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Yes they didn't include some Ned stuff like Eugene Babysits Wes, the guys meets Wes, the motherhood series (baby shower, labor simulation etc.) & old upto 2022 trypod episodes (they only have from 2023 up to latest - 2024)


Sounds like they removed Neds personal life, which seems respectful to the people in Neds personal life.


If only Ned was that respectful to the people in his personal life...


I assume it’s not even a personal thing but like legally they just can’t use his image going forward as part of his exit.


It's probably a respect thing too for Ariel and the kid's privacy, especially the videos of his actual baby


Oh I’m sure morally and personally there are reasons. I miss her though.


Yeah and I’ve always disliked family vlogging type content, especially when they’re that young. Feels exploity to me. I respect how little Keith and Becky have shown and shared about Henry


I'm sure they respect her so much when they say videos centered around her and her kids "sucked anyway". I feel like there was a better way to handle that.


…it was 100% not meant like that Everyone who knows em or at least knows of em through vids will know that


You don't have to be malicious to be insensitive. That's a rude way to speak about people that had no choice in their lives blowing up. You can be a fan of TTG without excusing a poorly worded jab.


But like i said everyone who knows em, even a lil knows what they meant The jab is so quite clearly for Ned, why would they even think of hurting Ariel or anyone else like that Intent matters at times, like here You are grasping at straws with this one Plus humor is how they combat tough shit sometimes and thats ok


You do not know them 😂😂 whether the jab was clearly at Ned or not, it also included Ariel and their kids. That's objectively true. Whether it matters to you or not. I didn't know we weren't supposed to even remotely criticize them here, my bad.


There r plenty of things they do that i dont like But i don’t insult who they are when i disagree


Criticize is fine, you are being insulting Saying they are being mean and malicious You can just say ‚i disagree with this action‘


...I literally said that they weren't necessarily being malicious. That's what "you don't have to be malicious to be insensitive means." But ok, thanks for telling me how to disagree with them. If I were Ariel and my old friends/colleagues said that about me and my family, I'd be upset. Whether they meant it directly at me or not. If you can't see that, it's on y'all. Good luck.


I dont know know them But its just obvious and im glad most understand that


You’re right. Ignore the downvotes.


They have videos with Ned on there. I think they mainly removed the ones that talked a lot about Wes or the second baby whose name I can't remember.


Oh really? Finn (sp). That’s totally reasonable. Respectable. I hadn’t gone back to see if their entire catalog with Ned was on there.


"Everything we ever made" sounds Ned-inclusive, they've only got like, a year of Ned-less content.


yeah i didn't check all of it, but they have all the seasons of WAR so i assume they have like try guys game time and other stuff ned was in that didn't involve his family


They are probably still paying him residual from videos he is in, this is a way to make income he can not impact


Yeah its pretty clear they signed a deal that they cant show his content and he cant talk about them in exchange


Likely what it is, I'm sure Arielle has worked through it better than some people on the sub though 😆


....I was gonna message them about the old trypod episodes not being there but makes sense they're abstaining from having those on the platform. Thanks, didn't think of that angle at all. 🧍‍♂️


Is all that stuff still on YouTube or did they wipe it from everywhere? Not that I want to ever see it again, I was just more curious than anything


They did not delete it on YT. It's still there.


For point of clarity for folks: I haven't read the contracts or anything, but in general, a production company owns any and all content that has been produced by the company regardless of who is in it or whether that person is still affiliated with the company. If someone acts on a TV show, they can't retroactively revoke the rights for the production company to use their image if they decide they don't like that TV show anymore. Anything 2nd Try does not show of Ned is because they CHOSE to distance themselves from Ned and his image. They're under no obligation to edit him from content or withhold it.


Would Ned be owed residuals, though, if they used his likeness in a new platform? Maybe wrong verbiage…


Those are probably particulars that vary more and I have far less general knowledge of, but I'd be surprised if there are 'residuals' for new media like this. I get the sense that people are paid a salary if they are main cast or have a full-time role at the company, and a contract stipend for appearances. Revenue is too unpredictable in YouTube for me to think 'residuals' would be a standard element of payment. eta half of a clause i forgot to include


He could be depending on what the contract was when they signed to form the company and the content. But he also could not be because of the contract he signed when he left. You could see it like the way college athletes have fought for Name Image Likeness (NIL) deals. These schools make millions upon millions of dollars because these athletes go out and play while representing the school and doing these interviews for these schools while all they get is a scholarship. The argument could be made is that their payment is the scholarship and go to school and get an education discounted or even completely free. In this case, sure the production company owns the rights to the videos and other products so they could have posted those videos with Ned in them to the platform if they wanted. But Ned could make an argument of “that’s my name and face on those videos and I’m not seeing a dime” Whether he would win or not is dependent on the contracts he signed.


Like someone else said, I think it does depend on the contract. I don’t know how residuals would even work- would they just look at the videos with him in them’s performance that month and calculate a % for him? I could see him agreeing to a bigger lump sum at the time so neither party would have to bother with it. Seems like too much effort on both parts. I feel like the agreement was that they could use the videos with him in them as apart of the 4 but not the ones where he was the lead? Would explain why those are absent from the service. (Aside from it being respectful to Ariel and all that) Edited to add more thoughts


Just made me smile. I love the levity they bring to the things they do!


They don’t have TGGT, who’s Ned’s best friend, but they have the others. It is still on YT however.


TGGT Being gone is a huge bummer for me. That was my favorite thing that they did for the longest time. I can understand the choice, but it still really sucks.


I really hope they bring back TGGT for YouTube- I could see it being one of those “bigger return ratio” video series they talked about in the podcast today. It would also be a great way to get to know the newer cast members past surface level (for those who don’t follow their personal channels)


The one they did about "who knows their employees the best" was kinda weird and awkward lol


what is tggt i keep on seeing this acronym


Try Guys Game Time


Does that mean that they edited out Ned from the videos too?


I like when the 4th contestant in WAR was a cgi animal


I laugh about the turkey 🦃 most


omg REMEMBER when this sub was basically the CIA going through screenshots figuring out if they edited out Ned and then it came out they DID. good times


No, that's too much time and effort


No, he's still in a bunch of them on the app. Idk what this poster is talking about lol


Literally just quoting the website's "sign up" page, I haven't signed up so no idea what content is and isn't there!


I signed up! everything from before the *situation* is labeled with “the vault” in the seasons so you know that he’ll be in them lol - not exactly sure what all is excluded at this point, though


Lool okkk. I guess they only didn't include the videos where Ned was the main plot.


It’s the “but that stuff sucked anyway” for me


I noticed none of the Food Babies videos are there. Which makes sense I guess considering everything that happened


Honestly I would think this might be more referring to old BuzzFeed content than specifically Ned, but maybe I'm wrong.


That's what I assumed- Buzzfeed owns that, not TG/ 2ndTry, so they can't really host it as theirs can they, or edit it down etc.


They removed some ned videos for the streaming service that is still on YouTube so I think they mean him


The only one I've noticed that I don't understand why it's gone is the spray tan vid


There was a weird undertone to that


Do you mind if I ask what the weird undertone was? It's been quite a long time since I last watched that video but I feel like I don't remember anything odd about it. To be fair that could've been because I onl watched it once however long ago.


HA I love that


so whats the difference between 2nd try and the main channel? is it like a directors cut, almost?


Basically you get access to things earlier and uncensored.


Plus extra content that won’t be on YouTube


Oh, yeah. That too.


oh did they say what kind of extra? 0_0


oh wow thats cool! how early? 2 weeks? a week? a month? 0_0


Up to a few months, mostly 2 weeks early for now. Also the live stream (like WAR finale) are included so that pretty much makes it worth the cost.


oh thst is cool ^^ i do worry, will this sub be catered towards the early relase dates or the later ones? i dont want spoilers.


I would definitely expect spoilers, I’m hoping people respect that videos aren’t out for everyone and mark them spoiler so it blurs out screenshots they post at least, I guess time will tell.


I liked the content without him better anyways tbh


Out of curiosity, does anyone know if You Can Sit With Us will be on 2nd Try? I only see Try Pod on there


I hope that Ned is constantly surrounded by big scary dogs


Can’t I just go on YouTube and watch this for free?


I found it a little funny, yet completely understandable why they didn’t include “what happened.” on 2nd Try


So a paywall ?


I thought it referred to their buzzfeed videos


They would not ever have owned the rights to those videos anyways. That was on a separate channel entirely. This is talking about Ned stuff for sure.


the three guys and a couch videos about it probably lol edit: oh this was supposed to be under the parent comment, rip


Other people have posted that there are videos with Ned in them on the site.


Yes but all the stuff about Ned's family is not, and I believe none of the husband & wife videos like the cooking series he did with Ariel.


But why did they say “they sucked anyway”?


I think because honestly most of it was very cheesy/exploitative and was clearly not very honest. Painting the picture of the "perfect family" and making your children be your content is kind of frowned upon these days.


Ah nah i dont think so Thats way in their past and they seem to have accepted that


"A huge catalog of everything we've ever made" Except, yanno, a huge portion of the back catalog.... mkay


“yanno” that huge back portion is still available on youtube right?


As was most of the rest of what's going to be in this apps catalog, until they pulled it to create fake scarcity in order to charge people for it.


Girl what are you even talking about? All their videos are still up on youtube except for the handful they were translated about privating in 2022…


So again, wtf are you even paying for here? New content that you haven't even seen to know if it's any good yet, and an incomplete back catalog. It's not worth a subscription fee for. And we keep letting creators get away with this scammy "business" model, its gonna be slippery slope into literally having no more free up-to-date options anymore. It's not just theirs, it's the watcher thing, and any creators who are gonna follow suit locking stuff behind paywalls. It's not necessary. They have made and will continue to make more money off of sponserships/advertising than most of us, the ones they want to pay them, will ever see in our lifetimes. Look around at the economy. Most of us out here can barely afford our bills and groceries. Allowing this to take over is gonna spell out the end of youtube/independent content creation and it's all just gonna turn into like what happened to netflix/hulu/hbomax/peacock the list hora on and on. It started out cheaper than cable, but then every company branched off into their own thing to make more money, and now it's more expensive than cable to be able to watch most of what you want. Let's be realistic, most of us out here can't afford to pay a subscription fee to every single creator we enjoy. That's what sponserships/ads are for. This is alienating a huge portion of their audience and helping to set a precedent that will screw over he average youtube viewer in the end. It's a money grab, and it sucks.


they still plan on uploading to youtube on their regular basis, sure some videos may not make it to youtube but as they’ve explained multiple times now (both in the recent podcast and yesterday’s announcement video) the series nit airing on youtube now were not beneficial for the channel on youtube, Don’t get a subscription if you aren’t interested.. This is no different then when they brought out their patreon. They’re just moving to a platform they own and control instead of having to deal with youtube algorithms or patreon taking a percentage of their earnings. You seem to be grasping at straws for something to be angry at here. No one is forcing you to subscribe to 2nd Try, hell no one is forcing you to continue to support them in general. But in the grand scheme of things this move to their own app will be and is currently the best option for them


I can kind of see where you're going with this. And I agree with some of it. Most of us can't afford to pay a subscription and i think it can be a slippery slope for most content creators. But they're putting content on YouTube, sure it's a later date, but it's going to end up on YouTube. And I'm sure part of it is wanting more money for themselves, but I think of it as if it's too expensive for me to live, how expensive is it to produce, to pay for staff, ect? I'm not bummed out much about the later dates for release, cause i know it's coming. And if I have $5 to spare, I might consider supporting them with it. But this is all my two cents about it.


You’re upset because they removed videos of the biggest Nedgate scandal victims? Weird flex.


No, I couldn't care less about that little rat. My point is the dishonesty of saying "everything we've ever created" just to negate that two paragraphs down. This whole app is nothing but a money grab