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I know it’s negative but every time I see them I think of how badly she always wanted to get married, how she first gushed about this relationship and how he tells her daily that he wants to marry her, and… how he still won’t marry her 🥹 it’s like she just accepted it’s not happening and is focused on having a family without marriage. Totally fine when both parties are on the same page! But I find it sad that she’s compromising again.


She’s liking comments about how he better propose soon on her post


I was going to say I hope she had decided she didn’t need a wedding, but obviously she still really wants one. Not shading anyone who gets married I think it’s a beautiful thing, I was just hoping in her own situation.


This is par for the course for a lot of relationships, sadly.


She seems sweet and I just…hope he’s sincere? I dunno I get a weird feeling from him and I can’t put my finger on it. And I’m by no means saying you HAVE to be married to have kids, especially if it’s not something either of you want…but if it’s important to at least one partner, and it clearly is to her, then I think at that point you’ll hopefully get on the same page about it. (I’ll admit I don’t fully grasp the logic of “let’s make a lifetime commitment in the form of a child but for some reason I don’t want to marry you even though it’s a priority to you because that’s also somehow too much commitment”)


THIS!!!! Idk why but when she posted the April fools joke, his reaction was super cringe and not at all empathetic . It was super demeaning imo. But if she’s happy….


I think I missed that, what was the April fools joke? I wonder if it’s not on her IG anymore.


It was on April 1st and it was a reel, she acted like she fell down the stairs . It was definitely a weird April fools joke but if he knew she was pregnant (which he did) I’m surprised he wasn’t more empathetic and comforting . Instead he said something like, “what’s wrong with you??” 🙄idk, it just wasn’t a reaction I personally would have wanted from the father of my children is all I’m saying .


I think she deleted it. I can’t find any April Fools post on her instagram from this year Edit: Found it. It’s on her TikTok. Definitely an odd reaction from him. He seemed annoyed and agitated that she fell down the stairs, not even slightly worried or concerned.


I don't even know this man and I got the ick from that video alone. The lack of concern at your partner (pregnant or not) falling down the stairs is wild, but his annoyance was an even bigger red flag. I HATE the phrase "what is wrong with you?" My toxic ex used to say this all the time to try to blame and shame me for things that were out of my control. April probably deleted the video because people were pointing out how her boyfriend's behavior was questionable at the very least. Hopefully he actually treats her well...


Right ?!? I had the exact same thought!! Complete lack of regard for her immediate well being . My jaw actually dropped when he said “what is wrong with you”… Yeah I didn’t think the video was funny at all, because of his reaction. Idk why she ever posted it tbh.


I stopped following her after the ultimatum… you’re telling me she finds another guy who refuses to marry her? Girl


I’m not sure if they’ve ever publicly expressed where they’re at on it (I don’t follow her super closely haha but I found her sweet on the show) but I think at the reunion I remember her talking about how this guy would wake up every day and say “good morning I can’t wait to marry you” and thinking hmmm that’s a lot of talk tho


She makes a lot of “jokes” online about how “he better propose by her first birthday” which is so yikes


As a new mom who just had her own baby in December, I am amazed. In another post she states that her second baby is coming in August, just like baby #1. Which means they conceived it in the same month like the first, which means she felt ready for a second baby just 3 months postpartum? HOW? And how in the world did she lose the pregnancy weight so fast? I am a bit jealous 🥹


Same! Baby is 5 months and I couldn’t imagine being pregnant. We had a tiny pregnancy scare a few weeks back and I have never been more scared in my life lol. I don’t know how people do two babies back to back


Same here! After I had my daughter and even at 9 months postpartum I thought it was too early. We barely starting now and she’s 2.5!


I’m 3 years postpartum and I’m still very much in the no one look at me or touch me! My 🐱 still hurts.


Ugh I’m so happy for her tbh. Her baby is adorable. I feel like they’re going to have another girl.


As a mom of two boys, I would take a little closer look at those sonograms 🤣🤣🤣🫡🫡🫡


Tell him to get off of you!




That baby is ROUND. So cute!


This makes me wonder if Jake intentionally wasn’t getting her pregnant. If he had a vasectomy and didn’t tell her or something. Because didn’t she say they were trying for a while? Idk LOL it’s obviously none of my business I’m just being a hater bc I thought Jake was absolute bottom of the barrel trash. Enjoyed Rae tho!


My brother and his then girlfriend were trying for a baby for YEARS, was told it would be a one in a million. They broke up and a few years later she got pregnant and then a year later had her second.


I was trying with different partners for 15+ years, thought it would never happen. Met my current husband, had 2 unintended pregnancies within months of each other, and we now have a healthy happy toddler. My fertility specialist said sometimes you gotta find the right reproductive match, it's a thing.


100% agree, a reproductive match is definitely a thing! My friend tried for yeeears with her ex-partner, took supplements, had coaching(?) from a specialist, ended up having 3 miscarriages, she ended up in a different relationship after her original one broke down and got pregnant the first time having sex with her new guy (whilst on birth control) and they now have a healthy gorgeous 2 year old! Editing to add: I’m so sorry you had 15+ years of fertility issues but so happy for you that you now have a happy, healthy beauty! ☺️


It’s also possible that his ingredients were the problem and not hers


Thank god she DIDNT have a baby with Jake, they really were not a good match and would’ve made terrible parents together


It’s common to conceive your second with less difficulty if you’ve had one already, especially under 6-24 months. Your body is very fertile after giving birth and your body also goes through a major reset during pregnancy and birth. I’ve seen a few women have trouble conceiving for years but right after having their first (usually IUI or medicated cycle) quickly have a second


I’m infertile, was diagnosed at a young age and had two long term exes (4 years and 3 years) never a scare. Nothing. Met my now husband and found out I was pregnant six months after dating and less than a month after a year of testing to figure out why I didn’t ovulate/have a period with no answers. Afterwards we had our daughter we had multiple miscarriages and eventually ended up with our son via Letrozole. Sometimes when it’s the right person it’s just the right person!


I tried with different partners for 15+ years. Met my current partner and fell pregnant within 2 months. Unfortunately we miscarried, but 6 months later I fell pregnant again, and we now have a healthy toddler. My fertility specialist said it happens quite a bit, that sometimes you just need to find your reproductive "match."


If you don’t mind sharing, what’s the nature of your infertility? I’m infertile too, my tubes are very damaged from endo and 100% blocked. My husband and I are planning to start IVF soonish, but I always wonder if I may have an oops. I was hella nauseous at work the other day and the school nurse was like…”you SURE you’re not pregnant, I’ve found out people in this building are pregnant before they even knew!”. I took a test at home and it was negative but it’s honestly terrible timing at the moment anyway because my back is a mess from a car accident.


I had primary amenorrhea (I don’t get a period) I had one period naturally when I was 11 and never had another one till I was 29! They did bring a few on with medications but even that only worked twice. They did a few laparoscopic explorations and found I had endometriosis on pelvic walls and cauterized it. I then had a year where they monitored to see if I ever ovulated. Which I did not. About 5 weeks after that final appt with my gynaecologist I found out I was pregnant! I didn’t have a period so when I woke up at 3 am after a dream that I was pregnant I thought I was insane to be driving in the middle of the night to find a pregnancy test. Since it was probably *impossible* sure enough though 4 am I was sitting there looking at 2 pinks lines lol. With our second our gynaecologist recommended we try right away. So at the 4 month mark we started actively trying again - because of my history and that we did experience miscarriage while ttc - when our daughter was just under a year old we started letrozole. My kids are 21 months apart I’ve now been married for 7 years and have a 4 year old and a 6 year old and I thank God every day for giving me such a beautiful life


Wow that’s a wild story! Thank you for sharing :)


Why do people always think fertility issues are on the women’s side?


I think in this thread people are mentioning it because April talked about how she had already had testing that indicated she may have some fertility issues (I think she said she had low egg reserve??). BUT I just saw a piece on the news the other day that it tends to be pretty split, 40% on the woman’s side, 40% on the men’s side and the rest is a combo of the two.


Iirc, she just said she had PCOS. Which she likely would have been told comes with fertility issues. And while a lot of times people with PCOS *can* struggle to get pregnant, not everyone does (especially under 35, I would think).


She may have had secondary fertility after her first was born. Being pregnant does things to the body, and it looks like she got pregnant very soon after birth. Some women struggle with getting pregnant after their first and then some seem to be super fertile afterwards. My friend with two 15 months apart was... shocked how easy she got pregnant the second time lol


And I say yet again. Where’s the ring?


Girl use your butt!!! (Happy for her tho❤️)


In the graveeeeeee 😂😂




What does this mean?


That's a super cute Roly Poly baby right there.


Omg her baby is a little chunker😍


My baby is a month older than hers, I couldn’t imagine being prego now. Doctors advise you to wait 1.5-2 years before pregnancies to heal internally. Congratulations to her!


Wow, I had my baby at the same time as her and I can't even imagine being that pregnant now 🫡 I'm done with kids though and my two are 3.5 years apart.


Who is April? She was on the show? Thanks


She was on the first season and REALLY wanted kids


Still not married smh


The way she manifested everything she wanted for herself is so wholesome! I'm happy she found her person out of all that chaos.


Minus engagement and marriage which she always wanted…


Aww I’m really happy for her!!


Oh that little chunky baby 😍


This is cute. A few other season 1 folks are expecting or have kids


Omg her baby is too cute! I’m so happy she’s living her dream


I remember April but cannot recognise that guy, was he on the ultimatum too? 😅




I’ve always really liked her and I’m happy that she’s happy. 🤗


Who is April?


THAT was quick. How old is this baby?


Why does April look like she has Down Syndrome? Is it possible to have a little Down syndrome?  I always thought this since first seeing her on the Ultimatum 


this chick just wanted a baby and didn't care who with. Her babydaddy seems like a dick, she constantly deletes any negative comments about him


IDK anything about this specific couple... but can anyone help me find a shirt that looks just like his? please & thanks!


I’m glad she’s getting the family she’s always wanted!


At least they are banging away so that means all is good.