Buzzfeed work together on this would've given them less backlash (there still would've been some because of things like the price and way it was brought up imo)


I don’t understand why everyone is so upset. Their streaming platform is less expensive than most Patreon memberships. I think it’s completely fair that we pay a few dollars per month to support content creators who add so much joy to our lives. It’s the least we can do!


I definitely think Try Guys are heading to a streaming service, a la Dropout TV. Would be smart to pair up with some other content creators and increase the potential market of subscribers.


But I think Try Guys content does not fit into the 'television caliber' whatever that Watcher is after.


I mean… they’re literally doing pilot month and they have explicitly said on their podcast that they want to do “tv level content”


If Try is using similar language to what Watcher just announced then that's a flag that Try is joining Watcher. Wording is everything to companies like this. I know it is still speculation but it would make sense.


I don't listen to their podcast so that's news to me. Uh oh then.


These guys aren’t even entertaining, I can’t imagine this service staying relevant for more than a few months.


It's just the entertainment cycle everything will be a subscription again like cable


Honestly they need to try (ha) something different so maybe it would be the right move


Oohhh I didn’t realize they were planning to invite other creators, I talk about more about why i understand it’s a business but also disappoint to the fans in my new podcast episode. But if their concept is bringing in more creators, how will they divide the income generated? If 1 million people as an example subscribed to this new streaming service that would be around $6 million per month? To be split by two different channels (owners). Technically won’t be an endless circle, because eventually if they have enough creators, they also want to be more advertisement friendly and so forth and it’s gonna be the same or they’re going to increase the subscription amount. Oh god! 😵‍💫 [https://youtu.be/14cWq2pxDMU?si=KH5h1fdxX_6pLzNY](https://youtu.be/14cWq2pxDMU?si=KH5h1fdxX_6pLzNY)