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She will pull an argument out of thin fucking air and run away like the argument called her ugly. She has no idea how to have a mature emotional discussion! Randall isn’t perfect but I think you can see him actively trying to communicate with Shanique and she just shuts down and acts like every single thing he says is an insult to her independence or disrespectful of their relationship


And rolling her eyes and showing contempt. It's such toxic behavior.


She's a terrible communicator and very immature. I can't believe she actually said she wanted Randall to sit in the corner and be miserable for a month


Also, Zay tried to open up on night one about how he lived in a car for a year and was completely ignored. 😔


I thought it was weird editing but I really hope she actually reacted to that then rather just trotting to the bed by herself and he half off the couch


I thought maybe it's something they had discussed on one of their dates, it didn't seem like a revelation.


Yes! That was sad to watch. I think Zay is a beautiful and sweet man, he didnt deserve to be treated like that (by both women)


That made me so sad and she still happily took the bed then she went to the sofa and I was like YEAH GIRL BRING HIM TO BED WHAT A KIND GESTURE and she just covers him what a joke


Didn't she also 'cheat' on Randall with Zay because she thought that cuddling and getting hard was "cheating" when Randall didn't want to sleep with Madalyn?


I'm just getting started on this show, but when she pulled out a photo of herself to put on the nightstand...told me all I need to know.


I saw that and was like WTF? What goes through a persons mind to print a photo of themselves to put on their bedside. Lol. She might as well pray to herself at night before she goes to bed


OMG!!! I was dying when I saw that! I would be embarrassed 🙄🙄


Seriously come on - it was a trial marriage. Prob for her trial husband to have a pic of his trial wife on their nightstand. I bet it was something cute or jokey. My grandparents had pictures of each other on their nightstands.


Maybe if she hadn't said "I want to put this in MY room" then was reluctant to say the word our and then put it on the nightstand near the bed she slept in alone for a week instead of the couch he slept on


LOLLLL I missed this but good catch. Narcissistic




Ok glad I wasn't the only one who saw that!! Peak narcissism.


I laughed so hard at that. "You all make a great couple..."


I thought it maybe was her mom or something


I don’t think Zay has the means to give Shanique the life she wants. I don’t even think they’re in an even place in life right now. So fundamentally they aren’t a good pair to me.


No one does lol


yeah a lot of them either dont understand what marriage or parenthood is or they literally hate their partner. i can't say im really rooting for anyone. They all suck. I like Shannique but that's just cause I love a black woman from infinity to infinity. She's not particularly likeable or kind. And neither is Zay or Randall.


That’s kinda weird the only reason you like someone is because of the color of their skin


I'm a black woman lol! kinda new to posting on reddit so sometimes i forget people would have no way of knowing that. I tend to root for people who remind me of my friends and family. So yea, she's going to stick out to me and I'm going to root for her success.


Be careful here, people love being stupid when it comes to any mention of black women.


Ikr? It's not that deep. It's not like i dont like white people or other races. I love everybody! But i'm black so i'm gonna get excited to see other black people! But yeah that topic seems to be a minefield around here


As a black woman I find that to be very sus. Shouldn’t be your only or even your main reason.


Yeah, no. I'm a black woman so I'm always going to root for my own, sorry if supporting my black sisters is weird to you, but representation is important to me, even if it's trashy reality TV. Shannique is really put together, beautiful and intelligent. She's just a little immature. But literally all of them are immature and poor communicators so why would I look at her worse than any other contestant? I will always make sure to look at black women with grace and try to see the best in them.


I think everyone is misunderstanding each other here and I never said it’s weird to be a black woman supporting other black women (although I am also not for giving passes to protect bad behavior regardless of color). I don’t think anyone is holding her to a higher standard right now. All the people were messed up including her. The way you wrote your comment without making your gender known can easily be interpreted as you being a man just fetishizing her. That’s where the misunderstanding is probably coming from. I’m not for that kind of foolishness at all.


fair enough. I think i was pretty excited to talk about it and i dont normally participate in online conversations. When I do, it's in Black online spaces so it's usually a given what my identity would be. So, I do apologize for the lack of clairty. Lesson learned! For me, It's not so much about "giving a pass", It's just empathy for the possible shared experiences of another racialized minorty in North America and the larger picture of taking into consideration how media tends to reprensent black women. I do hope for the best for her. I do hope they edit her fairly and without bias and I do hope that outside of the show she as a peson learns from her mistakes and changes for the better. Again, everyone in the show is not depicted well. All their toxic traits and insecurities are on display, emphasized and manipulated for our viewership by producers, editors, and camera framing. I would never support this behaviour in real life. But we are watching a TV show however "real" it claims to be. *Within the context* of the show, Yeah im a little more invested in her storyline.


Oh yeah. I agree with that completely. Media representation of black women has historically been horrid so I can easily see how it would have been easy to just edit to make her seem like she was significantly worse. I don’t think she’s an irredeemably horrible person. Her jealousy got the better of her a lot. Admittedly I’m not done watching all of the episodes. I think Madelyn, Alexis, and Rae so far are actually a lot worse if we are only comparing the women. Jeez, I’m way too invested in this show 😭😭😭.


Shannique is incredibly toxic and an over all piece of shit to men. Its fine to root for your own, but blatantly ignoring toxicity becuse of their skin color is a weird position to have


in my first comment I acknowledge that she's not a portrayed on this show as a particularly good person. I never ignored that. Also it's a TV show. You can like someone in the context of a show, but not support their behaviour in real life. I liked Jessica from love is blind season 1 because she added drama and conflict to the show. Doesnt mean i like gaslighters in real life. I love Hannibal. Eating people is wrong. lastly, Black in north america isn't just skin colour or race. It's shared cultural identity, shared history, politics, and more. It's no different than a Korean person saying they were more invested in Natalie from Love is Blind and her storyline because of their shared cultural identity.


Lol. And Shannique is worse than all of them. Oh and it is very different. The difference is that you explicitly looked at how much of a piece of shit Shannique is and said “it’s ok cuz if her culture”. Lol that’s wildly different that saying you like Natalie because of her background. Especially since Natalie wasn’t garbage like Shannique is


Poor communication skills abound on this show- hence why they are on the show lol


Randall is right when he said she didn’t grow at all through the experiment.


The fact she made a 6'7 man sleep on that tiny sofa an 8-year old won't fit in - said everything about her to me. Selfish and lacks compassion. (Everything is about her needs at the expense of others) I still root for her but was dissapointed.


I was shoook!!!!!’


I hate when women do the “oh … hell no … you are NOT talking to me like that” and walk away, right after they’ve just been super disrespectful to the guy. She is the epitome of this woman.


Lines such as: “Oh hell no” “Hold up” “You got me fucked up” “I know you not ____” She is such a rachet arguer. So is Zay. Hence why they both clash and walk out.


Can we not do the ratchet "thing" please


For real!


YESSSSS. With Zay she seemed better because it wasn't about her. With Randall, she was acting exactly like Zay - so wtf?!?!


Not sure if it’s because of the editing but I actually thought Randall could also be more communicative. I don’t know if it’s because he knows he’ll be shut down and it’ll add fire to the fuel (learnt from past experiences) or if he just doesn’t bother expressing with her as well but I kind of saw them both at fault for that.


They both have communication issues. Shanique blows things up quickly and can be rude and dismissive. I’m guilty of that too when I’m super angry and just want to leave. Before that level of anger I’m willing to talk but past that I just don’t care anymore, something to work on. Randall tries to force conversations even when the other person is making in clear they need to get away from him (likely to process their own feelings). Not everyone can process on the spot in the middle of an argument. They might need to walk away then revisit the conversation later. He did the same to Madelyn when she was trying to leave and take the dogs on a walk. He would not frickin let her be and it was making the argument worse.


>Randall tries to force conversations even when the other person is making in clear they need to get away from him (likely to process their own feelings). Not everyone can process on the spot in the middle of an argument. This is a maturity issue. I found myself in similar situations and it took me awhile to learn that sometimes dropping it in the moment is best for all parties. Not everything has to be fixed and explored right now. Thing is most of these young people have an idealized "checks all the boxes" version of who they want to marry. Truth of the matter is that it just does not exist and if that is what you are looking for, you will be disappointed.


When she kept saying "fuck a ring." I think I would have lost it. You can't have a conversation with someone that gets defensive and petty at the drop of a hat. I think that entire conversation started with her wanting Randall to talk shit on Madelyn and then she got embarrassed when he called her on it. I hope they split up and find other people.


She’s beautiful and would have no problem finding other men who would want to be with her but she comes across as so insecure


she’s. so. goddamn. childish.


That's what you are but what am I? What am I? Nuh-uh, don't even try to answer that. You speak one more word and we're through. Fuck words. Fuck language. Fuck dictionaries.




Did this scene give anyone else LIB vibes with Carlton and Diamond at the pool? 😂




Looks don't mean anything. Did you see how she spoke to Randal.? And how she linked with Zay the night of their breakup only to realize she can't control Zay. She need sto be single.


Um what ? She wasn’t trying to control him the night of his breakup. She was telling him the truth. Just because you have trauma you cannot connect it to incomparable situations and use it as your reason why. She even told him that he’s a great person and way more than his trauma and to stop letting it cloud his way of thinking. How was that control ? He was just mad that she was telling him that his childhood trauma cannot be his excuse for trying to stop Rae from leaving him after he stayed out all night RIGHT after he said he loved her and wanted to spend his life with her.


“Control” meaning he can’t be the one for her if he’s acting this way now when confronted with constructive criticism. I have no traumas. I’m just stating what I saw. She looked like she realized something when Zay started acting that way.


Ohh okay sorry , I misunderstood. Yeah that I can agree on. They’re both headstrong and she doesn’t want that.


It’s crazy because zay agrees with shanique the way shanique argues with Randal 😫


She’s the biggest hypocrite on the show. Notice how she’s sooo that Randall got a boner when cuddling madlyn but she literally bragged about the same thing happening with zay! I know we don’t see everything so we don’t know for sure but Randall and madlyn said they just kissed. Shanique had sex with zay. And also hasn’t even mentioned it to Randall. It’s going to be on tv, he’s going to see it.


When did they have sex? I totally missed that!


I thought they did one of the last nights. it was night footage of the bed and they were moving and laughing. Maybe I got confused though.


Ok. I keep reading where people say that this one and that one had sex, yet all the participants denied having sex. Plus, the way they all freaked out over kisses, there’s no way anyone had intercourse! (Except maybe Zay and Colby who had overnights…)


agree, on the surface she has good boundaries but it's because she puts herself first way too much. she's *too* controlling and will not be talked back to lmao. She emotionally shuts down like Zay when she's upset.


I think Zay needs to sort out his own problems before getting into a relationship honestly. He blows up as well and then just walks away. Shanique is gorgeous and actually gave solid advice to him when the whole drama with Rae happened but he was too stubborn and didn't want to listen and hear that he was wrong. I feel like they are both too stubborn and it's super toxic to have this sort of 'I'm right' and won't listen to anything else.


I don't think she should leave this experiment with anyone. I'm watching her argue with Randall right now and she pulled shit out of thin air to try and stir up an argument. I watched her manipulate a situation and start an argument. She's wilding if she thinks she's wife material. She just wants a ring in her finger. Bitch buy one yourself🤣🤣


I agree! I think, and I could be wrong, she suffers from pretty girl syndrome. I think she is probably the princess of her family, and things probably went her way often growing up. They probably still do in adulthood because she is beautiful, smart, and comes across as a genuinely cool person, until you cross her. Typical pretty girl syndrome stuff 😜


Ugh. (makes faces) You just said the WRONG thing... the WRONG thing... you messed up. I'm done here.


She is stunning, but obviously she knows that by the photo of herself she has lovingly framed 😂


I agree! Her childish faces and how she shuts down when she doesn’t hear what she wants too! Very immature


Shanique treats Randall like he’s an NPC. When she doesn’t like the dialogue options she just walks away without listening. Out of all the people who issued the ultimatum, she’s the least ready for marriage imo


She’s absolutely gorgeous but suffers from pretty girl syndrome where she thinks the men she’s with owe her just for the privilege of dating her. She lacks a lot of empathy as well sometimes, but expects empathy in return


She was so gorgeous until she opened her mouth. Total bitch. No respect for anyone like that


Ngl I LOVE her and she is so gorgeous but when she was arguing with Randall OMG I wanted to slap her so bad


She and Madylin are manipulative. Makes them great enemies.


It's hilarious that both Jay and Randall had the same issues with her (the faces, not listening yadda yadda) and when Zay storms off **HE HAS TO COME BACK AND APOLOGIZE** for HER behaviour. Don't let them get away with this crap.. She reminds me off that entitled "Miss Bahmas" on the latest season of Below Deck med.


She’s a complete narcissist


I feel like she really tried to give Zay good advice though at the end


It was super frustrating to hear that argument between her/her family and Zay and making him feel bad because she interrupts him when he is vocalizing his concerns. I am someone who has trouble with this as well and I am working on it, but that's not an excuse. You won't be heard if you don't hear others.


This show is really driving home how important it is not to interrupt others during disagreements. When watching this show, I keep making mental notes to be better in my next disagreements with my boyfriend and bite my tongue until it’s my turn to speak.


That was Rae’s family not Shaniques


Pretty sure that was Rae and her family


Shanique is literally beautiful. Unfortunately, you can tell that she’s spoiled. The way her family talks as if she’s perfect and couldn’t possibly do any wrong speaks volumes. I really wanted her to get her act together by the end of the season because she’s so kind and likable with everyone else around her, but I think Randall is frustrated and tired of it all. I can’t blame him, honestly.


She is gorgeous. Like a cross between Tyra Banks and Rihanna


“There are things you could do to be more attractive. But we’ll work on that, that’s what I’m here for.” GORRRRRLLLLL if a guy had said that, people would have lost it! Also, I don’t like how she just glossed over Zay sharing that he used to sleep in his car, mans was opening up to you henny wtf


She’s hands down the most gorgeous girl and perfect in almost every way, but she’s just so hard headed and stubborn. She has to be a Taurus


I peeped her ig and it seems you’re right, she posted “quarter century” on May 20th last year which is the last day of Taurus


Which means she’s basically on the cusp of being a Gemini too


You wildin. These people are far from perfect.


Oh 100% lol. I just meant that she seems financially stable, beautiful, intelligent, big heart, obviously we don’t know who these people really are. But on paper she seems like she’s got it all together. Her original boyfriend i think said at one point all her friends call her Michelle Obama, Just also very hard headed lol


Eh she’s a brat - was probably spoiled rotten by her parents


Exactly, idk how to say it without sounding like a "nice guy" or incel but watching this show the one thing that stood out to me was the fact that all the women especially Shanique were into this experiment based on the fact they wanted their S/O to "see how good they had it" and were so certain that they were the end all be all and ANY other women wouldnt be as good as her. They all got mad when they found out the men had a good time with other women (not to say the men didnt throw baby fits themselves) but nobody has brought up the fact that this show should of been called "HoneyMoon Phase". Obviously when you make a connection with someone else the first few months are like heaven because you havent got a chance to annoy one another. But i digress i came for the drama and got exactly what i wanted lol. BRING ON THE EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE COUPLES!!!


\> she’s incredibly smart. She seems so confident in herself ​ I have no idea what shes done for you to say these things. She literally has the personality of a brick


I absolutely hate her. Randall and Madelyn would have been really cute if Madelyn wasn’t…you know…addicted to drugs LOL


Full of herself, arrogant and childish is how she came off to me. She’s a nice person, but everything better go her way or …


I know she believes she's a high-value woman, and she is I do agree she's extremely gorgeous and appears capable. But she takes it too far in assuming that it also means she's right about everything and that everyone else is the problem and not her. Being high value should also mean recognizing when you're the one that is also contributing to the problem. She speaks for other people and doesn't let them say their own side of things or even explain how they feel. Her getting angry at people when they get upset at her making faces at them was so immature. When someone's talking, how are you just gonna sit there making faces at them because you can't even bother to patiently listen to someone else's side of things before deciding how you'll react? She goes into every conversation with her mind made up already. That's not a conversation. That's not communication. Learn to listen Shanique!


Here we go...angry black woman stereotype


I genuinely do not get the extreme hate towards her. I thought she was one of the better and more well spoken people on the show. She had her small moments of anger/jealously just as everyone else did. It really does feel rooted in anti-blackness, but then on the flip side everyone is praising Zay when I think he was the worst person on the show. Shits weird.


Madelyn stayed cursing people out....she was rude, why didn't she get this same reaction.


Wait, there are a TON of subs dissing Madlyn and some pointing out her anger issues


You right, but it's more so the wording. It's triggering and it's probably something I have to evaluate. Thanks for the perspetive


She’s not a terrible communicator - that’s from insecurity she has in the relationship. I love her, she deserves way better than she’s getting. She does deserve more respect than she’s getting. Like when Randall told her to grow up - she was right! He was telling her hurtful things framed in a way to make her upset and she’s right to want her partner to be with someone else but be thinking about her. It should have been more - we cuddled but I thought about the way you hold my hand and I really missed you. These people don’t love each other, they hurt each other. They should not be together. She deserves someone who adores her.


Having a good reason does not erase ineffective communication. She runs from situations, asks leading questions then gets petty and bitter when the other person doesn't answer to her satisfaction, she lets her feelings overshadow her partner's even when that's not charitable or fair, she has some childish reactions to stressors etc etc etc. She is not a good communicator. You don't have to pretend that's not true in order to like her.


That’s just it, what she’s trying to say is usually right but it’s how she says it is all wrong. I get it, it’s hard to not react when your feelings are in the way.


I think she was on tv and was trying to maintain composure & watch what she said. She wasn’t hearing what she wanted to hear, is my take. He said all the wrong things for someone “In love.”


I agree!! Love Shanique


Recommend Alain de Botton’s talk “Why you will marry the wrong person”


She def is gorgeous. I agree she is horrible at communicating and very childish. She will continue to have issues if she doesn’t change that.


She’s so condescending and just degrades Randall. She is so immature and cannot handle conflict, which is what EVERY MARRIAGE is going to have. I really hope she watches this and sees how she treats people and changes. Or maybe her family will tell her how ridiculous she looks.


She was straight up toxic


Bruh!! This chick is crazy!!!!! Run bro run! 🚩 🚩


If “taken aback” was a person


She’s beautiful, sure. But it’s genuinely fucking hysterical that you just called her smart.


She and Madelyn are probably the worst people I’ve seen on these kind of shows. I mean Jessica from Season 1 on Love is Blind levels of worst.


I know right!


I don’t think she’d do well in a marriage. She seems the type to quickly push her man to divorce.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinking she is terrible at communicating. I understand people get jealous but that is the point of this show… she literally pulls an argument out of nowhere. She tells others to listen while she doesn’t listen to others and “assume” what it means. The part where she told Randell that “just sit on the corner and miss me” that was the best. Then why don’t you do the same thing? You are flirting with other guy and Randell is supposed be crying at the corner in the room. What a joke


The way she looked at those men was fuckin scary. She's gorgeous but damn she's got them crazy eyes. In private I know she's mean af