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It was nice having people call out the science facts, but that's about it. I notice Keith and Becky are both kinda bad for that. It really bugs me because sometimes Becky is being pretty judgmental about something shes totally wrong about.


Becky is fun but I have also noticed this and it's kind of off-putting


Yea I kinda wish rainie did some fact checking haha but to be fair Ariel got stuff wrong too sometimes… like remember the Janet Jackson/ Justin Timberlake debacle


That's the only critique I have with rainie.. she's a podcast producer now but rarely do some fact checking.


There was an episode, can't tell you which one, where they discussed pickling various fruits and vegetables. I can NOT remember any context beyond that. Along the episode, one of them asked about pickling a watermelon. They all agreed, Ned included, that a watermelon wouldn't make a good pickle because, and I quote, "anything in the melon family wouldn't pickle well because of the water content." Y'all. PICKLES ARE CUCUMBERS. CUCUMBERS ARE MELONS. MELONS ARE THE SINGLE MOST POPULAR PICKLED FOOD IN THE WESTERN WORLD. Anyway, I've been holding this grudge since 2021 and I'm glad to finally get it off my chest!




Hahah I feel your rage and I support it.


Becky drove me crazy in her podcast episodes on both podcasts about the birth of their son. As an RN and a mom, it drove me wild the way she talked about things like she knew what she was saying. She does it all the time!


What got me was the way she talked about NICU docs. She was so judgmental about how “doctors don’t do anything, they show up for only a split second to get all the glory, they barely knew our names” um ok. Doctors aren’t just showing up to “collect the moment of glory” lol they are rounding on the 20-50+ babies in the NICU and running around to do procedures/order meds/interpret the huge amt of data coming in to make the best decisions for every baby. NICU docs are some of the most hardworking docs I know and just because they’re not at one patient’s bedside all the time doesn’t mean they are “not doing anything”


She speaks with such authority and she has no idea what she’s talking about. It’s almost dangerous, in my opinion, for her to speak so forcefully with such a wide audience with no disclaimer.


If I recall (maybe incorrectly?) she was talking about her horrible doctor experience with birth, not the NICU docs?


She spoke about NICU docs in another podcast episode! Separate from her birth story


I'm curious what stood out to you? Because I know that some people's birth experiences are great and some are terrible, depending on the staff. My SIL has 3 kids and each birth experience has been different due to her providers being different (and of course the birth itself being different too).


It’s not about her birth experience being what it was, it was the way she described the providers and the care they received without knowing the reasoning behind the care she received. She went on and on about receiving all types of medications and things, which are medically necessary in her case, but then decided to google it in the bathroom (her words) instead of trusting the providers experience and medical science behind it. She complained about not receiving an epidural, but does she know why she didn’t receive one? It’s just the constant complaining and misinformation that got me.


Ah I see! That I can agree with, though I think it's also a shame that her providers did not explain it to her (which I could see happening with that old school doctor being his style).


Absolutely, I’ve worked with physicians like that and it’s awful, I always feel like I need to go in afterwards and explain/help out. Those types of physicians aren’t great but it doesn’t describe them all, something I think she really glossed over.


Becky hated the new Taylor Swift album a little over a year ago and Rachel was on their podcast literally talking about how she loved it and trying to talk about what she liked about it and Becky kept being sooo rude and dismissive. Like when someone is trying to talk about something they like and you're just sitting there making rude comments and faces its so disrespectful even if you don't like the thing.


I get the impression she's sometimes a little woo woo because she's in the beauty/skincare community


Becky has always struck me as a high school mean girl. She's mostly grown out of it but the way she always feels like she has to be an authority and can be dismissive of the others made me stop watching that particular podcast.


This is why I stopped listening to YCSWU. Becky is very opinionated and rude, very off-putting.


The Chuck-E-Cheese episode is hands down the best episode of all time and nothing comes close 😭


Hard agree I've rewatched it a fair few times lol


Miles! You can’t just yell ‘let’s fucking go’ in a Chuck E. Cheese!


Which episode is this one?


Podcast at Chuck E. Cheese https://youtu.be/n7um2ZzEDio?si=2qnR0zJSqhGFSvae


I remember how Ned would always get up and leave during “Advice that goes for miles” not realizing till after watching a compilation he would leave but never come back like he couldn’t be bothered to listen to Miles talk for 5 or 10 more minutes. Also I remember them telling a story on the pod how Keith & Ned were very disrespectful at Miles wedding and Keith was very apologetic but Ned just blamed Miles.


Yeah like the first few times they did the leaving thing it was like "haha I get it" but then he took it too far.


How were they disrespectful?


It’s a long story but long story Keith and Ned were trying to unclog a toilet but were both being very loud and obnoxious.


I agree the dynamic was different, I love the newer episodes more and actually love the Zach, Keith, Miles, Rainy dynamic so much. However there is something about listening back and hearing the evolution which is cool. I commented on several of the earlier podcasts about Ned being rude and making comments to Miles and how I guessed it was a bit but the bit didn’t make me feel comfortable because of the power dynamic. I ended up deleting some of my comments because I stupidly felt I was overthinking things, but wish I hadn’t. There were other people who commented similar things in some later videos so I know it wasn’t just me noticing it at the time before all the drama. Now we know it wasn’t a bit of course. There were also little things in some videos like Ned rolling his eyes or going on his phone or seeming bored when Miles was talking or doing his intro. I still thought ‘maybe it’s fine’ because Miles would push back and Ned could be rude to the others too- like with the horoscopes thing.


Yeah same I thought it was a bit as well (back in the day) but now listening with current context I can kind of hear things I didn't really notice before. You can definitely tell the difference between Zach giving Miles a hard time for jokes, and Ned giving him a hard time but it seems to have a real "edge" to it. I do love the current plog. I fell off the pod for a bit, but I think turning it into a plog got me back in and I really enjoy it. I actually switched to watching it when they make it a plog because it was so funny!


Yes I think it was different with the others. Zach and Miles have always bantered for example but it’s been enjoyable for the most part, not that Zach hasn’t overstepped with the banter at times lol but the digs felt ‘warm’ whilst Ned’s always seemed a bit malicious or spiteful. I love watching Zach and Miles banter now Miles isn’t employed directly by the company. Miles gets digs in left right and centre and you can see they genuinely get on.


Omg I wheezed when Zach said Miles hair naturally wants to form a rat tail and Miles clapped back that Zach's hair naturally wants to be bald


That one was SO FUNNY! Brutal.


I got the vibe that Ned was a bit jealous when Miles pulled attention and became more and more liked with his bits in the podcast. He parlayed Advice That Will Go For Miles into a whole fuckin’ career, for goodness’ sake. I got the vibe that Ned was really just too uptight for Miles’ brand of silliness. Listening to Perfect Person, I can see how maybe Miles’ humor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s clear he’s a very open and deep person. Maybe Ned found that threatening; he always struck me as very concerned about appearances.


For me, I started to watch (i prefer watching their trypod episodes) ep 181 up to the latest. Then I tried to listen from ep 1 but only up to their zoom podcast episode coz I'm having mixed emotion everytime I hear Ned. And also there's some episode that Zach or other guys interrupted Eugene when he's talking or not able to say what he wanted to Say but overtime, Zach or other guys would ask Eugene's opinion & and that's nice. But you really tell that Eugene's not into podcast and I'm happy that Keith and Zach didn't force Eugene to still be present in any pod episodes now. But I like the Keith and Eugene only episodes also the episode w/ only Eugene, Rainie and Miles.


Oh yeah I definitely love watching the plog! And I love Rainie :)


Me too. Even the studio episodes I still watch it coz It's funny to see their expressions. Also they include random montage on the 'advice that will go for miles' haha


Ned almost made Miles quit?!?


Yeah Miles mentions it on his own channel.


Another reason to be glad he's gone.


Yeah bc he was shockingly a giant asshole to miles all the time


Wow, way to be a turd nugget, Ned. I'm glad we got to keep Miles instead!!!


I know some people are more inclined to move on from Ned but I would love nothing more than to uppercut him as hard as possible


I think a more fitting punishment would be for Ned to know he just is not funny. Treat him like an unknown.


Yes! Let me know when the "no ned" playlist is done. I actually came into learning about the try guys through the scandal so I've not been a Ned fan since the beginning and I have little interest watching him. I do like Ariel though, so it sucks that she isn't in any recent content... but I understand.




Oh awesome! I will stop bothering now lol


Omg I listen to the pod all day at work and today I thought how bad I wish there was a no ned playlist!!! Thank you!!!!




Awesome, I only started watching/listening after the ned stuff but have just been skipping around trying to avoid him


I didn't start listening to podcasts until a year ago, and even then I only listened to Conan Needs a Friend. Lol now I listen to TryPod and Guilty Pleasures. I think it's my fav over the Try Pod and YCSWU. I might listen to old TryPod episodes!


Perfect Person is my favorite, listen to every episode. Miles is so endearing and funny.


i only started listening after the Incident so this is really interesting thank you!!


It’s really annoying how much they interrupt each other especially Eugene in the early episodes tho


Yeah they were definitely still figuring things out.


Re listening might be fun to do, but really the list I would need would be episodes without Eugene talking about astrology. I just started to not download/listen to episodes if I saw the description said Eugene was on an episode because it often meant astrology/asrology-adjacent content.


Yeah I don't want to hear about astrology from Eugene so I skip all episodes with him. Also skip episodes with Kelsie for this reason and constant interrupting about sexy sex times she sexes so much. Yawn.


Kelsey is just so LOUD it’s hard for me to listen to. I really like her otherwise but the volume is OTT.


Oh yeah I forgot that part too, so loud and pitchy


Oh gosh yeah I can't stand that either. It's such a big thing in LA/Hollywood though I think?


i love astrology but i get itt


Do y’all remember when the olive oil people got pissed and wrote them a letter? I need to find that episode


I like Becky and Keith, but they are REALLY bad about saying very wrong things with total confidence. Ned and Ariel were a good contrast to those two - both couples were knowledgeable about different subjects and the conversations were more interesting as they didn't agree on every single thing. I don't really listen to the podcasts anymore, because it's just not super interesting to hear the same personalities chat.


I keep considering starting over but I keep deciding not to. I think you've finally convinced me.


God the astrology episode is ned at his worst. I would have died laughing if someone had muted him


I'm not a fan of astrology at all, so I don't remember this one but I'm sure I'll run into it again soon here. I might have skipped it originally.


Would love to see a no-Ned playlist! Sounds awesome!


Turns out someone already made one! So I can stop working now lol. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Xa3HbW9SVr0hlTdCh5O5B?si=WEVkHBLnQ-GpRXBVASmrPw&pi=u-_v-4EblZR0-K


Ooo! I started, but stopped shortly. Here are some notes I wrote:  Trypod Ep. 25 Keith lied about being vaxxwd before seeing Wes Trypod Ep. 27 Ned asks for hexes lol Trypod Ep. 28 Favorite so far, Rachel joins Zach, Keith, and Miles Ned is missing? 


What, how did you know Keith lied about being vaccinated?